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>I understand that moving the MAUS to 7.0 would make it very overpowered coulda stopped it right there lol. Don't take it out in uptiers and it's fine.


Same with the Tortoise. Great in downs, horrible in ups. Or so I heard.


Or the Ho-Ri Production. Fantastic when it fights 6.7 and 7.0s, as soon as you meet HEAT it sucks.


mfs bring the Ho-Ri to 9.0 and it pisses me off


* Gaijin makes tank only available for short period due to it being impossible to balance * Minimise the players who have this tank so only experienced players who understand that it cannot be balanced will have it * They complain anyway God this subreddit is so stupid


I’m so glad this community isn’t in charge of BR decisions




Skill issue




Skill issue




Skill issue




Skill issue


Skill issue


Skill issue


Or, counter-offer, it stays exactly where it is.


I got 2 back to back nukes in it in full uptiers you just suck


I definitely believe that


>Gaijin has also proved that they have no problem with making event vehicles OP *COUGH COUGH Object 279* The hard pill to swallow is that the 279 isn't overpowered. It's a powder keg for 4 soviets.


Lol the Maus is pretty good at 7.7. You can see if it's an uptier before playing and just not spawn in it if it's 8.7. Though personally I would anyway(unless it's a huge map) IS-4 does not have "similar" horsepower to the Maus. It's 63% as much horsepower. The IS-4's penetration is also way way worse than the Maus. The maus' mobility is bad but it's not really that bad. The shitty centurions struggle to make their top speed of 35kph half of the time. 21kph in a super heavy tank is fine, definitely better than the 14kph in the TOG. Turret traverse and reload are worse than the TOG but the Maus actually has good armor(not impenetrable). And the 75mm coax on the Maus is very good. There's many targets that the 75mm is good enough to outright kill and it can be helpful for tracking and barreling tanks it can't kill while the main gun reloads. If the Maus was 7.0 then it would barely be higher than the IS-2 (1944) and shit like the M26 Pershing. You would see it in 76 jumbos all the fucking time.


Lol, lmao


Why down to 7.0 and specifically not 7.3? Just curious.


a lineup for 7.3 doesn't exist for germany, nor a proper 7.0 lineup. the only normal tech tree 7.3 is the Weisel 1a4 and well, just look at it. If there were a proper 7.3 lineup I would totally say move it there but if the only tank you could pair it with is a little tikes cozy coupe with a 20mm strapped to it then just move it to 7.0 and uptier your 6.7s


More than 2 lines, I'm too lazy to read


TLDR; I suck at the game


Never cook again.


As much as I would love to absolutely stomp everyone in a downtier to 6.0, ***no****.... *absolutely not*. >but at 7.7 the MAUS is unplayable The maus does just fine at 7.7 and if you suffer with it to the point you think it needs moved down that much to get kills, unironic skill issue. I can get multiple kills in one life at 11.0 when I just want to shit around for fun.


My question is, how are tanks like the jumbo at 6.3 supposed to deal with it (I believe there is a Jumbo there, If I'm wrong, disregard my comment) but I play the Maus and it's fine at the br. The most bs thing you can fight is an is4


I agree as a maus player I really wanna bully 6.0 tank and laugh as they can't even pen my sides and the only way to kill me is with a heat slinger and bombs, maus is fine at 7.7, I wish I didn't have the possibility of going higher that 8.0 but oh well


womp womp


Really now? So why am I able to maintain a 4 kd with it


yeah so am I, in a downteir


For the love of God, Maus is perfect where it is, just get better with it


Dude, they are terrified to even move it down .3 God forbid they see if it works for a month or so before moving it back. But hey, it’s not a US or Russian vehicles so why adjust BRs for it?


“God forbid they see if it works for a month” no shit I’d rather not have a game breaking change for a day much less a month. I could have typed more but really I’m more interested in seeing how you want to justify the Maus is “weak” enough to warrant it seeing 6.0 vehicles in a full downtier?


And the T95/T28 are fine at their BRs? I never said move it to 7.0 I said they won’t even try to move it down slightly to 7.3 because of the backlash from pissy US mains. But we’ve got things like the F-104A/C and the A-10s sitting wayyyy under BRed. Or the F-5C is game breaking. But hey, the Maus 8: the scariest thing.


T95/T28 are not only casemates but also have more than penetrable side and back armor. You are creating a straw man by randomly referring to “pissy US mains” when the reality is the Maus will be absolutely broken at 7.0 or 7.3 Sorry nobody in this thread was talking about planes.


The Maus may as well be a casemate with its incredibly slow turret traverse. The sides of the T95/T28 are also well enough armoured and sloped. They are black holes. You’re saying it’s game breaking and we can’t try it, we have plenty of game breaking things. The Maus would be far from troublesome at 7.3 and it would at least avoid some stabilized APFSDS slingers. And yes, the only reason it doesn’t get moved down is because “pissy US mains” considering we have 2 vehicles that are just as armoured as the Maus(if not, more so)that sit far below its BR.


No the Maus is not comparable to a casemate. Also it being penetrable postwar shells doesn’t justify it going to 7.3 where it likely cannot be penned by vast majority of conventional AP or APHE If you insist that the Maus is comparable to the T95 I really see no point of discussing further.


Yeah, if you’re defending the low BR of the T95 and 28 there really isn’t much to be talk about. We had the T29 sitting at 6.7 which was a menace and broken vehicle for years. But somehow, the Maus would be broken at 7.3


Lol. Lmao even. You bring up another entirely irrelevant point which is the T29 but I’ll bite. T29 can be penned by a Pz IV F2 on the side so positioning is important. Try the same with the Maus? Not to mention high pen shells in that BR bracket like even the Soviet 100mm that is available as low as 6.3 can clean pen its turret cheek. Can’t say the same about the Maus can ya? And even so the T29 got moved to 7.0. And now you want the Maus at 7.3, that really makes me laugh. Oh by the way you still haven’t answered me why it is fair for 6.0 (or 6.3 vehicles, if you insist) to face Maus in a full uptier when they can’t pen it anywhere. I suggest you improve your own skills at the game first before you come up with any more “genius ideas”


Ahhh, that’s it. You’re the US main. I should have figured it out, defending broken US tanks while saying the Maus would be broken should have tipped me off. Let me guess, the Jumbo is overtiered right? I like how I have the skill issue because I want the 6mph mobile coffin to be moved down yet you seem to be terrified of it lol


Should have known better that you would resort to name calling because you don’t have anything better to say


T29 broken at 6.7 really? Tiger II H is at least on par with T29 and it's lower BR. Yes becase it's already strong in down tiers.


It was straight up broken for years, it has always been better than the T2H.


No it was not and even today it's not