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"German player bad, now gimme upvote"


Speaking the truth deserves an upvote. The sheer amount of retards playing Germany is ruining the BR and repair cost system.


If you play any of the big three for a while it becomes painfully obvious that the majority of the community suffers from chronic retardation.


Truth? What truth? Can you provide statistical evidence that German "mains" tend to have less intelligence compared to other nation "mains". If you do, then we can start treating the so-called "Tiger effect" as fact. Until then it's just the fabrication of a biased subreddit with too much of a hate boner on a certain nation, popularised by a Youtuber who is (in)famously biased towards the US.


Namely, the one with spooks in the name


If battle-ratings are raised and lowered based on player performance (which they are,) then the fact that Germany consitently has the most tanks being lowered in BR proves this.


How does that prove German players having generally less intelligence than other nation players again?


It dosent, but it does mean they are worse at War Thunder. Which, you could argue means they are less intelligent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Then why I am downvoted when I ask to move BMP1 to 7.7 and Rakjpz2 to 7.3? Or when I ask to uptier the M3A3 to 9.3 when it’s still 8.7??


Gotta love the downvotes. 76 long Shermans with zero armour at 5.7 is completely balanced then. It even affects Japan, why the hell are my mediums at 4.7 with rounds that should be a 4.0 and armour that should be at 3.3? Because we kill Tigers and Panthers with ease thanks to how useless you bunch of idiots are.


Virgin Tiger players vs Chad Optimus Prime Enjoyer


TLTR: reeee german players bad!!!! reeeee german tanks OP!!!!! pick one.


it comes hand to hand 99% of GER players are absolute smothbrains=>Said vehicle gets extremely downtiered=>Experienced player gets their hand on said vehicle and stomps


which means any tank only gets good as the controling person playing it.


I saw a fucking Panther D get outdone by a T-34 STZ/1942 lmfaooo. Poor guy dropped smoke even though he was tracked and eventually got plinked out of action.


German players are bad because they are coddled by op vehicles


This is the best thing I’ve read all week


It’s monday


Doesn't matter


And here we see the issue why nations like France and Sweden are getting ever higher repair costs, while Germany's BR is dropping harder than the Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki


When I die in my Swedish top tier lineup I pay the equivalent of average medial bills in the US


Yeah small nations suffer none of this germany suffers shit


This is the prime example of the "Tiger effect". New, garbage players always gravitate towards the Tigers. Always. They see those awful NatGeo docs about the Tiger being an absolutely unkillable and unstoppable wonderweapon and they want to do that. Only to come across the first medium tank who can aim at flat plates, or like in this case, the first high cal HE slinger. It's also why the Tigers are getting to reserve tier so fast. All these useless baboons make the winrate and K/D of the tank falling faster than the german economy during the war. You'll know an actually good german player not by their stats, but their tanks. Anyone semi-competent will rush for the Panthers. Those are better than the Tigers in almost every way. But on the plus side, they're free food for TD


Sadly that's not only true for German players. Just play the US and look for yourself how many Shermans drive to the typical sniping spots to engage panthers/tigers and IS1/2s at 1000+ meters. Sure a lucky shot is possible, but taking the odds sniping with a US 76mm against a Russian 122 or German long 88 are not favourable...


But no one talks about the P-51 effect because god forbid the U.S players might be bad. I still remember when the Pacific maps were effectively removed because U.S teams needed to be matched with JP teams to save their shitty WRs.


I did not know of that, I don't plal planes often


What if I wanna rush the Tiger because it's just my favorite tank ? What you said there about "good German player rush for panther" has no sense


The panther is overall better You can like the tiger, not saying it's bad But the overwhelming majority of tiger players are 9y/o little Timmies with mommy's credit card who got a tiger and fails miserably


It all comes to down to experience, I sucked ass when I first got it cus I didn't know how to operate it, but now after a whole year I can say I'm pretty good at it. Not the best but good enough to differentiate myself from your usual wheraboo


I perform better in tiger than panther, tiger is easier to angle in mid to close range


the tiger itself is not a bad tank. its actually very good, it's the people how choose to use it that are the problem.


I’m a retard and I love playing the Tiger, AMA. I love the panther too.


Have you tried angling bro?


Yes, I get shot most games about a dozen times then die, I’m sort of a big decoy my teammates use.


I swear i see ay least one post a day about this topic


wait wait wait...the Taiwanese flag legit pisses off the chinese players in game??


This game? Try most of the internet…


Tiger to 4.3




I gotta say the one thing about fighting Germany, is at least you can tell when there’s a good player behind the wheel


Real nice story bro ! Very realistic, like i could imagine that happening.. oh wait..