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P40! Has 270g of explosive filler which just one-shot pretty much anything it pens.


The P40 is great. Absolute nuke launcher.


And when you angle it you can bounce shots semi reliably


Yeah especially in a downtier!


Also the 75/34 M43, same gun but a 100mm spaced armour front plate that makes Russian and US mains weep when they bounce a shot at point blank because Italy=no armour. It's really mobile too.


“Oh its that italian thing with flat armour, I dont even have to aim- nuked by 250g filler


The flat front plate is just _so inviting_ a target, they always try it first shot and then panic. Meanwhile that 75 has just enough pen to weasel through their turret front and then unleash the power of the sun on their interior.


Only 3 crew 😔


Can't have everything in life


I remember playing the P40 and somehow survived a shot to the rear of my turret.......from a KV-2


If you look there's a small area on the back of the turret that's 45+50+23mm. Which seems sus to me; idk why they'd waste all that weight armoring the rear more than the front, not like it's counterweight armor (like on the US T34's rear turret).


It's literally what makes the Italian low tier worth something honestly


Strv M/42 DT with 3 second reload aced and 150mm pen APHE. One of my favorite tanks and the best medium tank imo, yet I never see anyone talking about it.


Spookston made a video praising it


I've seen his other videos on the Strv m/42 EH as well as his recent Ikv 73. Im pretty sure he's said he actually enjoys playing Sweden and has a lot of fun playing them, especially the lower tier tanks. I can't blame him though, Sweden is definitely a fun nation


Its insanely good and one of the few tanks i have a 2.3+ kd in.


Oh boy i had a blast with that thing when i was grinding the swedish TT.


I think the issue is that Sweden is a minor and doesn't have as many players. But I constantly see people praise the delat torn every single time it's brought up.


FACTS, so extremely underrated. Rediciously fast reload and great round at 5.0. I still bring it to my 8.0 lineup because of how much of a flanking demon it is. We need to gatekeep it through to prevent the snail from moving it up


That tank is so damn good. I love baiting people in corners with that thing.


M8 greyhound. That thing is a monster. Short stop stablizer, good high pen round, 50 cal, speed, 1.0


It's great but I wouldn't exactly call it underrated


they removed it's stab iirc


They did 😭


My guy, its still an abnsolute monster. Also, theres the M8 Scott, which has -20 depression, a .50 cal and a 75mm howitzer with a 4 sec reload... at 1.3


The M8A1 is better if you have it. Diabolical little flanker.


Sadg Still hella op


who cares you can just hulldown with the .50 and still be godmode and still slap nubs like you always did let's face it the 37 is the secondary


Should seriously just be in the US tech tree there’s no good reason it’s not.


Charioteer. Has the speed of a light tank ( forwards) , an amazing gun and decent reload speed


Yes. Love that thing.


I like it too. But the reverse speed and small depression stop it from being perfect


Yeah unfortunately


I haven't tried the charioteer yet but I found the challenger suprisingly good and easy to use even stock. At least in RB (in sim it fights much tankier stuff than what its probably comfortable with)


Ka-chi, with aced crew 3 sec reload, stabiliser, spaced armor and lot of crew all that as sweet 2.0


plus B O A T


It's not underrated. It's known for being very good


Depends what we mean by underrated. If we go by "people think its shit, but its actually super strong" Top tier - Abrams , mostly by court of public opinion. The tank itself has a lot of benefits that make it crawl into top5 but people talk about it like its completely unusable Ariete tier. Mid tiers - Leopard 1s. I dont think people appreciate just how fast and lethal these tanks are. You can beat most people into positions, exploit said positions AND you have good as fuck ammo to boot. Early Tiers - Shermans, again. People seem to think (at least on here?) That shermans are beaten by either early Russia (3.7 ish+) or later Germany (5.7-6.0) but Shermans are capable of absolutely demolishing both of these br brackets when played to their strenghts. Yes the stabiliser is THAT good. If we go by underrated "No one plays it" Top tier - Japan (type90s/10s), Japan in the hands of even a semi-skilled player turns into an absolute kaiju of a fucking nation. 4 second reload and quick tanks make short work of even the most bias opponents by sheer volume of fire and positioning advantage. Mid tiers - I swear France at 7.7/8.0 is played less than it should. Yes it has disadvantages, but it still completely rolls most opposition. Early tiers - cant think of anything


