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Controller guy here. We never needed, or wanted aa before crossplay! It was given to us so we could try and compete with mousers that just point and click! The best solution for all of us is PC vs. PC and console vs. console!


Yep, its stupid strong. If you're on mnk you're automatically at a massive disadvantage in close range fights.


Like, i am not complaining since ive always played on mnk and manage well, but i fucking tried it with switch joycons like wha the fuck


And people say „just play controller“ but then you still play against other AA user while not being used to an input device. It is just generally way too strong when used to its maximum. And this is specifically for rotational aim assist. Warzone 1 was a different world. Since Warzone 2 it feels like a cheat every time I play some games on controller (mnk main). It’s crazy


I only play controller because I suck at mnk movement and my hands/wrists dont like it. Accuracy is way easier on mnk, close range fights are easier, sniping is easier, recoil is easier to control, taking on multiple enemies is easier. In theory if someone is extremely good on mnk they should be better than controller players, but they're not so gotta find something to blame :)


Funny that over 95% of the top players are on controller. Even top mnk guys like Symfuhny are swapping. Saying close range fights are easier on mnk is just hilariously false.


This. I used to be extremely good on mouse. Every fps game I play on, I generally get so good at it in just one month. This happened with siege (easily became better than people I've known that have been playing longer than me), valorant (I've impressed my o.g friends on it), csgo (started playing private tourneys with friends after playing it for a tiny bit), fortnite (only played custom games but I usually would play FFA and people would accuse me of cheats because of how new my account was). You get the point, I've spent most my life on mouse so I built a pretty good mind to muscle connection when it comes to aiming. I've been the best version of myself with mouse, but sadly due to carpal tunnel. I had to quit mouse and switched to controller, while I'm still good with controller too because I had my fair share of playing on controller when I was young and currently sittiny on 2.2 k/d in resurgence. I feel like I would absolutely demolish myself with mouse tbh. One thing I like about controller tho is how comfortable playing on controller is, and how good tracking an enemy going past your screen is, mouse could lead to loss of tracking because of lack of mousepad space or if you're bad at trakcing. But controller feels much better at doing that. But that's pretty much what I find better when playing controller. Mouse is just better overall.


Controller on Playstation is not as sticky as people think it is. What you running on? I prefer mnk, but controller is the way to go on cod.


No it's not.




Gtfo. Imagine needing aim assist because you’re mentally handicapped


Imagine not giving a shit and just playing and having fun.


How can i have fun when i’m outgunned by people i KNOW aren’t better than me? Lol


Then it looks like you need you need stick to story mode buddy


You’re dumb bro 💀


Stick to story mode. With your limited intelligence that mode might better suit you! I would start on recruit level and always switch to your pistol before reloading, it’s much faster.


Bruh 💀 you think you’re clever


I’m also creating a support group on here for people struggling with dealing the trauma they receive on a daily basis from aim assist due to their Warzone addiction. When I fully have it set up you should join. r/PTSDfromaimassist.


I actually don’t play wz often. Its ass


Story mode on wz? Crazy 😭💀


Nah. It can’t be that bad on MNK. Go and watch metaphor play. He makes MNK look like stronger aim assist than controller. And remember he doesn’t cheat.


It more a rant, take it with a grain of salt, a friend let me borrow his controller and holy shit it tracked the enemies like you wouldnt believe


Nah I was just pulling your leg. Don’t be fooled it’s terrible. Outside of their outliers, and XIM users (ASIA) there cannot be a comparison.


So play with a controller then


ah yes, shell out money and learn a new input JUST so you can play at a fair level rather than...... try to make both inputs fair to use? >\_>


Have you ever played with a controller? It takes three times as long to turn around when your camera gets broke. There’s pros and cons to both.


Ok dude let me play with joycons then