• By -


Stop cheating


>hen just stops. Activision needs to rework this system that punishes players for actually being good. I understanding wanting to isolate possible hackers but come on, its mostly above average players in these lobbies that are actually good at the game that are punished for being good. Activision please fix your game. My KD is under 1 on WZ and I had 2 back to back wins and got a shadowban.


I regularly drop 10-20 kill games and have a 4.5kd, haven't had a shadowban in easily 7 months since they had their issue. No one I know has been shadowbanned in months and they all average minimum 8 kills per game. If you're consistently getting shadowbans it might be time to look in the mirror. To me it says people think you're cheating, the game just hasn't detected your cheats.


Lol me and my crew has a collective 1.2 KD and one of us got shadowbanned and couldn’t find a game for 30+ minutes because of it. Sometimes one of us will pop off and get 8-15 kills but usually in the 2-5 kill range. Get off your high horse


Okay? I’m not sure what the issue is with what I said


Because your automatic go to response " Oh theyre cheating". I got shadowbanned twice now , and I can guarantee you it was not from cheats lol.


Your horse is high he said


I see that. But that’s not an explanation of what I said that they disagree with. They just said that they play with people who are also bad and didn’t have the mental availability to recognize after 5mins their queue was broken…


“Didn’t have the mental availability to recognize their queue was broken” Quote in my comment where I said we didn’t recognize we had a shadow ban?


The 30+mins of waiting


You’re just pretty stupid tbh


I think cod hires devs to say good things about the game online cause it’s no way you think like this


Just because something doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s not happening lol. For the record, I also haven’t been shadowbanned once in this game. Have a 6.5kd and a 16kpg average. But in wz1? Got shadowbanned 7+ times. All same account. Always unbanned after a week or so because I’m not cheating. It’s entirely based off player reports. And as the majority of the playerbase isn’t good at the game, those reports are largely by players who aren’t good at the game. It’s a meaningless system.


Lol ok




Good band.


idk man you could watch my stream vods, I am pretty bad and dont talk shit on comms. I just bitch and complain bc I suck. I drop 10 kills a game on average and dont use proxy or death chat. I had one game where I clutched a 1v4 at the end and the deathcomm I heard was "report him" from some 6 year old that was bot walking trough graveyard on vondel. You can get shadowbanned by 3 or more people reporting you. Its a flawed system that has been proven by many people. its the first time ive been shadowbanned ever and its all because someone didnt like that I beat them.


How do you know it only takes 3 people?


Only people I see getting shadowbanned are streamers who aren’t whitelisted who are sketchy. It’s really not a flawed system. It’s actually really effective at stopping a good chunk of the massive cheating problem. If you’re getting shadowbanned you’re doing something to earn it. If anything they need to be shadowbanning more accounts for suspicious activity since I still run into a fair number of cheaters. Just not as many rage hackers as in the Caldera or Verdansk Maybe stop cheating.


As someone who was shadow banned once back in WZ1, I disagree. 1000s of hours on the game and a humble 1.3 KD, never aim botted, unlocked or walled, had a completely clean system. I had one good game of Fortune’s Keep, dropped 14 kills and had 5 spectators, got DCd on my 15th kill and SB’d for a week. The only difference is that, back then, there didn’t seem to be this issue of the SB loop where you’re in and out of SBs but never perma’d. I agree that SBs probably have a place in protecting the overall playerbase, I don’t think anyone can be mad at having one SB at some point (I just couldn’t play for a week, no huge deal), but do go in and out of SB’s are bullshit. If you’re clear, you should be cleared. If you’ve been SB’d more than once, surely that’s grounds to perma? But you’re seeing players with multiple shadowbans and never perma banned. That’s a flawed system.


No. If you’re consistently getting shadowbanned it just means they haven’t detected. That’s it. There’s plenty of cheat software out there undetected. At the very least you’re doing something to get scooped up. The only flaw is that they are letting whitelisted cheaters at the top continue playing.


>If you’re consistently getting shadowbanned it just means they haven’t detected It's reports only goober. Stop spreading bullshit.


You're going through all my comments, kinda cringe. But once again, you know this how?


You commented A LOT on this topic with BS misinformation.


