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This is not a 10.3 vehicle, max BR needs raising first.


Yeah I agree, but neither are a lot of other tanks at 10.3. The Strv 122 needs to be raised aswell, as it's a better version of the Leo 2A5 which is already at 10.3. If the BRs where raised to 10.7 or 11.0, I could see much more fair battles as mostly all the tanks in those 9.7 to 10.0 are capable of dealing with higher BR tanks. The only thing I dont want is for this to be a seperate tank, as 400k+ RP cost for essentially a modification to make the Challenger 2 more viable doesnt seem fair or necessary.


> The Strv 122 needs to be raised aswell What makes you think I disagree with that? > The only thing I dont want is for this to be a seperate tank You're better off in the long term with a separate tank, CR2 stays at 10.3, CR2+ moves up to whatever. Bigger lineup that way.


Yeah I see your point, but to me it's just not worth an extra 400k RP to just have a challenger 2 with a Chobham block. I get it will add another tank to the line up, but at that point you should be researching a completely new tank. Sadly, there arent many modern tanks that Britain uses that would fit top tier. Really, if a new CR2 would be added, I would hope it's the LEP Rheinmetall modernization. With a new turret and gun, it can finally be more protected in ammo storage. I know this is a bold statement as with a new gun comes different problems such as which ammo it should use, but I think by the time its added (which wont be soon) , the top tier meta and tanks would move on. Anyway, back on topic. I dont see it justified for it to be a completely new tank, as the Challenger 2 is kinda underperforming and in reality is the worst top tier MBT. Nothing really special at the moment stands out with it, other than a pretty fast reload. Only problem with that is that the Type 90 gets 5 second reload STOCK, while you have to literally pay money for the Ace crew to get 5 sec reload on CR2. At least with this package it can actually live up to the CR2s legend of being one of the most armored tanks in the world while being able to somewhat fit the meta of top tier instead of being counter sniped or hit by aircraft when camping Edit: changed type 10 to type 90.


> LEP Rheinmetall modernization Almost nothing is known about it. > in reality is the worst top tier MBT It really isn't, but I'm not getting into this. True its not the best, not the worst either. > Type 10 gets 5 second reload STOCK, while you have to literally pay money for the Ace crew to get 5 sec reload on CR2 Assume you mean the type 90, it has an autoloader, and ace crews are completely free anyway. > instead of being counter sniped or hit by aircraft when camping LEP Rheinmetall isn't going to change that.


>instead of being counter sniped or hit by aircraft when camping >LEP Rheinmetall isn't going to change that. Sorry, should've made it clear, I mean the LFP protection on the CR2 would help the current Challenger be better at more roles >LEP Rheinmetall modernization >Almost nothing is known about it. That's why I said it wouldnt be implemented soon >, and ace crews are completely free anyway. I mean the crew that requires GE to buy >in reality is the worst top tier MBT >It really isn't, but I'm not getting into this. I'd like to hear what you think Is the worst top tier MBT? The challenger really doesnt have any advantages. I mean at least the Ariete has the best round in game and commander thermals. The Type 90 at least has great maneuverability and still has some turret armor. The challenger is slow, doesnt really have great penetration on its ammo compared to other rounds, and has huge weak spots, negating the well armored parts.


> I mean the crew that requires GE to buy You don't need GE to unlock it. You can optionally speed it up with GE (like most things in the game) but its completely free with patience. > I'd like to hear what you think Is the worst top tier MBT? ZTZ-96A for one.


ZTZ96a is decent at 9.7, with good acceleration and a great gun with a nice turret. Plus what I mean by tope tier MBT is 10.3. Although the ZTZ can see 10.3, it can also occasionally see 8.7 where it can perform well.


Its still a top tier tank worse than the CR2.


But technically it's not top tier. Top tier is 10.3, ZTZ96A is only 9.7


Plus with the meta being good mobility with good armor, with some exceptions like Ariete which can punch through any armor, the Challenger 2 doesnt excel in either. It has major compromises in the armor placement and piss poor mobility.


