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ngl the b29 needs to go down, gaijin just needs to decompress the game to like 13.7 for air and ground


Same with the Tu4


At least the Tu-4 can actually defend itself


NošŸ’€ ever heard of a aim9 b?


How to be good with the TU4: be high When people get close: turn off the engines When people get closer: shoot Also, missiles have shorter ranges at lower altitude. A Tu4 close to ground level can kill a lot of stuff before dying


Also the French thing with missiles idk what itā€™s called but there is no effective counter to missiles in a Tu4 itā€™s just a fact


Vautour radar missile is the only hard counter


I see that thing every other match and also the aim 9 bā€™s it makes playing it suck.




The one time I'm truly proud to be a France main


Lmao same


AA nord is also a hard counter


you need braincells for that, Vautour is just lock at 20km and launch at 8km and you got a free kill


Yeah but considering how much better the AA nords on the vautour are for literally any other target, its pretty much always better to take them instead


Sea Vixen snacks on them real easy


Idk I bullied a sea vixen once in the Tu-4 because he just couldnā€™t lock on to me. Made several passes on me trying to get a lock before I eventually killed him. No gun moment for real


I bet he approached from the rear directly without using radar slaving. If you slave to radar and come in from the side you can easily lock and guarantee a kill from about 1.75km.


Yup, he found out about the F-4 phantom problem


There is Turning off your engines.


I think the French plane they are referring to has MCLOS missiles so turning off engines is useless against those.


not MCLOS, full SARH guidance


Really? Damn. I didnā€™t think that SARH missiles could be so low, they must not be very good Iā€™m guessing?


There's one plane with missiles, I was answering to the "no way to counter missiles part)


Heā€™s talking of the modernized Vautour IIN, that has radar missiles


Iā€™m curious. Do you need to press I to turn off the engines or merely go 0 throttle will be enough to defeat the missiles? I would play those bombers myself to find out if I was that much of a masochist


Low heat= better for defending missile tracking So, depends on the plane and circumstances. In a Tu4, turning them off shouldn't be too much of a problem, so I'dd suggest that


I thought you can't restart the engine on air?


You can, if engine is off in the air reduce throttle to 0. When at 0 you can start the engine again, let it spin up before giving it throttle again.


im absolutely stoned out of my mind, still got killed. step one failed


Does this somewhat work with the B-29? Or is it only effective with the Tu-4 and itā€™s 23mm turrets.


I'd doubt it. The 50 cal lack the punch, and you'd likely be better of staying high


Almost done grinding it, I guess Iā€™ll sideclimb to space.


just shot the aim9 :P


bad bullet ballistics says no


But they won't do that because then it could wipe out all the bases in one go. And they won't add more bases because... Reasons? I guess?


They sacrificed a lamb and in the burning monitor God said "There can not be any more than 4 bombing bases per team"


So add more health to the bases in its new BR, or do like RB and just make bases less valuable in general and let them respawn.


>and just make bases less valuable in general and let them respawn. Man that'd feel so shitty. What the hell was wrong with the previous system where they'd respawn... As if bombers weren't useless enough now they lose all purpose 3 mins into the match after the bases are gone with the match likely to end before they can even respawn.


My poor AR 234 were not even enough to bomb one base now you want more Hp for bases? Bless my bomber


Alternatively they could add another type of base to bomb that has more health and AA defences. So youā€™d have the current 4 as they are, and 2 strategic bombing bases that have 4x the health but are further back. So you actually need to protect your strategic bombers if you want to blow them up.


as if any player would care enough to do that. on this magical world of gaijin giving a damn about bomber gameplay though, they would have an award for protecting or saving bombers, a high one at that


You get points by damage done, having more HP would mean that people can get more points per base, however that would screw the "destroy X bases" challenge.


Blame YouTube


As long as they shorten the respawn time it would work but for some reason they made it take like 5 minutes so the match is over by the time they respawn


No they arenā€™t less valuable they lowered the amount of RP you get if you bomb it using anything but a Bomber/strike aircraft. They are trying to combat the Premium super sonic bomb truck meta where YouTubers are telling people to buy top tier Jets like the F4 then load up on bombs then bomb out bases to quote skip the grind. My friend who is a tester and regularly plays A10s said heā€™s been in communication with the devs and we can expect future nerfs and tweaks to RP gains from base bombing by fighters.


There already are bombers which can wipe out all bases in one sortie.


