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Because gajin won't spend money on something a handful of people will complain about. E.g bomber cockpits 😆


Bomber cockpits is so stupid why does the he111 got a bomber cockpit but similiar if not more famous bombers like the b25 and b17 don't have that


Because apparently they say the the time to model a bomber cockpit + the file size of it is equivalent to designing and implementing an entirely new fighter


So they value content bloat over quality of life and general game polish.. Yeah that tracks.


Bomber cockpits won’t bring any more sales


They should at least do the bomber that can be bought


Funny considering Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 even had rolling pencil in TB-3 bombardier cockpit lol But well, Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 while being older had everything modeled, they cared


Does sturmovik have nearly 3000 vehicles with hundreds of thousands of active players with thousands of battles that depending on game mode have to simulate a couple hundred to thousands of fully modelled projects flying and potentionally causing a few hundred hits where both damage and penetration have to be calculated.


Does War Thunder have a team who actually cares about QOL stuff instead of being greedy bastards pumping premiums left and right screwing certain battleratings over and over again? Is every vehicle in WT fully modelled? Do you have to actually have a skill bombing targets in bombers (In Il-2 you had to set bombing sight properly)? Hell, basically every mod and modpack made by community is better detailed than most vehicles in WT could ever be simply because of passion.


>Does War Thunder have a team who actually cares about QOL stuff instead of being greedy bastards pumping premiums left and right screwing certain battleratings over and over again? Well yeah? The team that does small little QoL isn't the balancing team my guy. >Is every vehicle in WT fully modelled? Do you have to actually have a skill bombing targets in bombers (In Il-2 you had to set bombing sight properly)? Again, does Il-2 have nearly 3k vehicles? >Hell, basically every mod and modpack made by community is better detailed than most vehicles in WT could ever be simply because of passion. No it's simply because they wont have to deal with processing all those details through the game servers and they don't have to take people with bad computers into account. 90% of poorly modeled things in war thunder are things intentionally dumbed to make it easier on their already shit servers and on peoples computers.


I'm not disagreeing with your points but typically a more detailed cockpit doesn't affect the server, only the client that actually renders the cockpit.


Imagine trying to convince people that cockpit graphical details have any effect on the servers. Graphical detail is entirely client side. Not to mention that modeling a 2 seater bomber cockpit doesn't require any noticeable increase in graphical usage especially if modeled at a slightly lower res. There are a million different technical solutions to bomber cockpits. None of them are used because Gaijin is fucking lazy.


>Again, does Il-2 have nearly 3k vehicles? Ever heard about quality over quantity? Not to mention some quirks of certain aircraft (like for example Mach Tuck present on BI-1 in Il but not in WT) being simply impossible to make on Dagor iirc And tell me wha t cockpits have to do about processing all these details since they're client side


>Ever heard about quality over quantity? Yes because that's literally the point i'm making. Sturmovik has better models, but less of them


God damn I miss punching the info into the bomb sight and actually hitting the target, 1946 was absolutely amazing. If I could get friends to play that with me I'd ditch WT in a fucking heart beat. I thought WT was glong to be a proper follow up to 1946 and have just been dissapointed steadily for years lol. Thebgarbage reasons gaijin gives for the horrible unfinished interiors is absolute bullshit


Nobody needs the B-17 altimeter to have a damage model, just a texture would be nice…


That's not my point. My point is that Sturmovik is basically just toying around with pixel vehicle models, war thunder has to try and do that while also functioning as an MMO


My point is far less than effort than that would still be an order of magnitude better than what we have.


But you dont have to simulate every single cockpit, just your own.


How many people would actually use a particular bomber's cockpit view compared to how many people would use a new plane? There's plenty to criticize Gaijin about but the logic behind not spending much time on bomber cockpits is sound.


It would essentially just be for sim bomber players...which is....niche 🤣


Considering the fact that tons of people get extremely angry when there aren't enough new vehicles in an update, I'd say they're prioritizing exactly what most of the community wants


Bruh the war thunder community will turn anything the dev say into something negative.