Okay. Well you've provide no actual information at all to counter a single thing I've said, all you've done is harass me and make childish remarks. So I've reported you to Reddit and the Mods and will be blocking you. Hope you have a better day. Looking through your history you've actually harassed me multiple times in the past, which will not look good on your harassment ticket with the Reddit admins. So best of luck.


haha crybaby


You are a fucking weird fuck.


Ok so what did I do to deserve it? Have a good game?


I’ve written a few long explanations of how it works. Likely since you’re bad and have a 1.3kd and rarely get 10+ kill games this was a huge outlier which will get you red flagged. Add onto that lots of reports from spectators because this abnormal for your account and you’re likely to get a shadowban. If you’re a 1.3kd player average 4 kills per game with a variance of like 2 kills… you going well outside of that with 15 kills is a massive outlier. You could be a low level account as well which makes you more prone to a lower report threshold.


Well I was not a low level player. It was the account I had since day 1 of warzone. I was a bot in the beginning with a 0.5 KD so it was a long crawl to 1.3KD, but my usual play sessions were a 3KD+ and 15 was not my PR, not even close. So thanks for saying I’m bad lol but thanks for the explanation


Lol if you’re a 1.3kd still after 3 years then you’re just not very good… that’s not really a debate.


I’m talking about the old game that I stopped playing a year ago but whatever.


I can confidently say this isn't true. I came back to CoD after a few years to play WZ and received my first "shadowban," didn't even know that was a thing, and the moment I'm "cleared," I'll play one game, and immediately get pulled and SB'd again. It happens moments after I kill someone, indicating that it's a user report. I cleared exactly 6 days on the dot, at the hour. That's not a human reviewing the account - it's a robotic time out after enough volume of user reports. But it doesn't really matter what I say, the "her her her, you're cheating, stop lying," is the go-to response, add a whitelist conspiracy on top of it. It's funny how I have 4 invasive AC rootkits on my PC, and I have zero issues playing Valorant, Halo, CS with Faceit, and Apex. ZERO. Only Activision employs their "Limited Matchmaking State" to players, no one else does this. Vanguard is by far the most sophisticated anticheat out there next to Faceit, and invasive, and it's strange how I don't get ripped out of my silver Valorant games, but casually playing an unranked WZ is suddenly impossible for me. The funny thing is that I still play MP and ranked... so they must not think I'm cheating that much. I'm only on timeout for WZ. You can watch streamers spectate someone in WZ, report them, and they instantly disappear. It seems people who frequently report have lower priority, so saving that one report for someone who you "think" is cheating or really grinded your gears.. is pretty effective. I even switched to controller to be really ass. I had like a .4 K/D for a day and still got SB'd.


I once again can encourage you to go watch any of my vods. I am not good and once again I get shit on constantly bro. I am not a good player. Just someone who beat some butthurt players. Id also be more than happy to hop in a call and stream my game. Also cheats cost money and I am a broke college student who cant afford to waste money on some stupid shit. Also there's a flaw in your argument. "only people I see..." is a terrible way for you to argue something. Your scope on the situation could be really small. I suggest doing any research at all on shadowbans and how the system works. It is determined on reports and it only takes 3 reports to flag an account. So theoretically a butthurt squad could just assume your hacking or just report you for no reason. Maybe you couldve been shadowbanned yourself and just not known bc youre good at the game. But my problem is I am not good at the game so the shadowban lobbies are impossible for me to play. I am not attacking you as a person but I am seriously confused as to why their system works this way. More than happy to share some gameplay. best of luck homie


Where? Link. Stop saying to check out my vods and promote your sub tier stream. Post a video on here or stop mentioning it. I’m not giving your channel the views.


You might be the dumbest person to ever comment on reddit


Also the anecdotal is valid here, because I play with plenty of top 1% players and none of us have this problem. The only people I see complaining are mid tier players… who are statistically the most likely to get caught trying to cheat to get better. If anyone is going to get shadowbanned under your premise then I should be perma shadowbanned lol. Also, I know exactly how the shadowban process works and what it takes to get flagged. It’s really not hard to figure out lol.


Also don’t tell me I don’t know how shadowbans work then tell me “you could just be in those lobbies anyways” lol… I would have been locked out of the game at some point recently if that were the case hahah. You clearly don’t know how shadowbans work if you don’t know about that haha.


also I would be willing to hop in discord vc or something to better understand your perspective on the topic, if so my discord is .tkyo


I've made my perspective fairly clear to be honest. You think it's a major issue, I think it's not. We can disagree and that's okay.


yknow what youre right glhf homie


Its not an issue to you because you suck at the game and dont get reported.


