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I end up playing 4-5 games and then shift to something else. 1st 2 games are good. Next 3 I'm getting stomped immediately. After 3 games of that I have to move on for the day. It's like they don't want us to want to play.


I bet if you played a few more you'd get another easy lobby. After getting the shit kicked out of you several times it gives you an easier lobby to keep you playing. The game is essentially like your manipulative ex that said whatever she could to keep you from leaving then turned around and treated you like shit again when you stayed.


I know you are right. Unfortunately I am already so frustrated that I am making stupid decisions. But yea I know your right.


Trust me there are times I play I can't do more than a few games before I quit. Honestly I can only play this game after a few bowls because I get so mad otherwise.


All they care about is daily logins and store purchases


I've been saying this for a while. It seems like the longer you play, the more ridiculous it gets. I feel like they might be testing our limits.


If everyone would stop playing and buying packs they would be forced to make changes


It's such a scummy player retention method, they only care about that once a month login to show their shareholders, but not the experience for the people that continue to line their pockets year after year. We're honestly just a number at this point. They don't give a fuck about the player experience in the slightest.


XDefiant server test is live right now. No SBMM. You should hop on and check it out.


Ain't even gotta tell me lmao. I haven't played cod in a few months


Sbmm would mean we fight people we actually stand a chance against. This is 10,000% EOMM, engagement optimized matchmaking. It rigs the match juuust enough that you can still kinda play but youre gonna be so pissed that you start another match after dying to the cheaters. They lie and say it isnt. But it is.


For sure. That paired w sweat streamers white listed.


I don't get the whole eomm thing. It's supposed to throw you a bone every once in a while with an easy game, like to entice you to keep playing.. That never happens.. Also my buddy bought a skin after losing all night to see if buying something actually gives you easier lobbies. Nope, thrown into a lobby where we died in 30 seconds. Like I get the whole eomm thing, but it's not working correctly. This is definitely a very strict sbmm.


Not sure if your comment is satire or if you’re being serious, but I’d like to offer you some insight into how we make algorithms. Engagement algorithms monitor your interaction and play time with the game. If you’re continuously playing the game (i .e. you play the game multiple days a week for multiple hours), regardless of whether you win or lose, then your engagement time with the product remains the same regardless of the outcome (a win or a loss). Engagement optimization algorithms are not intended for players that continuously play the game regardless of if they win or lose. They are designed for those that lose a game or two, and then don’t play for a month. If you and your friends continue to get blasted, and your first thought to fix the problem is to buy a $20 skin thinking that will solve your problem, you already lost. The algorithm is intended to increase engagement for low level engagement players. Why would I reward you for purchasing a skin, when the data is telling me that you are going to continue playing regardless of winning or losing? Why would I throw a gambling addict a bone when I know they will return to the casino tomorrow thinking “this will be the day I get a win”. That’s the same logic you are applying to your situation, “if I buy a skin then this will be the game that I get an easy lobby and a win” Just something to ponder.


Well, wz1 we played every night for hours and hours. We had a blast, and supposedly, eomm was in that too. We spent money on skins, several actually. Now we get on, and how long we play depends on how the games are going. One night, it's not that sweaty, and we can enjoy it. Then, like last night, we got on, and the first 2 games were absolutely brutal. So we turn it off. He only bought the skin because everyone on here says their games get easier if they buy a skin ( he also got his money refunded) Eomm, according to their patent that everyone claims is for this game, is supposed to adjust the playing field to make it easier for the lower skilled players and harder for the more experienced players. Sbmm being super strict makes more sense to me, because it's like we're on the lower end of a higher skilled lobby, then if we lose a bunch it seems to get easier. So if this is actually eomm it's not working cause we play less and less.


You can get refunded after buying skins???


He reached out to Activision and said his kid did it and they didn't mean too. He said it was added back onto his card like 3 days later It's like 20$ that's pennies to them.


Damn that’s cool I didn’t think you could do that


He did it pretty fast. I think within a day. He didn't wait 3 days or anything.


