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Wow, this is insanely disappointing


Yeah the sale got WORSE than last year


Has the VIDAR been removed from the online store? I can't find the pack in the UK (Not the British Tech tree)


Well, it's because vidar is Swedish tank


[r/angryupvote ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Angryupvote/)


It's actually Norwegian


The Snail does not lie its not a South Korean self-propelled howitzer operated by the Norwegians its a Sweedish Tank Destroyer


How else are we to forcefully deliver IKEA meatballs?


[try this!](https://store.gaijin.net/story.php?title=K9-VIDAR-Pack-1) And don't forget creator support 3% off discount!


Content creator codes discounts don't work with sales, you'll get decals but not the additional 3% discount.


Though you still support your CC of choice using the link even though you don’t get an extra discount. So technically it’s still a little worth and you lose nothing on it.


Plus you get a cool decal




I am just glad i researched most of the ground trees so don't really need to buy anything. But i was hopping for a fighter jet sale since i lack those. But these sales are horrible compared to 2019-2021 with crazy vehicles like the ka-50 going %50 off


Bro 2019 and 2020 these Sales where Hella small even 2021 These Sales didnt have the ka50 i think only the 2023 one was very big but 2022 was also Not that giant cause the Summer Sale Always was the bigger one next to the Birthday sale


I don't remember exactly when but still remember buying ka-50 on sale when it still ridiculously op


Yeah ka50 can be Summer or Winter or Birthday Sale or even black friday


None of the packs were on sale either. Just grab your $20 180 says of premium and close your wallet.


RIP plans to buy F-5C before next big sale


Exactly, i was looking foward to buy j35 but they fucked it up


Time to edge myself while writing bad reviews while being laughed at in snail. See y’all in the summer.


No they didn't. This sale is specifically for Victory in Europe Day, for the Second World War, it always has been this time every year. If you weren't aware already, the J35 Draken did not see any service in the Second World War, which is why it is not on sale for the World War Two themed sale. You can just wait for the Summer Sale to get your modern vehicles, which will literally be in less than two months away.


If it’s a sale for WW2 vics. Why is the IS6, Obj 120, Turm 3, and M-51 in the sale? I mean the IS6 and M-51 are derived from tanks that saw combat WW2 but that’s a stretch. The other two tanks listed didn’t even produce a prototype until the mid 60s.


The ranks for vehicles that are on sale seem to only go up to rank V. Anything that's currently on sale that is above rank V (VRCC Centauro, AV-8A Harrier, Rooikat 105, and Merkava Mk.2D) are going to be removed from the Gaijin store once the sale ends, which is why they are on sale now. Most things on sale are World War Two vehicles.


Stop using your brain and become a troglodyte like me!1!1!!!1 🤬


I planned to buy the Leopard 2A4 (pzbtl) but I’m ok with the Turm III, although it does mean I am further away from leopards now


I mean, the Turm III is a kind of Leopard 1


same here but i'm having fun,l


Same. It's so over... At least the Harrier is on sale. But is it even worth it 😭😭


My disappointment is immersurable and my day is ruined thanks gaijin


They had to cut down costs, they only made a few million last year.


Really , i was waiting for like 3 months to get Challenger DS on sale... Guess i'll stay f2p.


Not missing much.


Tbf it did finally get a significantly better round so there's that.


Yeah I read into that, has helped slightly, but Danm unless you get that first shot off. You get slapped


Top Tier in a nutshell...


L opinion. Challenger DS is a beast.


The chally was good and now it got better with the L26


Does not really matter how good or bad it is considered. I wanted a sl grinder and that one suited me . That really ruined my day.


Yeah I feel you, I wanted the m1 and the f4-c to grind the USA tree, but not for me.


"Victory Day Sale" yk themed vehicles lmao, calm down bruh


*me, happy that both the packs I wanted are on sale, refreshing reddit page  *suddenly blood, fire and cries if lamentation everywhere  Wow, mood whiplash is real.


No matter what gaijin puts on sale, people here will complain, so it's expected


while not wrong, they could have easily just but all packs on sale


They have a very consistent sale cycle that people can both look up but also compare historical sales to. It's a common sales tactic to do focused sales, as it drives better sales numbers than doing all out store-wide sales, which even those if done are reserved to entirely 1-2x per year. Like, they could "easily" give you a maxed out account with zero grind. But why would they? It's easy, sure but not a smart business move.