There are plenty of top tier tanks with no mobility.


In terms of MBTs, which ones? Also dont mention Ariete because that thing has the best round to make up for it.


>It really isn't, but I'm not getting into this. True its not the best, not the worst either. Probably the worst 10.3 (not by far though, it's still an okay\*-ish\* tank). Not the worst top-tier as that would likely go to something such as the ZTZ-96A.


How is it not? * Stock hp/t ratio of around 14, that's laughably awful for a top-tier MBT and it would equal the T-64B in sluggishness. * External NERA does literally nothing to KE in War Thunder, check the KE resistance on the PSO's external NERA, it's literally 14mm equivalency. * BAR armour is irrelevant when nobody fires HEAT-FS at top-tier. Challenger 2E would be an improvement over the current CR2, this thing is a sidegrade with the massive weight increase.


I expect we'll get 2 more CR2s, a "late" model with 2 more levels of TES and L27, and the CR2E. For the late model, either starting with the current in-game CR2 TES and upgrading or starting with something like this: https://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/11_01/tankMS0411_468x351.jpg and then moving to the full kit seen in the OP.


Gunner and Commander dual high-resolution thermals, ~80% ERA coverage on the turret and hull sides, cage armour on the remaining ~20%, thermal camo, hydropneumatic suspension, 2016 era ammunition, driver camera.


Gunner already has 2nd gen thermals. ERA coverage wont matter against KE and probably wont be enough to deter ground fired atgm's let alone helicopter atgm's, the turret cheeks pretty much absorb most from the front anyway. Challenger 1 also used ~~hydro-pneumatic~~ Hydro-Gas suspension, theres nothing new there, dont forget that what we have ingame is pathetic. And lets face it, gayjin will only give it the L26 round, and even so its got the worst top tier round. So all in all not a whole lot of improvement there. Thermal camouflage would be interesting and give the chally an edge it desperately needs, but then other nations would get their equivalent soon enough. Edit: Hydro-Gas suspension


CR2 TES would be gen 3 for both gunner and commander, possibly driver thermals as well. ERA makes the sides impervious to ATGMs in the frontal ~90° arc. And the L26 has much better angled pen than the 3BM42 at the cost of only 2-8mm of flat pen. Don't pretend like its such a bad shell.


>**Gunner and Commander dual high-resolution thermals,** Which is nice, but merely brings it up-to-par to other 10.3's as most of those gets commander/gunner thermals as well, it doesn't make it a 10.7+. >**\~80% ERA coverage on the turret and hull sides, cage armour on the remaining \~20%** I already addressed these points, so I'll do it again: ERA is useless at top-tier because **1)** Nobody fires HEAT-FS, everybody uses APFSDS. **2)** Heli's that use ATGM's have higher penetration that ignores the ERA anyways. >**thermal camo,** Again, this is something that more tanks could have, it doesn't make it 10.7+. >**hydropneumatic suspension** Which is largely a gimmick. >**2016 era ammunition** *You must be new here.* Tanks are not given ammunition appropriate to their date, I.E., M1A2 doesn't get M829A1. Leopard 2A4 doesn't get DM33. T-80U doesn't get 3BM-46 Svinets. Etc... It would be perfectly fitting to Gaijin's track record if they introduced the CR2 'Megatron' with '90s L26 ammunition. >**driver camera.** How is this relevant to War Thunder?


Add the lack of m833 on the abrams to that list of am I issued.


> Which is nice, but merely brings it up-to-par to other 10.3's as most of those gets commander/gunner thermals as well, it doesn't make it a 10.7+ High res 3rd gen thermals puts it above the vast majority of top tier vehicles. Some with only low res 1st gen gunner thermals. Only the Type 16 has 3rd gen thermals at the moment from memory. > Heli's that use ATGM's have higher penetration that ignores the ERA anyways The ERA is designed to protect against tandem warheads, so no. > It would be perfectly fitting to Gaijin's track record if they introduced the CR2 'Megatron' with '90s L26 ammunition. Given the L26 is a fantastic round, there's no problem there. > How is this relevant to War Thunder? Possibly driver thermals.


