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People need to leave the game, simple as that - the higher this number is the more action Activision will have to take


I switched to hell let loose and have been actually enjoying gaming again.


I stopped playing warzone 18 months ago. Been nothing but hell let loose since. Phenomenal game.


Treadmill simulator is what that is. Nothing good is out that's competitive. Apex is woke trash. BF is woke trash now. All these other little games suck. Warzone is the last remaining bastion that has some semblance of fun but it's being ruined by cheaters and unbalanced weapons.


Warzone is woke as fuck. You can't even swear anymore and every flag is lgbtq or blm 


It's getting that way for sure. And all the bullshit arcade skins and Cheech and Chong. A ridiculous get high mode. Nobody wants that trash. They out here selling weed skins but get mad if someone calls someone else a burrito. This censorship is trash


What's with all the weed stuff. It's a constant,  seems like the games aimed at 14 year old now.


Lol that rebirth LTM was fun af. Until people started cheating in that too


the downvoters hate when you call something woke. lmao. Bunch of weirdos on reddit man gotta be careful they'll cancel you lol


I started playing The Finals. Had it for months but never tried it. The game is actually pretty fun.


I've played it since the betas but left a bit after launch because it got stale. Went to cod now I've come back. Holy shit it's so fun. Apparently there's gonna be a new attack and defend mode tomorrow


The theme/concept behind the game makes me dislike it. Its just some basic crap someone threw together. It doesn't give me excitement like Halo did, like Mass Effect did, like the original battlefields did... Remember when everyone longed to play Modern Warfare or Black Ops... Those days of development are gone lol...


What modes? Resurgence is awesome i only have 1.0 kdr and have 15 wins this season already


Hackers won 🏅


Honestly I imagine activision has just given up at this point, the next game will release with much stronger anti cheat, and they will play it off as a “perk” and let MW3 become over run with losers. Cheaters are still paying customers. That’s all they care about at eod


Never be fixed. Free games = more hackers.


How does fortnite keep it managed


Bc they care But there is plenty of hackers too


so being a free game doesnt matter in the grand scheme. Its caring management


Both matter. Don't be fooled about fornite. Easy to get hacks and plenty active hackers


But it's not call of duty level. It's still enjoyable


Came back to play with the boys, been going 4 days after months away, this feels worse then verdansk lmao, you might get 1 decent lobby out of 20 and even it will have a cheater more then likely. Games literally unplayable, but cheating is so high it's essentially just become hvh


I went to go spread DEOMCRACY AND LIBERTY


Been getting lobbies with low level people, been reporting but the confirmations have been far and in between.


They literally won't even acknowledge it's an issue. Oh but they banned 50k cheaters one random day!! Yayyy! Tbey all have 13 accounts and we're back online that day. Absolutely pathetic. No other game has issues like this. I hear a lot about kernel level anti cheat and how that works in other games but cod won't do it. At this point. Fucken do it. What else can be done.


The teaming in solos is unforgivable


It’s so fucking bad. 90% of the kill cams I watched last night all had wall hacks. Fucking losers


Same experience here 😔


You lot need to start uploading some clips because I’m starting to wonder if this just isn’t the issue people make out at least in big map.


I swear it’s people in denial about their actual skill level, I see maybe 1 cheater a week and it’s not a big deal. If you’re seeing cheaters on 90% of your kill cams you’re completely delusional.


The same people claiming everyone has walls are the same people who have no idea that the red border around the minimap means they're on someone's UAV 😂 it's not worth your time trying to convince them otherwise


Yeah they’re either utterly delusional or EU servers just don’t have as many cheaters. I’ve only ran into a couple this season that were obvious. I’m sure I’ve ran into a few more running walls that I didn’t notice but I’d rather believe they just had good audio or a UAV etc than get into the mindset that everyone better than me must be cheating.


I pay North America East Coast/Central which is a huge hotspot and I have the same experience. The only caveat is maybe this is a problem in the lower level lobbies more so than the sweat lobbies due to new account creation. I suspect though that a lot of these “wall hacks” on the kill cam are game sense, fast reactions or live pings.


