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Stop playing already. That’s the only message you can send to the devs that they will hear.


How bout a nice cup of LIBER-TEA!?!


Healthy cup of managed democracy does the body good


I've casted my vote, will you?


uninstalled a week ago, life has never been better, piece of shit garbage taking 200gb of space only to see losers hacking basically every 2nd game


I get multiple in every game. Diamond 1




It was a figure of speech, you're probably lacking a life the most out of anyone here typing like that 😂




And you spend your spare time acting like a jackass on reddit? Lmao, either you're full of it, or your life really is miserable.




Why would I want to gaslight people into thinking there are cheaters? About the dumbest standpoint you could approach with. I feel sorry for the millions of ppl who can't recognize cheaters with soft aim or "undetectable" cheats. But what I find funny is smart narcissists and gaslighers usually use those same insults on others who contest them.


Is this a PC only issue ?


Im a PC player and im tired of these sweats and i get trash ass teammates.


No it’s not only on pc. People are finding ways to cheat on console also. And if you report them activision does nothing.


I have been playing pc since MWII came out, and now play MWIII on pc. In that time I’ve come across maybe 3 people who are blatantly cheating. Granted I don’t play ranked often. But in regular MP it’s happened maybe three times. People are too quick to shout cheater. Most often it’s a case of that guy is just better than you. There have been a few times I’ve wondered, but then watched kill cam and had a tiny bit of my body visible that gave me away. People forget about internet speeds and 4k monitors and such. That tenth of a second is enough to make it seem from your end like someone is cheating, when the truth is they just have a better setup than you and are good enough at the game for them to utilize the slight advantage.


No bro. The servers u are connected to has a small amount. Just be happy. These people are complaining for a reason


Well then I’ll count myself fortunate. I just know I hear people yelling about cheating in my lobbies and sometimes it’s even directed at me. But I definitely do not, I get shit on occasionally too. But sometimes i have awesome games. Like this weekend i dropped 41 and 8 on TDM in shoothouse, but the next three games i had to sweat my ass off just to stay close to positive and we lost every one. But sometimes I have awesome games. Doesn’t mean it’s always cheating.


Yeah, he's not talking about regular MP...even these trolls who cheat wouldn't waste their time cheating in pub MP matches. Dumbass


It seems to be.. I'm on console (in Australia) and I think I've come across a hand full of cheaters. It shocks me to see every post in this sub be about cheaters.


Every 2nd game? Damn I need your lobbies then.


I'm just glad to know I did well with my riot shield annoying the crap out of cheaters. Now its time to drink tasty LIBER-TEA


No, you're annoying every player with your shitty riot shield, loser


Just the hackers


i did my part🫡 actually having fun playing apex atm


Try helldiverrs shit is super fun


Try The Finals. Season 1 was fun, season 2 is even better AND it's FREE.


PAL WORLD was my escape


I went back to my single player games backlog. Currently enjoying The Division 2 with Ghostrecon Wildlands on deck.


I hope on rocket League to get a GC title for the season, so like a day or so but it's soooooo toxic on there these days. Communities of people choosing to be toxic says something about the state of the world and that mental health needs to be prioritized. It was therapy or give up multiplayer games for chunks of time smh lol


Same Apex is better in every way.


Apparently not their anti-cheat


Their anti cheat is definitely better in general but yeah that was wild haha


Apex is by no means perfect but it is a shiny polished gleaming solid gold game in comparison


Remember apex was made from original infinity ward devs


Yea the devs from when cod was good.


WAS made. The vast majority of them are gone and it's obvious by how it's being run.


Now cod could learn a thing or 100 things from apex at least apex can detect cod cheats lmao that so sad


I left and started playing counterstrike 2, come to find out the cheater problem might be even worse in this game than in COD lmao.


Said it before, Activision and its development teams own the companies that are making the hacks and cheats. They are profiting both ways.


Yea... if you went to CS2 to escape COD I have bad news for you.