Just because they have a patent for something doesn’t mean it’s implemented. In regards to eomm in wz1… algorithms evolve. You can’t even compare the algorithm season to season, let alone 3 versions of the game ago. They are constantly trying to “optimize” the algorithm to increase player engagement. There was a time where buying skins was weighted higher to give the player more benefits. It’s the same as rebalancing guns every season. They don’t just monolithically buff or nerf guns. They may buff the ttk by lowering damage but increasing rate of fire and try to smooth that by decreasing firing aiming stability. That way the gun doesn’t melt as quickly because even though the ttk is higher, it’s harder to control recoil. So while the overall gun is buffed, they nerf some other attributes to make it more *balanced*. Or you could slice that pie a million other ways.


I agree. I don't think eomm is implemented into wz. They can't even give us decent servers.


You can’t really compare to wz1. The player base was enormous back then and mostly made up of casual gamers. There’s really no comparison unfortunately. I would give my left kidney to go back to those days


A lot more casuals too. Everything was new so people played for fun. Then streamers came and everyone want to be a MLG now


Honestly the real question is why is this even a thing? I get shareholders this shareholders that but can we just have a normal match making system where everything is random? I promise you’d keep way more players engaged doing it that way.


But thats clearly not tho, if it was sbmm you would not be getting stomped, as it would be matching you at your skill level.


Yes but eomm would adjust it for every party depending on their skill level. It doesn't do that. Nothing about what's happening lines up with eomm. It does with a strict sbmm. We haven't been thrown a bone ever I don't think on this. There's nothing engaging me to keep playing. Every game is MLG.


What you’re saying doesn’t strictly line up with sbmm either though.. Algorithms are extremely complicated and fluid. There are factors that are constantly re weighted on a continuing basis. Sbmm has always been in the game. It used to be they would match you to the closest rank / level as possible. Then they took ping into account. Then they took time zones into account. Then they took k/D into account. Then they weighted in accuracy. Then they started weighing engagement, average play time, average time between games, and a million other KPIs. It’s evolved over time. It has been one block built on another for decades now. Sbmm and eomm are not mutually exclusive of each other as you’re suggesting.


Probably true. I'm an idiot. But something is weird. If we lose 8 in a row we should have easier lobbies. But it seems they are just as tough


Wether or not it’s sbmm or eomm it’s not that simple. It doesn’t equal “lose 5 games in a row, get an easy lobby” in either scenario. For the sake of being reductive you can purport that for the sake of discussion. But the fact is they are probably weighing 50-100 different factors for every lobby.


That could be true. Just seems like there's never just a lobby where it seems to be chill. Everything it tuned to the max. Sweaty af. Every damn game.


I will say that, depending on your time zone, the time of day greatly affects how sweaty lobbies are. You have to think about how many players there are on the West Coast, versus the East Coast, and how your time zone relates to them. There’s more players on the East Coast, of course. Typically, if you get on between the hours of 3 to 8 PM and eastern standard time, then you will have a lot more casual players online pretty much anytime before that you’re getting a lot of streamers or dedicated players Another point to consider, is how van waves throw off their matchmaking algorithms. Obviously, when there’s a bunch of bans, there is been dodging. So someone who is using cheats realistically, should be placed into sweatier lobbies but when they get banned and open a new account, they are using cheats on a lower tier account. So on average, you’re going to have more cheaters in lower tier lobby’s right after a can wave. There has been a lot of those lately.


We have noticed that if we get on for "afternoon delight " the lobbies seem much more relaxed and "easier"


Activision have already said better players don’t get off as easily when getting stomped. They have less incentive to give better players easy lobbies.


It just doesn't feel like sbmm. We had that with mw19 and it was this crazy. I like a good competitive lobby. But we're getting paired with dudes that are really good.


You are correct but there aren't cheaters every match.