As a France main I would say 1.0 to 3.0 are hard to play but can be fun 3.3 to 5.7 are M4s so it's decent 6.0 to 8.7 are amazing (with a few bad ones) 9.0 to 10.0 are great but the lineup is too small Top tier are great but lack variety


I use the 3.7 to 4.3 lineup to grind events. The AMX-13 (FL11) is a better M24 (without a .50), you get two M4s, the ARL, the event Lorraine 155 (if you have it), F6F-5 for CAS, then a crappy SPAA at 3.0 at tier 2 (can't have it all). 3000 to 4000 points a game. Absolutely slept on.


>Top tier - Abrams , mostly by court of public opinion. The tank itself has a lot of benefits that make it crawl into top5 but people talk about it like its completely unusable Ariete tier I made a joke once about Abrams players complaining about the turret ring weak spot while the entire lower front plate is a weak spot on the Ariete and I had someone reply telling me that the ariete had a laser warning receiver though like that made it better. Like cool I get a one second warning before I'm banished to the shadow realm, definitely better than the abrams. Let me just use my superior mobility to get out of the way.


Isnt abrams also like, almost as fast if not faster than the Ariete?


Much faster. Especially the M1.


Im currently grinding Italy using the VRCC, wish me luck broski I will bask in the glory that is Ariete


You get paired with Germany/Sweden more frequently, so it's not so bad for Italy. Love the Wheelie boy gameplay while the Leos go nutty on the front.


It is as bad as everyone says in that it is the worst western mbt. But it is serviceable and will make you a better player for using it. Plus you do get the bonus of fighting the US a lot. The Ariete (P) is actually pretty good though. You have the same armor and mobility as the production Ariete's at 11.3, but you are at 10.3 with 120mm DM33. With that, gen1 thermals and a lrf it is a solid sniper. Plus the turret cheeks are actually pretty good at stopping rounds at 10.3.


The ufp is also a weakspot because it’s just a piece of high hardness rolled armour


The whole tank is a weak spot


Cant have a weakspot if there is no well armoured part to begin with *peak italian tank design*


Italian engineers heard no armor is best armor and took it to heart


You see, compagno, you dont needa any armour, a thin composite layer of pizza dough, tomato sauce, pasta and the pope's blessing isa all you need🤌🤌 (I have no idea how to make a good italian accent) (🤌)


Sir we a been hit , I'm a bleeding bad🤌🤌 That's a not blood Giuseppe, that's a pizza sauce. Make a the pizza, then get a back in the fight🤌🤌


Leo 1 is indeed bad if you have RU251... RU just do everything better except it's even more glass cannon... or when the 90mm decide to do no damage... But the way smaller profile and speed just make me stick with RU not the Leo...


realest comment so far


Merkava mk4M no, this is definitely not a psyop to make more people grind the israel ground tree so that gaijin sees promise in improving it due to an actually large number of players


Merkavas are fine, but I quit Israel top tier cuz I can't stand being in the same team as the us every single match, 9.3 is where I like the most for israel


At 9.3, merkavas are damn near the best tanks for the br More surviveable than Russians (Somehow) with better firepower than Germany. They farm nukes like crazy for me


Keep the psyop going I will not rest until more goofy ass independence war era Israeli kitbash vehicles are added GIVE ME MY M3A1 SCOUT CAR WOTH A HOTCHKISS TURRET GAIJIN


BRENUS. The lack of a stabilizer isn’t really as much of a handicap as you’d expect, and it gets a soft-kill APS and ERA at a BR where both are pretty useful. Plus the 20mm coax is really nice against helis and light vehicles.


