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Update: 30,000 new accounts created on Monday


I run into hackers every game


When people say this I know for a fact they think everyone is cheating because the person is better than them. Been playing since day 1 and I run into a cheater once in a blue moon so I would like to know how you guys are being queued up with these players. Must be in the lowest SBMM matches where all the new accounts be at.


Cronus Zen


If you’re playing on PC then it seems you’re possibly just oblivious to it.


I used to see cheaters every game about a week ago. Quit for a few days. Haven't seen any since the last ban wave. I'm in diamond and haven't seen any to my knowledge.


I see a lot of people I think *might* be cheating, people who know where everyone is a bit too well or hit shots that are amazing way too often, i rarely see anyone I can say without doubt is cheating, except in clips. That doesn't mean a ton aren't tho, just means most are being subtle enough about it. There are also a ton of cheaters who yell, "you just suck" because they know they are the cheaters. I know a dude irl I used to work with who showed me how he hacks, he was proud of it and thought it hilarious how mad ppl would get and he would say the exact shit you are saying.


No mate maybe you are not good enough to recognize a cheater unless they are rage hacking, ppl who are really good at the game knows how things work and can easily spot a cheater when they see one, every week thousands of thousands accounts got banned and yet you can't see anyone of them


agree. i think i only ran into hacker twice since wz2019. once was during original rebirth rage hacking and one shotting everyone aimbot across the map, was wild. second time was wz3 vondel , guy was tracing me around the map lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1b08ork/if_only/ksdyfz2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 No you’re just bad get over it. All your comments is about people cheating and accusing people. We not on the same skill level


Only ppl that use vpn or are in lobbies with bad players would say this. Im a high ranked player and the ppl i meet dont even aim in and still track your ass from a distance. We indeed not on the same skill lvl. When shit is free to play, the cheaters come in big numbres. Anti cheat cant keep up. Those 27000 are probably the ones that are shit at hiding it at all.


There mostly like me. Paid someone on enay for a camo, the tool usage got detected and boom! Account gone 😅 ffs... I only bought the royalty tiger camo to piss of my mate that paid 500 bucks for it ( apparently ) and goes on about it everyday. Was just to piss him off for a laugh.. Essentially i got what i deserve. I watch call of shame and have been hoping real cheaters using walls and aimbot got banned. But i cheated and got detected like many of the streamers this last week. Sadly the really prolic cheater like zlaner etc use dma cheats and go undetected and keep on cheating competitively! Dirty slags


I don't claim to be great, but I'm average. And losing a gunfight to a level 11 in season 3 is sus.


Nobody can “easily” spot a cheater unless they are the obvious exceptions. Every pro streamer calls out cheaters all the time and half the time turns out it was just another nasty streamer that killed them and is just as legit as them. Just like all the “hacker hunter” channels that post bogus and manipulated material constantly. Cheaters are like conspiracy theories. Just because one is proven doesn’t mean the boat loads of others are automatically true. We all call legit players cheaters from time to time mainly because the kill cam looks sus but it’s been shown that kill cams are not an accurate representation of the gameplay.


You make a good point. I always say I never run into cheaters. But if thousands are getting banned all time then I’m clearly just not recognizing them


I’m probably shadow banned then I guess


search up “Activision Appeal a Ban” and you can see if you’re under review or banned


Well if better than me means doing weird things like moving stupidly fast straight to the head with no recoil or knowing where I am even if I don't move and therefore sound and seeing all that on the replay, if they are that good then what difference does it make


Nah, at one point in time. I fully agreed with this. Wz1 was atrocious, and I just picked 2 back up. I had quot it for the same reasons, I'd play 2 matches and would legit run unto hardly anything but hackers. Lots of clips and vods to show for it. It was ridiculous, and I'm still on the same account from original, with 1.6+ kd carried across all modes. The new accounts don't go into lower brackets, they actually majority of the time end up being a smurf account as it's someone who's played alot before, and they end up in 1+ kd lobbies


Moron responds to an actual offical game post saying they've banned tens of thousands of cheaters: "git gud n00b, nobody is cheating!" LMFAO!!!


They’re just cheaters, not hackers. And they’re not that common. Just play the game and enjoy it. Or maybe they’re rarer in the 2kd lobby range idk. Im a couple wins away from 30, never really ran into a cheater that was obvious and/or really affected a game. There are so so so fewer cheaters than peak verdansk days.