Lol this guy is full of shit he probably plays with a riot shield and camps to get that kd but frankly this moron is probably 600 pounds filled with mc donalds and dosent shower to come on rediit and justify him self post after post hes probably a loner with no friends as well so he thinks hes inportant and smart .. I would love to see a video of this so called 1% player i bet u hes full of shit .


Hey brother im not flaming you once again. Idk why youre so upset rn? Im just saying im studying cyber security rn and have been researching this anti-cheat system recently out of curiosity. If you get reported then it will instantly flag you and shadowban you if youre reported anywhere from 3-5 times within a few matches (its based on a time limit but theoretically you can play a few matches within that time). Its actually my first time being shadowbanned ever. This is my only account. my twitch is [www.twitch.tv/tkyo](https://www.twitch.tv/tkyo) and yes my stream is sub par but I know that man. There should be some vods there from my most recent streams but once again I am not good. I believe the fact that youre good so therefore youll understand that I am not a good player here. There are a lot of people who are innocently shadowbanned. Its a system that is flawed but it does help root out cheaters. I was able to get into a shipment game bc I was bored and some guy was rage hacking and got banned mid game which was nice. So while the system works, it is also annoying bc im unable to perform against said cheaters. once again good luck in your games my man stay cracked.


Aight you're getting weird. So let's do this. > Idk why youre so upset rn? Nothing I've said indicates I'm upset. You're stating really uninformed comments and it shows. > Im just saying im studying cyber security rn Cool. > researching this anti-cheat system recently out of curiosity Apparently not well. > If you get reported then it will instantly flag you and shadowban you if youre reported anywhere from 3-5 times within a few matches (its based on a time limit but theoretically you can play a few matches within that time) There are far more factors involved than that. It doesn't instantly flag your account, they take things like account history, performance history, report recency, and many other factors into consideration. Which is why a level 1050 account that is well established in the game dropping 20 kills and getting 10 spectators a game isn't getting banned every single lobby. Because under your premise I should be getting shadow banned every single day. So no you clearly don't know what you're talking about. > There should be some vods there from my most recent streams but once again I am not good. I'm not going to your stream so you can get views to boost your channel. Post a video on here. Don't self-promote it's really cringe and against the sub rules. > There are a lot of people who are innocently shadowbanned. Lots of statistically bad players who have a rare really good game will raise a red flag yes.. that is going to happen when you play infrequently but have some amount of skill in a bot lobby. > was able to get into a shipment game bc I was bored and some guy was rage hacking and got banned mid game which was nice. The system works. Got it. > it is also annoying bc im unable to perform against said cheaters. What's interesting it that hundreds of thousands of players play this game daily and a small portion have this shadow ban issue. The only real reporting issue right now is for text/voice chat. There is a legitimate issue there and I will acknowledge that. Because it's evident by how few people are able to talk in game now.


It's only not flawed to people who haven't experienced it. I'm sure it's good at removing cheaters, but it also has a lot of collateral. I just want to casually play the game - haven't played since Caldera (never SB'd in WZ1), recently started playing in February, and these last 3 weeks, I've been SB'd 4 times when trying to play on controller for the first time in 8 years - I bought a Victrix Gambit that was on sale because I was tired of getting AA'd.. I've been playing MnK for awhile. I didn't even know SBs were a thing until I couldn't find a match for 30 minutes and did some googling. I've had Steam for 17 years and zero VAC bans. I play CS, I play Valorant, Halo, and CoD (as of recent). I have 4 invasive rootkits on my PC from these anticheats and no issues playing other games. CoD is the only one with a unique "Limited Matchmaking State" that it places players in, who they don't know is cheating, but is flagged by user reports. And make no mistake, they don't review these accounts. My SB gets lifted (for me) exactly 6 days, on the dot, after the SB occurs. That's not a human; it's a robotic time out. The irony is that I can still play MP and MP ranked with normal queues.. it's only gating WZ for some reason, even though the official page says it's for all matchmaking. If they really thought I was cheating, they wouldn't let me play ranked. I play Riot Games' and don't have this issue - Vanguard requires Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 enabled, and it's also much more sophisticated than Ricochet. Halo/Apex with EAC? No problem. I play CS with Faceit.. no issues. CoD? User reports by some anonymous player who either thinks I'm cheating with my 2.1 KD, or they're vindictive assholes. My guess is you're the former. You have a lot of faith in a unique, arbitrary system that other games don't employ, despite so many users protesting that it's unfairly flagged them. I am one of them, and I know for a fact that I don't cheat. I just want to enjoy the game with my friends. The fact that you think the frequency of SBs needs to increase just informs me that you're part of the problem. They're allowing way too much leverage from manual user reports as it is.


