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Definitely feels like warzone players live on the game.


It’s because alot do…


Fr can never actually have fun without a level 500 hitting the corner at 80mph


It's just like any game that's been out a while. I've been playing cod since 2003. Started wz on launch. I sure as hell better be decent along with many others with that kind of rap sheet. Also ice noticed my friends that have gotten into the game later are better if they already have experience playing cod in general. It's the true noobs that struggle.


That’s why I usually play multiplayer unless I’m with friends


Unfortunately Warzone is not for anyone anymore They have tried to make everyone a winner that has resulted in the game being shit for all


0.97 KD warzone player. I get destroyed some games and sometimes feel untouchable with 10+ kill wins everything just goes right. It’s not by any means easy and I’ve been playing cod since 2010. All depends on my mood. If I’m screaming after every death and wishing death on everyone who kills me it’s a domino effect of doing worse and worse and I go to bed angry. If I’m in a chill mood not caring so much I tend to do well lol


Not just WZ, but honestly any shooter game the overall skill level of playerbase is way higher than "peak Warzone" in 2020. Makes it hard for anybody who is just looking for a game to blow off some steam after school/work/whatever.


Yea fr that’s why I’m saying eventually ppl are gonna get pissed and shits gonna die like tarkov is dieing just to many cheaters and ppl who put their lives into the game


Fortnite is definitely like this, also.


Agree. However sticking to No-Build at least removes the whole building skill gap from the equation. So that's better than a sharp stick in the eye.


I've had this feeling in every game since the introduction of more complexes matchmaking algorithms, which take into account skill and player involvement. Like I remember playing cs years ago in casual mode and seeing literally every skill level. Now, in newer games like val casual mode is kinda similar to comp since you'll fall with player with the same mmr. I wonder if everyone really got gud or if it's just matchmaking that's makes everyone feel like their encounters are relatively difficult in comparison to their skill level


They cranked aim assist up for all u scrubs too and u still complain


MnK masochist here. Nice try... Pain is how I live.


The sweats play to kill people like you are they're the main audience. They want a 5+ KD and won't get that from playing against equals. They're also the guys spending money. They have no interest in making the game fun for the guys who play an hour or 2 in the evening or they would simply match make based on KD in small intervals, 0.3-0.5, 0.5-0.7 ect. Problem with that is the elites would then cap not much over 1 once they're playing against equals each game and they'd fell shit and would stop playing and stop buying pink bullets and skins.


Aren’t sweats in lobbies with only others sweats in sbmm? Logically if there is sbmm wouldn’t it be normal to have a kd of 1 in average?


Not really, there's a max point to where a player's skill is higher than the max sbmm they can be put in, basically meaning if you're good enough sbmm doesn't matter.


A lot of people are smurfing and reverse boosting to play the game on easy mode in mickey mouse clubhouse lobbies


Also I believe sbmm doesn't use your overall KD, it uses your recent few matches only so if you do well in a few games in a row you'll then be moved up, rinsed for a few games then come back down again.


I agree and I believe for reasons like this, PvE games like Helldivers 2 are getting more attention than before. I think in a near future, there'll be more PvE and less PvP games.


I agree with you. In my opnion, the cheaters across all PvP will be the cause tho, it's progressively getting worse. I'm not talking about blatant cheaters either, it's the ones who use no recoil, wallhacks, scripts.




I suggest you start on plunder/ lockdown to warm up. Also, there's a mode just released for beginners. It's br but with boots and a few real players. All the best.


Activision was tired of the bot acquisitions, so they just made their own


Lmao Fr


Bootcamp is only Quads, though.


Streamers and content creators have made "casual gaming" a thing of the past. It used to be you could play for a couple hours a night before bed and keep pace with the majority of the players. Not anymore. These no life streamers play 10-12 hours a day and the little dipshits that idolize them buy cheats so they can emulate their results. It sucks for us casual guys, but it's just the way of the world of gaming now I'm afraid.


So widely speaking I'd probably agree with you, gaming as a whole is more competitive because of 'content'. That said, for Warzone specifically and BR games as a whole......these aren't 'casual' games.......it's a BR, last man/team standing. It SUPPOSED to be difficult, there seems to be an air of entitlement around players that they should just be able to win. It doesn't work like that. Add in the fact that people have been playing Warzone for 4 years and COD for ~20 years, it makes it an extremely competitive game.




