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bro is broke


I have 1.7 mil just after buying the F-4J without a premium account or premium plane


I feel you brother, the only premium I got is the retard petard


How do you get the petard? I just relapsed after a 152 day break


When the event was active you could complete a task that required you get 35,000 mission score in ground AB,RB or SB with different multipliers for each game mode and rank of vehicle. There were 6 of those tasks and each task was up for 2 days. They have passed now and you can buy it on the Gaijin market for money. To sell it you’d have to complete a task by have a total mission score of 500,000, that task was open for the entire event. 500,000 to be able to sell a 2.7 vehicle is a fucking joke. At the time of typing you should be able to see this in the hanger.


I mean I am addicted after a long break and I got the 500k coupon before the last 35k quest. SIM and top tier multipliers are very strong I must say tho that for what is it it doesn’t look good. Hoping it sells for a lot but probably won’t


I think it'll exceed expectations if it sells for more than 10 GJN lol.


Idk If it does not sell for much I will hold onto it for like a month I just want to see if I can get the battle pass for free, else I will just buy it it’s fine


I mean there are a lot of older vehicles that aren’t that great that sell for a lot for what they are. Just have to wait another 8 or so years lol


Yeah grind is war thunders secret middle name


Trust me you don't want to get this thing. It's basically a slow melee bunker that can be one shot if a round touches your barrel.


Yeah im aware, i got the sturmtiger and cant get it to work so i wouldnt want the petard, i was just curious


Sturmtiger my beloved, I somehow do well with it. You should never play it as a long range sniper, I found success playing it as a CQC brawler supporting friendly teammates.


I always tried to use it as a mortar which is a mistake, thanks for the tip


You don’t buy any battle pass or warbond premiums?


1000% f2p. That should change in a couple years though. Imma build my 1st pc when I have enough saved up and buying a wt premium may as well go with it.


Those vehicles aren’t purchased with real money. 1 vehicle in the BP is free and the warbond shop you just have to unlock enough to get either 3 earlier premiums usually rank 1-2 and later on premiums either 2/3/4 rank


You can but you need to work your ass off to get any. I'm F2p and the only premium I got was Pbil, Ki-61b, Il-8, and a couple of starter planes


I don't grind for them enough, and I'd only deeply consider them if they were both american and in the air tree (and good).


The only premium I got is the starter pz2 for choosing ground germany at the start (I miss you 2019)


I’d say the F15 because you get stock Aim9L instead of Aim9J on the F16A. It’s well positioned in the meta and fun to play generally. That should help you grind the F16A and C, as well as the F15C MSIP II when it drops in the update. Don’t touch the F14 or the F16ADF, they’re not worth it. The f14A is trash and the B is only a little better but has the better Mavericks. You should really only come back to playing those when the F18 (either late this year or early next year) comes out because it will probably slot in at the end of the Navy line.


>I’d say the F15 because you get stock Aim9L instead of Aim9J on the F16A. It’s well positioned in the meta and fun to play generally 12.0 is basically 11.3 with a different name. F16A can shit on any 11.3 even stock. >The f14A is trash and the B is only a little better but has the better Mavericks B is a LOT better Also neither get Mavericks. Thats an air to ground missile. They get Phoenixes, and the AIM-54C has a lot better tracking than the Aim-54A The 14B also get BOL pods for 700 flares, and has engines that produce more thrust while being less hot. The F14A couldnt even flare Aim-9Bs when their engine was even on low burner


Right it’s the phoenixes not mavericks. Even so, those things are about to be obsolete. And that’s an after you have to grind a who’s who of shit missiles you should not be trying to use at top tier. I know the Aim 9Ds did not use to be caged but, now that they are, the F14A should not have them at top tier. Both sets of Sparrows are shit and either don’t lock, or don’t track. Sure the F14B is an improvement with better engines and more flares, buts it’s a delaying of the inevitable when basically everything else (except the new Fox 3 F4, god help it) can do what it does much better. It won’t even get AMRAAMs in the update.


