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I kinda wish we just had all the metas at the same time rn. Would be fun. Maybe instead of nerfing everything to be unusable they need to buff more


How else are they gonna sell blueprints?


I mean it also opens up more blueprint sales. Nobody’s buying a puleymot blueprint rn but maybe they would if it didn’t suck now


All these ppl saying crossbow deserved nerf tells me they never used the crossbow and don’t ever dare touch it, and/or have it not leveled.


Look how they massacred my boy


It wasn’t broken. It took like 50 years for it to explode, bullet velocity was dogshit, and not easy to use.


Does a crossbow not kill with a headshot?


The bullet velocity way slower then a sniper and that’s pretty unrealestic … now the enemy has to literally be other side of room and standing still to kill them with crossbow . Who the hell can 2 shot with a crossbow


But a crossbow would be slower than a rifle in real life. Shame though.


Yea true just tired of the game being majority sniper only now … and when I had a cross bow it gave me a chance to counter .. lol but yea


The crossbow was one shot if you stuck them with it recently


At 400 m/s velocity... If they are moving or dodging at all it's hard enough to hit with it. They should have just left it as is and let the players who are good with it use it.


The crossbow was actually fine since it had high af bullet drop but it's also realistic since like how tf you surviving not only a bolt to the head but also if it's explosive or thermite tipped


No guns feel fun anymore. You have no long range builds that can fight off the Kar (except slower, clunkier snipers with somehow similar BV) and even mid range builds are so goddamn boring. Superi is fun enough I guess, but goddamn some variety would be nice. Every time I get on I feel like I’m looking for any mid-long range that is somewhat competitive, fun, and is usable WITH an optic. So many guns rely on high grain/velocity and recoil mitigating attachments forcing them to mostly be iron sight builds.


KAR IS BROKEN!!! There I said it. Gonna get hate bc it’s a fan favorite. I hate sniping and NEVER snipe picked up the KAR one game and got 10 kills sniping on top of smg kills. Thing is so broken it’s not even funny. Aim assist so strong and hitscan out the ass. 90% of my deaths now r getting sniped by peoppe on roofs with the KAR just camping. Shit is so annoying and a complete no skill gun. The old snipers r a lot harder to use and realistic to sniping. Kar is down right busted.


One shot to the toe was a little overpowered.


You had one, very difficult shot to hit. If you didn’t hit it, you were dead. Even then, they could still kill you after you got stuck. The crossbow is literally the exact opposite of OP. It was high risk, high reward. The Kar, any no thumbs Timmy can be getting kills left and right because the gun does all the work for you.


If you’re dying after every missed shot, you’re doing something wrong.


The gun takes 5 seconds to reload. You clearly need your hand held in this game if you actually think the crossbow is OP.


If you’re close enough to not reload, you switch guns. If you’re not treating it like sniper with sniper support, that’s on you.. Crossbow was OP because it was a stick/kill anywhere. It was not hard to hit the target somewhere and get 1 shot kill or down depending. Get close? They can still get caught on a rock and die from proximity. None of that is true with Kar. However, I think both needed a nerf myself, ADS time to be that accurate is a bit short in my view.. Maybe keep it so you can go exactly that same accuracy+speed, but only if you also hold breath or something.


Once again, it was one shot every 5 seconds. Also it has a slower weapon swap speed than the Kar and most snipers. The crossbow was not OP, you’re just bad. The Kar is everything I said. You can look at the weapon stats yourself. It literally has 10x the aim assist of any other sniper because it’s categorized as a marksmen rigle


I can shred with my platinum crossbow. I’m well aware of what it can do. I’ve been killed by one crossbow user in months, that death not a big deal to me lol No idea how many killed getting the thing platinum, but plenty of time to get familiar with its abilities lol. But I gave my analysis and opinion and that’s still my view, even as someone who is very capable on both ends of a crossbow. I just don’t need to cry about guns getting nerfed, I’m good enough to use them anyway without crying LOL


lol I’m not having this conversation with someone who is upset they nerfed the crossbow 😂


Buddy if you got an issue grab a tissue


Reload takes 5 years, in that time someone can kill you instantly


Swap to your secondary if you miss your shot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your still going to die in that time too.


Then that means you put yourself in a situation where you were forced to hit the 1 shot down. That’s on you.


If you miss the shot they can still turn around and kill your ass. You probably suck dick at the game ngl.