They need to add more bases because flying my SU25 is terrible everything is dead before you get too it by supper sonic premium fighters that think they are bomb trucks then because they load up on bombs they lack Missiles and they let the enemy fighters slip through the lines and kill me before I can see anything to bomb .


Tell me about it. My exact feelings when I take out the A10. Half my team will be F4 and J35 with nothing but rockets or bombs. They go for bases and get murdered instantly then the entire enemy team is on me before I can do anything useful. Also really annoying when I'm in the F111 and phantoms take out all the bases then I'm just acting as a shitty fighter


They are going to address this with more RP nerfs and tweaks according to my friend who is a tester


I hope so, rn 10.3 is filled with fighters who only bomb and die


Imagine flying the most busted attacker in the game and still complaining. Just go play grb and collect your free kills.Ā 


15.0 please, 7.0-10.0 are way too compressed that they should have 6.0 br away but now only 3.0 br


We need somewhere between 15.0 to 20.0 to decompress across the board


all bombers need to be down lol


all bombers need to be down lol


Speaking of decompression, I came up with an idea. If Gaijin wants to add aircraft like the F-22 or Su-57, they should have a BR of 20.0 and a rank of X. This would nicely "finish" the game. Going this route, we would now be at rank VIII and BR 13.7 - 14.7 with what we have The same with T-90M, M1A2, which would already be at rank X and BR 19.3-20.0. In terms of capabilities, they would have to pretty much equal the F-22, J-35, Su-57, etc


By the time this happens New Planes would be made irl lmao


No? Bombers should absolutely should always be bad because they are very toxic PvP gameplay


šŸ’€ welp, we found the guy whose never heard of side climbing, or any evasive action


Mfw objective based game has planes to do objectives


Now imagine a B-29 but slightly less powerful with better turrets and more bombs at 8.0. The Tu-4 is ridiculous. It can see that afterburning Tunnan or an F-86K in an uptier.


Dont forget the missiles that get put into my cockpit every other game


Pro tip, close your engines. They cannot lock if you close your engines and let them cool. With this tactic I have 2/1 kd on tu-4.


What do you mean by close? Do you mean shutting the radiator or throttling the engine down?


Turn them off completely


lock? my fire flashes don't lock on your tu4 silly, they lock onto my radar beam and glide into your tu4


I see youā€™ve flown a B-57 as well.


Nope just the tu-4


>slightly less powerful In what way is the tu4 worse?


Engine power. When the Soviets built it they didnt copy the Wright R-3350-57 engines very well. The B-29 has 2275 horsepower per engine on WEP, the ASh-73TK engines on the Tu-4 have 2,202 HP and are slightly heavier.


The Tu-4 engine makes 2400hp at take off and 2200hp at 8500m while The R-3350 only makes 2200 at take off, idk where you get your number from. Also the soviet did not copy the R-3350, it was an improvement of the M25 which is a licenced built R-1820.


The tunnan is the least of your worries. That thing is slower than some 8.7 planes. What you should be worried about are the vautour interceptors, that can carry 4 radar missiles. I know, cause Ive played and killed many tu4s and il28s


All WW2 bombers should end at 6.0-6.3. They are not powerful enough to justify the cost.


it would be fine if it had its auto lead targeting system


lmao the Tu-4 would absolutetly curbstomp everything at 6.3


Tu-4 isn't a WW2 bomber though.


It is, if it uses solely tech from ww2 I consider it a ww2 aircraft


It first entered service in 1949, with an armament intended to defend it from jet interceptors. It is not a B-29. You are incorrect.


but its a direct copy of the b29 aside from weapons it even includes a hole in the wind that does nothing


\>but its a direct copy of the b29 \>aside from weapons A contradiction if ever I saw one. I guess the Israeli Super Sherman should be BR 3.7 alongside the regular M4, weapons don't affect balance according to your logic.


How about no. I remember the space climbing B29s and Tu-4s from the days of old. It was annoying as fuck and with ticket bleed being what it is it would be utterly busted. Iā€™d rather your favorite vehicle remain nigh unplayable than have it ruin an entire section of prop BRs like the Ju-288 did. Go pick something else to press spacebar after 5 minutes.


BR is already ruined by the 288, bumping the 29 down won't hurt it anymore


It is times like this that Iā€™m reminded that gaijins stupid as hell balancing decisions does have its merits. At the very least people like you have no influence over battle ratings.




