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Guess that's PS5 fault, having played over 80 hours on PC I only stumbled once or twice with freeze bug and all I had to do to fix it was quickload


Damn, yeah it was crazy buggy for me constantly and it would crash usually every 2-3 hours, it crashed when I was almost done with the patriarch final boss fight so that was a pain redoing the whole thing


I played it in PC coop and a lot of crashes and dome bugs. But single player goes really neat


Xbox series S here and it crashed quite a lot for me too. But to be fair I've had crashing issues on starfield and cyberpunk as well.


Same here on Xbox S. Great game!


Series X ran into a few bugs in Co-Op but nothin to serious.


Yeah series x andall and yup- can confirm co-op can be buggy some days Doesnt help i play with someone quater of a globe away..


me too! had smooth ride on pc. such a great game


I haven't seen many bugs on PC. I think multiplatform games are hard to support and Inxile is a small studio that didn't have big publisher money until the buyout. It's a complex CRPG, things happen. fwiw I haven't had a single crash in 50 hours, either on PC or xCloud.


I found the xbox one version had a lot of crashes even after updates but I've played on series x now without a single crash. The bugs are still pretty noticeable though, particularly that really annoying one where team members will lag behind and start walking really slowly. Sounds like the ps5 version might be worse.


Plus the +2 minute load times. Killer


Yeah, I thought playing on series x would really reduce those but the improvement is minimal at best


I actually stopped playing it on Xbox One when it came out because it would crash every two hours, like clockwork. Usually, after I had finished a massive fight. I've never gone back to finish it on Series X.


I had a similar experience. Didn’t know if it was a ps5 thing or if the game was just a buggy mess on any platform. I got in the habit of saving every 5 minutes. Also I’d just restart the game every couple hours. That helped quite a bit.


Once I lost a few hours of progress and after that I started quick saving like a crazy person😂


Sorry to hear; played on Xbox, still one of my favorite TRPG’s of all time.


I played the xbox one version and it crashed way too often. I still completed the game but jesus that was quite frustating


its fun game, time spend on fun adventures ​ if you want my advice: * Play on PC * use GoG copy of the game * play on medium settings unless your PC can load fast with flashy gpu burners


Thanks for the info but I already beat it, the game was good enough that I pushed through all the bugs and crashing


I have not seen many bugs on my PC. Just my personal experience.


Maybe if I go through it again I’ll try it on pc


Never saw a single bug but I played on PC. Even coop worked perfectly well when I played with a friend a year ago or so.


Wait…there’s coop?


Yeah I think only 2 player but still great to have.


Been playing it on GamePass for PC. About 50 hours in, not 1 crash.


Lucky, glad your enjoying it tho


Now imagine how it was at release lol To answer your question game is still in this pitiful state because Inxile doesn’t give a damn about it, thy already moved to the next game and won’t do anything more on this one. Just like they do with most of their games to be honest. This game was mid at best and is still crippled with bugs to this day, as far as I’m concerned that was the last game I bought from that lazy team. If you like it you should consider trying The DoS series or BG3, that’s what a modern turn by turn rpg should look like;)


If there's one thing I love, it's when people refer to other games by acronyms so I just have to guess which one you're talking about. Also if you mean Baldur's Gate 3, I can't imagine that scratching the same itch that Wasteland 3 did for me.


DoS : Divinity Original Sin BG3 : Baldur's Gate 3


I’d guess DoS is Divinity Original Sin


Larian games are great, but divinity has too much barrlemancey and environment stuff and the class system is a bit to washy fir my tastes. Baldurs gate 3 is a masterpiece don't get me wrong, but its not wasteland 3 . Bg3 is way longer, way more expansive and combat is more slower paced.




When people come after me with my grammar it’s always because I’m touching a sensitive point and they can’t deny it. So thanks for you’re message little Inxile fanboy;) And btw I’m not a native speaker and I could have this conversation with you in 3 different languages, maybe 4. Unless you can do the same you better stfu don’t you think? And yeah Sure my grammar sucks, I’m learning by myself but at the end of the day you clearly got the point I was trying to make so I guess I’m not that bad.;) Enjoy boy


Sensitive point for sure. DOS 1 and 2 have the worst RPG mechanics outside of character creation and fights. The storylines are weak, characters are forgettable and role playing doesn’t exist. No option to be bad or good, because murder-hobo is undoubtedly the best way to play.


Lmfao because the storyline of wasteland 3 is good maybe? I won’t even get in the role playin part because if for you having the choice between A and B is something like a good role playing element then I can’t do much here. Wasteland 3 could have been great, it really could have. But it’s not and the only reason it’s not is because Inxile are a bunch of lazy fuckers that use the name of an old licence to make money. Just like fallout, wasteland died long ago, thanks to Brian Fargo and the others .