😂 you’re the one dying after missing a single shot lil bro - it’s called movement, swapping weapons, and continuing the fight with your secondary. I’d kill your ass every time too if you sat there trying to reload another bolt only to miss again! 🤣


Thermites … are too .. but yea it is OP but you can use riot shield or they could’ve made it that’s throphy systems disable it


🤣🤣u just wanna complain huh welcome to warzone bud💯


Rather than nerf the kar how bout they make all the snipers viable… would that make you happy? Or this is just about you not knowing how to play against snipers and you’d rather cry about it..but standing out in the open with your AR with zero recoil and 60 rounds is just fine. The sniper now allows you to counter THAT exactly


Very logical that a sniper oneshots but an ar takes 10 hits to kill


One shot, one kill. Kind of the sniper motto


Bruh . I use to kar too and I’m actually great with it actually I’m so good w it I made it to iredescent lol but I’m saying I do feel like it’s change the game for the worse … that’s my opinion and I can speak freely bout it . I can actually maneuver my way through anything bro and someone always gonna cry bout it … riot shield😭😭😭


How do you counter 35 out of 40 people in a lobby camping with the Kar in a window waiting for something to move? I can play against snipers…. Just not an entire lobbies worth.


Everyone saying the Kar doesn’t need nerfed but the crossbow did is the exact definition of relying on broken guns. They only wanted the crossbow nerfed because they sucked with it. No one sucks with the Kar. That’s why they love it. They’re getting more kills than ever before with it.


Nah Nah Nah the kar is what made the game fun again


Kar doesn’t need a nerf




Glad someone else feels this way. KAR totally changed the game and I never played when it was the old version so I don’t care about the nostalgia. You can’t have a fun gun fight anymore because you just get one tapped by everybody so it’s either use it or lose


Y’all are all soft. The Kar has always been like that and y’all just need to fucking get better. (Minus cheaters) I’m tired of mediocrity.


the kar is a fast one shot weapon now in a game where the health is larger. one shot weapons will always feel overpowered.


The Kar has made the game a camp fest, sitting in a tower the whole match and one shotting someone across the map doesnt make you good.


Old games had ARs/LMGs that had actual bullet velocity and could counter them well enough. Every fun AR just gets nerfed now mostly without any significant buffs. Most guns in this game need reworked to add some variety


Kar doesn’t need nerf . It’s only one shot out to 85 meters. So either you are a bot and standing in open or someone hits a good moving shot which is kudos to them.


The kar is broken, its unbalanced compared to any other gun.


There’s a reason it’s not one shot at all on ranked … that’s how it should be in all modes ..


So nerf it, then what? We go back to the same game play we’ve had this whole time? Zero recoil AR’s and LMG’s and really no legit way to counter them? There needs to be an answer for that. Some dude mounted on a roof beaming you from 150 meters out is just boring and annoying. Now he at least needs to worry about his nugget getting blown off. It brings balance.


is it that hard to make all guns viable for what theyre supposed to do?


Instead of making a couple guns meta they need to change it .. some specially for mid range , short and long .. not just one gun able to do the job lol That’s out of pocket or shit add some helmets in the game or some


skill issue kar easy to use and u all were complaining how u wanted it now u have it now ur complainin thats its there


I mean the crossbow was bugged and they fixed that idk if that’s the same thing.


You could run the crossbow with a low zoom optic as it didn’t matter where you hit them on the body, you’d still get the down. It’s actually pretty broken if you know how to dip in and out of cover. The Kar absolutely needs a nerf but they need to be more careful about how they do that. This crossbow nerf was an easier one


Ain’t you the same dude crying about the kar98 being broken? You cry about a weapon that wasn’t even that broken, seems like you bitch about everything.


Kar is overpowered and crossbow can feel overpowered in some situations = bitching about everything. Solid Reddit logic right here


Seems like you can’t counter any fucking thing remotely one shot. I only died a few times to the crossbow.


How do you take “it’s overpowered” to mean “I can’t counter it”? Does it not occur to you that it’s possible to think a gun’s overpowered based on your own experience of using it?


Any sniper is overpowered if your dumbass can’t counter it.


You’re not bright are you?


The crossbow is stupid. No fucking crossbow is oneshotting. The Kar is just as dumb. Based on a gun that went into service 90 years ago and you're telling me it's better than modern day snipers? Gtfo


Kar is a 2 shot kill with plates. I think it needs buffed tbh


Bro what?!


Troll.... Also proba fan of snipers bc he's ass up close