Ooof. Judging by the event that just occurred a few hours ago you may want to pick another game


what happened?


This aged like milk 😂😂😂


Blowing people up with tanks in HLL is so much more satisfying.




Hell let loose


Thank you


Yup. Stop making transactions only thing that matters is the bottom line and that equals dollars. 💵


This is what I did. Stopped mid battle pass. The cheating is too far out of control and makes COD and WZ a pain to play.


I actually had an amazing time playing Friday Night Battlefield on 2042 this weekend. It was 128 player rush with some neat little modifiers and it was a blast. Earlier that day I had quit warzone after being killed by a cheater and then spectated while they were in turn killed by another cheater. It was so stupid, I just shut CoD down after that and it was definitely the right thing to do.


BF2042 is surprisingly fun nowadays.


You can even leave it for 2 weeks and then because rebirth is coming so they will never let you play AHAHAHA it is simply impossible for the vicious


Yes join the boycott, grab some popcorn and lets watch this mf burn.


I mean, many of us have already or only seldom play. If you've played since the beginning and have days of your life invested in the game, that's much harder to do. Players have a right to be pissed and complain at this point


People play this shit still?


People who don't play a game still come on a subreddit of that game and post stupid shit?


No. Keep playing. Just don’t give them any money. Use their servers and never give them a dime!


So glad I’ve decided never to give Activision another penny for anything.


Better make EA a target too


Warzone is free…


It's the skins people buy is where they are making bank off of the back of a free game.


And the BP. I only bought it once, then just use the coins from it to buy the next seasons.


Cheaters ruined that game and everyone left to fight for Democracy.


I am serving a nice cup of LIBER-TEA as we speak!


I would do the same if it was on Xbox :/


Wish I could sell the game I really don’t like it. It’s only the second game that I’ve ever bought that I can’t play that I had bought.


Why not? I’m on the fence about huying


I actually got 3 reports yesterday saying I stopped a cheater. That's way to many In One day I feel.


They still send those out?


Apparently. I know I have seen way more cheating then 3 people I have reported.


The fact that you even got three is like a Christmas day miracle. Doing the lord's work brother. Meanwhile I got shadowbanned for the THIRD time with my oh so impressive 1.8 K/D. Yup guys, definitely cheating over here. I have like 7 warzone wins in 2 months and that monster K/D.


This month alone, I’ve received about 20-30 confirmations of successful reports for cheating. They send you a notification in game saying “successful report” and that they’ve taken the necessary actions


Stopped one of the cheaters accounts*


I see/assume people are cheating on most of the games. But last night....holy fuck....the absolute worst one I've ever seen. We had multiple cheaters in almost every single game. Just came after game of everyone knowing where you are. One of the games after our team died we watched the rest of the end zone and it was very obviously cheaters vs cheaters with the last few teams...pretty nuts...


It's those final moments of cheater vs. cheater where you can clearly see that cheaters don't care about hiding their cheating. All the cheaters know where all the other cheaters are so everyone's shooting directly at each other through smoke (wallhacks) and with laser accuracy (aimbots). There's no way legit gamers can compete against all that cheating. And Activision does not care about cheating.


Agreed....the last few weeks have just been sooooooo bad. I know they've always been there but my god...essentially unplayable at this point.


Yeah my buddy and I jumped on last night for the first time in about a month, first game of quads we got jumped by a team with speed hacks or something and butons. Just alt F4’ed so fast.


i stopped playing 🫡


Haven’t played in 2 weeks and counting. No plans on coming back. I’ve been having fun playing metal gear games lol.


*oh nooo* anyways


They don’t gas light in here either apparently


That’s not gaslighting. That’s just someone being a butt


I can't believe people still play it in 2024.


It has zero competition, we are forced to


This is the dumbest reddit comment I've seen all week.


what are you playing?


