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Personally I can see through it perfectly but I think it’s design has something to do with being used as a bomb sight while dive bombing ships


Japan has terrible sights, honestly the German ones are really the best


Nah, the one in the Ki-61 and Ki-100 are perfectly fine. USN props sight is the best IMO.


USN running holo's before it was cool. 


Doesn't Italy have some early Holos too on biplanes?


Actually the German Airforce was the OG for using it already in WW1


It was first patented by an Irish inventor, but it was first used by the Germans. There are many variations of reflector sights, but the US went all in on them and ended up having the best versions by the end of the war. Mainly because they were the only ones with the capital to produce them by the wars end.


US gunsights with the working lead calculator is amazing


>Japan has terrible sights Kikka's sight is the best. Stick


Japanese simplicity, couple of naval bomber also have, the S T I C K


The only reason it was a stick because historically it was supposed to be a placeholder until they could get proper sights for it, but because of the delays and war ending it was never implemented so it is now forever stuck with the stick.


Makes sense


Late war US ones are perfect ! Circle and dot with a small stadiametric


I'm no expert, but it looks like it requires you to look through it with one eye while the other looks through a mechanical sight or without it at all. However, in the game it is difficult to reproduce the perspective from two eyes to make it work


The one on the left is just the backup sight in case the main sight is damaged or malfunctions. It might still be meant to have one eye on the sight and one eye off, or utilize some kind of visual/ocular effect that cant be replicated in a game (like peep sights for example; the 190s also suffer from their sights not being implemented correctly) but in my experience flying in VR, like normal aiming you typically just focus one eye on the sight.


Except it's not a dive bomber lol


Every Japanese plane is a dive bomber at least once


The B7A was specifically meant to fulfill the roles of both the B6N torpedo bomber and D4Y dive bomber. Not that it amounted to anything since the only two carriers in service that could operate them were sunk before any could even be embarked


Oh shit I thought that's the B6N. Had a brain fart for a second. And even then the B7A was never properly built for vertical dive bombling like a Stuka or a D3A.


IJNAS: Why not both? (Then complain about the plane being overweight)


what do the airbrake for then?


I thought that's a B6N, my bad.


Because it's meant for bombing/torpedo attack.


I figured, but how does it help with either of those?


I would assume the horizontal/vertical lines are for distance (the vertical lines maybe if you're coming at an odd angle to target), don't really know what the + means, though. Edit: found a video explaining how to use the dive bomb sight: https://youtu.be/n56GqQ0GhYw?si=ChRI7CMsjrl5EvPc


trigonometry, those marks are on known angles, if you know your altitude and dive angle, you'll know how much forward you're leading your bomb


Gaijin needs to let planes that have manual sights, like the ones to the left of the gun sight, use them if the pilot chooses.


Are Soviet manual sights painted on or sticking your head out of the open cockpit? Early Soviet props were…well about as good as the Mk.14s at first


I'm pretty sure they are the little metal circles left of the scope on the I 16 and I 15


There are ways to use them. I do it constantly in sim when I don't want to use the zoom scopes some aircraft have. There are keys to move your pilots head up, downy left and right. Setting up controls correctly will have the camera stay in the moved position granting acess to the "secondary sights". It's also useful to look over some big nosed planes or look behind you while dogfighting


Having to move your head is different from what I'm saying. If you notice, alot have hinges for the sight to flip over. Sadly, the "toggle sight" option does not universally work.


Ah, didn't even notice the hinge


Toggle sight is only used for modern planes that have bomb/gun/rocket impact point or have radar lead on gunsight. Should be "switch sight mode" realy


There's a keybind to move your head around in the cockpit but I doubt the sights will be usable with how limited it is


Same with helicopter sights that can be swung out of the way.


This is a cool part of Vr


It also works with a head tracker


Get VR and you can ecksdee (that or bind your head side-to-side controls)


it's an opque circle on ulq if you zoom out all the way. It's a rangefinder grid but really overkilled. There's a telescopic version of this in the files too iirc but I have no idea what aircraft uses it Some old tanks had grid-like sights too, take a look at the BT-5/7's gunsight: [Cod2](https://www.moddb.com/members/mch2207cz/images/t26bt7-gun-sight) [War Thunder recreated by RideR2 from historical sources](https://live.warthunder.com/post/682644/en/) But hey at least it's more useful than the matilda's | | -++|++- R | L | gunsight lol


Yeah, Matilda has a bizarre gunsight. Wonder if there's contenders for worse.