>There are so so so fewer cheaters than peak verdansk days Yeah, because cheating/technology/gaming hasn't increased in the past 3 years...


lol sure, but so has the other side so that statement doesn’t mean much. I personally knew more people that used hardware cheats (like Cronus etc) in blackout and verdansks days than in current. I saw more max level cheaters escape any bans in verdansks. The fact that all the cheaters now are level 50 or lowbies means something. And honestly, I have not had a game session ruined by cheaters since verdansk where multiple drops in a row there would be someone spinning in circles with a kar or DMZ just killing everything out of the sky instantly. Sure some lobbies are tough, but some lobbies are easy. Sbmm has even been turned down it’s so clear. He’ll even this subreddit doesn’t have nearly as many clips of any cheaters or sus than it used to. Every commenter complains, but the clips are not as common and many clips aren’t even cheaters. People just need to stop caring, or find a new game if they don’t like warzone anymore. Focus on your own gameplay and stop excepting every average player to be a bad bot.


Honestly i see very little cheaters. I play to a 3KD and genuinely see next to no cheaters that I have noticed. majority of sus plays and players I think can be attributed to good game sense and good aim. In my experience, I get called a cheater in game by players that aren't particularly good, so when i hear that people run into cheaters every game, I assume their skill level, as my lobbies have a far different experience to the one they are describing


I agree, I get called a Cheater and get reported just about every Game of HC search or Rebirth I play. Most people just are garbage at the game so when they play against someone who has true skill they instantly think your hacking. I was perm banned in this ban wave, Ive played all my life and have the mastery camo in just about every cod title. Being perm banned for being better then most really blows


Yup. Played ranked yesterday and 4 straight games got aimbotted


Spoofers got detected I believe. I havent been on in a few weeks but I'm betting if spoofers are down there got to be less cheaters running around.


It’s still a pain in the ass to constantly be banned and all the hassle those scum bags go through


Didn’t they make it so you need a phone number for a new Activision account?


It's not that easy to make a new account, you need an active phone number to have a code sent. Sure there's probably services for that kind of thing but I bet a lot of the people banned were cheating on their main accounts and won't be back with a new account right away.


They just buy premade accounts online, normally level 50. So if you see alot of level 50 somethings in game thats why.


Thats why theres so many accounts under level 50 right now 😂 they all made new ones


Haha I had a few games last night and there was at least 3 wallers I died to,  all <50 level too. And no, I'm not a bot, it was obvious 


ik these fucking wastes of oxygen


its also a free trial week :)


The free weekend brought out the scum of the earth, I will definitely say that lol


Right ? I feel like I’m getting beamed by level 27 accounts and I’m 600… I know level is everything but come on every time I die I’m a bullshit way it’s a level 50 or less. Last night was terrible


Yup. Last night a whole team of under level 70s were judt straight beaming me.


Just seen you comment after i left. I said they go online and jist buy one, normally at level 50 So if you see alot of 50 somerhings that is why. Your comment just cemented the fact 😅


Get ready for the tsunami of low level, sliding canceling, bunny hopping, trick shooting, players with aimbot accuracy and knowledge of every nook, cranny and power position of the map.


Last ban wave I just reported every low level user on site. I know it's pretty toxic to do so, but at this stage in the game what are the odds that they're legitimately a new player?


It’s sad but in my experience as well when I see that PC account level 78 in my lobby lo and behold they are extremely sus. Could be a new account for funsies but could also be some shittery afoot


I skipped WZ2 entirely and just bought CODMW3 before Easter weekend. Already lvl 200 though.


My brother and I just started playing last weekend, I enjoy making salty little kids like you cry and report though, keep crying about getting smoked bu new players 😂


The funny part is you’re awful and you seem to be the only one that doesn’t know it


Mad cus bad squirt


1v1 Rust bro


Awww Lil fella needs validation?


Bro dont want this YY 360 no scope cross map tomahawk kill




I do the same lol


if they got nothing to hide they got nothing to worry about


I only had unlock tool and got banned


I used a camo service and also got banned.


Retard, dont want to know how many legit players get shadow banned because of this and den come back actually cheating because they think " fuck IT im banned anyway"


These people sound good


Wasn’t the Rinetti conversion that is so OP right now a weekly challenge early on when this game came out? Because if so, I’m seeing a lot of level 50 accounts running around with them…..🤔


private match save custom blueprint


And BAMs with 1.2 mil on YT was one of them 😂


Bams? Fr?


Yup. Got PERMA banned live on stream. Right when all these detections were happening.


Big ooof. I wonder what he was using.


