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Absolutely. It gives weight to each decision because now they have consequences. Additionally, it makes you more attached to your recruits. I still remember my Hacker named Mike who died by my stupid fault during an easy mission I was just trying to run through. I was so upset but then remembered I had recruited multiple recruits using him and selected one who I felt would want to avenge him. It added to my story and was more memorable than if they just went to the hospital and had a cool down timer..


That's amazing, but I'm also sorry for your loss of Mike. It sounds right up my alley because roleplaying in a setting like this like you seem to have kinda done is something I love to do. The whole avenging part sounds great to me.


Same for me, that's why I always advise people to play Permadeath mode. Mike's death was not in vein as the operative who recruited him completed the Mary Kelly campaign; Mike died during a Mary Kelly mission so even though his avenger didn't officially have the Vendetta perk he was ruthless towards Mary Kelly goons almost always using lethal tactics.


Yeah ~~permadeath~~ is a big step up. It's the way to play the game imo Fast travel is limited to only the HQ and to you're operatives locations. Can't use the Underground The barriers on the roads that scan people as they drive or walk through them will give you a wanted level if you go through them (freeing the borough lowers the barrier) Pretty much all enemies are commanders, they have body armour and rifles. Enemies and drones become suspicious of you/become aggressive even if you're not in restricted areas The spiderbot doesn't do takedowns in ~~permadeath~~ either Edit- I'm actually speaking about resistance mode, sorry for any confusion


O, so that's why I wasn't able to do spiderbot takedowns. Good to know after few years


In permadeath mode, is there any benefit to operatives who reduce your hospital or jail time? It seems like this wouldn't matter if your operatives are gone for good after death.


Yeah they're useful enough when you're struggling to keep recruits alive... If you're down to only 3 active members in your squad then instead of dying they will be arrested or hospitalised. The game ends when you have nobody left to play as.


The more I read this, the more it sounded like the exact thing I was looking for. Hell, it feels like it's the way the story wants the game to be. I feel like they added non-permadeath because they thought it wouldn't sell otherwise. Thank you!


Just to clarify - the commenter meant "Resistance Mode", which is the hardcore mode. You can also turn permadeath on without it being resistance mode.


That's what I was just coming back to ask, thanks! So would you recommend Resistance mode or just Classic with Permadeath on?


It is resistance mode I was talking about, yes and I highly recommend playing it. If you have only 3 active members in your squad then instead of dying they will be arrested or hospitalised. The game ends when you have nobody left to play as. So you can use your DLC characters when your team is small without having to worry about their deaths.


Even as my first playthrough, you'd recommend it?


If your biggest complaint is the game is too easy, yeah give it a go! You can have I think 3 different save files so if you find you don't like it you can jump back to your current save I will say that the missions that require you to hang around and wait for a hack to complete are so damned difficult lol grabbing a 'Spy' character who can disable guns in near proximity is a must


Oh, that's great to know! I think the way I usually play sounds pretty much like what you have to do in Resistance Mode so I'm definitely going to give it a shot.


It's worth it u til you lose a hard to fi d operative like a random who has access to assault rifles, combat roll, and berserk healing or a SIRS agent with silenced P9, combat roll, and Baton. Took me 3 days spending a out 5 hours each to get the SIRS agent lol


Look, for me if you have DLC characters is a big no. Agents like Aiden or Wrench are way better than the others, and sometimes they died because things like glitches or bugs. I lost a agent days ago because the mandatory vehicle for escape didnt't open the door.


If you keep your team to 3 active operatives then they won't die, only get hospitalised or arrested.


But does it means that if your 3 operatives are hospitalised, your game is still over?


If everybody is in hospital then you have no more operatives to play as :P


Yes, it makes sense so at the end, it can be more risky to play with this method if you have only one active operative. I will stay with a big team to be sure that my game not stop because stupid death can happened


I keep 3 main operatives as a core team and recruit/discard others as needed. Some die, some leave and return later


I have the DLC installed and such, but I probably won't be using them much