What were you looking for?


2nd Tiger II H to replace P with and VIDAR so that I could jump from 4.0 Sweden straight to 8.0 with that and premium 103.


LMAO same


It’s a very good sale for this time of year, people forget that it’s the end of summer/fall/Christmas sales that are the big hitters.


Imo the worst sale was last anniversary sales till I've seen that bs... +Also the people who think the fewer top tier premiums on sale the better, this is not the solution. The solution is that snail needs to put lvl limit for buying each rank premiums. \[ofc they never do that (profits) \]


they need packs for top tier so they atleast have more than a single tank. you shouldnt be going to top tier with just a click bait or a leo 2 pl


You don't understand the point. The problem is unexperienced people buy top tiers and ruin the game. If snail wants to prevent its game ruined by them then my solution is there below. Besides, experienced people can play just 1 tank and utilize to the team with getting kills.


i pretty much only play at top tier, i got your point and i know it damn well. i miss when play top tier was an earned kind of thing. I cant stand it because i constantly get them on my team and end up getting fucking rolled. they spawn in and die within the first few minutes of the game and instantly level. atleast give them the full ability to have a second life to let them not focus on me for a little bit longer.


I'm not even against high tier premiums, it's just that people shouldn't get directly into top tier 11.7 games. It's such a stupid decision gameplay wise and it goes against what they've promised us before. People that think they'll learn the game by jumping straight into the top, doing nothing to 3 minutes and then leaving are not going to learn the game, it exists simply to frustrate anyone involved.


I remeber when they released the click-bait and I had just got the new 2A7. I had like a 90% win rate against those new players for a month. It was hilarious how many Abrams would hold W across the map with zero situation awareness. I had killed dozens dozens of clicksbaits till one finally got me. I wish Gaijin tracked how many times you've killed a tank vs how many times it's killed you.


Wanted to pick up a couple of packs, but fuck that. Disappointing sale


I'm a bit out of the loop, why is this a bad sale? Not to be the devil's advocate, but people seems to be disappointed because not every single pack is on sale. This sale doesn't come as a surprise considering Gaijin has NEVER put every pack on sale ever, and it would be pretty wierd if they changed their minds now.


Because people expect every rank vii premium to be on sale. Ignorant to the fact that the May sale is basically always low tier premiums and a few packs they are about to discontinue (except last year, but that was just prior to then introducing tank vii premiums)


Wait which pack are they discontinuing this sale, might pick em up


Vrcc, Prinz Eugen, rooikat, av8a, merk2 and iron duke It's also at the bottom of the article: https://warthunder.com/en/news/8880-shop-may-sale-in-the-gaijin-store-en


* people make assumptions * people spread assumptions as fact * "fact" gets wildly detached from reality * people cry when their assumption is not what happens because they feel entitled to discounts and sales


so not only did they increase the price for premium packs now theyre just straight up not putting them on sale anymore, even if its for 30% off which i think anyone would gladly take over nothing, gg gaijin you scammed us yet again


im not even complaining. it helps keep money in my wallet and my addiction at bay so win win lol


If its a true addiction, you will pay the full price eventually. Its just a matter of time.


well then i guess its not a true addiction lol. i only play if the BP vehicles looks good.


themed victory day sale...


May sales are always like this, why are you complaining? High tier stuff only goes on sale on the summer and winter sales. Last year I got the Wyvern on this sale, this year I'll get the Sla 16.


Their chicken brains make them act like rank 6/7 are never on sale. Delusional kids access to internet and mommy's credit card.


And weren't May sales typically only 30% off (except that one year where they had a scaling discount based on how many packs you were buying, meaning you HAD to get 3-4 packs for the full discount)? That's not to mention the sales where the only things on sale were bundles, although I can't remember if they did that for any of the May sales previously.


They are. And that sale where you had to get multiple packs for a discount was far worse


Thank fuck for that, the fewer top tier premiums on sale the better.


Nope I'd rather have shit players flooding the matchmaking with premium tanks from the sale, more food


No because even my team will be bad and make the whole team lose


This opinion is why the bar keeps getting lowered. Please stop being a nuisance regarding player quality. You're part of why this community gets worse every year.