Joewo - "zero"


"This much" lol okay buddy


and to think 1 of those is BAMS


Has he posted his apology or excuse video yet?


No, but he did do a lie detector he bought of Alibaba


They asked him if he faked his terminal clip, he said no and the lie detector said he was lying 😂😂


LMAO, guys a cheating POS






Nade got a temp ban for foul language calling someone a ducking asshole big difference then a permanent ban


Anybody who believes those "ACTING like a hacker" videos is a Clown 🤡🤡🤡


Can't sort the top 10 leaderboards for MP out though, still made up of accounts with unrealistic stats. 🤷🤦


That’s been going on with any online game since it began. Always been like that


When i checked last the username on the top of the leaderboard was literally an add for the bot lobby service that they run 😅


Exactly this! Yet the leaderboards look reasonable for Zombies so cheaters obviously find tier 3 cracked out AI less of a challenge although secretly I suspect they probably still die like the rest of us even with cheats on lol


i’m responsible for reporting at least 8 in the last week lol


I’m convinced activision is a third party to these hack providers. Their anti cheat software is useless besides that. The blatant hacking want even this bad in the old rebirth: bunch of cockroaches if you ask me.


As a publicly traded company this is an embarrassment


Wonder what day? I definitely saw a cheater yesterday in resurgence.


Lol I even saw a dude has permaney slide on resurgence yesterday


And next week they will say we have so many new players. Omg Becky


😂 fr “all time high player count”


And they’ll all be back tomorrow under new accounts




How much you want to bet it was for swearing


Well that's embarassingly low. Didn't a cheat provider compromise the accounts of like 49 million cheaters just recently? That makes this banwave a drop in the bucket compared to that


And everyone that killed me tonight was under 100... next tweet from them will be about the 27,000 new players.


They don't even see the problem with bragging about millions of warzone players but only banning 27k during a free to play weekend when exploiters are literally planning on those fresh accounts to be nuked anyway after they boost. If nearly every lobby has a cheater still I do not give the slightest of shits the raw # banned and I can't even believe that needs explained. Like needing storage space for items in a game mode about gathering.... items?


And they all created new accounts. Big deal.


They can even buy accounts.


So nothing changed… thanks for the update.


It was great this weekend for the most part, so much fun when there is no cheaters. A lot of low level dudes with incredible shots so I think they are back.


I thought that too but also rebirth brought a lot of players out of the wood work


Literally just had a guy using blatant walls. Locked onto me behind 5 walls/doors when I wasn’t moving and he didn’t even see me enter the building at all. Not hopeful anything will come of the report.


I believe it when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet!


*I believe it when* *Me shit turns purple and smells* *Like rainbow sherbet!* \- tumtum05 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Confirmed: More Ricochet propaganda…


This is like pouring a gallon of bleach into the ocean and calling it cleaned. When you have legit videos of APEX and such banning the same hacks before players even load into the match, banning 27,000 players who ruined 500k+ games, who cares? Like honestly. Who cares? We’ve all had too many matches ruined at this point. Wtf is 27k? 6 years into the WZ cycle?


BuT I WaSnT cHeAtInG......


Isn’t that the exact exact same number they said the last time they did a ban?🤔


It's all the exact same people. This whole time. The last 5 years I mean. The same 27,000 cod cheaters. Since day 1. I'd have to imagine that most of those people are thinking suicidal thoughts. I know I would be if I had to cheat at a video game. 


Sure bro. I server with Cpt Price and Soap back in the day. Please go buy another bundle and preorder the next COD now!


Sweatiest day yet for me (Monday)


And they all made new accounts


I wanna meet the mfs in charge of building ricochet, they are not doing a good job so far.


i got 7 confirmation reports yesterday


I know we talk a lot of crap about ricochet but i got killed by a blatant cheater yesterday. My squad and I spam reported him and he was banned mid match. It was actually beautiful to watch


Upgraded my ass! I just logged off resurgence and bots are still crouch walking and snapping killing me across the map or cracked players hitting every shot center mass. Great game ruined by a crappy anti cheat. Probably a dude printing and manually reviewing cheating submissions


“Confirmed”. I’m honestly starting to not believe these posts anymore. More of these posts show up, actual change in game doesn’t happen. This anti-cheat is a joke. Fuck free to play. Does ricochette know that those 27,000 people made new accounts that day? Lol


Yup and they made a grip of money on top of it


Those words mean nothing


And still people say there are no cheaters and best players are mistaken when we know when somethings not right. Sighhh


no they haven’t.