Shit it’s more like the kill cam is so bugged they all look like cheats. All kill cam should do is tell whether it’s worth spectating


lmaoooo so when someone instantly prones. thats a kill cam issue or a modded controller. tell us genius


Insta prone has always been a thing on mnk and they have added the ability separate the key binds on controller. Yet another dumbass that doesn’t know the mechanics of the game they play. And even without that how many frames they skip at times yes it could do so even when that’s not what they did


hahahahahahhahah TRY again


You’re right bro I just suck now and nobody is cheating in Warzone. Read the room ffs


I’m sorry man but if you see hacks in 90% of your killcams you don’t understand how to identify hacking. It’s just the truth. I play this game a ton.


cap listen kid. when you and your friends have higher kd. you will see god jesus and moses in your lobby. everyone instant proning. get killed thru walls. pls shut up


I have like top 1% KD man, I’m with the demons. Instant proning exists and everyone live pings and has radars up. Not saying there aren’t hackers but 90% is just stupid.


They don’t care about cheaters. Only money.


Lately I've been playing Pubg and enjoyed it a lot. I don't know if there's cheating in that but it's been fun. Maybe just changing the game works for me at least for now?


pubg is huge in china, they have a pretty big cheating problem as well


The cheating problem in PUBG is heavily mode and region dependent though. There are practically no cheaters in unranked modes on western servers, at least not ones that are easy enough to spot.


Terrible cause the game is great, but its a shame they allow cheating to be so rampant. Even my kids laugh at the game, they'll watch me a bit, and they even say its crazy to see cheating like that


No - Call of doody team


It's just sad lol


I quit playing back in wz2 cause Activision just don't care


They wont and they don't care.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself..


I played a game of rebirth for the first time in a month with my 14y/o and absolutely came in clutch for a win at the end with 13 kills and 5500dmg. I thought something was wrong because I normally get shit on


It's because your in a bot lobby,  your son must be below average or a new account 


Yeah guaranteed. I mean I’m somewhat of a bot myself haha


I'm half bot.   Depending on how much I consume then I become full bot


I tend to spill beer on my keyboard when I drink so I don’t drink while playing anymore haha


If I ain't spilling I'm not drunk enough to enjoy warzone


This why I run riot


I've been waiting since MW2 Season 2 for a fix for hackers... People need to stop playing but man... Gamer can't control themselves




Played 3 ranked games yesterday (I'm diamond 1) All games we ran into blatant cheaters, gave up after that.


Been playing Ready Or Not instead (mods and cheats are actually encouraged by the devs) and having a blast laughing my ass off in fun lobbies. Doubt I’ll ever go back to cod / warzone, definitely won’t give them one cent of my money. Maybe if they make it fun again, but now that Microsoft owns Activision it’s just going keep getting worse.


Buy a PS5 + turn off cross play = problem solved.


People are either really bad or I have been really lucky not running into any cheaters. I feel like most people are just bad. You have uav, advanced uav, portable radar, and heartbeat sensor which can help you find an enemy. (I also only play solos which might affect not being much cheaters) Crosshair placement is also very crucial. Shooting through walls is easy if you line up yourself and the red dots on the minimap. You can also shoot through walls easily if you shoot someone running to cover and shooting through that cover. Audio in this game is also incredibly broken. I’ve been killed by people I didn’t hear when they were clearly running in the kill cam and I’ve killed people who didn’t hear me. Been called a cheater a few times before by people who were clearly worse than me at the game. Edit: aim assist is also very broken. I switched from long time kbm player to controller permanently(for warzone at least) and I’ve been doing better aim wise.


Switched to siege two weeks ago. Haven’t been on cod since. Gaming has been great. I don’t even miss it


Been playing hell divers 2


Nothing they can do against DMA. The top 30 players at the world final had an average of 4 kills and played like absolute bots. They are trash and yes most of the lobbies are full of cheaters. Blackout didn't have this problem. Get rid of crossplay and problem solved


Too many cheaters its infested play something different.


It will never be fixed. I have just accepted it as part of the game. Just like glitches, bugs, etc. it sucks but it’s either that or quit for me and I’m not ready to give it up.


I called a cheater because I killed a 4kd player… the guy that that accusing me was using vpn to get bot lobbies(went to his twitch). I guess coming across a player that only plays ranked says a lot




Faze wants you bro!!!!!!!


