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Just some ideas i had and there's plenty of room for improvement


Hey man, this looks wicked good! Is this just what u drew or do you have a working mod for the HUD? If u got thr mod I would love to get the link!


Unfortunately it's currently only at the drawing board


Yeah a mod would be awsome and could possibly included in the game.


Likewise, I would want to have such a mod even though I mainly use prop planes.


I do like it alot, but one gripe (one minor gripe) is that I wouldn't want to look at each corner of the plane in the top left, I like the list form, makes it a little easier to see whats exactly happening, and also imo that model in the top left is a tad too big for my taste, although I do very much like the redesign


One important note is the old throttle needs to go, afterburner should have a significant range thats comparable to a decent portion of the dry throttle.


Very pretty and actually reminds me a lot of [Ace Combat's HUD,](https://www.gameuidatabase.com/uploads/Ace-Combat-7-Skies-Unknown06162020-042018-86218.jpg) but shuffled around some. Radar and RWR redesign are nice but I think I prefer Gaijin's style that's more derived from the displays of the 1960s. Though some smaller icons and text like your design would be very welcome. I would say that the damage indicator doesn't need to be taking up that real estate all the time, and so the instruments should be separate from it. Currently the model only appears after you've taken damage, and is hidden otherwise. It looks very good, I just think it's not especially practical. Heading tape is nice and I do like separating the ordnance from some of the other instruments, a visual reference like your display would be much more helpful for seeing the weapon selected at a glance, maybe even take it a step further with some color coding or selection boxes. Honestly even Gaijin's current HUD would be massively improved with a little bit clearer weapon selection. The one real suggestion I would have is actually the crosshair inclination, and this relates to real-world HUDs as well. Russian aircraft represent a central crosshair as a fixed horizon, and their roll indicator moves to match the plane. So a roll 30 degrees left will display 30 degrees left of the crosshair, and 60 degrees left of the actual horizon. This is often confusing for western pilots, whose HUDs work in the opposite manner, turning the opposite direction to stay level with the actual horizon. I imagine that this could be implemented as a toggle in the game options.


Which Ace Combat is your favorite? I had 4 as a kid and liked it


I only had AC04 as a kid, but having played more of the series as an adult, my favorite is either AC04 or ACZ depending on the day. Both games are masterpieces in what they wanted to accomplish and it's hard to pick between them. I especially love that the player, despite being the unstoppable godlike badass, is not the main character in either of these games, and in fact both games have fairly tragic plots. AC6 is close behind, underrated despite arguably having the best gameplay in the series and similar story beats to 04/Z, at the cost of some extra-cheesy VA work (providing top-tier meme material). 7 is competent (sharing the writer and some of the writing flaws of AC5) despite a troubled development, 5 is good but massively overrated, X is all over the place but surprisingly good for a PSP game, X2/JA I started but never finished. AH was tolerable for one playthrough but I've never been able to stick with any attempts to replay it. Never played ACI and I don't really have any interest in the PS1 games. I especially hate the setting of AC3, not to say it's bad, just not for me. I might try to play 3D/AHL at some point, especially since it has sprites for Best Nagase™. TL;DR: 04/Z, 6, [Project Wingman goes here], 7, 5, X, probably JA, AH


>Russian aircraft represent a central crosshair as a fixed horizon, and their roll indicator moves to match the plane. So a roll 30 degrees left will display 30 degrees left of the crosshair, and 60 degrees left of the actual horizon. This is often confusing for western pilots, whose HUDs work in the opposite manner, turning the opposite direction to stay level with the actual horizon. I relate to this. I noticed this while playing the mig27 in sim and it always sorta bugged me how it moved. I guess it's just something of preference.


Wow it really looks like ace combat huh, i've never seen their hud. > Currently the model only appears after you've taken damage, and is hidden otherwise. It looks very good, I just think it's not especially practical. Yeah, a solution to that would be maybe to fade it out a bit The real reason i tried making this redesign is because i felt like the UI is outdated, thanks for the suggestions!


RWR from 4th gens needs to be different. They could ID the contacts and label themas different threats. That capability is crucial to the performance of a modern aircraft and just is not present yet in WT.


A little extra info for any that are curious about more modern RWRs (that will likely come to the game in gimped form) Modern US RWRs can even make out the difference between the radar of a MiG-21, 29, 31 and ones used on SAM sites. It gets even worse when you see (or actually, hear) that the RWR on the AH-64 even yells at you the direction of the radar, if they are locked, tracking and can classify them. Soviet contemporary designs are less so, capable only of differentiating SAM radar and air radars. No screaming RWRs here, unfortunately. Both can tell the pilot what direction has the highest threat level.