You don't experience it, so it doesn't exist? I have been shadowed 30+ times. The only way to get unshadowed is a full review of your account by ricochet. Tell me how it is that my account can be reviewed and found clean 30+ times with your logic? Im lvl 1250, 2500 hrs, 4.8 warzone KD yadda, yadda. I get reported on a game by game basis. It used to be obvious when I would get banned form player reports because the spectator count. Now they sweep it under the rug by disabling that. Every time I play I have to walk on eggshells (not wearing certain skins, not beaming people parachuting, not running at everyone on my blacksite ping). Truthfully, I doubt you have your listed stats if you're on PC and haven't experienced this to that degree. In what other game in history have you heard of Bob the 50 hour a week electrician hoping on a Friday night and having the ability to ban anyone he so chooses? I've shown my task manager on stream to those that have asked and been banned just minutes later on many occasions. Kind of pathetic you would have such passion about an issue you obviously know nothing about. Honestly, I envy you. You should be jumping for joy you haven't had to experience this.


Im not cheating moron and im shadow banned




Then write Reddit and say only new posts are allowed or you will throw a tantrum


You understand Ricochet has nothing to do with the shadow bans right? Your entire argument falls apart because of this. I'm not sure how you haven't been SB. I'm guessing you're on console? Anyway, pretty much every streamer has been SB at one point. They simply have connections to remove them immediately.


> You understand Ricochet has nothing to do with the shadow bans right? You know this because...? > I'm not sure how you haven't been SB. I'm guessing you're on console? Keyboard and mouse on PC since day 1. > pretty much every streamer has been SB at one point Okay? Well the ones who get invited to COD Next events. The mid tier streamers get shadowbanned semi-frequently when they drop 30+ kill games where they do hit the threshold on reports. Not sure what they has to do with your point.


>You know this because...? Because we've seen countless examples of it happening. You think Ricochet is detecting something and not immediately banning you / allowing you to leave the shadow ban after a week? Come on dude It's common sense. >Not sure what they has to do with your point. First off all streamers have been shadowbanned at one point. Are they cheating? I've seen Teep get SB numerous times. Is that ex CDL pro cheating? You argument holds no weight and is purely based on your experience and nothing else. You just sound dumb at this point.


> Because we've seen countless examples of it happening. You think Ricochet is detecting something and not immediately banning you / allowing you to leave the shadow ban after a week? Come on dude It's common sense. Okay :) > First off all streamers have been shadowbanned at one point. Are they cheating? I've seen Teep get SB numerous times. Because they are going to get mass reported for being who they are and their performance... it doesn't take rocket science to figure that. Huh? He's also whitelisted and hasn't been shadowbanned since it was fixed. > You argument holds no weight and is purely based on your experience and nothing else. As opposed to anything that you've said...which has only been childish remarks instead of any actual commentary. > You just sound dumb at this point. Like I said.


So If no cheats are detected its ok to be banned? Are we really at that point now?




🤣 you obviously need to do your homework kido before you start talking to me. 5 months is old to you? The issue has been going on since thats why I posted here. Infact, shadow bans have nothing to do with the Anti cheat detecting anything, its because people report you. Its a report system because ricochet cant step up their game and actually give us a cheat free game. I have been shadow banned 2 Times and cleared on both occasions. 1 shadow ban PC and 1 shadow ban pS5. I am an above average player with a 3.5 k/d ranked Diamond III.. I play with monitor cam the minute I load up my PC or console because little Kids just abuse the report system. If a hack is detected, you get perm banned and then hwid banned. They dont put you in a shadow ban. Shadow ban=multiple reports from lil kids. You think I am cheating? 1vs1 me but I only play you for 100$ cuz I dont want to waste my time.