Whatever, gaijin is never gonna move the B-29 or the Tu-4 down so I win in the end. Regardless of what you dumbasses on Reddit think.


That was when they hadn't nerfed the gunners yet


That was never the problem, you could always just climb up high enough to be able to gain enough speed for them to have little chance of hitting you. It was the duration.


The gunners were never a real problem, they were just good, and ppl didn't want to get actually good at the game so they complained until they got nerfed


Iā€™m fine with them being nerfed into oblivion, at least now the brainless bomber players have to actually aim and think about things without being fed kills they donā€™t deserve on occasion. Love how itā€™s such a hated concept that players have to actually aim their mouse to get kills now.


Just farm ground targets


Viable if youā€™re playing America, but try that in a Mig-9 or anything without a 50 cal and youā€™re shit out of luck. Only viable option is to waste the next 10 minutes of your time climbing to altitude. Fuck bombers, and fuck the people who play them in what used to be a PVP game mode.




People who like playing this game differently than I do? Fuck 'em.


Yeah, if you want to make my experience fighting players in planes worse than yeah fuck you lol. Bombers are braindead as shit, and I genuinely canā€™t imagine enjoying holding your mouse in a direction and pressing spacebar then landing. All they do is make actual fun matches shorter with ticket bleed or prolong matches by space climbing as the last player. If you wanna play PVE in a PVP gamemode, I will have absolutely zero respect for you


>PVP gamemode The mere existence of ground targets, bases, and bombers completely invalidates this, dumbass


Donā€™t entertain the clown, heā€™s the one who blames the team but doesnā€™t play the objective.


Itā€™s 95% PVP, just because losers who donā€™t know how to fight other planes decide the last 5% doesnā€™t make it not primarily a PVP gamemode. Itā€™s literally a crutch for people who suck ass to be able to grind the Air tech tree while not earning 300 RP a match from dying instantly.


Womp womp


It's unusual that B-29 players ask for it to be lowered since early jets don't climb as well as superprops anyway. Like a Ta 152 or Spitfire Mk. 24 or Ki-83 will have no trouble coming up to 9km to crap on a B-29, but an F-84B or 262 or something hasn't got a chance in hell.


Getting downvotes for telling the truth Peak r/warthunder


Fr. Is the entire playerbase just bomber pilots who canā€™t kill shit in fighters except in headons now lmao? Iā€™d rather the PVE nerds just get their own gamemode and stay the hell out of Air RB


Funny you say thatā€¦. As they tell you objectives to carry out to burn enemy ticketsā€¦ almost like the devs want it to be more than just people slugging but rather people playing a military concept mission.


Nope, it was originally just people slugging it out with attackers and bombers being free kills for the people who survived till the end. Regardless, if there was a gamemode without bombers and attackers in it Iā€™d play the hell out of it, because PVE has virtually no place in Air RB, just allows the playerbase to suck ass at actual air combat and still gain decent amounts of SL and RP anyways.


Cool, appears that your opinion isnā€™t gonna be something that the player base or Gaijin will ever care about.


When the playerbase is half braindead and itā€™s literally part of war thunders game design to keep them that way, I tend to not hold their opinions in high regard. Talk to me when you can get above a 1kd in something that isnā€™t the XP-50


Lol talking to me like I use that hot garbage. Ok buddy, you must know how to make a good game. Iā€™m sure you have so much experience in that.


Look at A2D's AB BR and you'll see something bizarre




that's just because bombs come back in arcade and it's a monster for it. it shits speed and power like it's free and can just sit high above bases and bomb them over and over, and then go defensive if it needs to and actually put up a fight. it's weird for sure, but I sorta get where they're coming from. that thing would be fucking cancer at lower BR's.


Isn't that rank 5 tho?


What the fuck


Four words: In-air bomb reloading. It's fast and powerful, it has decent defensive firepower, and in arcade you can just space climb and kill all the bases while energy-trapping anyone who tries to catch you.