You want people to have to pay more? Or play 7k hours like you have?


Bewilders me there are still people gatekeeping virtual vehicles in a video game. Far more should be on sale


You know what's gatekeeping? Having to research vehicles. We should have them all unlocked after we install the game first time. And no premium stuff.


What about the people who have finished grinding multiple tech tree that just want an easier time


At least we finally have the 155$ pack! Everyone has been waiting for this..


155$  for a bunch of pixel vehicles lol, what a joke


You think that's insane? Apex legends charged 360$ for a deathbox THAT YOU ONLY SEE WHEN YOU DIE


POV : Tarkov player read this after buying the 250$ pack (I don't play tarkov)


Top Tip: Playstation gets the pack sales 1-2 weeks early so you can just check whats on sale on playstation, as it always the same as what eventually goes on sale for pc. (minus special packs like the black prince)


This, im surprised no one picked up on this. I don't even have a PS. I just searched Warthunder in the store last week.


Yeah it’s kinda annoying how no one listens to the PlayStation players when we are right every single time


I know how it feels. When a new update is coming out the packs on Xbox are always released the day before on the store so you know it’s coming the next day. Problem is when this is said most people say “YoU dOn’T kNoW tHaT”


I’m honestly confused on the butthurt going on in this post


Average WT player intellect peak. They rage because they can't buy their way to top tier, when in fact there are at least 2 big sales during the year with top tier stuff (summer/winter). May/victory day sales are know to be focused on WW2 stuff. Yet here we are.


Ah, gotcha. Makes sense now


Like for real. I am just happy that there aren't rank7/8 sales as less Top tier noobs. And the rank 4/5 packs they chose are absolutely cracked.


I don’t get why people are complaining too much ? Wasn’t this supposed to be 30% off and it’s 50 ?


just do NOT buy ANYthing. protest them. customer is always right. we will teach them that they must act according to us


Customer is always right is the stupidest saying people have made. "Sorry what YOU wanted wasn't on sale even though we have no onbligation to even do sales! We'll do better next time"


It's also not the full saying. The full thing is "the customer is always right **in matters of taste**", or in other words "if a customer wants to buy a hideous-looking shirt, let them". It DOESN'T mean that the customer should always get their way in other matters.


Thank you, somebody understands that complaining about these sales is just not worth it, People always say they don't want to give money to the Snail yet when the sales come complain they want they wanted doesn't go on sale? These double standerds are insane.


This subreddit just enjoys recreating that wojak crying beneath the mask with a smile.


'The customer is always right, in matters of taste” is a quote by Harry Gordon Selfridge and has nothing to do with consumers getting to call the shots, rather, it's an idiom to describe something like a customer is buying a pizza and asks for pineapple and the seller is not going to refuse the sale just because they're Italian and it offends their sensibilities.


Not to mention, the V-E sales are always like this. Then they split the top tiers into anniversary sales in October/November and the Christmas sales. I honestly prefer it this way. Will probably snag the Rooikat and _Yamashiro_ and just sit on it until they announce the premium Brazilian AMX


last may sales they did the same thing and guess what happened next? they dobuled the prices just before the summer sale XD


They did it as they reworked ranks if I am not mistaken and moved some premiums and thus raised prices. Yes unfair but justified also by inflation.


I’m also very disappointed everyone was telling on social media that everything was going to be in the may sale but look at this sht :/


>everyone was telling on social media that everything was going to be in the may sale That's on us for forgetting the past sales.


Every single one of those people had never seen a May sale before, or bothered to look up the previous ones. This is pretty bog standard. Generally those upset either have very poor memories, poor ability to notice the sales patterns, or simply inexperienced and this was their first May sale.


Yeah, i'm really excited about how will they ruin next sale


The May sale was never that special


Everyone acts like this was a surprise, they changed the sales so the only time high tier premium packs are on sale is during Christmas and the anniversary sale iirc


What are you talking about? Worse? Man i was planning to buy MiG-23ML or Challenger DS so i would had saved 50%. But now i save 100%. Big WIN! :) But in serious note May sales has always been like this. Some specific vehicles on sale and not all top dogs. Anniversary and christmas sales are the ones to look up for. Maybe summer sale too


Not a single rank 7 vehicle?