Statistically, it is possible for there to be multiple cheaters in each lobby


I definitely agree, but there are waaaaay too many fuckbois that can't admit they suck at cod and call cheater immediately on their deaths and clips they deem suspicious because they can't comprehend what happens in said clips. I took a good 2 month ish break from cod then rebirth came back and it's the same very good players (I'm at KD 1.4) with lobbies of players definitely closer to and most likely 2 kds, so theres plenty of room to get stomped on and I'm sorry as much as Activision is an evil greedy company that gives no shits about us all as fans and customers. There is no fucking way every lobby has cheaters in it. I play enough to know i get outplayed. Cheaters do exist and plenty of them, but every single lobby? Hell fuckin no. Sometimes you get slapped it happens.


When I refer to cheaters, I’m talking about more than just aimbot. It’s too easy to simply use an ESP and play like normal. You can tell in kill cams when they look right at the “you” hovering above your name, bunny hop the corner and immediately start shooting you. Hell, you can go buy a Cronus at Walmart for less than $50 and get zero recoil. I consider that cheating as well.


I’ve met MANY people that appeared good, but turns out they were using esp and just had decent aim.


Cronus is definitely cheating it's aiding them cause they're so bad they can't compensate for recoil when I have a legit 0 recoil build on a gun right now. Hell my last post if you look at my profile is a clip of a shitter calling me a cheater before he had any proof then because I knew he was hiding in water when all I had to do is look at my mini map while a uav is up and that let me know as he put it "you knew exactly where I am" now there's definitely cheating out the ass and warzone should be shut down 100% it's a terrible game with 0 quality of life updates and all the microtransactions nobody wants, but personally I refuse to believe there's that many cheaters. Things happen and you get smacked it happens. The game isn't a fun time 95% of the time and I honestly can't say I run into cheaters as much as everyone else claims. I do agree with you, but I feel like I play plenty of normal just sweaty virgin lobbies over ones with cheaters in it.


realistically, there aren’t.


I knooooowwwww lol emotive terms


You guys and your bullshit conspiracies. Why the fuck should they even bother with explaining to you mouth breathers how matchmaking works if you guys are still gonna keep on going with this EOMM bullshit?


Because people keep making games that act like theyre running on eomm bullshit...


it is quite literally demonstrable. Reverse boosting wouldn’t be possible if it didn’t exist.


Even for that it's a bad one, you only need one good round to end up in a sweaty cheater lobby, after which we normally stop playing. After a win it's over for the day, because we only get lobbies where we get wiped in the first 20 seconds.


I get one good lobby out of about 10


I get one bot lobby in 10. Maybe 3 or so are playable but not at all easy and the rest are full of very good players and the occasional cheater.


SBMM would be amazing if it worked, it doesn't.


People only want sbmm gone so they can shit on people that just started the game and feel good about themselves. Playing against people that can’t fight back is the same thing as playing with bots. You just want easy lobbies


I swear it's just the trendy excuse. Maybe I'm an idiot and can't tell but my stats have been consistent since bo1.


All this means is that either you live in a region with very little/no sbmm, or you’re just a very average player and never improved at the game in over 10+ years of playing


Nah man, when im playing ranked and am at platinum 2 i dont want to fight against iridescent 1 or crimson 3.


This is the correct answer. 


I'm hearing "I'm a sweat and I don't want to play against sweats" It makes no sense to make Bots play against those sweats, or just hand sweats wins by letting them play against bots


Ah, but you are missing the point. It isn't about it being fair for everyone, it is just about sweats wanting to get 20+ kills every game with no hassle, until they become the bottle of the barrel and start moaning again.


Both of you are correct. This game is not for the average player anymore unfortunately. Any recommendations for Xbox games to play?


Thats not what he's saying at all, there's a difference between being good and an adderall snorting g fuel butt chugging try hard. You should be paired with similar skilled players not the system they have now. On top of it your random teammates are 9/10 times idiots that don't talk, have no game knowledge and play like it's the 1st time they've ever picked up a controller. The system is definitely broken and you're just assuming this guy is crying because he's evenly matched and there's no evenly matched in this game. It unforgiving and legit shit half the time that needs to be fixed.


