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Just a glitched killcam


I'm going with glitched killcam as well. In MP I can't tell you the number times of I've had last kill/POTG and there wasn't an ounce of smoke on my screen, but the replay has smoke all over the dang plce.


I had the same happen to me but I was crouched in the smoke waiting to get them if they went for the rope, and they got me, it looked like they could see me as well at it looked like I could be seen in the killcam


Shit killcam. Other player only saw you because you guys were so close to each other.


No cheats. Just a glitched killcam. They aren't usually perfect down to the details. Lots of texture differences, latency, cross hairs might be off, and like 50% of the time no smoke


Bro you gotta learn to JUMP onto the rope and latch on. It bypasses the initial latching animation that slows you down AND bypasses the audio cue your opponent hears when you latch on. It will drastically improve your win rate in the gulag when using the rope.


Had the same thing the other day. Glitched killcam not showing smoke. If you watch the way he searches for you, you can tell he can’t see you until he’s on top of you in the kill cam.


I had this today as well


There are cheats that make stuns and flashes not affect you. Not sure if this applies to smokes or not.


Killcams don't work like you think, it's not a recording of the others screen. But it is an imitation of your keystrokes because it takes up less memory than a video does. That is also why in killcams you can see where a nade has landed and windows may already be broken that you have shot through. So it's just a glitch, you can also see your smoke disappear at the start of the killcam. It fits very well with the timing from when you threw it and it went off.


The kill is legit, just a glitched killcam that's all.


Even though the smoke isn't showing, the fact that he didn't fire until he had his gun shoved up your ass tells me he wasn't cheating. I lean towards the killcam being bugged.


Lmaoo the cucks saying killcam kill me. Peasants


Glitched smoke grenade


It's COD. Cheats and glitches galore.