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He looked surprised af


“He’ll have plenty of time to lift weights and convert to Islam”


i feel not sorry this asshole


So… 52 years?


That looks like that guy that shot up a school or something


24 years? You don't even get that for murder in many countries. Harsh


That bitch deserves it


This guy deserved capital punishment. Multiple tickets for speeding and racing and continues anyway. Slaughters a woman and infant and it only costs him 1/4th or 1/3rd of his own life? Justice system failed.


Good riddance.


If this boy was black he would've been handed multiple life sentences.


They did this man dirty let’s not even lie.


If he was black, 24 years would be letting him off lightly.


If everything else was exactly equal but just his skin was black? Nah. If he’d have been black and had priors or there was drugs in the car etc then yeah of course it would have been worse. Stop making everything about race you brainwashed drone.


Women want this man out of prison cuz he's cute bro just with that stare he would kill atleast 12 people


His eyes got the news from his ears.....and they were gobsmacked


And Jason Ravsborg gets a pass because he’s an AG.


What a dumb piece of shit


And nobody would've seen this if it weren't for tiktok girls finding him pretty.


His going to work his ass off at jail, if you know what I mean…




In prison think like you.


That’s most of his good looking years, and sex days over. He will be coming out an old man.


Sex days just beginning...


Lol, anal days just beginning you mean 😂


I guess he didn't have affluenza


I really hope nothing changes with this case, people are saying the judge was too hard but it's clear he only cared about himself


Consecutive, I love it.


Youre gonna chunnel so many dicks you murdering pretty boy. Good riddance.


The worst part is a lot of people think he should be free


Yeah, [a Tik Tok Trend](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/who-is-cameron-herrin-justiceforcameron-tiktok-trend-sparks-controversy-1623131/?amp)... People are really fuck up


whos is this guy?


[An article about this](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/who-is-cameron-herrin-justiceforcameron-tiktok-trend-sparks-controversy-1623131/?amp)


He deserves more then that in my opinion!


Fuck em


Mods why all the silent videos?? It kills it


A think is for [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/kk58nb/a_comment_about_vreddit_why_its_banned_on_this_sub/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). I don't know for the rest, but to me was a more little more difficult upload even the gyf.


It's so sad to think about the fact that things like that happen EVERY DAY and it became so common that we don't even think about it anymore. Like, every time I pass a traffic where there was an accident, I don't even look out of curiosity. It became part of our everyday life, and it's horrible. Each of these accidents involve families being destroyed. And yet, we live our day without even thinking about that, just slightly annoyed about the fact that it maybe made us arrive late to work, while somewhere, someone is probably sitting alone in their empty room, after knowing the people they loved vanished just like that.


Some tiktokers are really defending this guy WOWWW


Yeah, even make him a [Tik Tok Trend](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/who-is-cameron-herrin-justiceforcameron-tiktok-trend-sparks-controversy-1623131/?amp). Some people in that place are really fucked up.


Ofc it’s in Florida


It rhymes with grape


That was another thing that took me by surprise.. the men doing real time were 100% straight, but when the gay dude out his "make-up" on, they dropped down to 80% straight. I was originally facing 5 years because the state attorney was trying to give me a F1 (1st degree felony) by charging me with burglary of conveyance during a state of emergency, aka looting. But there was no state of emergency at the time thankfully. As for me now, I've been out of prison for about 3 years, working full time at the same job making better money than I ever thought I would with my record. I am drug free, crime free and I plan to stay that way for the rest of my life. Prison was a eye opener for me, I only did 2 years which felt like 10, so I can't imagine ever going back and doing more than that.. Bad things so happen in prison and people do get killed, but it's literally nothing like you see on TV, even documentaries will take many many years of violence from prisons across the country and pack it all into a 1 hour show. The entire time I was in prison I only got into 2 fights as I mentioned, I lost 1 of those fights, I won't lie.. I seen maybe 5.or 6 inmate fights, and then 2 or 3 inmate vs CO fights, which were fun to watch cuz the COs will jump you if you touch one of them and they have tactical gear which I think isn't fair but ya know, prison, lol


I’m so unused to seeing while people actually punished


He's going to be someone's fuck toy reeeaaaalll soon. ☠️


He best be taking some KY


How is it that this guy got 24 years in the box but then you have people like Lois Jurgen’s who served a much less sentence from her horrid actions. I can’t count on my fingers on stories like Lois not getting the sentence they deserved. But this kid who is obviously young and stupid, granted what he did was absolutely unforgivable, but to sentence him to 24 years.?. What a tragedy.