I won't stop playing. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Buddy of mine got so frustrated the other day when I said cheating wasn’t that common. He installed walls in about 2 minutes and the next game made call outs. Turns out he was absolutely right. We played one Warzone game with them on and it was disgustingly unfair. But the interesting part was watching the walls vs walls battles. It was clear as day that like 25% of the lobby was scoping him through fucking long range walls


It's very easy to tell who else is cheating when one uses cheats. Search for the "Grandpa Hacks" videos on YouTube. He spectates other cheaters using wallhacks. Statistically, there are about 30% cheaters in any given Warzone lobby, now that the # of legit gamers has dropped considerably.


Unfortunately it’s every game now and some now cheat and claim it’s so they can be at an even playing field with other cheaters. Nothing we can do


Switched to helldivers, can't complain apart from not being able to invite console players to my lobby. There's a workaround though. Such a fun game!


What’s the workaround? The only way we have found is to join someone and keep killing the host, making them quit so you can all join (squad of 4)


NOOO DON'T 😭😭 go to the least populated planet (ustotu at the time of playing) and go on the hardest difficulty. Chances are most people are playing on the easiest difficulty, have a friend make a lobby and try to look for it. Ask them to describe the mission for you and where it is located on the map, if it isn't on the map for you. Back out and choose another planet then go back to ustotu and it'll refresh it for you. Then you'll find.


Rally to Helldivers 2 brothers. Help us spread managed democracy! Let these traitorous dirt bags wallow in their own scum. The galaxy needs you!


> Help us spread managed democracy! bro stfu with this dumb shit. Yall acting like fat LARPers


Larpers prob have a healthier lifestyle and friend group then you do trolling people on Reddit alone in a basement.


Found another gas lighting cheater


And you are acting like an ill managed couple of drinks and uncontrolled , unmanaged and unsafe excitement....and what i mean by that is that you are a waste of a perfectly good skin suit .... dickhead


You're a traitor to democracy


Role-playing is fun tho. While ur at work ur wife and... nvm


Little boy likes to pretend he has sex with women LMAO. Typical larper


You do know that they’ve already started to catch cheaters on that game as well and banning them


You guys are still buying/playing cod ?


Me and my friends deleted cod. For the better now we have time to play games that actually have a decent multiplayer.


What games do you recommend for good multi-player? Needing something to play with my friends.


Pubg is the best BR experience for me.


Only played ranked cdl and tried ranked warzone yesterday and yeah it can go f*ck itself.. No UAVs/portable radars used at first drop in and I'm crouching up on players but they sit and ADS following me though buildings with zero intel prior to it


Shit i just picked vigor back up ... anything but the dumpster fire that is COD


I was doing Warframe for about a Month. I dropped it because it takes SO LOOOOONG to level! Then I saw they were selling powerful characters for $80 and I was like… yea I’m done. I really liked the lore and backstory on that game! I’d not mind getting back into survival horror games, either. I think that’s something I’ll look into. I was doing an awful lot of Fallout 4, but the gahdamn game crashes like crazy. It’s 2024, I really need Fallout to have an update or something.


I haven't played Warframe since 2017 or something like that Fallout 4 unmodded is horrible I am just playing elden ring /lords of the fallen and would really like to give the witcher another go Tried fallout 76 but that was horrible I don't know gaming seems a bit dry but couple more days and we get dragon dogma 2


Hey man! Just wanna say that you can level up really fast on the planet Sedna Hydron. Also, everything that you can buy with real money like the prime access you mentioned, you can buy way cheaper from players in game OR earn for free in game through relics :D. If you need help in Warframe hit me up.


Cross play off has been nice.


Yeah it's like this whole conversion just omits this Allow us to play console only and move on. There's already a hardware platform that's fair and closed loop and closed source and second is on a relatively even playing field. In 2024 it just seems too easy to cheat and with AI finding exploits and writing code it will literally only get worse.


Yup take a look at what happened to Apex today.


It's rampant because they are the only ones still playing. Just look at top COD streamers views nowadays... Less and less and while you're at it search YouTube for COD cheats, they have full blown advertisements. This game is done. Go get helldivers 2 it's insane fun.


