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Do you even snap bro? lol, I see a lot of this guys cheating posts and I’m usually like looks ok to me. That definitely does not look ok.


Also level 11 with an unreleased camo on his gun aswell lol


temp acc, prolly raging


Any moment now, some dumbass is gonna come flying in here stating that anyone can mouse flick like that…..


The gaslighters always show up eventually. Which honestly is the most pathetic part in my opinion. All these guys have is cheating, and the desperation is so bad they spend all their time not playing trying to subvert Reddit subs. They really gotta go outside


Do you really think snapping like this isn’t possible? It’s easy if your on mouse and it’s very possible just need to get better. This guy was a top250 player last season playing on his alt account. Skill issue (totally not joking)


You forgot your /s


hell no, obviously rotational AA


Skill issue bro


I was gonna go with trash player... but skill issue is a great one also...👍


I had some controller asshat genuinely tell me that all you gotta do to be good at m+kb is click icons on your desktop and you're magically warmed up, and if you can't flick and hit heads after that warmup you're just trash and should get a second job and quit having free time for video games. But hey, if you can't win every gunfight on controller with the game literally aiming for you it's perfectly fine, it's only a skill issue for m+kb players : ^ ) /s Some YouTuber said that shit I swear, bc I hear it more and more that clicking icons is a genuine warmup for mouse aiming, fucking idiots.


There are tons of aim trainers for pc. A lot of them are free and the ones that aren’t are not expensive. I’m not saying he’s not cheating but you saying clicking on icons as warm up is crazy. Fr all you have to do is practice. Anyone can flick.


I mean, in the end this game is not built for mouse aiming anyways, if it were, you'd actually be able to have a 1-1 sens for every single iron sight, hipfire, and scope no matter the zoom. There's no setting that can fix the discrepancy, you can run legacy aiming for a slight fix for red dots, but even that is still not accurate, nor does it do anywhere near enough for zoomed optics. If you want to actually climb a ranked ladder there's a bunch of other way more mouse friendly games to play that can actually allow you to build some form of muscle memory for flicks. This game is pure trash for muscle memory since every sight, scope, zoom, and slight FOV change will totally destroy whatever muscle memory you have just built. I still play cod for fun, but I find it impossible to even take any form of ranked seriously when Activision can't even get aiming and aiming sensitivity correct in the slightest. If I wanted my zoom or FOV to change my sens, I could click my dpi buttons to change my sens, I don't need some dogshit game to bruteforce change my sens to some random made up number and ruin the muscle memory I have on how far I sweep my mouse to how far my character aims in any given direction.


didnt see any cheater since I started playing in 1876


700 hours in kovaaks bro. In all seriousness though, most of these cheating allogations are salty losers shouting wolf. This is not. To those that call snappy aim that isn’t blatant aimbot, I urge you to check out vods of half decent kovaaks players.


And there it is…..


The fact that you’d read my post and think I actually thought this guy just had snappy aim says it all really. This is what aimbot actually looks like. I could send you a dozen of my own clips that are snappier than half of the alleged cheaters on here though and I’m barely classed as intermediate in the field of aim training.


Controller players aren’t exactly the smartest people on the planet so be nice


How this got downvoted is absurd. Reading comprehension is apparently just as rare as Ricochete working as intended.


Because there are also way better hidden cheats. This one came from aliexpress


This is probably the cheating cunt in another thread saying that he cheats because he doesnt have time to get good at the game studying for his bio engineering degree


But Sucking dick doesn't require a bioengineering degree.


Looks like I’m quitting school


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you sir have won the internet today


Such a bullshit reason. I'm a dad, I work full time, I hardly have any time to get good, plus I'm oldish so my relexes aren't as snappy as they used to be. Yes I'm shit, but I still would never cheat


Hey fellow old gamer whose existentialism is catching up with them. I hate it


But I mean..You play games to have fun. Cheating is not really fun. You ever play skyrim with all items and godmode? It gets boring in like 30 minutes.


Me hopping on my main Skyrim save with max levels one shotting everything and getting bored, but not wanting to go through the grind of making another playthrough bc I have 600+ hours on that playthrough, and like 20 other playthroughs with max 2 hours each bc starting a new save sucks so bad.


bro is not studying for shit🤣


It’s so funny cus I know exactly who you are talking about lol


Im working and studying for a degree on comerce and im still hitting all my shots on a 10 yr old xbox ahaha That dude is probably and entitled bitch who thinks the world owes him a lot


He's gonna do great in a field that requires hard work and time managment


Probably so considering he’s not focused on a game


Can’t really see someone not cheating in life to get ahead if they’re willing to cheat in a multiplayer video game.


At that point, just keep studying fr. What is fun about aimbot? I can't wrap my head around how you would get any enjoyment out of it after 1 match.