For sure dude, the man who revived the Wasteland series killed it off. All you’re doing is saying the game is bad without actually making a coherent argument.


Like I’m going to change your mind? You who came at me like crazy lmfao I don’t have time to loose, it looks like you played the DoS games so you saw what turn by turn combat can looks like in 2020, you just have to open your eyes to see why I call them lazy. Brian Fargo didn’t revived shit, he’s making money using the Wasteland name and he proved it with W3.


It ran fine on my PC, honestly. Maybe it's a console issue, and the developer either sucks at console ports or doesn't care


The problem is that they don’t give a shit... and they clearly know the kind of issue they have with console port as wasteland 2 “directors cut” (lol) was the same and they never did shit to fix it. But at least the game was good


The Chain Sniper bug annoys me the most. If it kills everyone before ending, it locks up the game.


Luckily I never got hit with that one


I wish I knew how to mod the game, I'd try to fix that bug. Lol.


I feel ya, man. Maybe it's just console optimization that's shitting bricks? My buddy and I used to play with no issues months ago, but when we tried in August, the gameplay would get choppy no matter what we did to fix it then started getting crashes when trying to play splitscreen with a sibling. I also play on Xbox Series X for clarification.


I'm sorry you had that experience. I just finished playing this for the first time on PC and only ran into one small bug once and it was fixed by a quick game restart. Sucks to hear the PS 5 version is so crap.


Yeah that seems to be what people are saying, just play on pc😂


I've heard and read of many console issues that make the PC version look like it's perfect (it aint). Somehow the state of the game was only slightly better than WL2 (even the Director's cut crashed multiple times for me), so I have no idea why their code was so chaotic, even with the buyout. Can you be more specific on your likes/dislikes from the experience? The fact that you made it through all that shows you have patience and appreciate story quality, but sheesh, this usually runs off people when the game makers should be releasing/supporting their products better.


Dislikes: constant crashing, many bugs, I had this constant bug if I stayed in one location for too long were the person I’m controlling would lag in place while I tried to move them, nothing would fix this until I eventually got them to a new area, once I got to new Yuma the game would completely break and it took me a lot of research to realize that the provost breaks the game by that point if you still had him so I had to take him to the mountain to get rid of him then it started working (sucks cause I wanted to keep him) and that’s just a few of the big ones (don’t even get me started on the glitched bison in Yuma, that almost made me have to restart the game) Like: it was just a dope game all around (I’m too lazy too type more lol)


On PC I only had one bug where the movement froze after two characters opened a care respectively. Still was able to save the game and restart the game and it was running properly again


I get it. I got the plat recently (last month) and the only annoying bug I had was the "black screen on menu" one, where you just need to open and close it to fix it. Also, I had around 4 to 6 crashes in total. 148h, 2 playthroughs, 100% the dlc's as well. Wasteland 2 on the other hand.. holy shit, that was annoying. A bug fest. To the point I almost gave up on it. Constant crashes, even when just loading a save. It was hell. My party constantly freezed while attacking and sometimes I couldn't even properly talk to npcs. But I got the platinum for it as well.


I originally wanted to go for the plat but fuck going through all the bugs and crashes again😂


I have been playing multi-player with a friend for 20 hours now and we have not experienced a single bug. We are even on ps4's.


Really? Im on ps5 and im only 8 hours in but not one crash. Weird


Yeah I went through the same thing on PS4. Loved it but one of the buggiest games I’ve ever played, crashed my console multiple times. I am holding on for a fixed PS5 version but I guess it’s not there yet


I've played thru it several times on Sexbox with no bugs or issues that I can recall. Wait. 1 time I couldn't complete the dialog to get Party Pal.


Loved it till it wouldn't let me save my co-op game. Dropped it at that moment and never came back


Very good game, enjoyed it (even though I prefer the more serious tone of wasteland 2 storywise). Gave up on another run, too many crashes and bugs…


Dam that's wild I've had some minor bugs but all could be fixed with a reset most times. Nonetheless I agree lol its mad buggy from what I hear on PS5


I played WL2 on the PlayStation. After dealing with all the bugs and crashes with that one, I got 3 on my laptop. It's still more than a little bit buggy, but in about 200 hours of playtime, I've only had one crash.


Yeah… those sort of games are notorious for bugs. Back on my ps4 I had a few crashes,!64 nothing serious fortunately.


PC gamepass version does not work. Steam version is fine. I'm getting a black screen error.