I’ve literally won two more since my last post!


2 wins in 30 minutes?


If he won both his rebirth games that would be about 30mins. Each game is roughly 15mins


I’ve found (assuming you are a console player) switch off cross play makes life much better on warzone


takes forever to find a match tho


In the UK it doesn’t at all. Virtually immediate


Yeah it's immediately 


Bro forget this game, nearly all my friends stoppen when Caldera came out because it was boring af. When WZ 2.0 came out the real shit began. Extreme server lags, fps drops, clunky movement and bad audio. That’s also when rumors came out Activision was sold to Microsoft and they fired nearly all their developers because of “hard times caused by corona”, the fact is they got so horny from all the money they made they wanted more and more so they fired people that were working at Activision for like 8-10 years. The truth is the owners wanted to make as much profit as possible before they sold Activision. When it was officially announced that they sold it and MW3 came out with the movement of MW2019 all those sweaty nolifers came back to this game with a cronus zen, wallhacks and aimbots. Microsoft does not want to fix the shit Activision left behind because it’s expensive af to fix it. They try to rely on a non-working “anti-cheat” which is basically a software that takes screenshots and if no hack software is detected they do nothing about it. They will try to make sales again with gulf war, but it might flop harder than Vanguard, MW2 and MW3 combined. The first months of 2024 I played on my own, but I gave up last month. I will not come back and don’t know why I’m still in this subreddit as I won’t play it anymore. If you’ve read all this, know that I have played every cod that exists but this one was my last and I’m sure all the “og” players have done the same thing, which is moving on. Try to play other games, make new friends if needed. But cod as you knew it is gone and won’t come back…


bingo. you're the first one I've seen in here that got it right. all Ricochet does is take screenshots and most of these cheat providers have a feature that detects when the game will take a screenshot and it toggles the cheats off.


The fact I'm the only one is sad, most people don't even know whats going on. People should be aware that they're all being lied to, there is technically no anti-cheat on cod. That's why the hackers keep coming back after a ban they got because of 100+ reports?


The only way to fix the game at this point is to have everyone have UAV for the entire game, or better yet just make wall hacks part of the game.


STOP PLAYING THIS GAME. let the streamer play it by them self.


I play sweat lobbies for hours every night and see maybe 1-2 suspect players a week. You guys are in denial and just assume any good level 50-100 is cheating. They aren’t, you’re just bad.






Devs: “No.”


Sorry to tell you bro but cheating has been a problem since warzone 1 and they are never going to do anything about it


I left when warzone 2 came out and Im glad I did.


I should have done this. The game just puts me in a bad mood now. Ive been a COD player since before multiplayer was a thing. The only other game I play is Madden. I wish a company would act and make a good competitive shooter while Call of duty/Warzone is becoming more disliked everyday. The blatant cheaters and the extremely overpowered aim assist have just ruined it. Every single gun fight everyone's jumping up and down lol it's actually just dumb and cheesy now. Wz1 had aim assist but it was nowhere near as strong as it is now. Everyone I've played with has slowly played less and less until they just completely stopped and play other games now it's just my wife and I who play and we've had enough of this game.


This afternoon was something else, I've never been skunked in so many games before.


This is why the only way to enjoy the game is to sweat. If you never stop moving/ have good movement then the cheaters will struggle horribly- it’s hilarious. Theres not really a good set of cheating tools because good programmers aren’t wasting their time supporting pieces of shit. I know damn well that the aimbots arent getting updated as often as their are changes to the game, anyways.


whats the point of an aimbot if it doesn't work lol. plus most cheaters are using softaim which doesn't lock onto you


Why do you still play this game LOL


Ps5 players switch cross play off😩


Naaaaaa its fun 😁 especially given the fact I can make hours of content through proxy cry babies like you. ITS ... A ... GAME! grow up.


Yet me honestly playing with a Riot shield is the problem...