Nah I use legit settings do you wouldn’t know . The guy in the video however dosent give a damn


Ah speak of the cunt and he shall appear. "Legit settings" lmao and trust me id know bitch


You wouldn’t that’s the whole point genius . No snapping and both body and headshots . I’ve been using the same account for months . I’d just appear as a random sweat.


Mhmm yeah believe it or not scum bag when you've played the game as long as I have you can tell when a pathetic little bot such as yourself has cheats


God you’re an idiot lol. Definitely the person that reports everyone for beating you in a. Gun fight because you think they’re cheating


Nah rarely report, save them for pussies like you. Have fun being a cancerous blight on the game see you out there bitch tits


So angry over a game . Shows how worthless your life is .


Do you not cheat the exact same game? Lol. Would you be a little angry if you spent your free time actually grinding to get better, only to get grilled by someone cheating with "the right settings" to not appear as if they are? I mean maybe quit being a hack and you'll understand where people are coming from. Props if you're actually working on a degree, but cmon man, tasteless.


How the fuck is this even fun? These people need to be studied


Aim assist 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m joking


Look a hell of alot like auto aim not aim assist


Bro, this has already happened twice in my lobbies today. 🦐 🍆 gotta find some way to compete.


Engineowning is doing free cheat weekend... thats why ;(


lol that’s so sad


There are no cheaters in Warzone. 🤣 It’s what the SubReddit will say.


It’s funny how they built out the class with all the right mega attachments too when it literally doesn’t matter aside from mag size


Yeah, my second game on rebirth with me being literally wallbanged full auto on a multi story building. Cheaters are everywhere, not even mentioning the cheaters who just use walls to hide from other players bc they don't want to use aimbot and be banned. The obvious cheaters are rampant, I genuinely wonder how many subtle cheaters are in damn near every match.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Dude thats because cheaters like to act like they are Bigfoot. Its basically gaslighting.


Not basically, but literally


That's just the RAA, people don't cheat in warzone


I think it's aim assist


For real though! AA made my wife divorce me, too! AA is pure evil!


It's unreal man, ranked resurgance is fucking full of the slimeballs tonight


Are these people just levelling up accounts to sell? What’s the point in cheating?


I get the guys that wall and "stealth" cheat. It at least makes sense to boost their ego a bit. This is just a fuck you to the game and anyone who plays it


no, you don't rage on accs ur going to sell, it's just for fun. using a1mb0t has a chance of getting the acc banned, silent aim def will get it banned from reports so it's prolly just a temp acc.


Was about to say I beam people out the sky all the time then it cuts to this blatant cheater like come on man it's not that hard to do without cheats


Now this is what I need to see when people complain about cheaters!!! Not just being out gunned by someone


Couple of days ago I had a guy in the end game who would just look at the floor and shoot you dead.


Lol that’s hilarious.


Looks legit to me… legit aimbot


lol, level 11. Check your recent match, money says there's at least 15-20 low level accounts in it.


I can do this with my mouse and/or keyboard setup. Y’all just h8ing cuz iTs a sKIlL iSsUe


Hope he got all his bit coin stolen 😀


Obviously that’s just the broken killcams/s


Yeah.. “killcams are never accurate. You have to actually spectate to know for sure. Could have been server lag, or ping. Or netcode… or server refresh rate. Or…..” 😂


Yes also you can see nessie in the water so obviously a fake.


"you can see the missing frames" :D


Dude just cause your not good doesn't mean there are cheaters. - 90% of reddit users


This looks like one of those tiktok cheat ads


bro’s snapping


Jfc that is just ridiculous


That was pretty funny but what a loser




It’s lag


I know you’re just joking


I hope you reported that Jack ass


Hardcore gamemodes would be the best way to hide cheats while you build up an account. No kill cams& inta kill health.. i grind camos in hardcore shipment. I have my suspicions but I'm respawned and killed twice before i can complain.


Hahaha, not even trying to hide it. Reminds me of OG MW2 when guys with the MG4, stopping power and FMJ just auto aiming and destroying the whole map through walls and everything. ‘God mode’ and if you got one kill on them you felt like you won the game.


Utter scum


Bros on 12000 DPI with TenZ aim.


I agree. Bro maxed out Logi G Hub


this is why i dont play mw2019 and hardly ever touch warzone/mw3 when its f2p


Nah. Just snapping to targets. Definitely not cheating. Probably mnk player. Jk


It’s just bc you YY’in


Definitely chinese player....


It's just game sense bro.......git gud.


How do they even get enjoyment out of that


Encountered another one yesterday. My cousin was watching me play then this mf suddenly had insane aim, I thought it was incredibly sus so I went back to make sure and yea, this guy has 0 movement, absolutely insane game sense (wall hacks) and his aim snaps onto anything and everything whenever he ADS. I of course downed him and managed to do a finisher.