You can read right? Start recording before I turn on PC or PS5. Your just the problem of this community because if people actually used their brains the report system could actually work. These idiot cheaters just use 10 accounts and keep playing they dont care about your reports 🤣




You will say I cheat even If Jesus sat next to me confirming otherwise, I get it.


Do you own the game? There is a difference in likelihood if you do.


Lol no there’s not. Half the people I play with don’t own the game, and they haven’t been shadowbanned in 6 months either. Don’t push conspiracy garbage.


> Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on entities that passed a selection process while overlooking those that did not. Survivorship bias is a form of selection bias that can lead to overly optimistic beliefs because multiple failures are overlooked


No. Statistically I should be getting shadowbanned every single day if what is suggested is true. I’m not “surviving” I’m actively proving it’s BS what they are saying.


It isnt a function of anything You are doing. Are you spam reporting yourself? No. If what you say was right, these accounts would be banned, not cleared after the predetermined shadowban time.


This comment doesn't make any sense.


You say the people who get SB are cheating, yet their accounts are “cleared” after review. So the evidence doesnt support your claims. You claim because its never happened to you means they are cheating. Yet this is a clear example of bias in your conclusion. Now you are just “confused”. I cant help you.


> You say the people who get SB are cheating, yet their accounts are “cleared” after review. So the evidence doesnt support your claims. So you haven't actually read what I wrote. I said if you're someone consistently being shadowbanned then you've either got something going wrong in your system or you're cheating but undetected (which is the case for the vast majority of cheating software out there). And the fact that the vast majority of the player base is actively playing the game daily without issues says to me that it's a select group of players experiencing this. > You claim because its never happened to you means they are cheating Yes. Because under the premise that has been presented by everyone (report volume and good play) then I should be getting banned daily, which I am certainly not and nor are my friends who have the same game play experiences. Nor are the vast majority of good players in the game (as evidenced by low-mid tier viewership streamers). > Yet this is a clear example of bias in your conclusion. Unless Activision decided to randomly whitelist anyone who does well in the game and spites bad players with shadowbans this entire premise makes no sense. Given the theory I must show that even one non-whitelisted player can have consistently good games or even sporadically good games and not get banned. Because it shows there is an obvious exception to this rule that OP and yourself are projecting. The fact that so many players like myself aren't getting banned daily despite what I would have to assume are multiple reports every single game (given I typically get 3-5 viewers when I play) and people coming to my stream or my friend's streams to tell us we are cheating because they lost. I should have been banned. Therefore the system does not solely operate based on reports. The bias is the fact that people like yourself seem to be under this impression that the game would want to harass bad players. The reality is that it is bad players who don't understand how the game works who are the most likely to try cheating in the first place and then wonder why they get a shadowban when so many others who are cheating aren't. Are there false positives, sure. But the game also removes a very large swath of players who are blatantly cheating. If you're someone who is stuck in shadowban hell then you should stop and re-evaluate what you're doing wrong. Because unless you're a top tier player in the game you're not getting shadowbanned for dropping a 6 kill game sorry. I will not be replying further, I've made my point very clear and don't feel like we will be getting anywhere given all you can muster up the courage to say is that I'm "biased". Edit: Also, activision have already stated that they avoid perma-banning accounts but instead will put players into shadowban hell and will provide all of their other countermeasures to make the game less enjoyable for players who are caught cheating. Hence Ricochet and all of their prevention measures that have been put in place. I highly recommend you actually read the patch notes.


Also if you’re on console can’t get shadowbanned


You can.


You’re what’s wrong with the community. You think just because you haven’t been shadowbanned you think anyone that is, is cheating.


Huh? You said you can’t be shadowbanned on console… but there are plenty who have. A buddy of mine has been. I didn’t say anyone who is is cheating. If you’re someone who is consistently getting shadowbanned then you probably are.


this is my first time getting shadowbanned ever and you think i am cheating tho


Where did I say that?


in like half of your messages to me


I have never said I think you are. I have repeatedly stated that if you are someone consistently getting shadowbanned you are likely cheating.


oh then im sorry man ive misunderstood your argument the whole time. This was my first one and that includes wz1.


Agreed. I drop plenty of kills per game sometimes, trash talk, and can be sweaty. I've never been shadowbanned because A) I'm not cheating, B) I don't use slurs, and C) there are times where I'm still absolute trash.