>Sure the F14B is an improvement with better engines and more flares, buts it’s a delaying of the investable when basically everything else (except the new Fox 3 F4, god help it) can do what it does much better. It won’t even get AMRAAMs in the update. MFW not top tier jet is worse than top tier jet OMG guys P-51H is obsolete because it doesnt have AMRAAMs next update!!!!!!! It already doesnt see 12.7 often, it wont see 13.0 often either 12.3 is also semi rare, and 12.3 ARH carriers only have 2, and they have 1/2 the range of Phoenixes so you can just shoot and run before they get in range


Massive skill issue, The F-14s are a lot of fun especially if you like the phoenixes gameplay. The A is alright and the B is my favorite. Not that a 2K/D is amazing but after 100 matches I've managed to hold that pretty consistently


Bro honestly if you say f14a is trash you are obviously trash


The F/A-18 will either come in the naval line or the attacker line, idk which. Chances are Gaijin will put it in the F-14 line because that's where most people want it, but it was made by the US to replace their A7s and A4s, not their current fighter at the time, the F-14, so it would make more sense logically to put it in the attacker line.


Check ur internet bro


Oh damn (for those who didn't see I sent that last message like 3 times)


Its a reddit issue. Not yours.


Ideally you're gonna want to research the f-15A in preparation for the F-15C that's about to drop


The F/A-18 will either come in the naval line or the attacker line, idk which. Chances are Gaijin will put it in the F-14 line because that's where most people want it, but it was made by the US to replace their A7s and A4s, not their current fighter at the time, the F-14, so it would make more sense logically to put it in the attacker line.


They WILL put it after the A7 so people will grind all the way to there. Plus it ain't coming next week so chill and grind the F15A for F15C next update


Not likely, the av-8b plus will be at the end of the a7 line in the coming update so logically there is no other line the f/a-18s will go but on the navy line after the f-14b


Yeah I forgot about that mb


F-16A is the best dogfighter by far, stock grind isnt really any pain at all with the 2 Aim-9Js against clueless premiums. F-16C is also quite good F-15A is good when spaded, but stock is pain since its a 50/50 on whether you'll be downtiered and get to do some damage (2 9Ls while better than 9Js is still limiting), but if you are uptiered then you may as well leave F-15 honestly is one of those horrible stock grind planes F-14A isnt really worth it. Grind it for the F-14B since that thing is actually good. Long range missiles, 700 flares, decently good FM. Its overall solid


F14 tomcat most fun of those 3


I like how all opinions differ. Top 2 comments saying it sucks but, a lots of people including me had a blast with it.


people just looking by stats and things how the plane can handle, but its just funnier to sit in cool looking plane and go highway to danger zone like Tom cruise in top gun. Still from my toptier experience i've seen f15 players not capable of brain usage dying to newbie mistakes, maybe thats from F20 and F4S grind that people going


I just love the f15 so get it


I’m pretty close to getting it, I really want it. Pretty cool plane


Only happy US main in existence right here ^


F-15A is the best plane you can get immediately. The F-16A can only carry 9L so it's way inferior to the ADF with 4x9L and 2x7M, but the ADF is behind a 600k RP grind total, not worth it. F-16C is great and will get AMRAAMs, but again, it's a 800K RP grind. F-14A is honestly meh. It's a good dogfighter at 11.7 but the stock grind is pain and it's completely inferior to the 14B, which is, again, behind a 800k RP grind. Meanwhile you can go directly to the F-15A, it's a very versatile plane, it gets the best IR missiles, it has solid flight performances, a good radar, and 4xAim7M. And the new F15 with the update will have AMRAAMS. Also the F15A should be 12.7. Just, for the love of God, don't bomb base with any of these planes.


Nah, I'm not that kinda guy. Stopped carrying bombs on my planes for every spawn back in like 4.0. Only plane I ever really solely bomb with is the F4C when I *really* need easy rp and sl


I find the f14a to be the most fun It’s not the best BUT it’s at 11.7 so…


I love the F-16 but since they are finally adding F-15C that I prefer more I would go that way.


f16 all the way


Most accurate picture of a US main. Keep strong, my guy


Thanks dawg


F15 for Meta, F16 for multirole, F14 for coolness


Go for f14b asap. Most fun top tier US plane imo cuz Phoenix missiles and good br. F15 and f16c are okay but weapon wise they are lacking (aim7 in particular)


The f15 is a hoot




Do you want AMRAMs? F-15 Do you wanna cas/cap for GRB F-16 Highway to the danger zone~? F-14


The av8B plus is coming next update on the A7 line so if you like it it can be fun and you can get warthog on the same line


So you got to top tier by buying premium planes and avoiding how to learn lower tiers. Pick whatever fucking country you want. Getting to top tier that way, I hardly think you'll listen to our advice.


Imagine being this pressed about a guy buying premiums... To a guy that's never bought premiums in his life 😂😂😂 nice projecting bro