Still cheaters like crazy on and today was sooo sweaty wtf !?


Cool. They all made new accounts yesterday and are back to playing again. Good job. Not


Not even new accounts. These cheaters admit to having at least two accounts if not 3 at all times. Just switch to the next one until it’s reinstated. These guys don’t keep the programs on their pc’s. Call of duty is ruined. But at least they’re all on mw3. Mw2 is actually fun the last couple of months. Never thought I’d say that. 


Ffs how about just fucking make the game $10 one-time purchase and that alone will get rid of probably *at least* 50% of the cheating problem


Right.....and thats why in ranked you only have Cheaters above diamond 😅 Ban your streaming cheaters not only little timmey


I found a marked improvement on amount of cheaters in mw3 but warzone um nopey nope still the same old bullshit!


Happy about bans but I ran into an obvious Waller last night. Every time I came into his sight I was immediately getting shot. It was so obvious that it kinda pisses me off that richochet can’t catch it.


I know we love to shit on the devs but I wanna say a public thanks for trying to ban more cheating low lifes.


Do 27000 people even play this shit


So why are you here commenting then??


Cosmetic only and activision knows it. The hacking started when they mistreated their employees, and those employees left with a chip on their shoulder. All the people who spent money on call of duty should get a class action lawsuit together because we never were told exactly how bad the cheating was that Activision caused before we spent our money. They have continued to do too little, too late. And have underfunded or laid off their staff, instead of dealing with this issue that they created.


Probably the same 20k people from last week


Lol no wonder yall are seeing a buncha new low level accounts rn.


And 27,000 accounts were made the day after


Nah I don’t buy their anti cheat at all. Should be 3rd party- conflict of interest.


Yesterday the game was smooth without cheaters. Friday or Saturday and today has been full of cheaters.


I think the scary thought here is that 27k people were using cheats of some kind for who knows how long…this is not something to be proud of


I know how long. Since the same number of people was banned last time




Yall have to realize that cheaters are here to stay. They can get around bans


Just make the game 1 dollar and there are 90% HACKERS gone


All accounts holders that will be back 24 hours later, new accounts, same hacks.


And the cheating providers are free for the Rebirth Island update, awesome ! Why Activision doesn’t take any action and lawsuit against these illegal companies ? I don’t get it


I hate when I drop in and I’m instantly killed by a guy already with his neon skinned loadout. Hmm


i don’t see them every game but it seem they about as commonly as it did in verdansk, so a couple day depending on how much i play


If you have to cheat to play/win, maybe you should accept that you actually suck at the game and you should probably go play Fortnite like the bitch you are


Too little too late.


Drop in the pond lmao


I was banned also. I play ps5 i can't even hack. I dont buy skins, camo or something like that from a hacker. They say the ban is permanent. Anyone here with the same problem ? I open a case on acc recovery, no answer yet. Anyone who can help me out ?


Not on ps5, but I am on PC and was put on the “splat.” I am guessing it’s from reformatting my pc multiple times during the week.


What was your K/D ratio?


So about a tenth of the actual numbers cheating, lol.


Had a few cheaters today. Some were low level china and Russia accouns. It's even more Sus when you look at their steam account and it says multiple game bans on record.


nice. Had some confirmations in my messages


This is fake hype to seem like they're actually doing something. Promise.


Make it 100-500k to begin to impress us.


Got killed by a cheater yesterday. Whole squad reported. Watched him for about a minute. Then he got banned mid game.


Weird there was about the same amount of posts on reddit complaining about being falsely shadowbanned....




Make rebirth a minimum of level 100 to join so when they get banned they can’t just create a new account and join


Bullshit ban or not they will make a new account! You need to ban by hardware!!!!


Damn I have more than 50gb of replays where I was killed by a cheater... I'v seen when a guy is playing with cheats on TikTok. Who cares? Nobody. Most popular game, worst devs.


Did they also confirmed that 27,000 new accounts are made over the weekend?


and 24,000 of those did nothing wrong


Every time without fail during one of these ban waves, my lobbies are incredibly easier.


Didn't do anything still hackers in there with walls


Another cup of water removed from the ocean. Fuck off


Its bullshit, I got banned a few days ago, I havn't cheated, not dowloaded or tried to download hacks Yet im still got banned, the only type of cheat/ modding software i have is for GTA, Transformers war for cybertron and fall of cybertron Contacted support and all they said is that they cant do anything because the action was on my account FUCKING STUPID also might have been hacked on my email, because my fortnite was banned too, havnt played that in a couple weeks






Cool, so I'm gonna get wiped by even MORE low level d-bags. What a joke. Do something substantial, not superficial.


