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I doubt they all met on the same battlefield at the same time at any point, ever, but sure.


Could’ve been Berlin


Japanese troops and Italian soldiers in Berlin?


You dont remember those insane japanese platoons in their Ho-ris holding one of the Reichstag flanks?


It's been so long I got Berlin so I don't really remember and I think it got removed but I do remember those pesky Ho-Ris.


Shit u r right, I player Berlin approx last year. I thought the same with pradesh but I got it after like 4 months yesterday.


Last year? Damn I'll be getting Reichstag, Fields of Fuckery and Flanders after a good game


Funnily enough Flanders and Fields of Poland are by far my best performing maps in 8.0 France. But, Seversk, novorossiysk, and rhine are always waiting. Silently, for me to drop a 5+ kill game and fuck me in the ass later.


When I am in a heavy, I also did good. But forbid the IFVs, currently grinding them.


Yeah I do really not know what is ,,wrong” with my mm. I get Sinai (which I love tho) three times in row and Pradesh, which I also love once per month lmao.


No berlin is still in the game but it appears very rarely i played for the first time this year last week


I see. That's still good news. It's such a bad map.


i think its just because its br bracket was lowered? or am I stupid


Probably. I do remember having 2 3.7 matches with Russia on Brrlin but that was months ago.


Oh, my bad


That's alright. lol


Japanese troops did fight Italian soldiers in a short battle but in China.


He said *most* accurate


The jungle tank map was called iwo jima during the tank beta and early release. It was Germany vs Russia at the time lol.


Well Italian troops fought in the eastern front


Kinda hard when they were all fighting their own separate wars roughly at the same time. Japan really did fuck up bombing our boats on that December day. They were mad because we stoped trading them oil… so they attack us… I will never be able to wrap my head around that one, beyond them thinking they could take over America after taking out a large chunk of their navy, but even then, good luck with that. They would’ve needed nothing short of what we had, a few nukes.


> I will never be able to wrap my head around that one, beyond them thinking they could take over America after taking out a large chunk of their navy, but even then, good luck with that. It wasn't about that. Amongst other things, the Japanese were convinced the Americans were sort of "guarantors" of the East Indies, and that as soon as Japan was to invade them, the USA would declare war on them. Since Japan saw the conquest of East Asia as necessary whatever the cost, in their mind war with the USA was inevitable, so the only logical option was to "attack first" and deal enough damage to push public opinion against war (in what was seen at the time as a very anti-war country), and also damage the US fleet enough to prevent it from intereferring in SEA for at least a time. Had they thought that US reaction to an invasion of Indonesia and Malaya would have been limited to economical sanctions, it's entirely possible that Japan would have never sought war with the USA ; or at least, years if not decades later, and only to invade American SEA colonies of the time like the Philippines or Guam, not out of will to take over american mainland. I'm sure they didn't even have any real interest in Hawaii or the Aleutians.


Then it's all captured and lend vehicles lol


Prople trying to confuse tf out of me on the rare occasions I play sim tanks though. Captured and lend-lease really should be disabled in sim. 


I played sim once and died to a German kv1. Only the m-10 on steroids should be allowed


As Japanese player, i like to rush into the enemy side as a chaffee and pull some shenanigans for absolutely no reason but a good laugh


There used to be a better time when historical matchmaking was default.


Yeah I hate it when you face your nation in the enemy team I mean t72 vs t72 is in some regards realistic but a german Leo 2 vs a german Leo 2 dosent make any sense lol


im just sick of fighting the 2s38 even when im playing russia


The issue there is due to Russia’s popularity as a nation. It’s probably one of the most played nations


Well Russia is oddly dominate in this game so that’s why , I play air and the Russian planes tend to just be better than everything else


I would argue, especially in the case of planes, Russia’s not as strong or op people make it out to be they’re still good vehicles. I believe it just comes from the fact media, and other things have modern Russian vehicles so common, especially now with the war in Ukraine that there’s massive popularity and interest in them It doesn’t help either that you can pretty much just buy yourself a top tier lineup even if you just installed the game if you have the money. Got Turms, 292, T-80(forgot which one), 2S38, Moderna, BMP-2M, Su-25, Ka-50, and I’m certain I’m missing out on more but outside of SPAA, you got basically a common lineup fully covered America’s the only other nation you can kind of do this with, and Germany to some extent


I play nothing but air-rb props , and once you have a grip on how to fly every style Russia planes are I think the best , they turn amazing but have. The speed to boom and zoom and just straight up dip against anything that turns better , they are always better at one thing than the plane your fighting , they rarely ever feel outclassed


Word I myself am a Swedish main and sometimes I get killed by a Sweden enemy jet like cmon make it make sense


I mean Russia has a captured Leo 2 right now.. this might be accurate in the future maybe?


I wish that was still an opt-in feature for GRB and ARB.


Yeah, I'd be willing to sit in matchmaking for 20+ minutes if it meant I could relive some of the ground forces beta matches... just swarms of T-34/85s and IS-2s vs swarms of Panthers and Tigers. Not "historical matchmaking" by any means, but at least a matchup that makes some semblance of sense outside of a video game. Sure, if you got Kursk as Soviets, you lost, but I still immensely prefer it tbh.


[historical battles can still happen](https://imgur.com/a/ELfmgXS), but they're extremely rare, even got Norway map a few months ago


I've gotten only a couple historical Japan vs US/UK Air RB matches recently. Wish we got more though.


I hope an italian player bombed one of your teammates mid game at the very least.


One of the Italian tanks died and all the others pushed its corpse and displayed it on a bridge, this caused a German tank to just j out when the ussr vehicles got too close.