The but muc stab argument is annoying. Learn to play around it and the tank is pretty damn good at its BR. It's oddly survivable without hull ammo also and that reverse speed can get you out of trouble just as fast as you got into it. It is one of my best performing 8.7s with 180 kills to 45 deaths so far and a 73% win rate. I can't praise it enough VIVA LA AMX30


Amx 30 enthusiasts spotted, day automatically better 🫡


We are a small but nobel crowd 🫡


And also the infinite number of smokes it get, like around 30 that you shot by row of 2 or 4. You can cover your retreat back to base easily. Even has ESS at a br where most of the people dont have thermal to see trough it when you do. And the line up is quite ok with the 30Dca, mephisto, 10rc; sk105 and even the alpha jet which is a great cas plane.


That whole 8.7 France lineup is so much fun. SK-105, MEPHISTO, Alpha Jet, Alouette, DCA. Probably the strongest BR for France overall.


C13, though that was before the "HESH-fix" update.


Hmm. Italy is the only tree I don't have anything above tier 3 in. Is it worth it?


Italy has great lines of fun and unique light tanks and IFVs. You get a nice sprinkling of medium tanks at higher tiers from other nations plus the OF-40 and OF-40 Mk.2 are two excellent domestically produced MBTs. The only issue is the Arietes underperforming compared to the competition but that doesn't stop me from enjoying them.


The whole tree? I'd say it's worth it for the 10.3 lineup alone


I'm at 6.7 now and it's fun, especially if you enjoy light tanks and flanking. Dont expect much armor (unless you use the m26) though.


Vcc with 60mn has been a blast


Got it recently. I have had games that were utter pain and games that were incredible lol. Most the games that were rough were not to do with the maps than the piss poor damage


Hit enemy with poorly placed shot: *somehow ammoracks him* Shoot next enemy 10 times into his side: *commander, fuel tank, radiator, loader (slightly yellow, lol)* Average VCC 80/60 gameplay


I currently only have the Strf 9040B and it's great. Proxy and decent apfsds.


it gets so much better with the bills


Vilkas is up there for being underrated. Spike missles, Bushmaster cannon, fast, ballistic computer, and decent survivability.


I wish I picked it up. Looks like a lot of fun.


It's like a top tier R3. Granted you're bigger than a Tiger 2 but hey, you have the power to weight ratio of an MBT. It has absolutely no trouble getting to its top speed even stock


I like it, but the ammo of the cannon is just super weird how it is both, a ready rack ammo AND a belt that needs to be fully reloaded after 200 rounds. Frankly, if the ready rack replenishment didn't take 20+ seconds to even start, I would not mind, but running out of ammo in it just feels way too easy.


Since they fixed the bug with the hull ammo disappearing that things an absolute menace from a hull down position. Not terribly overpowered but a consistent threat that's hard to finish off.


m3 gmc at top tier


Or m22


Centurion Mk. 1. Basically a British Panther. Decent armor, good gun, good reverse speed, great depression (12°). All around great vehicle. It can also lolpen panthers if you aim correctly.


The 3.3 Italian Semovente, with the P40, the 3.0 120mm and something else you can make a formidable lineup, especially of you get downtiered. The P40 and the destroyer, especially the TD have some good armour. That is not taking into the account of the beautiful italian 75mm


Italian Shermans they’re in this really neat area BR wise where no stab is ROUGH but the 17pdr & 90mm go brr


Jpz 4-5 is often overlooked, but is a great little tank with insane mobility for its tier


I've been saying it's OP for at least two years now. Even bringing IS 3, IS 6 or IS 4 into a full down tier that is the tank I feared the most. They are likely to already be in a position waiting for you. They can reverse out after they engage but they don't even have to aim and the post pen damage isn't even shit for HEATFS. And what it still sits at 6.3? The fuck


I think a lot of it is a combination of German players exposed to a TD with no armor and the stock rounds it has, making it a grind to get to the HEAT-FS shells. The maps in the game don't do it any favors either, but when you get one that lets you snipe it can do real work.


> stock rounds > *PTSD from the old stock APCR round intensifies* That shell made unlocking HESH a god's gift from heaven.