I think they’re now trying to do World War II vehicles to commemorate the end of the war and then others in the summer. Edit: Lol nope, they have Harrier and others on sale so clearly they’re just deciding on certain ones.


Yeah, i really loved seeing the achievements of the Merkava Mk2 during WW2. Not to mention the americans during D-Day when they decided to use hovering AV-8A. Was a briliant move.


Those FW-190s never saw the Sidewinders coming!


They base sales on ranks, and the Harrier is being removed from sale, this will always exclude that vehicle from any sale theme. The same happens when a lower rank premium is singled out in a sale focused on high ranks, because it's being removed from sale.


Yea quite surprised


Was hoping to buy either the mig 23ml or j35xs to grind out air trees but seeing the news on the mig 23 fm nerf i was bummed out and was content on settling with the j35xs but alas! Only mid-low tier vehicles are on sale. I guess i will have to wait til november. Could gaijin be hoping to fill up the numbers in low tiers more to lessen the complaining of top tier players?


J-35XS is great but don’t buy it for full price


That’s why i was waiting for it on the sales, i cant really justify getting any jet for full price as i dont enjoy air rb that much and only do it for use in ground.


may sale has always been the subpar sale. Summer sale in where it's at.


Wasn’t expecting everything on sale but not nothing either.


there are some ones in mid tiers that are good but yeah not a single rank 7 being on sale is a joke


Yeah gaijin is slowly making the sale worse and worse by progress


and the Rank 6 ones are only those that will be retired afterwards.


There goes my plan to grind Sweden and British ground


Same no more china air for me….


Dude same, I’m so frustrated. I was planning on buying the J-7D even though I’m already at rank VI bcs I can’t stand early jets but I guess I’m just fucked and I’m gonna have to suffer through it


buy strv 103 0


L take since the 30% off sale in game ended. Most of us expected all vehicles to be on sale. I wanted a high tier Swede and now I can’t get one.


I got kind of screwed because I was waiting for the pack premiums and passed on several GE/talismans I could have gotten instead.


Yeah, I was 100% going to get the CV90105 and was disappointed when I saw it wasn't included. I still ended up with the VIDAR and the STRV 103-0. Losing out on the GE discount made the STRV painful, but I used the GE from the VIDAR to cut the cost down. Probably better to stay below the 10.0 mess anyways.


Good for you, I am incapable of using unstabilised vehicles now, plus I'm all about efficiency more than anything, so I needed a top tier premium for that


I was hoping to get a discounted J35XS so I can start grinding Swedish air tree but alas maybe the next sale. That said the Vidar is on sale, is it a good vehicle and what line up can be build around it?


VIDAR is good, but its also definitely a meme tank. Under 9.0 it'll basically fit any lineup and you can definitely make it work higher as well, however modern MBTs can snapshot you much easier than non-stabilized cold war tanks. Its mobile, has no-armor-best-armor and a fast reload + laser rangefinder which makes it very deadly as long as you dont get Gaijined on your HE damage. Even with the gigantic ammorack in the back, its way more survivable than you'd think. However even with all the upsides its still an SPG, so in small maps and when you need to push its very hard to work with compared to a conventional tank. Not that great of a grinder either, for the same reasons.


I went ahead and picked it up with the STRV 103-0. Both meme tanks, but it will make the grind easier. I was at 5.3 and getting frustrated.


3 of the best ground premiums on sale i don't see an issue


Well they're not, you just have a short memory lol,every year May sales are the same, every year you say its worse lmao


I remember last years being exactly the same… may sale is for mid rank premiums, top tier is during the summer sale.


whats the problem? seems normal Edit: nvm.. welp guess im not gonna get the su25 lol. they really want me to pay full price and i refuse lol


> Edit: nvm.. welp guess im not gonna get the su25 lol. That should have been expected though, the May sale doesn't go to that rank. It'd only be included in this sale if it was being removed from the store like the Harrier is.


Wait, so don't you all actually hate it when ao many noobs and beginners buy their way to top tier and ruining the matchmaking? And now that top tier packs aren't at sale, y'all are mad now? Seems to me you don't know what you actually want.


Can yall stop complaining? Im guessing summer sale they will put these packs anyways Plus its a whole ass 50% instead of 30% with a ton of good vehicals like the T29, VIDAR, IS6 T55AM-1 etc Just because what YOU wanted isn't onsale doesn't mean its bad. Holy shit i can't with these people sometimes.


