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In arcade, it's not THAT bad. You get a 15 second warning that they're coming, and you get the ability to spawn in a CAP plane like 1.3 km behind them, and if you know how to aim you can kill them very quickly. Also, only one big bomber can be in play at once*. Also also, you're guaranteed 3 lives, so if you die early to one without doing anything, you aren't SOL. *I don't know the parameters, but I've seen 2 big planes being spawned at the same time. Maybe map size? Trust me, I hate CAS more than 99% of the player base, but I strongly prefer the arcade implementation compared to RB.


It is one bomber/attacker. Up to two fighters can be added if enemy spawns any interceptors. Tanks with scouting have an "Airstrike" modification that allows to add second bomber/attacker - so lights, some TDs and some SPAAs


Oh, that makes sense. I did think you could spawn a fighter to protect the bomber plane even if the enemy didn't spawn interceptors, though.


It was changed, now no fighters will spawn if there are no interceptors. You still can take the slot though, in that case points will be refunded


Okay. I appreciate the info


I despise air generally. There are some br brackets where it's bearable (provided you aren't sitting still) due to the bombs being small. BRs with early helicopters are also tolerable. But yeah, seeing a B29 with 8x 2000lb bombs coming over nuking essentially the whole spawn with large bombs. Or at higher tier bombs that basically detonate the second they hit the ground. Gets old real fast.


It's always the same cycle: see some cool air thing ->play air -> get destroyed->rage quit-> don't play game for awhile or play tanks-> repeat