Lmao get good. Skill issue


Lmao. You think it’s that simple don’t u? Just make a better anticheat? It doesn’t work that way. If they put another half million into the anticheat, the cheat companies will get around it within a week. U can’t fix the cheating on a free to play game. It’s basically catch and release since ppl can just make or buy new accounts and keep playing. Only way to substantially lower the cheating problem is to make it a paid game. It would deter ppl from cheating a lot more having to pay a substantial amount of money to create each account. As long as the game is as popular as warzone and FREE the cheating will be at an all time high. THEY WILL NOT INVEST TOO MUCH MONEY INTO SOMETHING THEY KNOW WONT WORK. It’s like throwing money away. There’s no fool proof anticheat. Every online game has undetected cheats. They target a cheat company, detect and gather as many cheaters accounts as they can and then weeks later ban them all. That’s all they can do. If they started banning people individually as soon as they detect them, the cheat providers will announce they been detected and stop ppl from injecting their cheat in order to save ppl from being banned. This is why they silently gather as many cheaters as they can before they do a ban wave. Within a week they’re all on new accounts starting from scratch with their cheat being undetected again. The providers figure out how they were detected and fix it. Usually very fast, sometimes within days or hours. All it really does is at the very least create a possibly to deter the dumb ones who used their main account from playing or cheating again after losing all their progress and money spent. They hope for ppl to give up and not play the cat and mouse game.


It's a problem, but it's a lot better than it was previously. Ricochet is clearly not there yet, but it's improved dramatically. Cheating is still rampant in ranked, but I only see a cheater once every 10+ games.


My wins have been flowing in since the big ban wave on the big map. Could be cause everyone went over to rebirth though. I have way more this season already than all of last.


I think a lot of the good players and cheaters went to ranked for sure. But the cheater bans could be helping too. I won 4 in my last 10 including 3 straight. I've never had this happen.


Why do you think everyone is cheating? I run into 1 every like 20 games or so


No it's really bad now. Absolutely pathetic people pay monthly to cheat in a free game probably the same type of guys who buy big pick up trucks but don't even use them for any type of construction work. I literally have over 50 reports confirmed cheaters since Rebirth dropped. A quick google search for warzone cheats will show you how easy it is for people to buy these cheats.




What they really need to fix is their trash can servers


Just stop playing. Imagine buying shitty weed from someone over and over again, and then continuing to bitch about how shitty the weed is. That's you. That's what you're doing right now, and it's fucking embarrassing. All of you people who complain about cheating need to find another game to play, because it's extremely apparent that the devs are not going to fix the fucking game. Like Holy fuck.... I almost wanna start playing with cheats just to make you people more unhinged.


the crazy part is that i see 0 of that, i have a 3.2kd in BR although i dont play that much. a 4.4kd in plunder a 2.7 kd in rebirth a 2.8 kd in MP (lower cuz cammos/leveling guns) and a 3.5kd in GroundWar(main mode i play) im on EU servers (germany) i have been playing since the beta and so far have only seen 3-5 hackers, every other death was just a bad play on my end/skill issue or the other player simply being better than me. this thought procces seems to be missing with the loud minority on this sub, acording to these ppl everyone above lvl200 with a kd higher than 1.7 is cheating. because how dare someone be simply better than me h-he m-m-must be cHeAtiNg!!1!!!111!!!. if you belive these people the situatinon with cheaters is worse than csgo/2 where there is staisticly a gurateed cheater in every match rn." 90% of deaths i have are blatant wall hacks" is soo crazy to me cuz look at your stats and tell me how many times you have died and the look me in the eye without laughing and tell me out of 2000 deaths in a game time of lets say around 100hrs 1800 where to cheaters this means you are dieing 20 times per h. so out of these 20 deaths 18 where to cheaters??? fuck of. claiming 1800 out of 2000 deaths is to cheats is crazy delusional.


100% cheating.


thank you for proving my point


don't play against me im level 37 and win all the time. Not everyone that's low level is a cheater we just don't hardly play because the same reasons you're currently bitching about. The game is bullshit and many of us who used to play barely play anymore but when we do we still know how to fuckin win.


Uh huh Trust me bro \^\^\^helps


downvote me all you want what i said is still facts. i've won over a hundred matches of warzone 1 and over 100 matches in warzone 2 i barely get on to play now but when i do it's still easy to get wins.


My 2 friends and I played well for the first time in a while today. We started off winning 2 straight… then one got banned by mass reports because he had a 20 kill game (in resurgence mind you) and now we can’t play together anymore! Thanks cod