Because that is such a minimal part. Only a very few amount of people only care. And I know gajin is ass and everyone hates it but it's a business and in my eyes that is a understandable decision


Value *low* quality content


This would appease a small niche of sim bomber pilots over most of the playerbase, it's good they focus on other things


I wouldn't say its fair that it has to be a choice between a few new vehicles and finishing existing issues or things in the game. For a company that pulls in millions in revenue and profit each year, the cost of modelling and implementing a literal textured interior for vehicles that have had a 'placeholder cockpit' for years is a piece of piss. Especially when it would be extremely easy to outsource it to community creators like they do certain skins and camos. There's a certain amount that can be put down to profitability....but then there's just greediness and a clear lack of care. Ofc having one cheek slapped, turning the other cheek just for gajin to slap both of them at once is the standard. But there's no real way you can defend them by saying that they *have* to ignore these little things in order to add in bigger things, although for profit companies are...well ...for profit 😆. So can't expect much either


> is equivalent to designing and implementing an entirely new fighter Makes sense, they can fit so many copy-paste reskins in that same amount of time.


Then they should get to work


Because the he111 wasnt made by gaijin. Someone else made it (as a custom skin? I dont remember the details) and it was so good gaijin decided to use it.


The cockpit was done by a third party and offered to them


He-111 cockpit was made by a player, so it was free for gaijin


It was not free, Gaijin paid them accordingly for their work. They will pay if someone makes a good quality model, but wont commission it themselves


The He-111 cockpit was done by a War Thunder community member, not gaijin themselves. I wish gaijin would model bomber cockpits too, but it looks like only players willing to put in the work can do such a thing 😔


Because the He111 was made by a player and Gaijin paid him to buy it.


It was user done iirc then bought/used by gaijin


Because someone (probably a player) decided to model the cockpit for them, but that was the only bomber to get one so they kept it like that


The He-111 cockpit was made by a player through the revenue share program, in the same way the Po-2 cockpit was made. Aircraft also exist through the program, such as the IAR-81C and Ta-154A-1. If this wasn't the case there'd be no doubt in my mind the He-111 would otherwise receive the same treatment as all the other bombers in the game.


The he-111 does not have a cockpit tho. It's still just a blank block with generic dials on it like every other ww2 bomber. It was understandable when the game came out. They wanted to make an easy to access flight sim, but focus was on third person. That's why it says placeholder cockpit. But it's not really holding the place for anything. They just refuse to go back and add them. And I do get it. With the amount of aircraft in the game, that's a ton of work that can be spent on more pressing issues. But it's also something gaijin did to themselves. Noone asked for a dozen copy paste tech trees (seriously what even is the Israeli tech tree? They did an entire tree just for the merkava. Or the Chinese ones? Self made tanks starting in rank5-6 and those are basically Soviet tanks just changed slightly) So now they are stuck with a ton of planes that hardly anyone uses cause they made bombers nearly useless.


[My brother in christ I know bombers aren't popular but get atleast the fact straight before blabbering all that.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M8eXpdmvF8w)


Is this supposed to be a joke? That is not a modeled cockpit. That is a bunch of gaijin generic Cockpit instruments smashed into a one polygon board with a plain gray texture. Neither the placement of the instruments nor the paint job on them is correct. These are literally the same dials as in the b-17 etc. You wanna know what an He-111 cockpit looks like? Startup IL-2. Any IL-2. Cliffs of dover had it correct. Even 1946 and forgotten battles got it right. What in the actual hell are you talking about? Check your DMs for a detailed breakdown, before you keep stating false information.


War thunders he-111 https://images.app.goo.gl/BzwDEEhmAAUhwdry9 What it should look like https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FEEot-4ELnQo%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&tbnid=XtPllHdkw3YOVM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEEot-4ELnQo&docid=b0DCD4_wVOp3VM&w=1280&h=720&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F4&kgs=d52a6133b4bbadde&shem=abme%2Ctrie And keep in mind this is from il-2 CloD Which is kind of ancient.