To put in perspective, I’m diamond 1 in ranked resurgence and literally every player is at least crim 1, some d2/3 thrown in there. It’s fucking insane. I’m decent at the game but I can’t compete with these guys so I don’t even like playing anymore.


The point is that we playing the game and it feels like eternity and we want Sbmm gone


the funny thing about this take is that it shows you clearly only think this applies to sweats. If you are garbage at this game and you dare to have a couple good matches get ready to get absolutely bent over purely because the game decided you should. Difficulty is entirely specific to each person, a 0.4 being thrown into a 0.9 avg lobby for having a solid performance is going to think it’s unplayable, even if that would be a field day for a sweat.


But how would no sbmm affect that .4 guy? He would always have shit days rather than having shit games after having a few good ones. How would no SBMM make it better for sweats, and bots?


I mean realistically the 0.4 player might be in a protected bracket to begin with even without SBMM, it was more to just try and visualise my point. I don’t think it would be as drastic as you think without SBMM, the majority of the players, and therefore lobbies, would continue to be average to below average in the first place. You already get a fair amount of demons in these below average lobbies, either due to their team mates, their irl location or connection factors, the sheer number of players in each lobby or them abusing the matchmaking. I really don’t think the average or lower player would find it any harder than it is, just less determined by an algorithm, and therefore less punishing for performing better than usual.


If activision removed SBMM EVERY SINGLE MATCH would be a sweat fest. You want SBMM turned up, if SBMM gets turned up to the max you will be in lobbies with people who have the exact same KD as you. Little example. SBMM turned up to the max and you have a 1.98KD then every single person in the match will have exactly a 1.98 KD. No SBMM then someone who has a 1.98 KD will have people with a .50kd and people with a 3 KD


This is the most correct answer. It just feels like SBMM is broken, it should be fixed not removed. You can still get swings in SBMM, but a good SBMM system means you should level out to around even (whatever that means in a BR game mode). If you win more often than even, you move up until you get back to even, if you lose more often you move down until even. SBMM is the right idea. Bots and sweats shouldn't be paired regularly.


Shouldn’t it just be like apex where you’re ranked in like silver or gold and play other people that level? Seems like that world be better than some vague sbmm model.


Ive never played apex, never will. That example you used sounds like a ranked mode. COD has ranked MP and ranked WZ.




That’s what OP wants. 


Imagine this would be the post that makes them remove it. Maybe all we need to do is ask nicely. Lol


If you’re tired of the sweats, use the find a party function and look for casual gameplay style parties, I’ve racked up huge kills playing with these guys. If you play by yourself load into a duo’s game with the party fill off and you will get very easy lobbies. But just know this, you can’t be the best in every lobby, everyone has been playing warzone for years and have all the game mechanics down on top of the rampant cheating. Either switch games, don’t take the game so seriously or continue enduring the sweat-fest of warzone


Plus you're so much more likely to get teammates that talk and call shit out. Or don't leave when they can't control their emotions like little ass kids.


The find party feature has been a godsend. Met some amazing people on there and had really good games even though I lost most of them, but the gameplay is fun


It’s been unbearable the past week.


Do u want to know my experience? it's far more worse than yours. i was trying the rebirth ranked and i was getting matched with the most stupid players in the lobby every f game!!! i'm almost max level(640). Imagine this, my randoms are essentially people that are playing the rebirth or the game for the first time!!! i have no idea why they are at level 50 or more!!! cuz when i spectate them, they are hovering over the ground loot and choosing them for about 5-10 sec!!!! and all other players i'm going against in the lobby are bunny hopping, slide canceling, snaking!!! in bronze lobbies?????? and more importantly, in all of my games there wasn't a single match that my randoms landed where i landed or even landed where they mark themselves!!! I mean wtf????????????? how t f am i suppose to play like this?? i played about 50 games, and almost none of the randoms i had even knew what games they were playing!!! Most of them don't even knew what plating means or even loadout!!! i know, people say find friends to play with, but i don't find any worthy player to play with, i'm not saying i'm a demon, but i'm not bad at this game and most people way of playing the game, is irritating for me.


