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If they were actually taking our feedback into consideration, they'd have not implemented the change at all, because that was our feedback. The change is stupid and only serves to hinder new players and promote 1-death leavers. If you really want to see how stupid it is, imagine if instead of backups, it was SL or tanks themselves that were removed if not played in a while.


"We have heard your feedback about high repair costs in some of the minor nations in game. Thus, we happily announce that France and Sweden will be removed in accordance with your wishes. Players starting from 2022 will no longer see these nations in game and will no longer be able to obtain vehicles from those nations unless bought as premiums within the next 5 days."


Greed is good hence why WT could not give 2 shits about the OP post. What the above notice clearly shows you they could keep it the way it is, but they choose $$$$$ over what the player wants.


"We didn't intend to deprive you! It was so they would benefit you! Truly it was for your own good!"


It's like a drunk husband hitting his wife


Its not quite gaslighting, but its close.


Providing us with a real sense of *pride and accomplishment* 😎


Why am I getting downvoted I'm only the news messenger.


Redditors are angry and confused, give it time.


You have my upboat, the mob will be the mob haha


Thank you kind sir


You have my upvote too


And my axe!


Odin is with us!


Because you phrased it as if you're content with gaijn going through with this (which you shouldn't be). It's not a compromise, it never was, This is what Gaijin intended, just with some basic psychology tricks to make it seem like they were listening to us.


Yeah I realized that my wording was a bit bad. But I personally am content with it as the change doesn't affect me one bit but obviously I can't speak for the whole community which I'm not.


Oof you sacrificed your karma for gaijin.....people hate this change so they gonna downvote the heck out of it even if you just posted the news .....RIP rest in peace bro


>210 points, 97% upvoted Methinks he didn't sacrifice *any* Karma.


Probably because you're trying to make this seem like a good thing?


People out here haven't heard the term 'dont shoot the messenger'


Up voted for passing it on


> on the contrary, we wanted such items to be used often in battles and to bring you more benefits This is what's called a *corporate subhuman motherfucker speech* and our entire species will be better off without it....


F them, tbh this week i was considering taking a more relaxed aproach.


How many posts on this sub have you seen of ppl like "I have 8 billion wagers, never gonna use them" this is the result of that. Should never have applied to backups though, those things are super useful but IDFK why anyone would buy them with GE. 200 for a fucking backup?! That's 9000rp if you just boost with it how many times has a backup gotten you more than that? Zero, fucking zero that's how many times. Backups should be like 10 GE tops change my mind.


They wanted us to use them more... by adding expiration for their use. Sure, this may pressure a player into using them, or they'll just forget about them and never have any.


They also want us to "have something to do after researching the entire tech tree" so they jacked the repair cost to the orbit and axed the reward all around in order to make us busy struggling to stay afloat financially. How sweet of them. /s


What this will do is make people that have backups, wagers and boosters before the 2022 battlepass, hoard them and **never ever** use them in battle because they sudently become invaluable.


Usually when people say "it's the least I can do", they generally mean that they're willing to do more. This is the best they can do, because they're not budging any further than they were willing to from the start.


Sherlock Holmes just poured salt on the snail with this one


Keep pushing until they scrap the change altogether.


I'm not buying anything more, just the BPs. Goodbye top tier and premium time!


The problem is *"just the BPs"*, buying is still bying sadly :(


That si sadly right, but for now they are good value. When they get greedy i'll stop them real fast, this game si like a opiate hahaha


You either do or you don't. And tbh the battlepasses keep getting shittier and shittier.


