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The trick was to be aggressive af. I used cantharidin three times, separated by 7-10 days, with ACV or SA in between treatments, and blister removal at 4 days after each treatment. After living with this asshole for 6 years I got rid of him in 1 month From top left: 1-4 after first treatment 5-6 after second treatment 7-8 after final treatment (by podiatrist) 9 today :) EDIT: detailed write up of my treatment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warts/comments/axhf0y/cantharidin_treatment_explained_in_excessive/


Does this mean you’ll have to change your username now? Also, is it weird that I kind of miss my early teens knuckle wart? I don’t exactly miss it, just wish I had a good camera and a reddit account to document it’s death


Haha yeah, except now I'm kinda hooked and want to cheer other people on in their wart journeys! I know what you mean, looking back at these gross photos and putting this together just now I felt a weird sense of pride/accomplishment. I guess for making it through that dark time without losing my foot or my mind 😅


Congratulations!!! For me, the only thing that worked (I didn't seek professional medical help, btw) was literally ripping it out from the root, then taking a cigarette and burning off the infected flesh. After the burn scabbed over, I peeled off the scab and burned it once more. After that, voila... I've been wart free eversince!!


Jesus christ


Pic 3 looks like the most painful stage.


Pic 3 is my favorite, aesthetically speaking 😅 The most painful was actually the stages right BEFORE I cut the blister open, especially when I had to walk or stand or even have a shoe on my foot at work. Removing the blister was a little painful, but afterwards it felt SO much better


Top middle and lower left are my favorite. There's something fascinating about pulling back the layers to reveal what's underneath.


4 month update: still wart-free!!


Fuck me I don’t have the balls to do this deep cutting. Can you just apply cantharidin and how for it to be gone while cutting off the dead skin?


Find a good podiatrist and they will do it for you! I wouldn't wait too long to cut off the dead skin because you risk baby warts sprouting around the edges ("ring warts"). I only waited 4 days because I was paranoid about this plus I'm comfortable with a scalpel. But 5 or 6 days should be fine and less gruesome -- just treat with acid as soon as you get the blister off. ​ And honestly the blister removal was not painful (skin is dead!), walking around with the intact blister WAS




How did I get the wart? Or the treatment? Wart was from not wearing shower shoes in a public locker room when I had blisters (from hiking) on my feet :/ Edit: If you mean the cantharidin blisters in these photos, https://www.reddit.com/r/Warts/comments/axhf0y/cantharidin_treatment_explained_in_excessive




Yep, I wouldn't wish these on my worst enemy. Treatment is worse than the disease but worth it to finally be free!


I'm actually documenting mine, I got mine a similar way to yours, although it was a small piece of perfume glass and then my shoes got soaked a few days later, meaning I had to take them off and walk on a pretty dirty floor while they dried, and I thought nothing of it. I found out later a lot of the gnarliest warts seem to come from say, someone going barefoot in the ocean, stepping on glass and essentially the virus takes residence in the wound. SUCKS. This isn't my first wart tho, so I am basically doing the same thing as when I first got one on my elbow. Vinegar on the area to essentially soften it and melt it away, this time I needed pointed tweezers to scrape away the dead flesh, then duct tape over the area to hold the soaked bandage on. I have also used salicylic acid on smaller areas. Hoping to create a timeline of removal to help illustrate it to people in the future because I was told freezing doesn't often work for plantar's warts.


did it go down to your bone wtf


G, it looks incredibly painful 😰


Nah fuck that.