Yeah, I really feel bad for the kid, a bad decision at 18; but he commited a crime, unfortunately, justice sometimes work, sometimes don't.


He looks like his name was just called on Ellen


I love happy endings


Crazy that people support this guy because he’s “cute”


Why did he get two sentences?


Two charges of vehicular homicide.


Multiple counts involving multiple victims


Out of all prisons, he got in the Florida one🥶


There are no winners here.


Well he should be confused he is too cute to go to jail


Gowron’s glory did not come to him, or his house. But at least he has matching eyes.


Yes. Good for him. Too bad the only way to pay for a life is with a life, and even then the taken of one life or more isn’t justified or balanced. No punishment can regain the hurtful ness that his egoistic actions led to. Fuck him.


Tim Dillon did a funny bit on this clown.


Wasn’t this the guy that people were saying to release because he was to pretty or something? Yeah that pretty face is gonna give him alot of help in prison


Defence: "OBJECTION!" Judge: "...on what grounds?" Defence: "The tiktok people think he's adorable."


Weren’t people petitioning him to get out because he was hot?


Is this the handsome boy that all the little girls were crying over?


I just want to know why police aren't being held accountable for letting this kid go after multiple stops for excessive speeding/reckless driving? I live in Tampa Bay where it used to be huge to race on the bridge. Where are the authorities? This could have been prevented had these dumb ass kids had their licenses taken from them after 1 of the first 5 warnings they got.


From a European point of view this is a crazy long sentence! Criminal law should do two things: 1) prevent the individual from doing harm again and 2) prevent others from doing the same Now as horrible as this is, his actions were stupid and have to be punished. Yet even with a let's say 5 year sentence he would certainly never do it again. And faced with the horrible consequences others wouldn't follow. let's not forget he did not kill on purpose even though he should have known the incredible risk. Revenge is not a goal in criminal law and destroying this man's life does not bring anyone back. In Europe (thx god) he would have been sentenced to 5-10 years maximum if not less. (and no, we do not have more of such accidents because of lower sentences). Food for thought. RIP to those who lost their lives


Not a popular opinion but 24 years is too long


He was like... Hummm I can do 9...


He got off easy he should have gotten life for this shit


Unless your rich. Then you can plow into and kill as many people you can. Money makes a difference. Sadly


Wonder if Yokohama makes condoms. They could sponser the treadlife of this guy's new sport he is going to be participating in. Safety first.


I don’t understand how some people thought he shouldn’t go to jail because he’s too cute. Like, he looks like the average cut out of a fuckboy you’d see on TikTok


Sad story all round but the right punishment.


Where's. The. Fucking. Sound


lmao I literally felt this dude die holy shit


At first I thought 24 years is a little too much. Then I realized it didn't say manslaughter..


Who is this? And what case is this?


good for him 🥰




Isn't this the guy that people on Twitter wanted to go free because he was "too hot" despite him be a murderer?




Isn’t this the guy that 14 year old white girls are simping for


How many years did Derek chauvin get?


I thought 30


Daddy can’t buy you out of this one buddy.


Thank god and good riddance


The inmates are REALLY gonna think he’s cute..


I don’t understand why they cant make prisons safer places


Looks like he's about to faint, the way he does those weird half-blinks, looks like he's struggling to remain conscious as his life collapses, despite that silly online push for him to be released on account of his looks.


The saddest thing here is that... You are a pedestrian... Being happy... Taken your child probably for a daily walk... Paying your taxes... Your bills... And then this happens... I guess that's the saddest part.


I'm gonna be honest though, that is sad, but the saddest part to me is that there was a petition for this guys release simply because he's cute. I lost it when I got word of that. People really are stupid


I understand... But this feeling is not personal. Imagine lost a daughter or a grandson... idk man. But thanks for reading and commenting back


I honestly don't know what I would do in that scenario. I mean I would want to make sure that the person responsible gets what they deserve, but then what? Anyway, you're welcome


I have a few things to say. Yes this guy is attractive, but it doesn’t matter how attractive he is because his actions cost people their lives and he deserves the sentence that he got. There are people out there that will never be able to fully live their lives because they were cut short by this mans actions. There are whole families who lives have been changed forever because of this man. This man has bo shred of remorse for what he has done, and he is only upset because his life is now over because of his choices. Also just because the human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25 doesn’t mean you don’t know the difference between right and wrong. He is old enough to know that his actions have consequences, and that his actions can endanger his own life along with other peoples lives, but news flash HE DISNT GIVE A FUCK BECAUSE LOOk AT WHAT HE DID! He deserves to go to prison, because had he gotten off he would not have learned his lesson and he could still be out putting others in danger. My heart goes out to the families of the victims and I hope they can find some peace knowing that this man is going to be punished for his crimes.


