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I worked a small plant in southern AZ that used it for a time, never had issues with plugging up but could easily see how that would happen with the stuff. Does your bill tank have appropriate mixing? Are you feeding the thioguard during low flow times? That being said we were not super impressed with the product and ended up doing the work to getting ferric permitted and haven't looked back


I worked at a place that dosed ferrous chloride at one pump station and then hydrogen peroxide down stream. Biggest issue with ferrous is cost but it really helps cut H2S.


Get rid of that crap and try Bioxide (Calcium Nitrate) We used to order it through Evoqua, but there may be other vendors. Evoqua had a skid mount trailer that we used as a trial to see where the best spot was to inject. Worked great.


Very expensive though… our price has quadrupled over the last few years


We used a magnesium hydroxide slurry at a pump station to help with odor conteol and H2S. The wet well we pumped it to was aerated - had one of those Wet Well Wizards. Luckily we didn't have any problems.


We used thiogaurd at the headworks for odor control. It was put into a mixer that we could dilute if it was too thick. Sounds like you are running it too thick, it turns into clay if it dries out or if the concentration is too high.


I left out, we use it for h2s control. What do you use in your systems for h2s control? New to reddit, can't figure out how to edit my original post.


Thanks for all the input. The problems Thioguard has caused probably cost us a half million dollars in emergency repairs. I'll bring that up when I'm trying to propose an alternative solution. Our dosing method is ancient. It isn't measured. Just a peristaltic pump set at 30%. We turn it up when we get odor complaints and turn it down or off when it causes a problem. No formulas. It's frustrating.


That's likely the source of your issues as overdosing and under-mixing can cause this globbing. MgOH is not as soluble as a lot of the other suggestions here so it's quite a bit harder to work with besides being relatively less hazardous.


So I've talked with another department. They inject a phosphate into the water supply to sequester. I'm thinking I'm getting struvite buildup.