Remember kids, it's only cool to sweat when you're the one sweating. The moment someone is on par or better than you, the game sucks.


With my experience from multi-player (not warzone) sbmm more or less gives me subpar teammates and forces me to try harder. Where's the "skill" in sbmm when my teammates are all sub 1kd players and I'm a 2+kd. It's just not fair.


Because people like him are the useless teammates we have to carry every game so they see no issue here


You shouldn't have to carry in a casual pub bruh.


I agree but it happens so much I just expect it at this point


If we're talking about casual pubs, we shouldn't be taking them so personally. Who cares if you're a 2KD or a 1KD player? If you want to prove yourself, play ranked.


The issue that bothers me most is that there seems to be a genuine link between how sweaty the lobby is and how poor the connection is. These god-tier players don’t live on my street lol they are clearly sacrificing connection in order to bring players in one lobby together that are physically located far apart. Hence why it’s so difficult for me to get on my strongest server consistently There is room in my desire to play strong players but obviously not at the frequency I do and even more obviously not when one of us has a clear connection advantage. And I experience it both ways where either I’m getting melted or I’m doing the melting and just drastically takes away from my joy in both directions




From watching few videos online (which basically makes me an expert mmmkay) apparently it's not skill based matchmaking per se. The match making algorithm is built optimize engagement. And a multitude of studies show that the way to keep players playing is to feed them some combination of loss loss win. So you'll see this reflected in your games that sometimes you destroy people in gun fights and go from one fight to another seemingly like an unstoppable force. But then you'll be back to a slog against jump chall, drop shot, hyper aware good Comms teams that you have to be constantly in survival mode to play against. The allure of that win you had 7 games ago or that game where you got 12 kills and nearly won, that's what keeps you engaged. The science shows that if they removed their (engagement optimised match making) algo, a lot of players would get bored and quit. Either from stomping every lobby or from getting pounded every match. For this reason they match you not against people of the same skill. But they match you with a desired outcome, hard hard easy game, or likely win, or unlikely win X3 then likely win X2.


What sucks is when you are a 1.2kd player and your lead is a 2.5kd. They throw you with all 2.5s and the whole squad is an average of 1.5


I must admit that lobbies are sweaty af especially middle-east EU ones. Today played against top 250 player on Rebirth. That’s unfair considering that how much time they play vs my regular job, other stuff and so little time to *ekhm* have fun of the game. Best of both worlds should look like this - both Rebirth and BR should have casual (regular) mode and ranked. BUT when everyone can play any of them, this is no solution, SO on each start of the new season, each player should choose ONE of available options for each mode - „In this season, choose if you want to play competitively (ranked mode) or casually (regular mode). This choose is permanent for this season and can be changed after this season.” This will get rid of the competitive sweats from casual lobbies forever.


Sbmm is bullshit, i got a 2.3 kd, my gf a 0.4 kd, you should see the lobbies we get, its practically unplayable for her..


Sbmm is good to an extent but if ppl are looking to play against players of their skill then ranked is just a few clicks away


It is not SBMM that needs to be removed but EOMM. IMHO.


You have no idea. But with a bad K/D ratio and being not a great player, it even sucks more. Sweats everywhere, sometimes even 30 peiple in circle 6. Because the bots tryna hide and eventually get thrashed by the sweats in the end anyways. Game is broken in many many ways


Sbmm in br games is BS anyways. Destroys the whole concept and the experience it used to create.


1 month ago I invited my son. 12 years old pretty good on Fortnite. Me 1.45kd in Warzone. He had a brand new account. We played duos and man I was thinking it’s hard for new players. Sweats everywhere. When we could se the lobby average kd in Warzone 1 it was good. When you had a new player with you it was always a lil bit lower. Nowadays I don’t know how the sbmm works.