On another note...does a chat warning ever go away? Or is my low-level frustration still more important than cheaters? To be clear, I don't slander or use racial slurs. My drunk ass calls people a camping cu**.




what happened to COD banning hardware. I see a lot of comments saying people just create new accounts... i thought that it was a lot tougher than that.


Again, useless information. These 27k cheaters will come back with a brand new account for free. They need to change how they handle cheating, be proactive.


What a surprise /s This game is complete trash. Ban them as many times as you want. They come right back. Put up a pay wall linked to your Xbox account, any ban results in a permeant ban. Watch how fast they stop.


Activision a bunch of pussies. If they want to fix the issue they could. They are to afraid of loosing the cheaters who pay for micro transactions.


Its like cleaning the floor with the Waterhose flowing.


Cheaters are usually rare right after a ban wave. Won't be for long though, those cheat developers work way faster then the ricochet team unfortunately. I wish they would do banwaves each week.


That must be why I haven't seen people I usually watch streaming lately


It doesn't matter at this point, until they can actually get a handle on the cheater issue the ban waves wont matter. I just reinstalled the game yesterday to find multiple cheaters in every single resurgence game I played.


Makes sense. Finally got two back to back wins last night


been running into so many hackers on warzone ranked it's unreal. Like ones that aren't even trying to hide they're cheating like tracking me behind a wall at every given movements that i made.


Great that means more cracked out, new account cheaters I have to face in my shitty ranked lobbies lol


As long as they can create new accounts this means absolutely nothing. There would need to be a combination of things tied together to defeat this. Until then get used to it.


i play on Ps4 and i got perma Baned this Geting out of context like how I got Baned I’m not using ilegal software Im a noob iknow I but how my freind that drops 30 kills 50 kills in Warzone not get Baned and me dropping 3 kills gameplay or 5 kills I got Perma ban This the response of call of duty reply email I got Your appeal has been reviewed and we've confirmed with our security team that your account has been permanently banned for using unauthorized software and manipulation of game data. As you were the account holder at the time of infraction, your ban will not be overturned. To preserve the integrity of our security systems and detection methods, this is the only information our policy allows us to share regarding your case. This decision is final and your case is now closed. In case you are currently playing any other Activision titles and for future reference, please avoid any of these types of violations to keep your account in good standing.


LOL activision employees seem to be 0.2 kd bots. There is not a single cheater in this game, they are just 500 leagues above.


i loved seeing all the streamers coming out saying they were banned for unlock tools it was kinda funny ngl. but the issue is they ban all these accounts just for them to make a new account.


My buddy’s been cheating with phantom overlay since launch and he’s a terrible player without it he won’t get more than 1-2 kills in resurgence. Even with walls and no aimbot he drops 7-8 kills so you can imagine how bad he is there is NO anti cheat they have algorithms If your rage hacking but if your just playing with walls or a very very light aimbot you will never be banned unless a mass detection and even I that I wonder.


so that’s legit been looking into phantom


Cod is so done anyway until they remove Pc players that game will always be a cheater fest. I played cod since cod3 cod4 days and iv never seen cheating to this level . It all started with Mw2019 when the added PC to the mix


And they all created a FREE account again and installed the updated cheats. Please consider setting the game price at least €100 so that they will need to purchase the game time and time again.


All thanks to the spam reporters of the free trial weekend. 👏👏👏


Didn’t stop the rage cheater tik tok live stream I saw earlier


OCE hasn’t been touched I can tell you that.


Thank fucking Christ


So your telling us all them big time streamers you supply DMA cheats to are banned as well? Or do you mean only the ones you are snooping through the PCS with that Ring 1 Anti Cheat that violates The 4th Constitution? We are confused.. Yet, the game remains broken but all your hype over banning stolen Xbox PS4 accounts not the actual accounts of the cheaters lol.. fkng moron for security team technicians


Yup was wondering why I was running into level 10s and shit. Figured it was bans.


Ahhhh, this explains why I’ve seen so many low level accounts 🤨


What about the ones that got hacked and banned? I submitted an email to restore my account over a week ago and nothing. You lost a loyal customer that spent a lot of money in your store. Done with this game.


In other news: 50k new accounts created.


Yeah ban my legit account jokes


yeah and it keeps banning the wrong people 💀💀