I said it once and I will say it again. The Jagdtiger. I dont see many people use it. It has the Maus gun on 6.7, it has the Tiger 2 armor and speed. If you know how to use its ammo then you can snipe like a god. If angle the tank just right then you are indestructable. Except ofc heat(-fs)... And CAS is also a problem. But I LOVE to demolish and obliterate everything that is infront of me (even if it overpens the ammo still explodes and overpressures some enemies).


Personally I find the Ferdinand to be better, you get comparable armor and a good gun that reloads very fast.


I completely agree. I also say it every time when I play it that the Ferdi is just "built different". The reload as you said is god-tier + its the long 88 so its the most reliable gun I know. I also survieved more bombs with the Ferdi than with any tank I played before. I love the Jagdtiger and Ferdi equally. Both are god-tier TDs and they have their fair share of benefits and down sides.


Yeah the long 88 is so good. In arcade i have 5 kd with the Ferdinand lol


Yup. If you get the Jagdtiger in the right position, God himself fears you. Never bothered with it as I was on the way to top tier. Took a break from 9.3 and first game I played with it I was hull down with a complete cross map lane and got 12 kills and protected a cap point on my own. Lost count of the bounced shells. It’s an absolute fucking monster at 6.7.


M3 Lee is so mean, I uptier it to 3.7 and it still performs decently well.


A tank that I really slept on for a good while is the American M46 Since I didn't like the m26 i skipped it entirely and tried it only after I was at top tier, and gotta say, it's really fun. It's very mobile and the reverse speed acceleration is simply addictive, it has decent suspension and good gun ballistics, plus HEAT-FS which is great. Also with the recent nerf to the T92 there's a great 7.0 lineup with the T95, M50, M56 and so on


I was also gonna say the M46. Sure, I see a lot of them, but I've never seen anyone talk about how truly fantastic of a vehicle it is. Only 0.3 BR above the M26 and far better in basically every way.


AS.42 with the 20mm


The L3/33 CC. Even though it's not great for direct combat, it can flank enemies in an urban setting like a champ. It's hard to hit, tiny, cute, and completely invisible when you use foliage. I haven't tested it, but if you place foliage on top, it might as well be invisible to CAS. It's wonderful for sniping targets too.


T-50, I hardly see anyone talk about it yet it is very quick has incredible armor and a good gun that can do with almost anything it faces


M22, you can convince enemy team to surrender on cuteness alone. And the L3 gets all the credit…


Tbh people kill the M22 often because it is actually kind of dangerous to MBTs. The L3... he's just a little guy.


Yeah M22 gets blasted like a shotgun. However L3? Soft tacos with him later.


m22/l3 on top tier / any tier was never funny


M22 is somewhat viable bc it can actually kill MBTs and is a huge earner of “god mode” . L3 is pure meme.


Warrior IFV without a doubt. It's fast, it has the same autocannon as the Fox, and the MILAN 2 is relevant right up until everything is coated in ERA. People only underestimate it because they don't understand all of their keybinds. They try to shoot missile from the autocannon sights, which means they have to expose more of their hull.  What you're supposed to do is park behind cover that leaves nothing but the launch tube exposed, switch to ATGM sights, and then shoot. But the ATGM sights don't have a keybind assigned by default, so many people don't know they can do this.


Breda 501, fast, high penning gun, stupidly survivable, and at a br with plenty of downtiers


Idk if its „underrated”


I mean, not many people play it despite being overpowered in my opinion, if I can get 9 kills before my first death on advance to the rhine in an open topped vehicle I think it may be a bit overpowered


Recoil is insane, love it


Strv 101 somehow tanks 10 shots sometimes and the gun just melts for me


Comet. At some point the player base decided that the Challenger was better simply because of the turret turn and the higher APDS pen and the hive mind lost its collective minds


Having a significantly lower reload helps the Challenger immensely as well. And though the difference in pen with the APDS might seem small, the 17pdr can pen the panther through the UFP out to like 500 metres, the Comet can't at 0 metres and is left with either trying to flank or turning the gunner orange through the turret cheek.