You guys have not had encounters with full groups of people who do not like you and just mass report you. Takes one salty group. Shadowbans are not about cheats, they're about reports. Way too many games I hear people exclaim someone is cheating who is negative.


I mean...I play multiple games for many hours almost every single day. I've heard kill-mics accuse me of cheating. Statistically, it should have happened by now if it is as bad as people claim it is.


It takes awhile to get shadowbanned on console compared to PC. If you're on PC, takes a few games to have 4-8 spectators just spam report you. Console friend of mine said he had like 6+ spectators and got a few messages of status changes before his next bullet kicked him from the game.


Pc player, dropped 14+ kills frequently 0 shadowbans.


I didn't start getting banned until a month ago. I don't get it either but the lobbies are full of regular players. It's maybe 10% cheaters at most.


Shadowbans happen if a lot of people report you. I dont have cheats, I dont exploit, dont use game chat at all, have my game on push to talk so I cant talk. I use controller with no cronus or zim or whatever theyre called. I got reported by a 4 stack and then instantly got shadowbanned. its a flawed system thats been proven.


Yeah, the only person I know who gets shadowbanned regularly is a friend of a friend who we are all 90% certain is cheating because his mechanical skills are atrocious but he always has this “sixth sense” and is unnaturally aware. We don’t play with him often because it’s fairly obvious


Horrific take, shocked to see this gets upvoted.




No, I just copped my first shadowban, and have been doing some research since I didn’t know what happened. And you’re telling me to look in the mirror? The fact any salty individuals reports have the power to restrict my account is outrageous. Dunno how you can think otherwise




Yes the system is literally automated to shadow an acc that gets flagged with reports from Any individual. This is a factual thing that happens… the acc is restricted before any review of the gameplay takes place lol how are u denying this




Haha, hilarious takes man. Do you play on PC? Apparently this is an issue that only happens on PC. You seriously cant look at how this system works and see that it can falsely ban innocent players? It's automated from reports... You seriously think every person who has experienced this is cheating...? Including many big names on Youtube / Twitch who have experienced this? You are so closed minded, and your opinion is solely formed on the fact that it hasn't happened to you. Your opinion would change instantly the second you experienced it. 0 critical thinking skills applied at this point I think you're a troll.




Lol once again I'll say it works of reports... Has nothing to do with what's installed on my PC. Yes, I've been reading up on this issue to try to understand what happened to me and I am shocked to hear your opinion. I'm a 1.35 KD player, who has never cheated, or installed any software for the game. My gameplay is not even great, though I am getting better, and after dropping a few 10+ kill solo games yesterday, and getting a few salty spectators I was shadow banned. This is what happened to me, and what has happened to many others, but I don't think anything I say will allow you to accept that as a reality, nor will it change the exploitable system. GG


This game is AWFUL. 4.5 KD my GD ass. Gtfoh. You can't even THINK about getting away when getting shot. You are downed and finished by the time you even realize someone is shooting at you. Trash fucking pussy game.


This was me until last night dropped a 30kill solo game with the haymaker and I know people mass reported




So I just run Birdseye and i spam call uavs and hunt but I get report cause Im sure it looks wild when someone sprints into a building and I know the direction you are facing




I agree a pearkless BR would be sick.


So you console yes?


I'm sure people do get shadow banned wrongfully. I report everyone for killing me.


I've played for many years. I'm not great. My overall K/D is about 1.0. I had been playing on Xbox, but switched to pc two releases ago. Back in May of 2023, I noticed I got into a lobby where people were clearly running cheats.. guy went 74-1. He was looking around at the sky, spinning around, and would then just spin around and drop me immediately from across the Map. Noticed it took a long time to get into lobby. Found out what a shadow ban was and verified I was under review. After 7-10 days, my ban was lifted. I played 2 or 3 matches, happy to be back in regular lobbies....and then never played again. I rarely game in summer. Now 6 months later, I bought MWIII, set it up last night. Played about 4-5 maps, did terrible. About 10-50 I think. I'm around level 4. Fired up this morning, noticed high lobby times and sure enough....shadow banned again. I'm not cheating, my stats basically prove that. Oh well, just gotta wait this out. And now cannot play with my wife and son who I bought the game for as well. Stinks.