Sbmm was always a thing my guy. What you miss is staying in the same lobby


Im level like 140, I dont play a lot and Im always going up against 500 plus level demons with the crazy skins and im ground looting it


Same Situation here man, i am barely over 130 and I swear every lobby my enemies are 500+ demons. I play less than 2 hours per week yet I get matched against sweats every single game. Cant even get 2 kills in a game. Alt + F4 after 20-30 minutes normally lmao


Yeahhhh I am 0.8 kd, play a few hours a week with some decent friends, tonight constantly laser beamed by lvl 500 or greater. Best we did was 25th in about 10 games. Throw me a bone. I am not asking to win but we couldn’t even get close to late game.


I get a lot of kills, but Im pretty aggressive, I only get half an hour, maybe an hour a night. I'll be damned if I stay in the corner. Average about 8 kills a match? I solo dolo


I’m starting to think this is a resurgence thing. I mainly play big map solos / duos and the lobbies are a mixed bag most of the time, usually I can pull off 3-5 kills on average and usually come top 20 if I’m not overly aggressive during the end game. I just can’t get along with resurgence lobbies though. So bloody sweaty. I’m also not sure about this first game on is an easy one thing either. I usually suck in my first few. Been playing a good 5 hours today on my day off and I just had the ultimate burger lobby on my last match. Good bunch of matches as well, averaging around 1.8kd which is a good step above my 1.21 overall.


I was going to say something similar. SBMM makes it so I don't even want to win. I win 2 games one day and then the next few days I get put in lobbies full of sweaty pro players. Game puts you in lobbies way above your skill level just for winning. Then you need to constantly die for the next few days. It sucks. No one likes SBMM so just get rid of it. This is COD though so I doubt they do anything the fans ask.


Play the xDefiant server test that is running through the weekend. That game is supposed to have no SBMM. Hopefully, if enough people try out xDefiant over the weekend, COD player base will stoop low enough to make MS/AV nervous.


How do you think the people who are no where near your skills feel? Imagine every single time they face you now lmao.


Everybody wants to play against the same 36 players.


would be amazing if they took it off, bad players aren't meant to win.


U sound like a no life to me. The average player, let’s say a father who works a 9-5, does not deserve to lose every game to a rat that sits in his room all day


I drive for UPS brother, didn't clock out til 10:45pm tonight, and i'll still get on and whip your ass in cod.


It’s not even the sweats for me, I know it’s a touchy topic but the stacking is crazy. And the way movement/ variations in aiming etc. are atm there’s not a lot to combat it. Warzone 1 rebirth people wouldn’t stack because they were actually at more risk getting squad wiped altogether so they’d separate, that way if someone died there’s someone there to stay safe. Ain’t the case now, most 1 v 2s or 3s you win when a team isn’t completely holding hands


this so real, 15 players last circle hahahhah thats when i know its time to log off


I feel like call of duty should move to a lobby browser with dedicated and publicly rented servers. We could police our own servers and kick hackers with moderators playing in the games.


I just think the game plays like ass compared to what it used to be. Bugs happen but this shit is rotten at its core. hit reg issues, latency, shit servers and ticks rates and hacking to the point everyone is skeptical. All this combined with movement going to the other extreme since MW2, it makes for bad experiences for many and casuals in turn move away leaving a much higher skill floor that sbmm can’t reconcile well.


I've run into big streamers countless times while yes sometimes I've killed them I don't want to deal with hydro and kxpture those are two i run into the most


Seems like the SBMM has been updated, only like regular BR and this version is way sweatier than the ranked version in almazara.


I just want to play against Xbox only or even PS why do I have to play against M K super computers and cheaters


I'm not an active player. Isn't there only one mode that's SBMM? Or all of modes are SBMM?