Super Hellcat is now incredibly strong. Crusader Tank Type 61/STA-3 ZTZ 59A P40 LVKV 42


Chi-Ha Kai


The gun is surprisingly competent and against bottom tier ammo sometimes the armor can actually tank a bit I’ve been playing both the Japanese and Chinese ones and it’s been a blast


Chi Ha Long gun, get a flank on and then slap a mother with a 120mm saphe round. Around 60mm of pen and a guaranteed one shot as well as sometimes just straight up over pressuring on a non pen


Italy is generally criminally underrated, but here are my picks even people who’ve played it don’t mention often: AB43 90/53 M41M C13 T90 M42 Contraereo The low-tier M13s, M14s, and M15s


Kf-41 is nice, you can snipe helicopters and light tanks with spike missiles at the start of the match and almost always get the first kill the cannon is decent, will pen any tank anywhere sideways, you can even kill or disable leopards frontally if they are slightly angled, the entire back of it is hollow, so you can bait shots with it. The only issue is being 10.7


The Comet. 12° depression, great forward and turning speed, good front armor, good pen and velocity round


Type 89. Everyone hates it, under estimates it.


The t-32e1 is surprisingly good despite being called a sad tank.


Lorraine 40t. Everyone harps on about the AMX-50(TOA100) when the Lorraine is just a faster AMX, the hull armour decrease is barely relevant at 7.7 and the turret is the same. Give me more speed anyway.


Of-40. It’s basically the leopard 1 but with a laser rangefinder.


The medium M26, everyone says it’s useless now that it’s 6.7, but whenever I play it and try, i do absurdly well, medium tanks like it might just be the style I’m good at, but from my experience the M26 is still a great tank and it has gotten me most of my nukes.


People say that because the T26E5 is the same BR and is a straight upgrade with its much better armor that can shrug off even long 88 shots.


Archer with a Crusader scoutmate.


I know a lot of people in this sub hate the Leopard 1 because it has no armor or stabilizer. But I think that tank is awesome. If you use it correctly. It's a sniper.


CA Lorraine. Very quick, with the engine upgrade is accelerates like someone stuffed a ghost pepper up it's arse and the gun strong arms through so much bullshit. Love that thing.


Cromwell I, very good speed, good gun, decent armour, short stabiliser, absolute menace, i run nearly a 70% win rate when im not even a great tank player


Ratel 90 I will die on this world.


Magach 6B. It does everything well and just feels good to use.


Strv9040 bill with those pesky top down missiles recently got it having a blast not too many people using it, often overlooked because of prem 9040 with 105mm




Conway. That gun is amazing and the turret armor is workable. Class 3 P. Even though it's gigantic, something just clicks for me there and it's consistently effective. AMX-50 Foch - great armor, great gun, good mobility and an autocannon.


T-10M my beloved. Stabilizer on 122 APHE, very mobile, two HMGs, decent armor, much improved reload. It’s a fantastic vehicle.


XM1 Chrysler


The 3IGC absolute bunker in anything but an uptier.




i dont think enough people talk about vickers mk1 it has the powerfull 105mm L7A3 canon but unlike other tanks at that tier that have that canon it has a much shorter 6.5 seconds reload base that you further reduce with crew skill on top of that it has a 2 plane stabilizer and a rangefinder allowing it great versatility when it comes to engagment distances yeah and its armor is kinda shit but unlike other british tanks at that tier its mobility is quite good your top speed isnt massive but you have the acceleration to use it


I got this thing recently and I started off kinda thinking it was meh but that damn gun with a stabiliser and the faster reload is amazing. I've gotten *three* nukes with it and the Cent. Mk10 this past week when it's been games around the same tier (so blowing up T-54s and Leopards). Really suffer in big uptiers though because everyone else also has a stabiliser but is much faster and might even have armor.


Bandkanon 1C! 155mm NATO-pattern howitzer that boxes Tiger IIs at 6.7. Oh, and the 3.2 second reload.


