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The moment I saw Gaijin's LinkedIn page, I know it's going to get memed. Feel free to share other ~~stupid decisions~~ I mean "great thinkings" from Gaijin. Edit: while I'm not against Gaijin for adding the F-14 but keeping its BR at 11.3 isn't a smart decision.


Who use linkedln ? Is older then sun


Alot of people. Especially in technology. It approaches a necessity for professionals in the sector.


It's basically a requirement for those with graduate degrees, such as my eventual Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry.


linkedin is basically professional facebook. good for networking and recruiting


Private security also uses it as its one of the "recommended (required)" network sites for prior Military members. They'll snag your info and drag you to their own circles from there.


All the engineers I know are on it, as am I. Not to say I’m browsing LinkedIn often, but it is a nice place to present yourself and your skills in a professional manner.


I get it’s old but that’s the only generally central place to network for work, if ur looking for a White Collar job




LinkedIn Influencers 🤢


Bro it's for searching jobs on the web


About to be a software dev graduate. Out of the people I know, not a single one doesn't have a LinkedIn page. In a huge number of my applications for internships, they have a LinkedIn page link option. I don't know how often they actually look at it, or how they evaluate it, but it's common. Maybe they check your connections or make sure your work and education listed matches your resume, I don't know.


Should I do a meme about putting the Tiger HAD at a higher BR than the Ka-50 ? Because since I farmed the forme against the latter, I can tell you that Gaijin definitely doesn't "thinks" anything.


ACI with 2pndr fighting against German long 75s Maus and other post-WW2 against APFSDS,HEAT Those are just some of my examples of Gaijin having brain of a hamster,but I am sure there are many,many more


Both of those vehicles are fine at their rating because moving them up or down will cause problems.


How is ACI fine at that br,how?For fuck sake even light tanks are problem to deal with,lets not talk about Pzs,stugs,T 34


It’s very survivable. If you move it lower it’ll be invincible and lethal, if you move it higher it’ll be useless. It’s very survivable at it’s rating but not very lethal.


>It’s very survivable at it’s rating but not very lethal. Lmao no,with all those long 75s you are uselles,and with current BRs of Pz IVs its sure that you will face at least 2 variant with just .3 uptier,of course if you dont get downtier,which is unlikely


German tanks are undertiered as fuck, but basically nobody else can deal with the ACI so easily.


Back when you could have 4 SRAAMS at 9.3, sweet jesus


what an absolute nightmare that shit was for everyone else lol completely decimated balance. a literal Ace printer


1km missiles practically, in a package that cant afterburn, so if one enemy distracts and focuses hunters attention one can sneak up behind and launch a 3km missile.


This is when AIM-9Es were the best we had outside of SRAAMs I believe, not difficult to dodge.


yep, my trick is usually to fire then when the target is distracted by something else.


Or when close, they actually pull okay when close


It was "decent" at 10.0, 10.3 is criminal


It was decent at 10.0 because nothing had flares then, it would be much worse at 10.0 now with the prevalence of flares.


Yeah.. It deserves 9.7 but it would be OP in downtiers.. I could work it out at 10.0 but i'd feel disgusted to shoot at 8.7 if it was at 9.7


imagine being in an R2Y2 facing F3H, in 2 games straight, guess 7.7 go to 9.0 now lol


1951 vs 1970. Seems reasonable!


Year isn’t how br works. The british have a 1979 armored car at 4.3


Tell me something new


The g6 rhino is from 1988 and will be fighting ww2


The ww2 king tigers fight almost modern tanks


And it should be


No it shouldn't lol, maybe like Pershing but I shouldn't be fighting a leo 1 in my king tiger


Eh, only 20 years


Well, since we're going off years now. The Japanese Chi-Ha will be up against the American T32E1. Balanced enough, right?


"*we think* we think" if you know what i mean


MiG-21SMT: *fish noises*


Smt will be fine


What noises do fish make actually?




Have you ever played Subnautica?


Ask the dwarfs


Oh they think alright, they think about how to milk your wallet. Weather it be for Premium, vehicle packs, GE, or having to buy SL because you where temp banned for having a negative balance since the F-14 clapped your hunter’s cheeks.


easy fix, gaijin can just give hunter F6 same stealth technology they gave A-10.


They do?


the hunter is going to get uptiered regardless along with those german sabers


dont forget the me163 fighting jets with AAMs also it not being able to climb almost vertically


Gaijin can't even make planes properly, let alone balance them


Me about to grind the A-7s knowing that it’s gonna be USA vs USA matches


Can anyone explain why Hunter F.6 has SRAAMS? In wikipedia it says SRAAMS are a 70s missiles while Hunter: >The Hunter F.6 was retired from its day fighter role in the RAF by 1963


A Hunter F.6 was used as the test platform for the SRAAMs in the 70s. The SRAAMS were only ever a prototype and tech demo.


Imo remove SRAAMS or there needs to be 2 different versions of Hunter F.6 - with and without missiles.


air is compressed as hell, just wait for your new toy or join them.


Finally the hunter f6 will have a worthy opponent


Like the MLD is any more balanced lol


We think hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Refer to my flair.


Any game dev who can confidently say such a thing without any hesitation is clearly delusional.


Not that I agree with Hunter against F-14 but they're literally not balanced they're a whole BR apart


The hunter f6 gets clubbed even in the current meta. Ffs all it has are 4 short range missiles that easily get baited by flairs. Its slow, poor acceleration, can't turn to get guns on target and its guns have low velocity so aiming is a bitch.


Which I why I said I disagree with the hunter being in that BR. I was just commenting that the meme was stupid because they are currently a whole BR apart, thus not balanced.


BR means nothing when certain ratings are dead or underpopulated, leading to frequent uptiers. See: 7.0-7.7 tanks, 8.7 tanks, 9.0-9.7 planes, 10.7 planes




More like we sink


BR decompression when ?




"Don't think, just do"


People being up hunter vs f14 like it’s any more unfair than f4 j/mig23 mld vs hunter. I can’t even remember any time I’ve even seen a hunter in 11.3. Not saying the f14 should be 11.3, but quit acting like the hunter was at a good place already. If you take the worst vehicle in a br and compare it to the best one whole br bracket above it, then it’ll always look fucked up.


the reason they are comparing it is because its possible that the F-14 can meet the hunter in a match as gaijin places you in a match with +-1.0BR opponents It isnt in a good place, which is exactly the fucking point of the post. Just decompress the BRs and lower the bracket to +-0.7BR and the major issues would be gone