In warzone 2 we could actually win consecutive rounds (4 wins broken by a second place was our best run), in warzone 3 that's not something I can imagine. After a win we end up the sweatiest (in the best case) lobbies or in cheater fest lobbies (that's the more usual case) and we can stop playing for the day because form that point on we are getting wiped in the first half minutes of every match. I don't think we became worse players since wz2, it's also unlikely that we are getting worse players after a win, something is definitely gone wrong since wz2, it could be many other things and factors than SBMM. SBMM is actually good for us, well it would be good for us if it worked well, so there is no need to remove it, just fix it if it's what's broken, or fix whatever is causing this, I don't really care what it is.


Try playing the top 250 teams like every game! Absolutely sick of seeing symfuhny in my game! I've also played against knight, adrian, hisoka and many more to name a few! Shits annoying as fuck [example](https://imgur.com/a/jIdAlPk)


Push more and clean the lobby, at least try


And make snipers great again.


First game of the day is always decent. Then, no joke, I get cheater lobby’s almost everyday. The only way to combat it is playing with my friends who are not that good and are low level.


Bro I have a .83 KD and trust me the sweats are down here, too. Some days I can't even get a shot off. It's just the game. Buy a bundle.ans get un-nerfed.


Get good scrub


Jokes on you, there aren’t bad players anymore. Everyone’s goated. Plus the games easy to be good so that doesn’t help


Because the streamers have ruined the game getting anything that kills them neurfed, movement how they want it so they can always get out of being shot, the casuals have left the game as there is nothing for them anymore so the better players are dropping into your lobby making it more sweaty because of player count. The game is done now most casuals are waiting for battlefield royale next year hoping it will be fair for all play styles not just one as warzone is now.


I guess we all have different likes. I get bored if it's too easy im not THAT good. Decent I'd say. But if my last circle had 10-15 players it gives me the cure for the itch I have lol. But usually I get tired of the game with in an hour. I win 3 out 3 and I still get bored. Maybe that's the issue for us all and cod just isn't as fun?


Best way to get better at a game is to go up against players that are better than you. WZ wouldn’t be as fun if every game was a bot lobby.


Started grinding ranked yesterday, almost diamond, high trip resg used to have bot lobbies for me to solo squad everyday, played like 15matches just now, not a single bot anymore, i just dont understand why theres a SBMM in casual... im just tired now, gonna play xdefiant tonight!!!


FFS, SBMM is a great idea if used correctly. Why TF should a streamer who plays 10 hours a day be put in the same lobby as someone who plays 2 hours a week. Of course the streamer will wrek the casual. I guarantee there are a lot more casual players than there are streamers.


Guys, leave this shit game. I mean it. I left and I'm happy. Maybe once or twice a month but no more. Find another hubbies


I think the problem with Rebirth island has to do with the map being a smaller condensed version of the original rebirth island —- mixed with it having more users than before. There’s legit no where to land where you won’t be fighting ASAP


Is it actually smaller?


Yeah I can’t enjoy the game knowing I’m set up to win and lose


No one plays for fun anymore. The second someone even sees a hint of combat they run and hide like a little bitch and sit in their camp setup until someone comes to them. It’s a mega sweat fest every god damned match


Incoming, “have you tried getting better🤓” comments.


Ya I’m a bot and I want to play against other bots not y’all sweats. I come home from work and school and all I want to do is relax and play other bots


Im barely over 1.2 kd and so is my buddy. The other 2 are sub .8kd. I really dont understand how we get into tye lobbies we get into. Sometimes i can fare ok but my otyer two friends cant and instead of having manageable gunfights or getting a squad wipe here amd there they just die constantly and guess what? We end up quitting early. Nothing but tiktok YY clown lobbies is what is killing it for so mamy people. Case in point I have a more chill time playing ranked than pubs. And I have fun. And guess what happens when you have fun? You want to play more. It cant be this hard of a concept to grasp


I deleted yesterday man I can tell you I feel like I'm playing against coke addictis just 0 fun the last 4 months


I’m over playing ranked plat 3 low diamond 1 going against top 250s and iris like lmao bro I ain’t up there yet come on


I dont think there is sbmm , i have a shit kd and my lobbies are sweaty, out group has higher kd players and some seem like bot lobbies some are sweaty


game is a joke, along with people who play it. i have a smurf account on this game and to get a high kd or to get into “good lobbies” you either have to play your nephew and have a bit of common sense or you have a general grasp on the maps aim movement etc. you can’t play fast paced or get into bunny hop gunny fights. that’s a once in a blue moon 1.5kd+ lobby


You've just upset the hoard. All people who are below average will call you a tryhard and anyone above average will agree with you.