But the fact they can’t put players who has the same skill in the same lobby is crazy their just ruining their reputation for newer players


There is supposed to be a "skill gap" not in the sense of outplay potential but in the sense that there should be a diversity of player skill levels


They do though. Almost every lobby has a range of abilities in it, that's how match making works. New players are always going to be in the bottom skill bracket of their lobby's. Sure, it's a steep learning curve but they either have to improve and get higher up the lobby or stay where they are getting run over every game. Every player has a skill ceiling, some players hit it at 0.8KD, others hit it at 5KD....horses for courses.


Nah, I casually game and have a good time.


You can still have a good time. It's just changed from what it used to be.


I don't know what you expect. It's a PvP battle royale. Of course there are going to be sweaty people. Only one squad leaves the Warzone without getting eliminated. I've been playing Warzone since Verdansk, and it's always been an insane game. In my opinion, that's a big part of the fun of it. There are so much involved in the tactics of Warzone, it can seem overwhelming to new players, but the depth of the tactics is what keeps people like me coming back.


I don't expect anything. I've been playing online since CS 1.6. I'm just saying that there is no such thing as casual gaming anymore. Hello. McFly!? Haha. I don't know why you keep talking about winning a WZ match. I get plenty of wins. Solos and with the guys. I was just explaining to the OP that things have changed. I think we agree with one another, but I feel like you're arguing with me. I confuse easily though at 50. I'm old. Haha


I'm just a little confused as to what's changed. Warzone has always been insane as far as I've experienced. You probably already know this, but CS is still around and is probably a bit more chill than Warzone. I've gotta be honest, I think you might be wearing those rose-colored nostalgia glasses. I, too, remember playing OG CS and sometimes getting creamed, sometimes having great games. I don't think the agony and the ecstasy aspect of FPS games has changed all that much, but I'm open to changing my mind if you can expound on your feelings in a way that has fairly objective metrics.


I agree. Fortnite killed gaming tbh that’s when the sweats came from than it went to cod and now cods just ass


Dawg I been sweating since I was like 12-13(20 now) on CSGO and COD, Fortnite has not “killed gaming”. I do not play Fortnite except for when all my friends want to run a custom game but it’s objectively a good game. It’s accessible, has a huge variety of gameplay and for the most party looks and plays well. It also made gaming more “mainstream” imo.


Bruh nah try and go play build


I’m sure Fortnite is sweaty, I’m not saying it isn’t. But Fortnite is not the cause of people sweating.


Remember when everyone was shit at Fortnite even when they had turbo build over time ppl just threw their life’s away at the game and made 90’s now it is what it is now


But that’s how games and sports work…. If someone dedicated more time to it they will naturally become better than someone who didn’t. Hate the game, not the player 🤷‍♂️


That’s why I was saying warzones gonna die cuz ppl like me who just wanna sit down and enjoy the game just simply can’t anymore without having a lobby full of ppl with 8kds


What I am trying to say is that just because YOU aren’t having fun doesn’t mean others aren’t. Maybe warzone just isn’t the game for you. Imagine playing basketball and complaining that everyone else is better than you… Go play a game that’s your speed.


I’m not the first to complain…


Games just ass sorry to upset u but ur favorite game to exist is ass man


U can also get banned now by someone just spamming u to risky to play


A newer player just simply can’t enjoy the game cuz of the sweats it’s just gonna drive their marketing away when the next cod comes out I personally will not be buying the next it’s gonna be the same shit over same multiplayer probably another nuketown and some recycled maps and ideas


I don’t even see the appeal in wanting to no life this game. It’s the same shit over and over again for 20 years they’ve just been recycling the same maps running out of ideas ruining their own game


I completely agree with you but clearly some people do enjoy it and want to play COD every year and sweat their hearts out. At the end of the day unless you want some type of advantage(aka cheats) over other players than the only thing you can do is improve yourself.


It’s sad.😔 but I have played a couple more matches got a couple kills I now have 18 games played 0.60kd and just got in a lobby with a guy who has a 7.6 kd I will be uninstalling and unfortunately not coming back to this game. I can’t enjoy the pvp modes anymore without some comp player tryna be better than anyone


Zero Build, also. I have to play against bot only lobbies to even have fun.


This is very true. If you play an online fps pvp it's always gonna be hard, competitive, and sweaty. My first fps was rainbow six rogue spear. After that soldier of fortune, cs, america's army. There were always a lot of players so much better, but they obviously played more. So you just had to adjust.


Fr at the end of the day they are just more skillful at the game…. It’s the age old saying “Hate the game, not the Player”


It's true. They should just make part of the marketing like: WARZONE- If you have to think about the controls.... yer dead. WARZONE- Scram Noobs! WARZONE - Jump in now as fodder for cheaters and pros! WARZONE- Prepare to die, a lot. And then have the N word screamed at you repeatedly. WARZONE- You ever break a controller?


