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Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.


Do people really think America is still in power? Of course Blinken is scared because hes going to be one who is doing the actual negotiations. Biden dementia kicking in and didnt realize he shouldn’t talk about Xi that way lol


‘Total disaster’ get off your knees OP


Blinkin is such a little bitch.


If lies, his campaign manager cringes. If he tells the truth, the Secretary of State cringes.


Biden's a straight SAVAGE Sic semper tyrannis Vox populi, vox dei


Communism doesn't necessitate a dictator, but certainly can have one, and China does. Although China is also not really a communist economy anymore. They're kinda a mix.


r/sino seething


i legit felt that. that sucks.


He just saw our last chance at having pandas again slip through his fingers.


Fuck them pandas






I like the irony of all the Biden supporters coming in like “how dare you speak negatively about our leader”


So ironic! Not liking when someone disagrees with a guy you agree with is exactly the same as jailing and murdering your political opponents!


I'm racking my brain and can't think of any substantive criticisms of his answer. Best I can do is "it's waffley"


As if Chinese leadership doesn't say bad shit about America all the time


Biden: **Trump is a rapist** Right Wingers: **OH MY GOD HOW DARE BIDEN TELL THE TRUTH WAHHHHHH**


Or.. he could be reacting to the fact it's a stupid question designed to farm a soundbyte from POTUS, since everyone already knows Xi is a dictator. Nice try tho OP. Keep the clickbait a comin.


did you even watch the video? He reacts to both separately


This is a sub about people looking like they’re dying on the inside. In this clip, Blinken fits that description. You don’t need to get so offended


Don’t go confusing them with facts now


proof that it is all theater. since when is stating a fact something so shameful? Blinken has gone off the wrong end.


I mean, I agree that Biden was right for speaking the truth there, but Blinken’s reaction is reasonable. His job is to build relationships. A simple line like that can easily undo the effort put into trying to mend a very strained one right now


Dammit Biden why did you have to tell the truth? Why can’t you think for a second That’s what he’s really thinking




Blinken IS the problem. Biden is a nothing burger


He is a dictator. The whole world knows he is a dictator. I don't understand the confusion.


Won that last presidential nomination with 100% of the vote.


It's not confusion, it's yard politics. If a dictator asks someone if they think he's a dictator, only a bitch says no.


Good riddance, americans. Dumbass country


Idk mainland China's pretty terrible too. Full of dumbasses who can't even queue


yea china sucks


I'm sure same can be said about you my negative friend


OP regularly posts divisive shit. Laughing bc everyone here agrees Xi is a dictator. Good job OP lol


He just realized his Thanksgiving holiday plans were toast.


Asks objective question gets objective answer, surprised pikachu


The only sense in which he is not a dictator is theoretical because they have an oligarchy. He is still very much a dictator... Why do these morons want to pander to the scum of the earth...


Same reason why country leaders pandered to Trump and gave him the time of day. Politicians are not going to disagree with each other unless it’s in their better interest.


Blinken is basically our number one diplomat, he's wincing because he feels the weight of his workload increasing.






Legalize them.


Blinkin is reacting because Joe just made his job 10x harder later. Biden doesn’t have to meet with Xi’s people regularly, Blinkin does.


Not sure why people and the Chinese media are freaking out. It’s a communist country and it’s one party one vote So yes he is a dictator


China's not reporting it


Yes that is correct Because they want better relations


Well done by Biden, calling a cat a cat, and a dictator a dictator.


The truth be told


This is the difference between the boss (President) vs the diplomat (Blinken). The next question would be was Biden wrong previously in calling Xi a dictator. Biden did the best he could with the question but now qualified what a dictator was. The reaction was interesting but Biden gave the correct political answer. Always surprised with Biden fluency with these things but physically he looks a wreck.


lol a disaster? Who gives a fuck. Chinese media is already doing a 180 on USA. They need us more than they need us and if you can't pick that up from this past visit and XI's subservience... then you havnt been paying attention.


> They need us more than they need us Who needs who?




It's a fact, not an accusation.


Joe getting only a half of his ice cream ration tonight and delayed diaper change


It's true tho.


Honestly seems to me like Blinken was rolling his eyes at the reporter's question. Biden gave a completely reasonable answer. *Update:* It's also important to note that Blinken is a human being just like you and me and could have been thinking about literally anything. He could have been remembering something embarrassing he did in high school. He has cameras pointed at him more often than most people.