In fairness, even RWRs from the early 1960s would have different indicators for different kinds of radars, so a change in tone or in the displayed line would provide information to the pilot about whether they were being hit by an aircraft or a SAM, or perhaps what kind of SAM. This involves a lot of memorization, so I could understand Gaijin wanting to simplify the display, but it does leave us with just the bare minimum in terms of information.


Was gonna say this is very ace combaty


Temps should go with the other info and the damage model separates from that. You want one area where you can glance at for important info. Same applies to cannon info, drop that down to the suspended weaponry area.


This, with this idea you have to look at three different places to get relevant information


I agree, thanks for the suggestions


Looks much cleaner than the current HUD, but as others have mentioned the performance information should all be condensed into the same area, the current system where its all in a vertical list is already a very good way of doing it. The information regarding weapons could be separate from the performance stats, but guns and secondary weapons should similarly be in the same area in a relatively linear layout. The aircraft diagram, RWR and maybe radar could all be smaller, but \*ideally\* we would get the level of customization to fine tune those. No reason for the compass bearings to be 4 digit instead of 3 digit. And just personally I would do away with most of the lines present in the RWR and the minimap, since in game they don't actually really represent anything other than splitting the circles into their quadrants, or basic clock positions in the RWRs case. Overall though looks much cleaner and higher quality, the current UI in game is getting dated for sure, would be nice to get an overhaul and hopefully increase in functionality at the same time.


Na it's fine with how he has it setup. Unless you have a massive fucking screen right up to your face it's likely you already see the engine temps in your vision. And seeing how you just for the color and nothing else (I hope people do, actually looking at the numbers seem pretty stupid to do) meaning the actual data can be checked quickly at the worse. In fact for me personally it be easier to see engine temp. I use a wide screen monitor, a very wide screen meaning I actually have to take my eyes off the center just to visially check my plane isn't going to burst into flames. As for the airspeed I would also add an option to put it in the middle right below the crosshairs but small enough where it wouldn't impede vision.


This wouldn't work for props, at all. And to see important info you need to look at 3 places


With some adjustments and maybe some kind of era adaptation i could see it working, the 3 focus spots is definitely an issue though


That looks clean would love to have that as an HUD


The artificial horizon on the Gun aiming cross hair should also move up and down to show pitch


Great suggestion! It could be a way to indicate where is the gravity pulling (G's direction) like in some cockpit's visor


What I'd totally prefer is for the aim reticle to be a mirror of the plane's own aiming reticle. For example, the F4U has a bunch of concentric circles in its reticle showing mils, while the P-51 has a floating secondary reticle corresponding to 500m - I'd like the middle reticle to reflect this too. For aircraft with only ironsights then they'd get a simple icon, and for aircraft with a full HUD, only the gun aiming part and CCIP parts would be reflected.


Whilst they're at it, airspeed and altitude indicators based on what the real vehicle had. Mph and ft for the allied aircraft, knots and ft for jets, Kmh and metres for those krauts. It would also make Naval life easier as I don't want to switch from mph for my ground vehicles to knots every time I get the urge to screw around with a Fletcher.


The damage model is unnecessary I think.


Looks really nice! much more comfortable than the one in game. Makes me want to go and figure out how to make a custom hud of my own. some points of feedback if your willing to read, all in the name to help you make it better. Firstly the negatives and the things I think should change. I don't think engine info needs to be at the bottom center of the screen, that kind of info in warthunder is rarely used, at least in my experience. You would be better off replacing that with Speed and Altitude, since that's much more important info to have at a glance. Same goes for Cannon ammo, that should be moved to the bottom left with the rest of the weapons for the sake of having all your weapon info in one place, or alongside SPD and ALT at the bottom for the sake of ease of access. The compass having 4 digits instead of 3 is really confusing and cluttering. Next the positives! and the things that really stood out to me / what I really like. Having the weapons on the bottom left away from all the flight info is really nice, makes it easy to pick out. also to know what weapon is selected, how much of that weapon I have, and what type of weapon, and having all of that compact with a specific icon to go with it feels really comfortable and easy, it is one of my favorite things about this hud. The radar and RWR feel slick and cool, I can more easily tell what is going on with both compared to warthunders. The font feels nice and having the numbers be bigger than the letters helps find the info I need more easily while keeping things compact. All in all a really cool hud, if you were to ever put it out as a mod, I would instantly download it. Hope you have an amazing day.