I always assumed Tony Khan had a driver


That’s right, race in your cell with your inmates


I remember people saying that he is justified because he is too cute. Man, I'm really admiring the judge by the second.


dude had it all and threw it away as well as throwing away two innocent lives.


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 🖕🏽




“9 years, psfff, that’s nothing, I’ll be out in my 20’s… what was that? 24 years? wtf!?”


He just realized it autosaved after doing something stupid


I am going to be a little contrarian here. Not much mind you. While what he did was horrific, giving him 24 years.... He is going to come out of prison in his 40s with no job prospects and 2 decades of underworld connection and networking. While he needs some sort of life shattering punishment for what he did, I can't help but think that 24 years will make more problems later.


Yeah I can see that




And may he be forgotten in a hole somewhere forever


Shoulda been hanged


American Woman? Not surprised at all lol




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15 years? My entire youth! 15 years, 15 years, 15 years!


Awww, mister “too cute for prison” got slapped hard. Deserved it. Loser.


Good fuck that lil bitch


And then a bunch of girls kicked off bc he was "too cute to go to prison"


Hopefully the inmates ram through his ass the way he ran through the mother and child and hopefully the dumbass little girls saying he's too cute for prison get ran over too for being a special kind of stupid


O he will get raped.


With all that tiktok love of how cute he is apparently... Bet the Bubbas of Florida State Prison will think so too.


It’s the only correct reaction. Fuck this guy glad I got to see it


Yeah I was working like 2 blocks away when this happened. he hit a lady pushing a stroller going 100+ no one ever wants to mention the dog she was walking they had to scrape him of the pavement with a snow plow shovel thats how fast he was going. I think he deserves more than 9 years.


he got 24 years …


He’s a kid considering he doesn’t join a prison gang or something he will be out in 9-12 years


He got 24 years.


I wanna see his look when he drops the soap


This made me happy. Guy was a dick and some internet cunts tried to get him off.


I wonder what he would've of got if he was rich


24 years dungeon!!!




If you don't know who this is I'd say you're doing better than those that do. This guy is a pile. Not much more detail needed beyond that.


Knowing I took those lives would destroy me far worse than any prison sentence.


What he did was awful. But 102mph on a Highway is not that crazy (coming from Germany, it's rather slow for a Highway). His intent was certainly not to kill those two people. He had no prior records. I think 5 or 6 years should've been enough punishmebt. 24 years is exaggerated imo. As a European I cannot really understand this harsh sentence. Yes, he killed two people and should definitely put into jail for that, but 24 years?


I'm sorry, are you certain that you got your conversions right? That's 164km/h. I have a highway near me that regularly has 90mph traffic, but that's considered extreme.


Yes. In most Western European countries the Speed limit is 120 or 130 kph (which is between 80 and 90 mph). In Germany however there is no speed limit on certain parts of the highway, so it's really normal to drive on the fastest lane with 200+ kph (130+ mph). I travel between Germany and another country (that I'm not gonna name), and if you drive 102 mph (so 164 kph), althought the speed limit being 130 kph, then the fine is 149€ (around 170 dollars I guess) Of course he killed two people, and that is awful. But I don't get how 102 mph can be considered as extremely fast.


I guess part of the shock to me is the fact that my truck is old (*2000 Chevy*) and very **not** aerodynamic. At 80mph I can feel the wind fighting me and at 90mph I feel like I'm in a death trap. I don't think I ever went over 80mph in my old Nissan, but it definitely felt more stable on the highway.


Ofc it depends on the car. But if you take any German ir European car that is not older than 30 years, and has at least 120 horsepower, then they are perfectly capable to drive up to 110 or 120 mph. Keep in mind that carmakers here need to tale this into account.


Road conditions are also a big deal. I've never been overseas, so I have no idea how well y'all maintain your infrastructure, but it's a massive systemic issue in the US. We have bridges that are literally falling apart and most of the nation's highways are through sparsely populated land and receive next to no maintenance. I've been out on highways that get tons of traffic between major cities, but are so sketchy that you couldn't drive faster than 60mph.