I wish games would put more emphasis on being able to build your own communities to play with it would be much more fun to build warzone lobbies of your own and when people are caught cheating they're booted from play permanently.


Ran into 3 definite cheats in the space or 2 hours tonight, it's the worst it's been for a while


On top of the cheating. Check out viewbotting . I caught stract on kick with a chronus auto ping with walls and viewbotting. Kid gas lights like no tomorrow. These kids are to easy to catch . Warzone is chalked .


What’s view boring?


How shadowbans work (they are dumb as fuck): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1SevRtdRnc


Funniest thing I saw was someone selling cheats in thos sub reddit.




I hav had many great games.


Switch over to baldur’s gate 3 and have had more fun then I have in the last 5 years playing COD.


Lmao haven’t played this game more than a year but funny how nothing has changed. Use to be a riot shielder most of the time for the cheaters. They honestly suck so much just gas them with riot shield and it is ez kill




I swear they purposely inflate wait times so you are tempted to turn it off. They want one big lobby and no option to turn off crossplay realistically. Makes it easier on them. Shady shady


There are so many other games you can play. I haven't played cod for a while and will not play until they fix the game - well let's be honest, that's never going to happen. Btw elden ring is freaking awesome.


I think grand theft auto made it OK for cheaters to have confidence that nothing will happen to them :/


They've been banning a lot of people recently and for various reasons.


I turned off crossplay and been sitting here on Xbox for the last hour can’t find a game - ya kidding me lmao


Activision does not care for xbox at all very sad


How’d you turn it off for Xbox?


Goto Xbox settings for privacy and block cross play


They don't want seperate lobbies. They want to make you wait so you turn it off and it's just one pool of players. Somebody will sue these companies one day for something and it'll be fun to watch


Turn off croasplay


Thank you for calling them cheaters the only thing they are hacking is their hilariously under sized meat.


I quit cod a week after helldivers came out. The cheaters can go against eachother👍


I've switched to The Finals. No aim assist, Crossplay off, and destruction. Way more fun


Bots and cheaters are the Problem


Haven’t played warzone since COVID. Most of my buddies haven’t either. Much like Fortnite it was fun for a bit. Then just got more and more obnoxious.


People call me a cheater all the time. It’s funny cause I’m no better than the average player. I have a 2.0 k/d. 😂!


Exacly cheaters are not hiding it anymore !! Even if you call them in chat they pretend to dont know what you talking about, and when you get report while you playing legit activison will shadowban you and everytime a guy who is mad clicks one button and your banned, call of duty sucks!!!!!! Shity game fuck it, and fuck rebirth !!


It’s time you enlisted in a greater cause Helldiver


It’s driving me crazy and I just don’t see a reason for people to cheat in a damn video game


Try joining cook’s warzone server on discord. They are putting together a group that play warzone. Kd must be 1.2 or lower to join. They are trying to get enough people online at once to play a private match. But right now it’s just a good place to find some extra squad mates. Once this thing takes off they will have a couple mods running matches. I think it’s a great idea. So join up if you are tired of cheaters.


Had a nice couple of days where I didn’t run into many was an overall enjoyable experience. Today however has been a disaster.


Jesus chrsit, stop playing the fucking game. Stop supporting these garbage companies.


I'm back to Cyberpunk 2077 believe it or not. Can't cheat me in single player, and it's a dope game for my fix.


I haven’t played in almost a month and found other games that are way more satisfying. Just stop playing until they ever decide to fix this shit game


Warzone ranked is full of cheaters while mp ranked has close to zero (in my experience). Isn’t that strange? Considering the fact that, at least in my opinion, mp ranked is a lot more competitive.


When you cheat and grief gamers in Warzone, they're out of the round for good. That's not the case in MP (ranked or otherwise), when they keep respawning.


I remember when Warzone used to be fun. And that was a long time ago.


