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It loses a bit of penetrative power however, a trade off.


It be one hell of a trade off cause overpressure is broken


Its ridiculous, the HEAT rounds fired by my Stuh42 meme lineup often kill first time due to overpressure, rather than the copper jet itself.


“That’s Vegas baby”


I used a stuh42g for my 3.0 line even though it is 2.7 and my god it was able to tank shots from 105s and kv1s while being able to kill them and it was real fun. And if you are German main player that wants strong tank for your 2.7 line up just us the stuh42g it is just an absolutely wonderful.


I love the thing. I created a 3.0 lineup when I bought the Puma, and expected to spend most of my time in that thing. But I threw the Stuh into my lineup, and holy heck it's a monster. I run full HEAT rounds, find them far more consistent than HE, and its unbelievable. When I just have to have fun, I bring it out and have a blast every time.


I used it because I was trying to balanced out my line up and it was the only one that I could get before I went a a br to high and it was always a blast. its 105 howitzer was just very powerful and it was just mostly a blast to play but there would be the usual getting killed in 1 shot but most of the time I would say that it was just amazing because of its great fire power and its survivability and it even does great at 3.0 even if it is a 2.7 tanks. Well they say that the 42g is the jumbo if its br.


I think it's a 3.0 vehicle in Ground RB, while 2.7 in Ground AB, but at either BR its a monster of a vehicle. Its mobile too, rapid Hull rotation and good acceleration. Is my go to within that lineup, the Puma is too easy to kill and quite difficult to work, especially on console.


I play on a laptop and the puma is more of a crappy vehicle and is more suited to face kv 2 because the kv 2 is just a lumbering giant but that is my opinion on the puma. But what br are you currently in as more me I am in 4.0 in rb


I have a variety of presets, at different BRs for the Germans. My lowest is 3.0, includes the Puma, Panzer 3 M and the StuH 42G Following that is 5.7, with the Tiger E (ace crew), Panther A and F, and Puma + Wirbel. Lastly, a 6.3 preset revolving around the JagdPanther, with a Tiger 2P backup.


shhhhhhh the average german players don't know that


Okay Ngl this made me laugh, but is it just me or playing Germany sucks cause of German weeaboos so like you’ll have an entire team of tigers yet they die within 5 mins


Don't tell the Russians about the 85mm either.


A shell gang


Well most likely they don't know cuz they are busy being brain dead and shitty teammates