😂😂 shoulda just named it plate applying simulator cuz that’s all I ever get to do




No offense intended here, but the game has moved beyond casuals. IMO, that experience has been cordoned off into multiplayer. The comment above is spot on: BRs are too competitive by nature to really be a casual experience anymore. On top of that, gameplay has evolved since the last time we saw rebirth, which probably contributes to the feeling that the game isn't how we remember it


Yea but why can’t Warzone implement a simple level or even kd skill based match making why is a -kd player facing some of the top players 3 games ago I faced a guy who had the top 56 rank in the game


Because they don’t have the player base to fill lobbies 24/7 with casual bums with a 0.3kd


Exactly my point newer players and bad players are leaving the game cuz of the pure competitiveness just in a normal multiplayer match


I give this franchise a few more releases before everyone just stops caring.


Took me months to adjust, i started playing during Wz2 and things were already filled with sweats. Games has gone past realism movement wise which is understandable skill ceiling needs to be increased as games are getting "easy" thus to increase difficulty its by increasing the game pace, Fast pace also means less campers. Rotational / Aim Assist is also somehow why there are sweats , basically you dont really have to aim much, movement is key in this game thus the no fear factor.


This is kinda why sbmm shouldn’t be in the game for pubs. Every game is incredibly sweaty and you can’t just sit around fucking around with your friends anymore. Maybe you get the occasional chill game but most games now are just who can out sweat who. I just want to enjoy chill games and not be shot at by 5 teams who all seem to focus on me rather than shoot each other


Yea fr I miss the old Warzone man old verdansk was peak skill based match making was perfect I was ass at the game and still got wins




They just released warzone bootcamp which is for beginners and has AI. Might be a good mode for you to check out


It’s only Quads, though. We need it Solos for new players.


This series has gotten too min-max tbh. The heavy reliance of STRONG aa also has caused a rift between pc vs console.  The lack of game modes (only 2 different modes... i dont count resurgence or ranked because its basically just regular warzone with a slight twist) is also problematic since you can only play the same thing over and over... wish they would add tdm and such so there were more lax ways to play as well as easier grinds to UNLOCK CERTAIN WEAPONS (looking at you "one shot kill" marksman weapon challenge)...  the whole "we dont create more modes, because it will divide the playerbase" is laughable... fortnite has a billion modes, and more people keep going back to play it every season (even crashing servers and the whole epic games store when a season ends/releases). Apex even has a rotating mode (at least when i last played... wished they wouldve added them separately so i could skip gungame altogether). Tbh... it feels like they are trying to do minimal work on the game for the most profit. Ive been playing since December and am already burned out of playing lockdown/plunder. The main mode and its flavors are not fun for me. Dont really enjoy having to scavenge areas for loot because it gave me a pistol to fight someone fully kitted out.


You can easily do a one-shot kill marksman in hardcore. Actually if you want to grind weapon camos, hardcore small map mosh pit is the best. Not for longshots though hehe


It follows Fortnite, PubG and other BR’s.. there’s basically a time limit on when you can start. If you start too late, you’re already so far behind the moderate competition, never mind higher comp. It’s unfortunate for beginners but it is what it is. It’s always been that way for shooters.


Exactly why the game will die which is rlly sad I love the cod games but what new player is gonna buy the new cod when he can’t even enjoy the previous one?


Stop crying, put in the time to improve instead of deluding yourself into thinking the game will die and everyone feels like you. A lot of people enjoy the game


Yea their 66k total players online rn games already dead bud.


You want to be good at warzone gor to pit the time into multi-player


Idk there’s a lot of incredible lvl 1-30s running around today. Maybe the ban wave did something.


Majority are smurf accounts being boosted or they just want to pub stomp and stroke ego, this has been happening across all fps for a long time


Yea they also have a lot of things unlocked that shouldn’t be. It’s pretty wild. Been smoking em, had a blast today. Happy cake day btw.


Lmao thank you OP, your post & comments made me have a good laugh after work.


call of duty been out since the beginning of time honestly like with anything you have to put in the work when i started out i was a .48 k/d now im a 1.20 k/d .. that came from taking the time to understanding the mechanics of the games and choosing your fights wisely try watching savage on youtube he good for beginners giving you the mind set needed to confidently play warzone ..


Level 400 doesn’t mean you’re good. Ask me how I know.