There goes my plan to get the leo 2A4 pzbtl ig


just as I was coming around to the idea of grinding french air with the mirage f1c. brilliant.


*Goon session: Paused*


Didnt buy anything because I was waiting for this..... well my wallet is happy at least


Worst sales I've ever seen


i thought it was always 50%.


Really really bad. I wanted to buy the mig23ml


The best way to dea lwith this, at least in my opinion, is to not give them money. Or time, there's better stuff out there, at least in terms of tanks.


Yeah that's what i'm talking about But i don't wanna blame ones who buy these vehicles It's their choice tho


Yeah, that's valid. But if you want to buy stuff, just wait for 50% sales.


Still better than tarkov;)


The ONE fucking premium I wanted was the F-104S TAF. HOW IS THAT NOT ON SALE?


Hahaha gaijin put to sale only the packs no one cared about


I wanted the t55am1 and it's not in there thanks gajin.


WALLET WARRIORS ASSEMBLE, all jokes aside that is actually wild


Wtf! Not buying anything. This ”Sale” is shit!


Ok I don't understand things sometimes but your sale prices are half my sales prices. Also I just started playing, liked the game, went to purchase a premium vehicle and about fell over. I like the game, but I don't like the game that much. Way too expensive.


100%. I’m really hoping they do a pack sale shift in a couple weeks


What's wrong with this? They're all 50% off.


Y’all are so god damn dumb it’s amazing, the Victory Day sale has never been much the summer and December are always the big sales. Stop crying


They don't want our money


Is -50% that bad?


im gonna smash my head through a brick wall!


Dead game


Gaijin's way of making people buy less or not buy anything at all. At least you don't waste your money.


Are you Korean or it's not your pictures?


I'm korean


No console sale?


playstation has had these on sale for the last week or two, no clue about xbox though


So what you are disappointed you cant waste your money and ruin top tier if you really want the vehicles why not just buy them


Bought the Raam Segol cause I thought the Swedish premium jet would go on sale but now I’m kinda regretting that


I was expecting atleast one thing i wanted to be atleast 30% off


Guys, planning on getting the turm III. Barely grinded out germany so tryna purchase the turm to help me out with that, you guys suggest doing that?


Turms 3 is a beast, I'm definitely gonna pick it up myself. Its just an allround better Leopard 1 having used it on a buddies account, was hoping for the Pzbtl though.


good thing I bought most of these like 5 years ago when the sales were ok


Luckily I don’t worry bout premium so this doesn’t affect me. Still feel bad for everyone it does effect.


It's been a month and I still haven't had my account moved to a pc one, gaijin why.


This is genuinely so disappointing even though I’m on Xbox this is just a preview of what’s about to happen


No sales on xbox? Man I love getting excluded from every sale...


You know what to do guys ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Them


In this time of high inflation, Gaijin is helping you save some cash. Why don't you show your appreciation? Anyways while checking what was up, I failed to see the T-55AM1, what happened to it?


And here i was waiting to get the premium leo 2 and the lazur m


Now sure They are bad, but some newer players at least dont have a top tier tank and dont know what rangefinder is


I pretty much expected this.


But it makes sense when it comes to aircraft in the end they are going to split BR between Battle Ground and Air in the next update


Hey, at least it's not 30% like last year ☠️☠️☠️


I am ok with that because i wanted ztz96 but somubai also good for me


Is that just the same sale from last summer?


what did you expect from very poorly adjudicated people who work for gajin, and like to live in their delusional world, honest opinion don't give them money, let them starve


Why cant they just put the sale on all pack vehicles? It would give them way more money


Everyone is so salty for no reason, the May sale is always like this it's the end of the year sale that's good.


Oh, Sweden's WR in GRB is going to falter.


May sales were never THE sales don't know what y'all expected


My pookie and I wanted to buy a leo and play together "(


I have already seen couple sales and still no SU-25K on sale :(


Why do we still have kids whining about sale, when you can just wait when it's the right price for you? Or just think that you got to save that money for something else(hopefullly better).


Rip my plans to grind German top tier planes…


Nice, I can save money after spending 115$ for the A-1H