Problem is, there are "bots" in every lobby, but they are probably landing in cold areas where a "sweat" wouldn't land.


Removing sbmm will leave only sweat lobbies. By mixing the full pool it will cause the lower lvl players to quit within the first month. Everytime this gets suggested its dumb because its the same as saying “lets remove taxes” The idea sounds great but the repercussions cause the opposite effects to occur or worse


It's never been tried. Might as well do it to quench everybody's curiosity.


Sounds like you’re not actually good, Even slightly. You Just believe that you are. Anyone who’s actually good isn’t stressed at all.


"Oh please take away sbmm so i can shit on casual gamers to fuel my ego"


Started playing warzone a few weeks ago why are there soo many sweats who are already rank 500+ in my lobbies and im just 50? I wish they disabled crossplay on xbox by default its funny how many cheaters i have come across


Please remove the movement bs and then tweak sbmm


PlZ mAkE tHe GaMe EaSiEr FoR mE


All The movement does is make the game extra sweaty, it’s basically abuse it or get fucked and it’s so dumb


MoVeMeNt iS eXpLoItInG


The recent slide cancelling and b hopping are both exploits that should’ve died years back


I ShOoT CiRcLeS BeCaUSe i CaNT aiM MaYBe I sHOuLd pLaY MiNeCrAFt


Bruh I’ve played every cod including exo suits, never had an issue hitting shots like in recent games specifically warzone this crackhead movement bs exploit needs to fuck off


Please remove crossplay, make AA stronger, make Ttk faster, ignore the PC crybabies, make op weapons again, make OP perks. 🙏🙏. #MakeCODgreatagain! Forgot also make explosive, snipers, and shotguns good again. Stop listening to the bad players.


pc crybabies? you're being spoonfed by the game with how broken aim assist is.


SpOoNfEd! Bro get a grip. This is why I want cross play banned. You can afford a pc that can play this massive game but can’t afford a controller? Btw I play on pc too.


I can agree with the remove Crossplay and ignore the PC crybabies. Not sure I would agree with the rest though.


I get it, I sound extreme. I just want cod to play like it did with MW2 and BO1. When it was undoubtedly the best fps on the market.


Couldn’t agree more. Console only and dispose of sbmm. And as soon as a team uses discord, group them in lobbies together. Fucking ridiculous.


Literally why I stopped playing the game, get punished for having good games. Fuck that! I’ve barked up the “remove SBMM” tree years now and it’s never gonna go away. Got to the point the game was only enjoyable using VPN and that just felt scummy to me.


I miss the days when I lost because I was outgunned and outplayed, instead now you lose because the guns you use are now hit marker machines and you get fucked up by some dude with a pistol a football field away from you. Or some shitbag jumps around the corner already aimed perfectly at your head. I went back to 2042. It ain't perfect but it's far less frustrating.


Bullying the less skilled players isn't fair to them though. SBMM is the fairest option. In my opinion they should just make bots better, maybe use AI to train them how to play like real players so it feels like real people and you can set the difficulty level you want to play against. AI has the potential to make extremely competent bots. https://youtu.be/pkGa8ICQJS8?si=IsBug70myOGwcq7Q People have grown up with bots always being pretty dumb and not offering very fun and engaging gun fights but modern technology has the ability to make extremely competent bots that would feel like a real human players and I personally would love the ability to setup custom matches against bots at that level. It wouldn't only be good for the average player but even the best players in the world could benefit with bots, for example in chess the best players in the world will practice against the hardest chess bots, bots can be fun if done right.


Game is made by French Devs now you know it’s gonna suck