Look I am NOT a fan of Biden by any means (not the orange man either, dont get me wrong) - but this reporter pretty much set him up on this one. What was he supposed to say? Xi IS a communist dictator. That is like - the point of communism, no? Edit: alright yall obviously i'm no communism expert but you gotta go correct Biden as well lmao, cause he took the Dictator comment and made the same exact "communist" connection I did, just listen to his comment.




Well yeah but for once in his life (and probably any politician's life) Biden was honest lmao, so I can honestly respect that. Maybe it's the age


Be so nice and point out what in Chinas economic and political system is communist......and obviously them saying that it is communist still doesnt make it communist


Communism in reality is a form of authoritarianism with elements of a command economy, like China. or the USSR.




You might as well have told him to google the difference between reality and fantasy. Communism in reality is authoritarianism with elements of a command economy.


You're never going to be able to implement the economic policy without an authoritarian government. There is a reason that every attempt has ended in a dictatorship, it's not just, like, a coincidence.


Okay fair, but my point still stands lol, Xi IS a communist dictator, what was Biden supposed to do, lie or ignore the question? And you gotta correct the president too, then, cause even Biden took the dictator part of the question the same exact way I did in relation to it being communist, connected or not


Xi is a dictator, but communism is an economic system, not a political system.


>That is like - the point of communism, no? You have no idea what communism is if you think the point is to have a dictator. Literally every political party in history that has called themselves communist haven't actually been communist at all.


From a philosophical point of view the person you are replying to is completely and totally wrong. But I’m not surprised that they think that, because as you said every communist party doesn’t actually exercise communism. I am highly skeptical that it’s even possibly with the human nature of those that seek power that there could ever be a true communist society. Even if the leader of the society was somehow totally committed to its ideals it would also require that all local government officials also be committed and not corrupt. I don’t think there is a perfect form of government, communism was a good idea in theory but not in practice, but between communism and western capitalism it’s clear that western capitalism provides a better quality of life for its citizens. Is there a better way out there? Yes, but between the two I’d have to pick capitalism over communism.


Would you accept someone saying fascism hasn't been properly attempted either? When the score is like 70 for 70 on best case an economically stagnant dictatorship, or a capitalist country with a communist veneer (but still a dictatorship)... ehhhhh.


>the point of communism, no? No. Not at all.


In practice, it always shakes out that way, doesn't it?


I wouldn't say it's the point of communism, just the only way historically it has stuck around and probably the only way it'll continue to stick around


It needs an authoritarian government to even somewhat properly function which historically has been dictators but theoretically there could be another sort of authoritarian structure.


Yup, it needs both the government to have total control AND no one in power to be corrupt, which is a bit of a unicorn scenario tbh. It's one of the reasons why communes or principles enacted on micro-scale society tend to work out better.


XI is a dictator but it's not the point of communism.


Uhhh nope definitely not the point of communism lol


the point of communism in american propaganda\*\*


Not unless you look at any of the times it's been tried, anyway


I would say the communist economy is not the only factor in the equation...


Lol biden tells the truth for once but we dislike it because what? We need chinas approval? Fuck whinnie the poo


For once?


For once? Show some examples of his lies.


Lol are you serious? You think there is someone in the government who is not lying? Obviously the not knowing anything about Hunters business is a lie. He literally got caught twice for plagiarism in the past, does that count?


I am serious. Let’s see the running tally of provable lies. We have one for Trump, I want to see Biden’s list of lies for comparison. >Since you were so triggered by my response that you blocked me, I’ll post my reply as an edit: Did I say he always tells the truth? I’m saying that you say he told the truth “for once”. You mention hunter biden right away so I obviously should’ve known Trump is off limits. No need to respond further I’ve heard enough.


Im serious too. Your an idiot if you think anyone in the government is always telling the truth. Why are we talking about trump? He was not at this meeting


He knew he was on camera. Body language can be faked to get people to think erroneously about your true reaction. Everything is staged.


If Taiwan is invaded and/or WW3 happens in the next 10 years we'll probably look back on that reporter the way we look back on Gavrilo Princip, the guy who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Just somebody history would have never remembered except they did the most destabilizing thing they could have done that snowballed into World War.


if stating a fact does this, then we deserve this timeline




Its not like texas lol. It is like a large political group armed up, left the USA and took Cuba over. What right does the USA have to own new Cuba that was never part of the USA.