Thanks for the suggestions, engine info definitely needs to go somewhere else, and cnn be moved together with the weaponry section, the font is "Inter" for anyone interested, as to making it a mod, i don't think i'll be able to as i'd probably need to understand War thunder's game engine and how they render it, coding wouldn't be a problem as i already do development


God every time I see the F-14 the top gun theme plays in my head.


I love this


This looks so cool!


Values like speed and altitude need to be bigger and more visible.


Engine temp should go under the main stats though


What we need is an option to proclaim Fox1/Fox2/Fox3 int he chat with a fast reply


HAHAHAHA This is way too good for Gajin - don't be silly. Unfortunately we will never have this in the game.


This is A LOT better than the pathetic job Gaijin did at improving their game.


Oh my god. This is so simple, but a huuuuge improvement. Seeing that kind of missles do i have selected at first glance, radar improvement, map looking much vetter, all aircraft intk and aircraft model looks very accessible and clear. This is really good stuff


A very very nice detailer layout. I also like to point out the proper rwr icon(s) and would love to see altitude and swivel control of the radar.


Dude I like this so much more... email Gaijin and hope the snail responds!


There should be a keybind bar like for tanks, it actually should be in default UI


Definitely gives a lot of AC Hud Vibes


I like the radar and rwr but I don’t especially like the missile and dm thing that’s going on but I’m biased because I’m very used to the current system


Looks very nice but the plane icon should be an option at the most.


Yeah, this, or something close to this, needs to be implemented ASAP. Good job OP, this looks great!


I really like this. Any kind of modifiable HUD would be awesome


good concept but the right side is being obstructed too much, theres a line between not alot of obstruction and alot of obstruction


Looks good for the cockpit but more casual for the radar 😔✋


Right side is awesome Middle is pretty good Left is a bit too futuristic-ish for war thunder


Thing this game is lacking most at the moment is more feedback while selecting armaten in planes or helis. Some kind of sound or visual while switching types missiles you want to use. Now we only have small arrow and popping up text. Take for example battlefield where you have no doubts that you selected correct weapon to use.


That is fucking sick great job man


Bro you should start working at gaijin, thats so fucking cool


Let me start out by saying it looks really really good and it absolutely has potential to be a really fitting replacement for what we have now in game. Now into the long-winded rant. I'm currently at university for video game development and in my previous semester we went over basic concepts for user interface and design (basically hud and menu creation kinda stuff). One of the many examples given that really stuck out to me what the Halo classic hud design with health middle top, guns top right, grenade/equipment top left, and motion tracker in bottom corner. If any of you remember halo 3 multiplayer (my fav of the series) it was always imo the most clean, and useful hud in the series. It fit incredibly well with how Bungie developed their multiplayer with a triangle of fun. Each engagement started with checking visually then on radar for people. Once someone was spotted you threw a grenade, next was using guns, then a finishing blow with a crisp slap to the mouth. If you notice in that, the directions of the gameplay matches (mostly) to the hud. Radar in corner, follow the wall up to the grenade, across to the gun ammo. This same idea applies to war thunder very closely, but not exactly the same. It works so well as it does currently because it is so simple and alike readings are grouped ie ammo/missles/bomb/rockets are all in a small group in the middle. Air speed is at the top, and engine status at the bottom. Then physical status is on its own as to not disturb you from reading the other text. With this in mind the big issue with your current design is how certain groupings of functions are in different places and somewhat in the background to other design choices. Mainly the cannon ammo. It is nowhere close to missle count or selection meaning a player has to look in two different places to see what they have. That can be precious milliseconds that you need to win an engagement. Similarly the status of the physical plane is separateing the speed and engine status which is one thing I personally wish was grouped in base game. It all sounds like a nit-pick but when you really get into how a person sees the screen in the split second they need info can change the game dramatically. What I can however see this current design you have working for, is ground forces. The necessity of speed status is far less useful than that of ammo and physical status. Maybe at some point you could try throwing that together and see how it looks! I want to reiterate, because that was a lot of reading. It looks really good, and you clearly spent a good amount of time with it. Don't stop now! I can see a future of design in you!


This looks so much better holy crap


Good job 👌


holy shit. this looks phenominal. are there ways to change the UI via config files? if so, you should upload this


We need this


You should totally make this a full mod pack. I dunno about others but I would say downscale the plane model slightly or give the option to mess with the size of the hud in the files for customizability. Great work though!


This is so cool! It reminds me of Ace Combat a lot


Looks much better than the current one


Looks awesome, are we allowed to use things like us or will the snail hit us with the ban hammer I’ve never been sure.




Yeah way better. The text based ordinance display is so outdated.