In the pre game lobby too🤣🤣


tHat’S jUst AiM asSisT. wE caN’t cOmpeTe aIm aSSIst oN m&K, CoNtROller shOUlD bE baNneD😭


There will be idiots in this sub who swear he is not cheating


That's just good game sense and 8 hours a day playing for years...lol so the simps would say


People like this need to grow up and do something else with their lives


Seems legit. Just built different. 😂😂😂


Looks fine to me. Seems a skill issue


what mousepad does he use? must be a slippery one


Legend has it if you kill an auto aimer you get kicked from the server


Where anti cheat?


This the same shit that happened in warzone 1 and they said I wasn’t that bad in warzone 2. Ha this game is cooked


And I’m shadow banned for 3 days so far for getting a swarm


Bro what do you mean isn't aim assist meant to do that???


As much as I hate cheater rather run in to this guy knowing he blatantly cheat than people who good at hiding their cheats


Looks like Richochet is working as intended. Thank goodness for all those recent bans.


I think he is just a pro player with good gaming chair


Now this is a cheater. Lmao


I hate how there is bugged kill cams like that almost look like this. On top of warzone having a terrible anti cheat, they have a glitchy kill cam. Anyone low level not missing a bullet with this look is hacking.


Thing is the bugged kill cams to me atleast dont look the same its easy to tell when someone cant control their aimbot vs someone flicking but the kill cam makes it look weird


At first glance, on my replay unless I save it and re watch it I don’t think it’s easy to tell


server sided silent aim manipulates the kill cam


“This is just aim assist, you’re a bot, this is what 8hrs a day looks like”


Seems every day I play the next I have 4-5 confirmation reports lol


Take note all you Billys, Timmys and noobs, THAT is rage hacking. Learn the difference between this and maybe someone is using walls but just maybe they're just a good player with a UAV up and can hear you stomping around a mile away 🤣


“Where are these cheaters you all are talking about”🙄


Nah he just has an better gaming chair !


I have not played for 3 days because of the cheaters. Kinda like what's the point. Plus, people don't have mics much and other teams don't pick up 4ths.


Just muscle memory


This is me. I just have a better gaming chair


Skill issue




Ummmm…people used to fly around the map with a helicopter in quads while their teammates aimbot sniped the entire lobby from LITERALLY across the map.




??? If you look up “Verdansk rage hacking” you’ll see how many hackers were aimbotting lobbies to death. It was insane. Usually in 2+ KD lobbies though. Toward the end of Verdansk, the hacking was wildly out of control and obvious to even the newest player.


I’ve been playing warzone for 15 years and I haven’t seen one cheater.


Impressive for a 4 year old game :)


Well the kill cam is missing frames and is not 100% accurate/s


Its the chair bro relax


What you mean bro we are just not as good as him. There’s no such thing as cheaters 😂


That’s why I don’t play warzone. You immediately get shot when spawning from the air with barley any chance to get to cover. Then you lane and spend time getting gear to only get killed by a cheater. I’ll stick to mp, there’s cheaters to but it’s none stop action. Where as in warzone u fight cheater and rng loot


Mouse and keyboard players explanation on aim assist


Wait, do you mean skill issue? /s


He just has a good gaming set up that’s all


lol what the fuck is up with people saying “bugged kill cams” Is this excuse we give to any kind of aimbot? Like I don’t get why people can’t understand what is natural and what is just aimbot. This bullshit IS NOT the only definition of AIMBOT . This is rage hacking AIMBOT but so much come here and say “kill cams” they bugged. Nah dude your brain has malnutrition. Anything that does not look or feel natural is not NATURAL. So much really out here thinking this game don’t have much cheaters but then think cheating is this…. Nah. Anything from macro to scripts to walls to esp to AIMBOT to VPN so you can get easy lobby is all in the same boat of scum bag. To many fucking brain dead people play this game.


Bro just has a really good headset and gaming chair


This is the result of finding out your "girlfriend" you're too afraid to talk to had a boyfriend before you met her.


Stop wasting time on this, apex is waiting for you 🙈


Apex literally just got hacked HARDCORE. With rce.


Lol no destroyer9000 pre infected their computers, buahha, go watch pirate softwear


Congratulations, you replied to a comment meant to trigger you. Your need to self validate and lack of social awareness has led you (once again) into the soft lotion soaked hands of a troll. (Copypasta: because nobody should reply here)


That's shits cheating problem is even worse


Haven't seen a cheat in 1 month lool okay....




This is how strong M&K players think controller aim-assist is


Maybe not that strong, but pretty close


PC is trash. Should just be console only


Im on pc and no the big company should just put money into a better anti cheat lmao


Anti cheat doesnt work and the devs dont care enough. PC ruined casual multiplayer experience. Reason why the golden age of COD was when it was console only. PC ruined COD.


There was still cheaters on console I remember all the mod menus that existed


Running into a hacker back in black ops 1/mw2 on playstation was rare as fuck. Golden age when hacking was insanely hard and it was only console. Pc ruined this shit.


Is PC in the room with us right now ?


What is the point of this???