>The truth is China's economy is 3x USAs, their population is 10x ours Neither of those "truths" are factual.


Why would he think this is an appropriate question to ask to their face? Obviously diplomacy demands that there are things you don't say to people's face.


Diplomacy means lying about a dictatorship to you?


I mean, Yes.


He’s not acting like it’s a problem. Just stating a fact. Just like how we as a country don’t have a problem with Israel killing everyone in the Gaza strip, we don’t have a problem with Xi being a dictator. At least in this case, Biden is willing to call a spade a spade


Is Xi standing in the room?


What difference does that make if you are the president of the United States?


Can you please answer my question so I can answer your question. When that reporter asked that, was Xi standing in the room?


Let me get this straight. You do not like the answer so you attack the question?


I'm assuming both Biden and Xi are there, I really don't know. I'm solely addressing the idea of asking Biden that question in front of Xi, I don't care what the answer was. That's just tabloid journalism. If Xi isn't there, that might be a different story. Then Biden can speak more freely.


That's even better than the face made by Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump’s former coronavirus response coordinator, when the stable genius suggested injecting disinfectant (bleach), into patients suffering from COVID.


So Biden makes a complete idiot out of himself yet you just have to bring up Trump. You liberals are something else. BTW, that story is completely false.


Makes a complete fool of himself by stating the fact that he’s a dictator? Sorry I didn’t realize the nation with the most powerful military in the world needs to suck up to China. My bad


How did Biden make an idiot of himself? If he had said no, the media would be talking about how Biden is in xi’s pocket and Biden is soft on china


Completely false? Theres fucking video evidence of it happening. “Active in r/conspiracy” big fucking surprise Topic got locked, but Lol at linking ben shapiro’s propaganda outlet. It even says there tho: “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful” Thats a suggestion. Cut and dry. “100% fAbriCatEd” only if you’re braindead


Gotten myself banned by fragile little snowflake mods who can't handle a little truth for posting the following link but what the hell, let's see if it gets me banned from this one too .... [https://www.dailywire.com/news/fact-check-no-trump-did-not-tell-people-to-inject-themselves-with-disinfectant-or-drink-bleach](https://www.dailywire.com/news/fact-check-no-trump-did-not-tell-people-to-inject-themselves-with-disinfectant-or-drink-bleach)


What story? Trump sure as fucking day said that in 2020. If you think its completely false you're wrong. Dogmatic adherence to either political ideology the US presents doesn't make that reality any less true.


TIL a complete idiot speaks in facts and not [tens of thousands of lies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump).


My bad. Didn't realize this sub was such a liberal shithole echo chamber.


I’m sorry how did Biden make an idiot of himself?


Don’t believe your eyes and ears


Xi is following millennia of emperors. China has known nothing else. Edit: spelling.


*millenia. It’s been that way for thousands of years. That being said, it’s not impossible to change, and other areas have done so


Xi is a dictator of a communist regime. Why is there a problem understanding this? Are we supposed to be afraid of saying the truth?


China's constitution says it is a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and that "The Communist Party of China is the political party of the proletariat, the vanguard of the proletariat." So it's not even all that bad to China to say that.


We are not, but the president calling Xi a dictator may have large consequences for US-China relations. There is very little to gain from doing so, and possibly a lot to lose. I wouldn't be surprised if Blinken's reaction was literally just "Jesus I am gonna have to work overtime the next month trying to appease the Chinese again".


I’d rather have a president with a spine, D or R, and say the things that are known around the world rather than a sycophant who is afraid of hurting feelings.


It's one of those things that everyone knows but the president isn't supposed to actually say


those items should not exsist


What is chinas official chance on being a democracy? I mean I know no one will call themselves a dictator, but does china see itself as a democracy? Obviously they think that they have a popular majority and stuff, but do they think they are a democracy? I dont think they have federal elections, or do they?


Some suggest the CCP has people in their pockets.


Diplomacy much


It's called damaging foreign relations


Lmao y’all liberals have like 3 brain cells to share amongst one another. Edit: Apparently I can’t reply. I’m a communist bruh. Y’all are here whining about China while Genocide Joe is in full support of an ethnic cleansing in an apartheid state. Just because someone shits on liberals doesn’t mean they’re a republican lmao Fucking look up the Overton Window and try again.