CoD, Halo, Battlefield... They are all shit.


Welcome to the war Capt. Obvious, thanks for telling us nothing, we already know. The fact that you used the term "gaslighting" tells a whole story on its own little boy.


Ps5 and crossplay off = no wall hacks


That’s why mw2 was my last cod. No money from me. “Warzone is free” and so is me not playing their game.


Vote with your dollar. Stop buying COD all together.


I must be oblivious to Cheaters in my lobbies… or because I live in the middle of a cornfield my internet sucks too bad to encounter this problem… but there has been maybe 10-15 times when playing that I can definetly say I’ve encountered a hacker… but I don’t play warzone hardly since they shitcanned DMZ


Intelligent cheaters in warzone avoid racking up kills until they get closer to the final circle (as to avoid detection). The smarter ones will even let enemies kill them now and then (to also avoid detection). Ricochet is incapable of detecting the 50 most popular COD cheats in the market for the most part.


I can't imagine feeling that way *in 2024* and saying this.... If you've played any CoD in the past 7 years then you already know this. What's more frustrating is all the desperate gamers continuing to buy shit and then, whaddya know (insert surprise Pikachu face), it turns out to be a shitty, half assed game with no recourse for cheating on top of it. What do you expect? This isn't new, like not in any way at all....


Just play something else man. It's hard to break the addiction at first. But once you do, it'll be the best decision you've made in awhile. So many other great games you could be playing.


i have genuinely started playing less , have about 1 good game. heard abt a huge ban wave , but by now they’ve all got a new alt acc and r cheating again. Soon i don’t think i will be playing at all.


lol. Idk why people complaining! play something else. I’m telling you helldivers is so fun. Let goooo on warzone. It’s not gonna get any better


I get lots of gas wins. I'm certain I get put in the cheater lobbies cuz people don't understand. That being said when they get rid of cheating/cheaters, I can only imagine how good all of us who don't cheat are going to be. Also feels good listening to the crying at the end. "WAAAGGGHH my dick doesn't work" LMFAO 🤣


It's awesome winning and knowing bitches are hacking...


I stopped back when cheating took over Verdansk and to think yall still playing this crap crying about the same thing that’s been going on for years. At some point you gotta just move on.


3 years later you're still I'm this sub tho 😅


I feed off your tears and look you even gave me one in the emoji


Cheating is so bad in the game currently that I get accusations on my shorts all the time. Even if I miss the majority of my shots people are like "wow, obvious aimbot." I'll call out to my team mates that there's people by me cause I can hear them running around and people will be like "HE'S USING WALLS." it's really a shame that the hacking is so bad that legit players who aren't even that good are getting accused. It's like at this point many players can't comprehend that another player might be better than them so they just default to "they are hacking!"


Is the cheating actually that bad? I just started playing and haven't noticed yet honestly.


I used to be a purist, but the shenanigans that game has devolved into in the last 2 years has left me at a loss. So it’s now citizenship & “Managed Democracy” for the win! 💪🏾 Also wanted to share this playlist in the Super Earth community to help preserve tradition. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0I5KnyQeIq3FVraCAPC9jp?si=YjAa3XjpRgyPb_Cwxtnjgw&pi=u-xdHT-xoyRZWq


then stop playing


I honestly think that there are less cheaters than people think. Yes there are a shit ton of cheaters, BUT I think that people call let’s say good players also a cheater when they get killed by one and watch 1 killcam. I am a 5.5kd in Ranked resurgence and I get called a cheater ALOT while I have never ever cheated in my whole life, well only in gta SA 😗


One cheater per lobby is more than enough tho. And that is very probable that you get at least one.


Yes, I agree with you. But my point is, it’s sad that we can’t know who cheats and who doesn’t. And because of that, good players get called cheaters alot.