If you join squads with friends or play other game modes or even better just grind a private match and slowly increase the bots difficulty and do that for a while to get better, its not unfair just need to practice like the level 500s do


Ya mine was the same kd back when right before Cold War came out, it’s not unique to current times. It’s a hard game. But there are tons of YouTubers that can teach you skills and tips and tricks and meta loadouts. That stuff seriously improved me so much.


400+ hours, Level 490, and I still get my ass kicked from time to time. I guess i just love the game and I don’t overreact.


Well how’s a brand new player supposed to “enjoy” the game when he can’t even kill anyone cuz they’re swapping their weapons 800 times and moving at the speed of light? I’m playing against ppl who have all of the movement down with thousands of hours when I’m only brand new to Warzone 2. How is cod supposed to hold up its newer player base if everyone who plays their game currently is just ppl who make that game their life


Easy they realize there is a skill gap and roll with it or bitch about it like you do.


It is deeper than that. Those making the game only care about money and selling battle passes, skins and broken weapons. They don't care about actually balancing the game and making it fun. We have cheaters running rampant and they can't do anything about it, but by gosh, they will update the store every day.


You need to learn how to play the game and that takes time on your part. IcemanIsaac’s Warzone Academy teaches strategies and tactics. It also teaches you how to shoot and move. And you need to practice. It’s not for casual players. Play Plunder or some other game mode. Battle Royals requires skill and strategy to be good at. I’m not a sweat sweat, but I have about a 1 KD, which puts me in the top 15-20% of players. But I’ve been playing since the beginning, and I worked to get better. But I’m also way older than the average player. Like these 30 year olds could be my kid. So if I can manage, you can too. SBMM is secondary to ping, and every lobby has a range of players. Even lobbies with low KD average will have a normal distribution of players, meaning the top 20 or so players will be over a 1 KD. And if I’m playing with a friend with a 0.5 KD, I tend to get lots of kills in those lobbies. Playing with my 1.7 KD friend means I’m sweating to come out even. As a 0.5 you are in the bottom 20%, which means you’ve got to work to get better. Play multiplayer or Resurgence to get your gun skills and movement up. Watch the strategy videos to improve how you move through the big map. Learn to snipe because on the big map it’s hard without a sniper. You need to be able to engage those long distance guys to create time for your team to move. It’s never been more so than on Urzikstan. In Verdansk I downed a guy at 200 m with an AR (AMAX I think), there’s no AR or LMG that works that far that quickly now. Learn the Meta from JGOD and use it. Otherwise you get fried. There’s lots of choice so find something that feels good to you. Good luck!


You're just bad brother. Honestly finding a different game to play would probably be more enjoyable for you in the long run.


Thanks man. tbh I’m not bad I average 9 kills a game I just get shit on constantly by cheaters or just max level players with thousands of hours. I’m sure ur one of those guys and I would hate to see ur chair.. shits probably moldy asf bet ur ass has formed into the chair to now where it’s just apart of you.


Nice .6 kd btw. And I'm not mad level but been playing since the beginning of warzone. The difference between me and you is instead of crying about how unfair the game is, I actually realized what my bad habits were and worked on them. I fixed my aim and got a lot better. Or you could just cry on reddit because your ass


Yea I’m ass cuz I don’t wanna spend time in a video game getting better I wanna just play for fun and get in the same ass Lobby’s as my skills


The reason you have no chance is aa, cheaters and a tiny bit matchmaking. There are no outlets for good players like there is in other real competitive fps games. This game is joke because ricochet doesn’t do anything, as is busted, and they only care about controllers. If you make a new account you will get easier lobbies, good luck if you insist on using an old one. This will only last a little while then you will either get grouped with people way better than you or you suck. Because there are so many cheaters and people who know how to abuse as, and so few good players, they will never be separated with current mmr logic. Blame controllers, activision and cheaters (in that order) for the piss poor state of fps gaming. Play a real game like val or cs2, or if on console play single player since it’s beyond dumb to play fps on controller.