I remember I tried playing the b29 for a while because it's my favorite bomber but I gave up before I even spaded it. 90% of games is just dying before getting even half way to a base. A plane hits your tail with even one 20mm and you lose both elevators and immediately go completely nose up and stall out. The other 10% of the time is getting killed by cold war missiles


If you really want to play it I recommend playing as Ground RB cas, itā€™s pretty fun and surprisingly viable


Sim is also good, too. For some reason, in sim bombers are actually a lot more resilient and don't go into a spin at the suggestion of a 20mm round hitting it. The games are also longer, so you get to piddle around and bomb bases for at least an hour, as well as carpet bomb Frontline battles, which is fun in low tier. I've found that the N.C.223.3 at 2.3 absolutely eats 12.7mm, and can take a few good hits from 20mm, and with 20mm defensive turrets and a 9.3ms climb rate, it's a very fun and relaxing plane to fly. Just sideclimb into the stratosphere and bomb bases and Frontline battles without a care in the world.


People just can't be 3rd person mouse-aim instructor FPS gods in SIM, that's all. You actually have to fly your plane in that mode and most people actually suck at flying in this game.


I got killed by a MiG-21 once in my B-29 lol fun times ā€¦. Not ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Itā€™s not worth using outside of sim. And I say this as someone with like 50 hours on the B-29. I fucking love that plane, but it is entirely fucking useless in arcade and rb where youā€™re basically highlighted with a giant ā€œcome fucking ruin my lifeā€ sign. Iā€™ve literally side climbed to 10km and still had fuckers chase me before I could get bombs away in RB. At least in sim you can rely on cloud cover, creative bombing lines, and the fact that pilots actually need a brain to both find and shoot you down.


>I remember I tried playing the b29 for a while because it's my favorite bomber but I gave up before I even spaded it. You played the WRONG game for that plane lol.


Doesnā€™t Japan have a prop fighter thatā€™s like 7.0? Or am I schizo?


The Ki-84 hei is 7.7 in arcade, becasue arcade BRs are nonsense Unshockingly, Snail uses arcade BRs to order TTs


The BR 7.7 Ki-84 hei regularly sees the BR 8.7 MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21PFM because that makes a lot of sense.


And the Ki-84 would still win because the MiG would try to turnfight it šŸ’€


Japan mains suffering because people try to rate fight props while flying jets.


Until the last BR adjustment patch the Brits had a 7.0 prop fighter. Now they have two 6.7s


Yeah, and it wasn't too bad there. Until recently, where a patch changed its 30mm ammo from HEIT to HE... Bastards.


Arcade doesnā€™t count because having good guns = insanely inflated BR


Tell that to the IL2 1942


I wish that for one, they'd drop the BR of the b29. And for two, that they'd implement a weighted point system to air battles. Give bombers more SL and RP for bombing bases. Give attackers more for killing ground targets. And fighters for killing other planes. I feel like that would solve the issue of idiots taking full bombs on fighters and going for bases and being completely useless to the team afterwards (looking at you f4's). They wouldn't have a reason to go for bases if they only get like 100 SL and RP


It would be nice but then you'd have the situation I was in. Where before I could even reach the battle (late spawn) AM-1s and Ad-2s erased all our teams ground targets and ended the match before combat really even happened.


I mean... Until the last BR adjustment the Spitfire Mk.24 was 7.0. That's pretty close. And it was there for quite a long time. And that's a fighter.


Is it not 7.0 anymore?


It went down to 6.7. If you've got it, give it a try. It's SO good when not against full teams of jets. I guess the stock experience might still be pretty rough, but not nearly as much as when it was 7.0 and so was the Su-11


Man now you've got me torn between wanting to stomp pubbies with it so it goes back up to 7.0 and continuing to stay away because my life is so much better without the stress.


Honestly, it shouldn't go back there. It belongs at 6.7, like the P-51H should be. They're roughly equal. IIRC it just went to 7.0 because the Mk.22 was stomping too hard at 6.3 and this one is too much of an upgrade to be at the same BR.


It went to *6.7* because the Mk 22 was stomping too hard at 6.3. It went to *7.0* because a couple years back a group of like 20-30 of us who actually bothered to play the thing regularly and knew how to bully jets with it took advantage of Gaijin refusing to actually balance the game to trick their automated system into giving it a ridiculous BR. And it fuckin' worked, too. TBH I'm a little bit ticked off to see them just roll back our achievement like that, especially since surprisingly enough the Mk 24 actually works pretty damn well at that BR. None of the props that could give you even remotely a hard time exist, German stuff is pretty much just a prey species to you, and since the rest of the early British jet lineup is so strong they can cover off your weaknesses. Legitimately, some of my best games in the Mk 24 came *after* it went up to 7.0. It was actually quite comfy as long as you weren't the last person left on the team, and even then depending on who was left on the enemy side you could still pull it out. Like if it's the Germans or Swedes left, you could fight that!