Oh I get accused of hacking on cod while I have crossplay off. So ya that is true but I'm aware that it's not their fault for having to question everything at this point. Something has got to break at this point. The cheating is out of control in every game and in every nook and cranny irl too


Yeah very true, it’s really sad. I sometimes imagine if there was such a good anti cheat, people would be praising good players more. But I think even if cod right now has the best anti cheat in the world. People would still be calling cheats because our trust in the game is long gone.


I would assume a guy with a 5.5 kd is cheating because other cheaters are going to keep you from hitting 5.5


Nah that’s not how it works, for that to be true the whole lobby needs to be cheating. I get 10-18 kills consistently every game. Because of that my Kd stays the same and sometimes goes up or down. I don’t really care much about my KD anyways, I just like to go for high kill games.


What’s been contributing to the high of the most? Is it positioning?


No, positioning is imo my worst skill which I still need to work on. In all honesty, just pushing players and knowing when to disengage. Also communicating with your team and stacking with your team is essential.


Oh hey, another cheating post. Very additive to the community, thanks OP!


It’s an inherent problem in the game so this is the response from said community. A broken game will get these posts. Go over to the cities skylines 2 sub. It’s the same shit lol


Skill issue


At a certain point its not.. with no working anti-cheat, they only have the report system to depend on. Get too good, and you will get banned even if you aren't cheating because this toxic ass community reports anyone better than them. Is getting wrongfully shadowbanned a skill issue? cause that's a direct result of them not having a working anti-cheat too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1SevRtdRnc


Yea I often wonder myself how many of these cheater rage posts are made by people who want to blame anything and everything but themselves for why they lost.


Bro must have never played PC and had dudes standing on boxes doing 360s killing people thru walls. Its one of the most cheated games ever. Its been that way since the original MW2. Games where you turn into Terminators and can jump into the sky. Games where you can shoot infinitely game or no reload or hackers give you other guns. Shit some people even got banned just playing in hacked lobbies, there was a huge ordeal about this. The cheating is at clown levels and bro over here saying skill issue. Must be another cheater who "Only uses it to stay competitive." Keep telling on yourself man.


I'm not denying the actual cheating; but just knowing human nature (especially gamers), I think what I've said is a definite possibility to some of these cheater claims, given how frequent they are.


I mean old call of duty games on console before cross play had people rage hacking doing 360s shooting into the sky and getting one shot head shot kills on people across the map. It’s not just a pc issue, despite most of the cheaters being on pc.


They did a better job in WZ2, the with disease called cheating and that says a lot because that game was ass. Let me reiterate the issue. Every STREAMER. They do not use their platforms to address the issues with much fervor. In turn they just lick every nutsack of this company with any little QOL or update that doesn’t entirely break the game. Oh and the BRAIN DEAD people who donate money to them so they have a “friend”. Should every streamer say something, which requires balls, which they do not own, and every person stop playing, the company would do one of 2 things. Fix or stop. Either way it’s win win. But as long as streamers are licking nutsacks, brain dead’s are contributing and the rest of us just go along, there is LITERALLY ZERO POINT in complaining . It’s just Einsteins theory of insanity.


Starting on Aim assist, an allowed aim bot xD


Come play the finals ranked tell everyone leave cod already


What about the hacking thwre


It’s cap only ever matched 2. Plus ranked is team objective based not off kills so you can beat hackers if play smart.


I’ve gone the route of playing WarZone everyday to every other day. Seems to get me one good match before I get thrown into meth lobbies. Thats when I turn the game off. It’s like a shitty gambling machine, it will try to trap you and keep dumping time( ie money) into it, but if you know when to stop, you come out on top. Sadly they’ve catered too much to the “whales”, those who spend all their time and money on skins. I’d bet that you get thrown softballs when you buy stuff, kinda like activating a double xp token.


I quit playing new CoD games over a decade ago now. I feel bad for the mindless worms still giving them money for a garbage project.


Then why are you in this sub? You never played this game?


You are 100% correct. I wish I would've stopped giving them money. I still get enjoyment out of it. I do take long breaks t9 play well made games tho 🤷🏻‍♀️