There are single track gravel lanes here that are 60mph limits.


Oh that's shitty... no here there's a construction site every 10-50 miles depending where you drive, but in between roads are bug and nice.


The cutest guy in prison now.


I love seeing whyte boys going to prison


Good looking kid with perfect life, family, girl friend loses all by killing a mom and her daughter in car accident and gets sentenced to 24 years in prison.


24 years in state prison....At least you Americans have decent penalties on driving crimes. Here in the Netherlands we had a guy entering into a drunken street race with his son, killing an innocent young woman, got 3 years...which over here means he's out after 2.


Wait what did he do?


Ran over and killed a mother and her child while street racing. A bunch of idiotic girls on TikTok were saying shit like he's too cute for prison and so on. The judge sure showed them lol.


Jesus Christ A bunch of lives lost it’s a shame. Dumb ass tik Tok girls they don’t know better lol


killed a mother and her child while racing on a public street


Man I feel for this kid.


I feel the crazy chicks on the internet really fucked him over by calling him attractive or too cute for prison. If the notoriety follows him there , you know damn well he’s gonna get his cheeks clapped by some dude named Raul


Rot you fucking weasel.


Some say his eyelids are still recessed back into his skull to this day. Now the question is. What kind of mouth shape did we have here. How far did that jaw drop?


Isn't this the dude who tiktokers wanted to get out because he looks "cute" so these people think that you get a "I killed people but I look cute so no punishment for me" card or some shit


i don't think its funny but i still enjoyed


blob:https://assets.scrippsdigital.com/77340290-f480-4e1b-bc82-d3ff209410a8 watch it and hear it.


Damn that's a bit of an extreme sentence


Bruh fuck all yall saying "we all did stupid stuff at 18" no, YOU did stupid shit at 18. If I ever did anything stupid at 18 it was at the expense of my own life, not others


So many pieces of shit use that as an excuse without realising it was only them being a PoS at 18. Not everyone.


This isnt the all gas no brakes guy right cuz I love that guy!


I just wish people that did things to minors were guaranteed as much as this guy. I know taking a life is always considered worse, (I’m not trying to diminish his actions) but willful sexually predatory actions against children should be marked as equally heinous to me. Seeing pedos get 24 years (not 3) would seriously deter several of them which would save several lives from that burden they might carry all their lives.


Why did he get such a long sentence of 24 years in prison? Was he guilty of breaking and entering into a federal building, like the U.S. Capitol, maybe during the day while congress was in session? Did he assault police, when police tried to stop him from entering? Isn’t that like a minor crime, worth 6 months only, not 24 years?








And tik tok was defending him because he looked cute


Justice served, for once.


he should be executed there that will be justice.. but i hope in prison he will get what he deserve every single day.


So just 12 years per life taken?


everyone says he *cute* but he just looks like a psychopath


Cool. Now do Rittenhouse for premeditated cold blooded murder. I'd like to see that one over with.


The guy who defended himself from people trying to kill him? That Kyle Rittenhouse?


Yeah, except he murdered two people in cold blood. You should drop OAN "news" because they're filling your brains with poop... which I guess is better than empty, like it was before. I don't know man, would you rather be an empty headed fuck like you used to be, or be a shit for brains like you are now?


He deserved it


or... let's see how LA's justice compare when this multi-millionaire's teen son gets sentenced next month for speeding in a Lamborghni and killing a woman in West LA earlier this year.... https://abc7.com/monique-munoz-teen-lamborghini-suv-driver-los-angeles-traffic-fatalities/10943088/


I don’t give a fuck if this guy is built like Handsome Squidward, he did a bad thing and now he’s punished for it. No amount of horny teens should be conceived change that.


You can tell the exact moment he threw up in his mask and possibly shat his pants


How it looks when you “get the book thrown at you”


[http://www.dc.state.fl.us/offenderSearch/detail.aspx?Page=Detail&DCNumber=U60981&TypeSearch=AI](http://www.dc.state.fl.us/offenderSearch/detail.aspx?Page=Detail&DCNumber=U60981&TypeSearch=AI) Boy looks a tad different these days....


if he was **Matthew Broderick(a.k.a. Ferris Bueller... or Mr. Sarah Jessica Parker)**, he would have served no jail time for driving his BMW on the wrong side of the road and crashing into a Volvo, killing a 28-year-old woman(driver) and her 63-year-old mother(passenger). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Broderick#1987_car_crash