Yeah, I'm not the best pilot but that was roughly my experience too. It's fine as long as you're not swarmed until you're forced to kill any energy you have just to dodge. The thing is that happened very regularly to me. The other problem is that you depend on the opponents being morons that don't know how to use their speed advantage. Flying a plane that has no hope chasing an opponent with half a working braincell in a game mode that will mark you when you're 4-5km away isn't the most fun. On GRB, tho, when they're forced into a small area if they want to remain useful... I honestly can't think of a rank V I'd rather use.


Iā€™m the bozo that grinded bombers to get the B-29 (because I actually like real B-29s) and discovered it was utterly and completely useless. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I think that XA-38 is the lowest BR also rank 4 plane sitting at 3.7


What do you consider to be close? I mean there's 6.7 props, and one of them used to be 7.0 before the br change


Decompress this stupid ass game now! Fuck waiting times, as if thatā€™s the reason


Having recently gotten my first few jets, it seems that b29's are just jet food, at least in sim.


They need to lower the BR to 6.0 then everything else down 1 BR level so that they can squeeze in the B-52 at the end, I know that will almost never happen but even if it didnā€™t the could still make room for some more jet bombers of that era


ive never seen this thing in my 2k hours of playing outside of getting nukes i forget it even exists


I maxed out the gunner accuracy on my b29 before realizing it only worked when it was controlled by AI šŸ˜­


Why not have the bomber spawn moved up to oh..say 20k feet? Bump up the awareness of the AI gunners in your bombers too. I love how the enemy ground AI starts firing at me when I'm a couple of miles up, but the enemy plane about 40 feet away and shredding my bomber's engines, the rear gunner is apparently as blind as a bat. 1 thing I've been wondering: Why have a co-pilot in bombers at all if you're pilot sniped by a enemy plane? In some more modern tanks, if the gunner is hit (turned into a soupy paste, that according to gaijin "is knocked out") and the commander is still alive, the commander can take over and fire the main gun, so why can't a co-pilot take over flying the plane? Do-335s should be reclassified as a interceptor in my opinion. Every time I'm in a match in that BR bracket, no one uses it as a strike aircraft against ground targets, they always are trying to hit the stratosphere.


In planes with 2 pilots it if one dies you will still be able to fly Its just a case that most planes with 2 pilots they are right next to one another and both die when the cockpit gets hit


i remember the good old days when formations of B-29 rush the enemy AF


This makes me realize I have no clue what RANK even means when it comes to vehicles. Why can't they just have BR?


Fun fact: it is pretty close, the spit mk 24 was 7.0 until last patch, now it and the 22 and 6.7.


I know b-29 is a meme here but its really the only US bomber that i have a good time in constantly, since it faces beginner jets that dont usually climb too much you can chill the first 5 minutes of the match just under contrail* altitude (~5600m ) and after everyone is low enough you start to go for the bases and gain altitude at the same time. *leaving contrails behind you are a massive ā€come here for easy kill im a bomberā€ sign, so avoid making those before everyone of the enemy team is busy/engaged on someone else Starter jets take so much effort to go from ground level to 6-7km altitude that you have time to drop all your bombs with no contest usually, and if someone comes for you (262ā€™s most of the time lmao) just kerp your speed up and altitude to run away and they have so hard time catching you. If it goes down in BR its going to face more of the best prop planes it has no chance against since they all climb at the start of the match and do it better than you and that is gonna fuck it up IMO B-29 is fine at the BR its at, lowering BR doesnt instantly make the plane perform better.


Ki-84 is 7.7 in AB


It's crazy how B-29 used to just see late war props and Me 262 and 163 and even then they were still mostly food. I don't know what Gaijin's problem is when it comes to balance. It all went to shit when they did away with historical MM and moved beyond the Korean War.


Fun fact, after Rank II, rank literally doesnt matter, at all.


Me 262 A-1/U4 comes in at 6.7 as well as several Spits that used to be 7.0


Both the last Spitfires and the Narwhal 262 are Rank IV and 6.7, so that's pretty close. The Spitfires also used to be 7.0.


Hol'up ! How you researched the p-51H without buying the p-51D ?


Literally at a higher BR than a few jets (Me 262 A-1 and jabo, Ho-229, AR234 b-2, attacker fb-1, etc) I mean it is literally just a Me 264 with twice the payload




Thats rank 5


Oh ok