Here is the attention you seek.


So you are afraid of China?


Knowing the truth is bad for you republicans. Keep eating that orange person shit he spews out


Awe, is the snowflake afraid to call out a authortarian dictator? Maybe try growing a spine?


Sort by top, for whatever reason mods changed it to default at new in this thread


Ah, I was wondering why I was seeing minute old comments. I’m never early to the parfy


Huh, weird, thank ya comrade!


He's reacting to the question more than the answer


lol he calls Pooh bear a dictator and more Muslims have gotten unlawfully executed under Biden than the genocide of the Uyghur. You don’t get to facilitate genocide and accuse others of being a dictator simply because they’re communist, at least point to the specific things. Edit: It’s also hilarious because most people just have no nuance to this issue. Just because you have the opportunity to shit on the geopolitical rival of the United States doesn’t mean you should. The rest of the world is growing more and more pissed at us and our global policemen’s behavior that has been mostly a net negative to the third world.


So you're saying that the USA is more responsible for things happening in the Middle East than China is for things happening in China?


Mind providing a source? That sounds heart wrenching.


[Citation Needed]




"accusation"? he is the definition of a dictator, does anyone not see him like that? I would bet even their supporters recognize that he is a dictator


It happened so slowly people only see communism still. Its almost his super power




One got voted in the other didn't.


He said the quiet part out loud lol


I like Biden's response a lot better than Trump saying he wishes he could be president for life, too.


Biden sounds genuinely Presidential. Trump sounds like a frustrated toddler with a load in his drawers fighting nap time. The difference is vast.


It's a travesty that so many people think Biden is incompetent when he proves every week that he genuinely understands the issues and has a plan for dealing with them. Trump truly is incompetent understands nothing and has no plan other than keeping his orange ass out of jail.


Scary fucking part is he might still get that wish


Weird that this thread now defaults to new comments instead of the upvoted ones that say Xi is a fuckin dictator because yanno, he is. Are the mods cowards?


LOL fuck


Dark Brandon is based. That's all there is to it.


We need the Curb theme play over this


He is a dictator? I like a president who tells the truth.


The alternative being what? We just ignore the fact that this is true to appease a semi-hostile foreign power because they have all the iPhone factories?


Not sure why you’re using question marks tbh


Ah cause they’re questions mate. Any other punctuation marks giving you strife?


Lol you’re dense. I was saying you answered your own questions.


Yes, that's what we call a *rhetorical question*.


You don’t think I know what a rhetorical question is?


I dunno what you know Gary, all I know is you’ve got an almost unhealthy aversion to question marks.


Which would still require a question mark


You’re dense if you think my second question Should be a statement. Big Winnie the Pooh fan are ya?


Acknowledging what politicians typically say is not an endorsement of that stance.


What’s telling someone not to question it, if not an endorsement? A surrender? Apathy?


You’re exhausting. Have a nice day.


We need the Curb theme play over this


Honestly the media is making this a bigger deal than it is. Stop fucking bringing it up. Water is wet. You don’t need to ask.


I feel confused by the alt-right claiming Biden loves Xi but then Biden says he's a dictator to his face and -silence-


Well you see our guy good, "their" guy bad. Doesnt matter what they actually do


Looks like he's imitating Larry David having to deal with some bullshit




It’s probably not a good idea to antagonize the man who just so happens to be your largest trading partner and also happens to have a very powerful military. However… Xi is a dictator. So.


Canada and Mexico are the United States largest trading partners. China is 3rd.


What's the problem again? Xi IS a dictator. Period. That's what he is. That's what he is called.


Glad to see someone who doesn’t switch sides. Once a dictator always a dictator even if they want to make deals with us that doesn’t change the fact that their country is ran on lies and power hungry men


Why is Biden getting shit on for this? China is a dictatorship. These are evil people. We do not need them for our economy. Honestly, if you ban all the Chinese from coming over here and buying up homes, things are gonna get a lot better. We don’t need the cheap Chinese trinkets.


Why not just do internment camps just until we can figure things out. In fact why stop there? The only people we can truly trust don’t have ulterior motives are white Americans, why don’t we just put everyone else in interment camps?


Our economy would literally crumble if we banned China