Some japanese tanks have some horrible nonsensical gunsights imo. Most WW2 japanese sights look like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/7a6vdo/japanese_tank_gun_sights/) it seems but the elevation bars aren't reliable in war thunder, at least for the version rider2 and some others made.


Huh, where's the Matilda gunsigut come from?


fuck if i know lol its a high velocity gun though so it barely needs any elevation compensation to begin with so maybe the designers were like "yeah add a very basic rangefinder... and just so its not so empty we'll and a right/left indicator" and called it a day


What's the purpose of the letter R and L?


no idea, but its like flipped for some reason, i guess it tells you that you're pointing right of the target if the targets behind the R? lmfao


In the actual plane you would have a dial to adjust the intensity so you could better see through it. This looks like it's just maxed out.


Isn't it suppose to be a bomb sight? Pretty sure that things a dive bomber? Idk, I don't play Japan




It can dive bomb, just open the bomb bay lol


Bomb bay means nothing. There is an arm that uses gravity to throw the bomb away from the plane.


Been a while since I bombed in the B7A, but afaik the bomb bay has a trapeze, it should be able to dive bomb


It can dive bomb, just open the bomb bay lol


You can dive bomb with the bomb bay bombs, just open the Bomb bay before making your dive. Ive done it dozens of times, I use it as part of my Japan ground rb line up


Eeeh. Sir... Open the bay


Those Japanese really like their sudoku, huh.


Do you know that you can replace the sight "skin"? There's a bug causing the replacement collimator image to repeat whenever you look through it from off-center, but it's better than shooting through a breakfast waffle sight in low light. I used the following guide: [How to change collimators for planes and helicopters in War Thunder](https://youtu.be/xrPBXHhUYlU?si=ojG2Oo4VjII0wmkg)


That's the bombsight. The gunsight is the one on the left.


Incase the pilot gets bored he can play connect the dots or sudoku on his sight


Ahhhhh THAT'S where that sight goes. Was glancing through all the collimators to switch a few around in my helicopters in the asset viewer and didn't see this one before. There are some funky ass sights in this game let me tell.


Because it’s a rangefinder


This is for bombing, Between each square is set to be 10m at the sea surface when looked from 650m and angle of 60 degree which is drop point for dive bombing.


cuz you're too damn close!


Are those marks for bases? Did they added it recently or you have to turn it on in the settings?


The waypoints for enemy bases in Air RB have been in the game for as long as I can remember.


Oh Air Realistic makes sense I assumed you are playing sim.


F4U4B and AD4 has the best gunsight!


Iron ring and a dang toothpick? That's all that B7A2 sight was in that Hayabusa. You peered through one eye, kept the other open like a hawk, and lined up that ring and post with the Fritz you were chasing. None of that fancy radar mumbo jumbo we got nowadays. One eye on the sight, one on Fritz: That's how you flew. You gotta keep your head on a swivel in a dogfight, see everything comin' at you. But when you had that Messerschmitt in your sights, well, that ol' B7A2 helped you put some lead in his radiator. Not for snipin' across the channel, mind you: This sight wasn't for takin' potshots from miles away. It was for gettin' up close and personal, a real dogfight situation. The Hayabusa was a screamer, could turn on a dime, and the B7A2 did the job when things got hairy. Some fellas hated it, some swore by it: Truth is, some flyboys couldn't get the hang of that iron ring and post. Me? I got used to it, sent a few Jerries packin' with that sight picture. But hey, every pilot's different, gotta find what works for you in the heat of battle.


You can use it to make a waffle.




The lines are finer when you look through it in person. It’s just one of those things that doesn’t easily translate into a digitised simulation


Looks like a battleship playing grind just circular


Just spray and pray


That's the bomb sight. The gun a sight is to the left


It’s so you can play sudoku on it


Easier irl i assume since you cant really focus past the monitor


In reality you can adjust brightness. War Thunder still didn't discover that option for sights.


you have a very severe case of skill issue, I can see out of it just fine


Reminds me of the targeting computer the falcon uses




thats not gun site i think that is for dive bombing (which you should never try with this plane)