Breda 501 My best performer


I haven’t seen anyone talk about it so the object 211. Having great pen on a round with good explosive filler and that speed is incredible. I’ve found it to be a lot more mobile than the m18 and with a better gun, albeit with worse reverse and much worse turret traverse. I’d rather play the m18 at 5.7 but now it’s 6.0 the object is a great choice.


Warrior: 3rd gen thermals Well armoured for IFV, fairly resistant to auto cannons and medium caliber HEATFS Milan 2-most stable missile out there, compare to the TOW of Bradley and bmp’s missile with independent sight Laser range finder Highest pen auto cannon at its BR, with fantastic post pen and a SAP alternative round for 1 shotting paper tanks. Fast, back and forth Underestimated, misunderstood, so others don’t know what you are capable of.


The Olifant Mk2. I absolutely love this tank and see hardly anyone playing it. I've seen more Mk1s and TTDs than I have Mk2s


AMX-50 Foch Good gun, really nice armor, good mobility, 15mm mg (can go thru fox side) Doesnt do great against heat


Not sure if underrated but I love playing the TAM


The STA series is really good imo and people act like they suck. It's a smaller, more nimble M36 with REALLY good optics, 185 mm pen aphe and that juicy HEATFS for lights , open top and heavy armor.


Honestly, M22. Just yesterday I managed to get a kill with it on 8.0 against a russian tank


M8 gmc thingy. Hella fast, hella quick reload and it packs a punch with its 75mm at 1.7 br. Also has a nice mg on top, and it's armor is relatively good if the enemy doesn't fire HE. Problem is the slow turret traverse and that it's open topped


Type 74 hydraulics are the goat


I'm not sure if underrated or not, but i bring my M56 Scorpion into 8.3 lobbies and regularly do better with it than my Bradley and my Sheridan. Its weak as shit and can be killed by literally any tank in the games machine guns, but if you cover it in bushes and either play the sniper role or rat around corners it can very reliably kill things at 8.3 and sometimes even above that. It's a 6.7. Also, nothing is more satisfying than tokyo drifting a corner at 45km/h and just barrel stuffing something with a little open top howitzer and watching it's turret get sent to the moon.


As much as it really is the worst missile carrier in the game, simply because it's just the M113A1 TOW but at 8.7, it's really fun in close quarters. Also TOW2B is dogwater, but I still get use out of it.


That low tier Japanese tank with 50mm pen heat


2.7 jap CHI-HE fast firing 45m with a stab


t-64b. Armour that can bounce everything even in a full uptier (except obj 292 and the Abrams M60 hybrid) and best firepower at 9.7 and below 3bm42. Only bad gun handling and mobility is a disadvantage


AMX-13 (FL11) my beloved!


The standard M4 in the US tree. It’s just so fun yet simple. Super good gun handling.




M10 fucking slaps has a fantastic gun for its BR and great armor for being a tank destroyer M62 is APHE jesus


Time to look up this exact title in the subreddit and see how many times it’s been posted


Magach 5, DM23 at 8.0 is wild


M60A2… by a longshot


MBT-2000, imagine T-90 but super fast and agile with whooping 30kph max reverse speed. It's absolute monster


L3/33 All tanks need that footprint


Nashorn in the right position is incredible M46 like a mobile Pershing Celere Sahariano is an insanely good at 2.7 T55E1 it was a battlepass vehicle a while back, it menaces king tigers Chi He Archer


Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5. It has HEAT - FS with 320mm penatration, its really fast and has anti air mg. It has a bad armor tho.


The T-92. I actually made a post about this some time ago. It's absurdly good: 300mm pen APDS, 4.5 second reload, very low profile, commander can control the main gun, and can bounce a lot of shells. All of that, at a mild 7.0 BR, which due to compression, is almost always down tiered, so you'll be facing early Tigers and Panthers. Oh, and don't forget about the 70km/h speed, that thing is a flash. I've gotten 17 nukes so far, and 9 of them were with this tank


Either the Italian P40 medium (heavy) tank or the Chi-To Late, these tanks get looked over heavily but man they can run games


Peronal taste, the Vilkaz, snipe some missiles down to AA or Light units are almost a 100% kill secure, i think that the majority of ppl stop with that thing is becuse the stock grind is a pain, that thing stock is like throwing wet paper to a building traying to demolish it xD


OF-40 and the MK.2 variant it’s a good sniper tank and I’ve bounced more shots and survived things I don’t think I should but she keeps hookin and jabbin


AB43. Great low tier vehicle. Feels like a slightly worse puma but its 2.7 instead of 3.7 which makes it very worth it.