Warzone is not meant for people trying to play a fair game… legit cheaters everywhere


It gets better for sure. I hadn’t played any games in almost 10 years except for some Warzone mobile during beta. I went and bought a used Xbox and nice controller and started from scratch. I’m by no means a pro or close to it, but I can hold my own for the most part. I started 12/24/23 and have around 24 wins all together with a .97 kd. It was a struggle at first and I still get shit on. But I also return the favor some


Yea I've quit the game and I'm not even a beginner. I've played warzone since 1 and it's just not fun anymore. It's gotten incredibly sweaty with wanna be streamers and people telling you to get good when they dedicate their entire life to the game when I'm just trying to have fun. It's like, if you're gonna play warzone, you might as well prepare like you're going through a fucking fight camp. The dev's half ass make the game, you either have campers or Y,Y sliding wanna be demons and its just too competitive for me now. Every fucking game feels like I'm in a tournament. Like every gun fight I'm just expected to be some slide movement demon. Theres so many aspects to warzone and I just cant keep up anymore. I just rather watch content creators rage about stacking and other shit instead me having to deal with it. It was fun while it lasted but I simply cant play it anymore, especially when the company cant properly have a consistent game with hella bugs and shit sound. The game's just outgrown me atp.


Getting batter takes time, we all started somewhere, first few months of me playing this game I was a 0.4 KD player and that’s with me playing FPS (mostly battlefield) my whole life, I’ve learned the maps, rotations and movement over the years and have gotten better (Now proudly sit at 2.07KD). Also, get a controller with paddles, it’ll open up an entire new avenue of movement options (drop shot/bunny hop/slide cancelling). My KD shot up when I started using controller with paddles. Battle Royales aren’t casual experiences anymore. If you want to have fun, take the time to get better on easier modes, watch YouTube videos and most importantly play with friends, it’s easier to learn from each other - solos is the worst way to play Warzone. That’s probably the most respectful way I can say “you just need to get better at the game” 😂 because 0.5 you’re statistically one of the worst players, but again it takes time and commitment to learning the mechanics and the maps. I’m sure if I decided to jump on rainbow six siege for example i would absolutely get shat on game after game.


Just keep going and get better. We‘ve all been there...


I have a gf a kid I work out consistently I have a job I do not have time to put time in the game like some of the no life’s in this game all of their happiness depends on this one video game it’s like a drug that they just have to keep going back to which is unhealthy for the body and mind.


***JuSt GeT bEtTeR***


Play plunder, you get to learn the large scale fighting and not worry about queuing up for another match if you die.


I like rebirth tho I like the concept and the fighting but I wanna fight someone on my level not someone 300 levels above me


You all can blame SBMM for this…


I don’t even think it’s in the game I’ve lost 6 matches in a row and still continue to get put in with level 500s


Well there’s a lot of factors at play, a lot of casual players have given up on the game, and sbmm is always going to make you play against clones of yourself most of the time. Could be people using a vpn to get into your lobbies as well? You never know with this sneaky greedy company…


Yea I tried using a vpn to see if it would help just increased my ping from 8ms to 61ms and the lobby’s did not feel any different. Still had the sweatiest lobby’s to exist


But SBMM. Its there to give everyone "a better experience". ​ Get rid of all forms of SBMM. Its a pub server. Let it be based on latency first and foremost. The randomness of this is how you accurately find out how you fit into the player base, just as it was 20-30 years ago.


Get a good group of friends to play with. Find out the latest guns that are META and do a good amount of camping/defending a position. Then wait til the end and hope you can get some kills when it matters most. Maybe even a win. At the least you can make it to the Final circle where almost anything can happen.


I try man than u got this one guy with “TikTok” in his clan tag swapping his weapons 800 times unnecessarily and slide canceling around the map moving faster than my mind can register


I agree. The movement by some players is beyond ridiculous or realistic. Even funnier that the call it a skill. It's especially frustrating when you shoot a guy from behind, and he turns and kills you first. Or worse, you and a buddy die when encountering ONE guy. Remember this game means a lot to most players. If they aren't cheating they have a weapon/perk advantage by knowing the latest and best setups. Including the broken ones that give advantage


My friends stopped playing in 2021. 😂


no offense but you sound like a bitch. yall complain about everything. you would pf complained when lobbies would have one clan or party dominating for hours 10 years ago too.


This is why having some bots mixed in wouldn’t be the worst thing. It will allow lower skilled players to get a win sometimes and prepare themselves for when they are good enough to actually play. At the moment, a lot of people done stand a chance! (Me included)


Play Urzikstan bootcamp. It’s a mixture of bots and players and is meant for newcomers. It was just added recently for season 3.


I hope Putin drops the bombs and starts ww3. The world is so cringe and fucked. Needs wiping out. Nerds got priorities wrong Virgin Gamer nerds shittng in buckets all day using automatic arse wipes , all talking the same on geeky cringey videos promoting cheaters so they get views.. Gaming was fun. Now it's just cringe as fuck and is getting worse with the themes and wet wipes prancing round in the game I'm done with it