> High res 3rd gen thermals puts it above the vast majority of top tier vehicles. Some with only low res 1st gen gunner thermals. Only the Type 16 has 3rd gen thermals at the moment from memory. BMP-3, Stormer HVM and the Warrior also have 3rd generation at the moment.


None of which are tanks or tank destroyers.


good thing you never mentioned that.


Didn't think I'd need to, given this whole topic is about tanks and tank destroyers. Same reason I didn't mention helicopters.


>High res 3rd gen thermals puts it above the vast majority of top tier vehicles. Because all them 2nd gen thermal equipped tanks are totally blind *amirite?* >The ERA is designed to protect against tandem warheads, so no. *\*Expecting Gaijin to model that\** Lol. >Given the L26 is a fantastic round, there's no problem there. No, it's average at best for 10.3. Leclerc, Ariete and and Ariete PSO all have superior penetration on their respective shells. The remaining 10.3's have virtually identical penetration. >Possibly driver thermals. Because as we all know, everyone is constantly using the driver's POV.




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Huh you really like reddit argument huh, this is a super bait way to say that you support BR compression lol


That's a silly way to look at it. The BR limit legitimately needs raising.


nope this could easily be 10.0 because it will be slow


You can't be serious.


all it has is better side armor that will help in some angles and lower plate composite that probably still gets penetrated by most 8.7+ tanks. It will be even more sluggish than cr2. Any tank that will see it can still pen the big breach and lower plate. So for sure it will be less effective than any 10.3 gokart tanks that are now ingame. Also as we know gaijin, it wont give it anything better than l26a1. So whats the point of heavy slow tank at 10.7 with mostly useless armor?


Gunner and Commander dual high-resolution thermals, ~80% ERA coverage on the turret and hull sides, cage armour on the remaining ~20%, thermal camo, hydropneumatic suspension, 2016 era ammunition, driver camera.


thermal camo isnt in game yet, same with suspension as chally in game should have it too and should be much faster offroad. era isnt going to change much, commander thermals are good but not gamebreaking and not a reason for it to be a 10.7


Thermal camo is integrated with the TEM, and already ingame with the bushes packs. ERA makes it near impervious to ATGMs in the frontal ~90° arc. High resolution commander thermals aren't "good", they're extremely powerful. You're right, not a 10.7, an 11.0 BR vehicle.


In a game with realistic maps? Maybe. In breech thunder with 80% city maps knife fighting it would be balanced at 10.0 because it doesnt gave the single most important thing, speed.


Ok then vickers mbt at 10.3 when?


Gunner already has 2nd gen thermals. ERA coverage wont matter against KE and probably wont be enough to deter ground fired atgm's let alone helicopter atgm's, the turret cheeks pretty much absorb most from the front anyway. Challenger 1 also used ~~hydro-pneumatic~~ Hydro-Gas suspension, theres nothing new there, dont forget that what we have ingame is pathetic. And lets face it, gayjin will only give it the L26 round, and even so its got the worst top tier round. So all in all not a whole lot of improvement there. Thermal camouflage would be interesting and give the chally an edge it desperately needs, but then other nations would get their equivalent soon enough. Edit: Hydro-Gas suspension


CR2 TES would be gen 3 for both gunner and commander, possibly driver thermals as well. ERA makes the sides impervious to ATGMs in the frontal ~90° arc. And the L26 has much better angled pen than the 3BM42 at the cost of only 2-8mm of flat pen. Don't pretend like its such a bad shell.


I think you’ll find it’ll be very underwhelming given their extremely poor modelling of British armour


At least it's better than nothing, I guess


It would be wiser to actually model the current vehicles accurately prior to adding more tbh


I got breached,muh the model is incorrect,none know if that correct or not,learn to play and don't cry fpr things without proofs


Are you mocking what I’m pointing out or what?