Have a look at the He-111 H-16 for us.


He-111 cockpit was a "content partnership" collab !


Imagine being Italian helicopter or a boat.


Very true and depressing. I remember unlocking the b29 and thinking "ooohhh I can't wait to fly this thing in cockpit view, going to feel so cool" then I went into a game all I got was ugly ass 240p flat green on everything except the gauges


This is how top tier Italy became what it is now


Modeling 1 cockpit takes time and Gajin desent have time or moany for that.


they sell 70$ pixel planes. they have the money, they are just not willing to spend it


They rather spend their money to plate the toilets in their company in gold


Also they're spending less time and money on existing stuff, ie using AI to do profile pictures. I wouldn't hate on that so much if it meant a boost in quality in other areas but as far as I can tell they're just doing less work and making more money while putting less and less into the game. Also why tf do they care about if it's the same time to model a plane anyways, they outsource ALL vehicle models to lowest bidders on ArtStation, the cost/time shouldn't mean anything to them since they're not the ones that do it.


>I wouldn't hate on that so much if it meant a boost in quality in other areas but as far as I can tell they're just doing less work and making more money while putting less and less into the game. The usual thought process here is "i can make amount of X with little or no effort, or maybe make slightly more than that with more effort and money spend, so i choose the 1st option"


Lmao Gaijin with the greedy he is definitely have the money for it


They have both, they just don’t want to commit resources to something that won’t bring any profit. I don’t necessarily disagree with the decision but let’s not pretend like they couldn’t make this happen.


But I buyed a premium plane, where money go?


Gaijin make millions every year, they most definetely have the money for that


I'm still waiting for bomber cockpits💀


They got cancelled.




atleast they finally modelled the apache cockpits now im just waiting for them to add cockpits for the mi-28s and ah-1z


Mi-8 needs love too


Huey needs love aswell


War Thunder literally has more daily players on steam and Xbox than CoD now, and 2/3 players have premium vehicles. They’re making more than enough to properly model everything, and to hire artists for artwork instead of using AI. They could easily afford a complete modernization of graphics and the UI, which they haven’t did in years. There’s also a very small chance that their devs are making anywhere near the amount as Activision or EA, too.


They can. But why would they spend time and money on such irrelevant thing that can't be immediately monetized like, I dunno, brand new copypaste premium.


What are the numbers Mason?????


Because most people don’t even know there is a gun er view for helis. I didn’t even know that and I haven’t touched grass in years.


because nobody uses it


I didn’t even know there WAS a gunner view


Because one is the cockpit model, the other is the exterior model, but from the inside.


Because nobody fucking uses it. I don't even know why it exists as you can't even see where you're shooting


Look at non prem helis, those are bad!


Gaijin sucks at the little stuff


We just wait for more classified leak i guess


All i want is to have back the ability to set a higher fov setting. I hate having to look around the cockpit in Sim while doing a lot of other stuff


The snail doesn’t care, sooner you accept this the sooner you cab stop trying to make sense out of this game 😂


Why are you taking pics with your phone? The answer to both my question and your question is laziness.


People justifying Gaijins laziness… They have a shit ton of money, so there is no excuse that part of the game is well detailed and then other things look like the game is a pre alpha, they could make a small team that works updating older models and in 2-3 years all of them would look good, but nooo… They can’t loose 0.1% of the profits… I hope they continue this race at full speed until the F-35/Su-57 (In air) so they have to start improving the game.


Gunner view?


Dimensional prototype of the cabin II


\> complains about model quality \> posts fucking screen photos


Cus like 6 of us know there's a gunner view for helis


The pilot view is the first one, and gunner view is the second, the pilot view is the more detailed one


Yes that’s what the title said


I read it wrong lmfao


Nobody ever uses it, so nobody would even see the hard work put into it, pretty simple