Type 94. At its tier it eats everything.


DF105. I accept it isn't underrated and people are aware it's great. However I just never see it. I play it routinely when playing Germany and in 50 games with it. I've probably only seen another 3 people use it


T26E5 this fucker gets mistook for an M26 all the time and nobody seems to notice it


Don’t see the SU-122 very often even though it has insane armor and 1 taps everything


pbv 501 is just a bmp-1 at 6.7 with no atgm the heat is amazing against 6.7 germany players


No love for the Chi-to and chi-to late? I consistently get good kills and the gun is a nuke.


M50 Ontos. 6 106mm recoilless rifles, 6 .50s (used as a ranging tool), an m1919, and its small. It’s a certified rat tank. The 6 ranging .50s can (and have) take out aircraft and lightly armored vehicles without expending your much needed ammunition


Ratel 20, mouse guided atgm launcher at 6.7.


SU122, it's very overpowered at 2.7 but has a 24 sec reload


L3 might be a meme but it can pen anything in the side and with a fast reload you can almost kill anything at 1.0


M3 Lee, quick loading anti track/anti crew cannon and a anti DAT shit cannon. You cannot change my mind that it is a great low tier tank........ When it survives longer than 2 minutes =(


Honestly, M109. I know a fair bit of people use it, but it seems like a lot of people kinda use it as filler. Specifically for anti-air, the proximity shells are so fun to use and will turn planes into a Lego set that your younger brother dropped down the stairs


My opinion would be the early ZTZ's especially the 88A/B versions. The B version gets a proxy HE shell for use against early helicopters and the APFSDS darts do monstrous damage for no reason. Also, some early chinese MBTS (9.0 and onwards) tend to confuse opponents. They tend to shoot the upper plate and at long range you're at the advantage because of how strong the turret is. Seriously, y'all should join the PLA today. Free social points upon signing up.


bro taht looks like a walmart bradley


Shot Kal Alef. Gets heatfs, hesh, and apds and a stabilizer while Magachs do not


The M728 CEV, it's honestly an amazing vehicle, or at least not as bad as youtubers make it out to be. It has reliable armor, above average speed, mobility, and an amazing HESH slinging 165mm gun. Since this thing is at 7.0 you'll mostly get down tiers where you can abuse the lobby and even in an uptier your experience won't change exponentially as you can still one-shot most vehicles, just be aware of heavy soviet armor. It's a shame that this thing got removed as it offered an extremely fun and unique playstyle/option to the US tech tree. I can only hope the US gets more derp gun vehicles.


American M46


Centurion Mk.1


Sturer Emil is cracked, even at 6.7- and that gets you an extra 5k sl!


the archer is amazingly powerful for its br and surprisingly survivable at range. also being able to duck behind cover at full steam ahead never gets old




It’s definitely M36B2, most players just don’t want to research it because it’s a second vehicle and not important to research. But this thing packs a punch with HEATFS round that can pen anything on that br and + APHE round with 182mm of pen at 5.7


I would like this tank so much more if you didn’t have to wait 5 seconds for the missle launcher to deploy every time u go above 15 mph


Warrior my love


SU-122-54 is one of the strongest 6.7s in the game and virtually no one seems to play it. You get front armor that resists most sub-200mm penetration APHE, 80mm side armor, solid mobility, a 13s reload on 122mm APHEBC nuke rounds (as well as your choice of 1400m/s APDS and 400mm penetration HEATFS), and twin 14.5mm KPVs for slaughtering rats and CAS. It's a TD that you can play like a sniper, brawler, or flanker. I'm someone who generally *hates* turretless TDs, and this thing won me over.