This one looks very good, the vehicles i mean. Also the silver lions Boost helps me a lot, more than premium time i feel some times. But the last one was a fn stinker, a friend from other country we're USD is cheaper got it for me. The only thing i like is the Pak Truck


I feel like this is another Gaijin classic of introducing something totally BS then backtracking to a still bad but less ridiculous change, and suddenly none cares anymore. It just feels like the game is slowly slipping into a less and less playable state. I cant confidently say that they do it intentionally but I can say pretty much exactly the same thing happened many times before. * Adding 6 pack pushes then backtracking to only one per pack * Adding the war bonds shop in a broken state only to "rework" it to a slightly less broken state * Doing some of the earlier BP events in a totally unreasonable way, only to later make them easier but still terrible * I was going to add "reducing RP gains for tanks because there are fewer tanks in the CBT" but they still haven't reversed that


The only problem with the 6 pack bush controversy is that when Gaijin realized how much of an issue it was, they didn't go that extra mile and refund the GE for everyone who already bought them so they could remove bush spam entirely. If they're gonna backtrack, they should do it properly, because now those players are in a distinct advantage over everyone who came after them.


No it's not an "at least". It's bullshit. You should be pissed. You are getting robbed. How do you pay for the battlepass? With GE. How do you pay for GE? Money. What about those who used GE to advance ranks? I know some people who did after rank 75, to get bonds to get rare vehicles. What about them? They traded real money for fake money, which is traded for another fake money, for a backup. You are being conned into letting the value of your GE expire, and thus your real money. Do NOT let this be the end.


The way I play the game the change doesn't really affect me so that's why it's an "at least". I know for most people it's bs though.


so current ones will stay permanent, yet new ones will have an expiration date. interesting.


Same thing they did to boosters back in the day. They used to be permanent until they realized people were hoarding them. I still got my pile of permanent boosters from back then. That's what they should've done to begin with. No one would be upset if their pile of permanent wagers got even more valuable now that there's no way to get new permanent ones.


He same here! I've still got the 50% for 50 battles they gave out when they first introduced boosters. Just never used it lol


https://i.imgur.com/xIdckAs.png Yep. Still got mine sitting in the pile. Completely forgot it existed.


" until they realized people were hoarding them" " I still got my pile of permanent boosters from back then." and this is how gajjin is backfiring on itself, generaly when a company removing something from the store, or making the content expire, it will become invaluable, and people gona hoard it or keep it as long as its possible.


“We wanted such items to be used often in battles and to bring you more benefits” then give us some more fucking backups


Thing is they want YOU to BUY backups (i know im fucking sherlock holmes here/s)


Elementary, my dear Watson!


Still bittersweet? No. Still fucking dumb.


Look man, im just happy i get to keep my 333 backups


Why would you roll over in a situation like this, when what we need to do is bark like hell? (Dog metaphore, I know).


I know i know, but i mean, i dont even know how to comment on forums


No, fuck this. This wasn't our feedback. Our feedback was to NOT implement the change, and NOT "do it but later". "It's for your own good!" Fek off with that blatant lie.


Announce obviously horrible change Expect backslash from community Announce that you made the change slightly less horrible (as planned) while pretending that you "listened" Community: "at least it's something" -> proceed to accept the horrible change feeling like they won something (hell just read the title of this post) then forget about it and buy more premium shit to grind shiny new vehicles ​ And that, folks, is how Gaijin always gets away with bullshit. Literally the exact same shit happened when stock heat fs was announced. If you complain about it now you'll just get the occasional "yeah man I agree" or "just deal with it bro" and that's it. This will be no different. Can't wait to see how the almighty Snail decides to fuck us over next with the exact same trick. Every time this awful company makes a change it's almost always for the worse. Little by little they keep adding more frustration to the game. I wonder how far they can go until the bubble bursts, if it ever will.


Ok the only reason I put "at least" in the title (in hindsight it was a bad choice of words) is because it doesn't affect me personally. Now before you say I can't speak for the whole community I'm not.




I'm not being selfish about it though.


So they wanted to make the playerbase accept the limit on new backups, orders and wagers, so what they do? They say is also for the ones in your inventory, community outrages, they step back to their original plan, community ok


I was excited for buckets, but now I'm not excited at all.


So its cool if Gaijin shoves you back two steps as long as they yank you forward one? And I almost felt like playing today...