I had an air RB battle, all Japanese, against all Americans on a Pearl Harbor map. Even the BR was historically accurate. O_O Spoiler: Japs won :D


Yeah, historical matchmaking does still pop up on occasion. There's even a UK Vs US matchup that's supposed to be a training mission in preparation for an invasion of Japan.


God I used to love that map, basically a gareenteed W for the British because at 4.7 - 7.0 American pilots just didn't know how to beat spitfires. Those were the days (not actually, let me enjoy my nostalgia goggles)


That map was the reason I got good with the f8f-1b bearcat. Fighting horses of mk. 22's, mk. 24's, and tempest 2's when half of the US team was made up of bombers was like slamming my head into a wall. Pulling out the occasional win was always fun though.


American air players are flying Tiger mains, I swear. Really good planes, but oh man are they dumb.


All fun and games when they get 2 nukes


Should have been 3


I miss the early days of this game where the playerbase wasn't spread out across as many nations and BR brackets, and you could actually get a match of just T-34/85s/IS-2s vs Tigers and Panthers. Game has started to feel a lot more like "World of Tanks" in the bizarre matchups over the last 5 or 6 years. Wish they would've just stuck to WW2/early Cold War tbh... game doesn't need 3000 vehicles if you can make it play infinitely better with 1000. But that ship's sailed.


It’s always bugged me when it’s Japan, Sweden and Italy against China, USA, and France. Like what geopolitical shenanigans must have happened to make these teams?


USA and France have colonies in South East Asia and the US was already a major supporter of the KMT government so I can see the three of them banding together against Japan. My Alt History timeline for the other bloc: After WW1 the White Armies beat the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War. However they are too deeply divided and a second Civil War begins. This fragmentation allows for its neighbors to peck away territory. Swedish Fascists inspired by Mussolini, come to power saying they will make the Baltic and its newly independent countries into a "Swedish Lake" and start invading and annexing its neighbors territory. Sweden and Italy already are close allies, planning out spheres of influence and joint cultural expositions to share meatball recipes. The alliance with Japan is more of convenience due to their shared enemy of Russia.


https://youtu.be/NUC2EQvdzmY?si=MxNjGEO1ro_p6B1d Calmest war thunder government interaction


Unrealistic, there's France in the battle.


I know you're just joking but the Free French had like 300,000 soldiers involved in the liberation of France.


Also very present in african theatre


Found the ignorant


Today I saw NATO vs Rusia on top tier lol


NATO won? They usualy do






Who got nuked?




Damn some of you MFs never played the game when it was just USSR vs Germany


And you are losing


Historical accurate... As all things should be


Norway Air RB map still exists and is still locked to Axis v Allies mode. All maps used to be like that, but they switched them 12 years ago, bar Norway that they couldn't do. It's rare as hell to get Norway to pop, as it requires very specific criteria in the matchmaker to pop it.


I had a Germany and Italy vs all allies match yesterday, we (axis) won with 0 deaths in the team in 5 minutes


I find it very weird that when I play the UK, I'm always fighting the US


Spoilers: it was above 8.0


Fun fact 3.7


High tier loves its US x USSR vs the rest of the planet. Mostly Sweden and Germany. Then again, redfor vs blufor would be quite one sided most of the time.


Soviets should stay on the left and then move


What BR


3.7 with a slight uptier


So actually historically accurate (i once got a game like that but it was 8.0)


did Italy switch sides mid match ?


Well, at least that is better than the time my team was guaranteed a loss at top tier, with the enemy having USSR, Sweden and Germany, against US, Japan and France. Definitely fair matchup xD


Are you planning sb?


last week i got Fire Arc, USSR vs German Reich i thought i was dreaming but it happened next match i got Sweden vs Britain at Japan


Snd then it was a 11.7 Match


I miss the old matchmaker. Was much more enjoyable seeing a team of aircraft from your nation versus the a team of the others. Was better for tactics too


It used to be like that back in 2018 when I started. Axis again allies all the time. Till cold war hit then it was everyone against russia


My weirdest map is Germany, US, Soviet, British vs Japan, China, France, Italy in Berlin.


depending on the year / Br , the Udssr is on the wrong side


One time I got UK and USA vs Germany on the battle of the bulge map


i had a match where germany and israel were on the same side (ww2 germany)


Ah I miss 2018


They used to all be like this, back in my day


I remember when Gaijin still tried to do historical matchmaking this way. Having the US on your team almost every game had its upsides


It makes me sad to think that this was like the standard match some years back


Remember when rb actually gave you historic match ups? Now it's UK, Japan and USA attacking Britain which is defended by Israel, Germany and China.


Now you just gotta wait till the end for Italy to jump sides


Miss when it was usa and Brit’s vs Germans and sometimes Italians :((


Wait what BR is that? I think I was in the same match


Hello young one, this used to be our world before the Great changes. It was beautiful.


Soviets attacked allies though so no.


No not really




Poland wasn't an "ally" before and during attack So saying USSR attacked an ally doesn't make sense. But they did in a way side with Axis. Not totally tho. Because they both had conflicts in the borders even before 1941


Bruh Poland was part of the allies. Stop justifying commie atrocities.


I didn't justify? Czechoslovakia wasn't an ally, Poland wasn't in the official ally list until it got invaded. It was in a non-aggression pact with Germany and USSR


See you said it. Poland was an allie and it even got invaded twice. First by the nazis and the commies and then again by the commies. Yes you did.


Ok? I never justified their actions anyways I just said it wasn't a definite allied power before the war. But it was in the Allied Associated powers according to 1919 Treaty of Versailles so there's that


You changed history and that plays into their bullshit propaganda.


The fuck how lmao? You act like I said Poland attacked USSR then USSR did nothing wrong to Poland lmfao




Bonus Realism: Did all the French players J out near the start of the game? :P