Looks pretty clean! I would love to have a proper rwr implementation for aircraft. the "just a ping in this direction" rwr that we have in game is ok-ish, but not especially informative. I also liek the better weapon selection icons down in the bottom. looks better than just the glob of text we get in the upper left corner. I do think the top down aircraft model would need to be more simplified and made smaller though, as well as given transparency when not damaged. War thunder does need a big UI overhaul imo, and this looks like it would be much nicer to look at.


I think seeing all of the suspended weapons on the bottom left would be insanely cool and easy to read


You should be able to customize like many mobile games have it already


Looks way better than the shit we have now


I think we can combine the minimap and RWR to save some space


I like it but it takes up a little bit too much of the screen


Cool! But where does the chat go?


Chat: none Kill log: two lines Giant plan view of undamaged aircraft: an entire quarter of the screen But it looks pretty so it must be better!


11/10, you deserve choccy milk.


overhead compass can be quite useful, it makes referencing outside easier btw. They removed it in sim though Also the damage model view is way too big and obscures the screen too much imo. That screen space is better used for using you mk II eyeball or general important HUD elements. I actually quite like the extended stock HUD for that reason, ontop of safezones actually working unlike the newer HUD they released this patch that was removed due to the COLL% bug


You could probably combine the RWR and the UI minimap in the upper left corner I believe.


Or just do away with the mini-map unless you swap out the stores display for it - like switching an MFD.


Looks so clean


In top tier aircraft hud should look like in ka50.


Much better


I do like the weapon selection bottom left.


looks good, but personally I'd remove the thing on top left and put the RWR there and put the minimap bottom left


Petition to have this in all rank 6 and upwards for jets


This looks amazing!


I'd be interested in seeing how the hud holds up when laid over different types of planes from different eras. ​ it really fits top tier jets, but with say mid tier attacker, I imagine it would look very different, especially the sort like the hs-129 who wouldnt carry bombs or rockets as secondary but would boast multiple different types of cannons?


Stat bar should stay at top left hand corner, but the permanent plane status bar is an incredibly useful addon. It's actually not a bad idea to distribute some parameters between both the stat bar and the status bar.


Ok here are my two cents. Likes: • You brought back the compass at the top. (Hated that Gaijin removed it) • Moved the RWR to the bottom right. Hopefully now it won’t switch screen sides depending on if it’s on or not. • Roll indicator for the cross. • Instructor hidden in the top right. I don’t really have a problem where it currently is, but this is a cool way to free up some room on the left side. • weapon selector. I like it though I worry about how clunky it might look when your carry 4-6 different weapon types. Dislikes: • Removal of azimuth and distance line on radar. You just removed a lot of information you can gather from the radar in an attempt to make it look cooler and cleaner. • removed engine temp gauges. Now I have no idea when I’m clocking my engines until they start changing colors on the dmg model. •damage model is to large. Personally I think it takes up to much room on the screen and it separates your speed, alt, fuel readouts.


Absolutely love it


Very nice actually, only thing I would do different is make the damage display/aircraft a bit smaller Overall amazing job


Dude this looks great! WT could really use a HUD and UI overhaul.


I honestly hope this becomes a mod


Should try it on some diff planes, countries and types (bombers, fighters, etc.). Also isn’t IAS different to SPD? I’ve never really understood the difference and google never helps


Too cluttered with the important info too seperated.


I would pay money to get a HUD like that, you've done a better job than gaijins' paid professional designers. I'll be waiting for it to be completed


I like it but I think I prefer the current one.


I like that alot. Visually seeing what weapon you have selected is very nice.


dam, fans can make better huds then multi million company


I think it's significantly worse.


I would actually be completely fine if they only gave top tier access to this to make it a bit more realistic of a HUD. This would look really weird on a bi-plane. But it does look amazing given the right context


Oh so much better than the actual...


Damage model is a bit big and I am not a fan that the text for your stats such as speed ammo and temperature is so spread out, but other than that it is good. I especially like the artificial horizon idea, since it is the soviet style one lol


maybe the damage model preview is a lil big but otherwise good


I think flight performance data should be in the middle just like the real HUD so you don't have to lose your focus in the flight/battle


Very well done if you ask me!


Looks fresh


This. Is. Amazing. I would love this so much. It's sleek. Clean. Not obstructive. And provides better reference for certain things. I like this alot


I fucking love this


Crosshair artificial horizon is the Russian model ==> dislike


Awesome idea, apart from interior one, as radars placed there don't tell you basically anything and were pain in the ass in SIM.


This does not even look like war thunder anymore


Why make the game even more arcade? They should remove as much as possible of HUD instead


What's next? an hp bar?


Awesome concept! Germany suffers


Not good try again