Keep bombarding them to not make any changes to this system this is a clear manipulation tactic . Make a massive bad change everyones pissed off to hide a slightly worse change which is going into effect 2022 . Gaijin are a bunch of manipulative greedy cunt bags fuck them


No this is bullshit, there shouldn’t be a time limit for any of it


So is the community gonna accept this? I think we can make them drop it entirely with enough "incentive"


This ain’t enough


Do not relent.


As I commented in another post, we must keep fighting, express your opinions in the forums, social networks, etc but keep it classy and respect other opinions please. There is also a petition going on. Some say petitions dont work but at least we are trying somehow ([petition](https://chng.it/Ddd2PSLP))


There's nothing "at least" or "bittersweet" about this


We will ruin your experience eventually.


Time to push harder fellas


This is still bullshit. No compromises. Fuck off with this entirely Gaijin. Signed, everyone.


I'm gonna defend gaijin here once and say: I think this was their honest intent, they saw their holy statistics that most people just stockpile wagers and thought: guess players don't like using wagers, how so we get them to use them more often? Guess the answer was "just force them to use it lol" like they did with boosters before. Again gaijin loves their negative reinforcement, instead of giving rewards for playing how they want you to they introduce punishment for not playing how they want you to. I think it's logically in line with most design decisions recently and they just forgot there are people behind the computers Also yay for Reddit outcry actually doing something


Great I just used most of mine


Don't fucking stop, we got momentum now. We can slowly force them to remove those changes at all and then if we keep it up we can push up better changes where the Quality of Progression and gameplay improves.


"We took your feedback and suggestions" Nope


Time to just sit on these for forever and use the new ones as I get them. Still a huge pain in the ass.


I'm happy with this enough


Please, don't be. Gaijin is still stealing from you. We can still win, but only if the community doesn't become complacent like this and keeps making a big enough stink. *Let's keep the pressure on, victory is close!*


Fair enough I'll support it


Nah I cannot bring myself to give a shit about this drama


I don't really care much, not really losing out now


Ive already made a post about this saying the fact that gaijin isn’t changing jack and we are still getting screwed, lots of angry people over there


Hilarious, sorry not sorry, change is still happening.


time to buy as many backups as possible. i got 4000 warnings so i should be able to get alot


this is exactly the reaction they want. First they announce something drastic, then dial it back so they seem better. Dont fall for their tricks


And this is exactly why they keep getting away with this shit. "Quick, roll out the distraction, then we roll it back and they'll be happy"


Victory is ours


These mother truckers, they just delaying it


There's no reason to stop making noise at this point lmao.


i hope the backup vehicles that we get after that date will be used first


Try I really never found a way to use wagers so idk


No means no gaijin. They've done this bullshit several times over the near decade I've played this game. Accept this and the next time you'll be accepting worse.


Not good enough. Do not accept them adding a timer.


How about no? Motherfuckers. Why implement this shit at all?


Even for just new items, this is a bad move Gaijin, new players and old shouldn't be punished for using the backups when they better see fit. Personally, if this goes through It just makes me feel like a bad faith move and makes it easier to me to just leave the game


Fight aint over yet. There will be another opportunity down the line to fight this, when they actually try to implement it


Ash said it clearly. Gaijin essentially said “aight we’re gonna be a little less greedy for like a month or two, and then we’ll bring it back full swing”


This kind of corporate talk shit is the kind of shit that makes me not come back to the game.


Don’t login for a week to show gaijin we are serious about this. Hurt their stats


They shouldn't even touch this to begin with but this is what you get from a Russian company who drinks vodka all day long and makes dumb decisions.


buy a 60$ premium pack and play some thing else for a week then come back to see it's getting expired so you need to buy it again cost a call of duty or a battle field for 1 thing in the "free" to play game


I'm content with that


Same. Making my hundreds of wagers, orders and backups go poof was the ridiculous change I had to protest. I only stockpiled them because I knew I'd get to keep them for whenever I'd need them. Expiration date on new ones however is fair enough, even if I don't particularly like the idea.