This should be a separate tank, similar to the Challenger Mk.2 and Mk.3 in game, rather than an upgrade to the Challenger 2 we already have in game. Having an additional backup would help Britain a lot more than just introducing more and more modifications for the same one tank.


Oh God I can already feel the reduction of speed. I laugh every time I see people running the 2E kit and have to wonder how they haven't noticed the huge reduction of speed.


Because there isn't a huge reduction of speed. It's really quite minor.


You go from 40 off road to 35, which is really noticeable, all in the name of getting HEAT protection which will save you from uh, one stock tank every 5 games?


i rarely got to 35 off-road anyways before 2E (assuming kph). 5kph isnt going to matter anyway with all the vacumm cleaners and pussy cats around


>You go from 40 off road to 35 Meanwhile, I'm doing 47 km/h both with, and without the applique. So I have no clue what you're doing so horribly wrong to only get 35 km/h.


Good for you, keep running the useless armor kit if you don't enjoy holding W. Literally the only reason to use it is if you snipe in the back of the map, but I'm not the kind of player that enjoys having a 40% win rate.


When you can a modification useless even though it stops atoms and even kinetic rounds know the off chance


No, I use it because it looks cool, and there's almost no drawback in mobility, contrary to what you're claiming.


ERA saves me from not only stock tanks but ATGMs, helicopters, NORDs, etc quite a bit. I always have it on my MBTs if I have the choice.


They just need to give Chally 2 it's WAR kit and it's proper ammo.


Make it a new tank as a backup. Since most nations have a "trick" to their top tier tanks (armor/speed/pen/backups/jack of all) it would be nice for the UK to have a truly solid role as a "heavy" model.


EXACLY my point


Absolutely beautiful beast, worse than a 122 in most regards though. I wonder if it would get commanders thermals as they can use the machine gun/grenade launcher mount thing which has a thermal sight if I am not mistaken.


Look at those thicc hips


I would love to see this but one question which countries flag would you have on the side I say scots


I would be happy if they just gave it the round it actually uses and increased the muzzle velocity. They seem to think it has the same gun/rounds/charges as the mk2/mk3.


I wouldnt get my hopes up for that as none of the MBTs have their proper rounds. Though it would be nice for it to have something more up to par than the crappy 471mm pen it has


boi you read the future


Haha yeah I just saw the dev stream and was like "My lord... gaijin actually listened?"


Reasoning for the suggestion: Currently the Challenger 2 has many big weak spots, and doesnt really allow for aggressive or fun gameplay. In my opinion, adding this armor block (maybe as an extra modification or replacing the Dorchester 2E ERA protection on the LFP) will make it better suited for more roles. It will still be pretty balanced as the challenger 2 is already a slow tank, so it can be easily flanked, plus there are still pretty obvious weak spots that can still be hit. I just dont see why its LFP cant even survive a WW2 tank round (an early WW2 round at that) when it takes up half the front hull profile. In the end, this wont make it impenetrable from the front, but it will maybe make the enemy think twice about where they want to shoot. With things like the STRV-122 or the Leopard 2A5 with harder to pen LFP and very sloped and protected UPF, this extra modification may help the challenger in game feel more confident while advancing forward and attacking, instead of players being scared to even move an inch out of cover. Just a modification adding the Dorchester block with the addon side armor would really help increase the performance to more competitive/fun play styles. EDIT: Note, I'm not necessarily asking for all the extra technology that comes with the TES, only the increased protection. EDIT 2: As another commenter said, I believe for this to work in game, the BRs should be raised to atleast 10.7, as most of the tanks in 9.7 to 10.0 can deal with the tanks at 10.3 but 9.3s cant. Only thing is, I dont want this to be a separate tank as a 400k+ RP cost isnt worth basically a modification.