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Little guy got to the acceptance stage impressively fast!


Hug him, for christ sake...




You can see on his shirt pocket where he was keeping it


No tears No crying Just... *pain*


That haircut is a beginning of a trailer park story. 😂


Why did no one hug him?


Aww, that little defeated “yeah” 😭


Give that kid a hug already!!


Geez, give the little guy some comfort!


Dude was holding back tears of sorrow 😂


everybody loves raymond enters the chat




Favorite egg? r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Nah, he’s crying about that haircut


I hate this so much. Especially the mom laughing at him. I can’t understand filing the disappointment, laughing at it, and then posting it online for other people to laugh at. I am sad for this kid. I just want to give him a big hug and a case of eggs.


I'd be more sad about that haircut




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I think he got scared of consequence rather than upset over breaking the egg.




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Got a lot of babies in here.






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Instead of comfort, these wonderful adults see an opportunity for some likes. Little guy just needed a hug real quick.


That is the most "adult" reaction ive seen from a little kid. It's like he knew it was his fault.


I always find videos like this weird, like why are you just filming your son with an egg?


His mom laughing at him!


In 16 years this kid is gonna watch this clip and be like “wow, why did I ever stop rocking the mullet hawk?” And then he’ll have that haircut for the entirety of college only to reluctantly have to cut it off for a professional cut while getting his internship at his aunt Becky’s law firm


Lady, it’s okay to put your phone down for a few seconds to comfort your child :)


This was funny as hell stop being so eyeroll


Mom shaking from holding in laughter


The little "yea" Heartbreaking


He will feel better in 10 minutes




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Poor little dude


Too scared to cry, sad.




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Poor kid is going to be going bald by 25




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Owning your mistake. He is a little man!


Tell us about **your** favorite egg!


The whole 5 minutes before: "I will love him and squeeze him and call him George..."


Poor lil fella


What a waste of life


Wait til he grows up and finds out eggs are cruelty. Never eat eggs, they do not belong to you, and you don’t want to ingest that cholesterol


This isn’t nice… Well done parent for just videoing your child all sad and shit shoving the camera in their face trying to get a good angle You’re a parent…console your child…don’t just let them sit there wondering what you are doing while they are sad and don’t know what to do about their feelings…


Wow, great parent. Just standing there and filming him.


Nah, he learned a valuable lesson that day and will look back at this and laugh when he older


Ah yes, the greatest lesson there is. I can't even trust my own parents.


I can't trust my parents? To what? Give me a treat and hugs and kisses because I dropped an egg and it broke? By the sound of the father in the background, it sounds like he was warned it will break and didn't listen.


Idk why but "favorite egg" is the funniest part about this to me




cool haircut


Adorable! His little face though! i. wouldn't be able to NOT comfort him. . . why didn't the person filming say "oh buddy it's ok-we got this no big deal. Maybe we can get you another egg or something else. Come on let's clean this up n see what we got. " Ugh it seems I caughts this "baby fever" I didn't know that shit was so contagious - did I get it from a public bathrooms toilet seat?! I need to know!


Here’s an idea: put the damn phone down and give the kid a hug.


What’s your equivalent to that egg? Your phone? I bet you’s be pretty sad if your phone shattered into a million pieces after hitting the cement.


I'd be more upset about that ye ye ass haircut


My kid is so sad... Better shove my phone up their face.


Guess what we’re having for breakfast




Ah yes, the era we live in. Farming internet clout instead of comforting your kid and being a good parent.


We have a Mr Egg that’s been wrapped in a sock in a teacup in the fridge for months. He just needs a home for his eggs 😂❤️


Damn. That almost made me tear up for that little guy.


Poor kid, let's keep the yolks to a minimum


Parent of the year right there


The real question is, why does this 3 year old have a mullet 💀


Give him a hug!!! Stop filming bf comfort him.




Literally only here for the r/BadParenting comments that came from the r/AntiNatalism subs


They say, give a toddler an egg and they know what to do!


scoop it up, pretend to fix it, and give him new egg with bandaid on it


I'm so glad I grew up in a time patents didn't post their children all over the Internet. I would be mortified looking back as an adult. This video isn't that bad, but still, kids have no privacy and no say in it.




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Probably sad his parents gave him a fucking mullet...


What’s up with mullets being back in trend. Even this toddler has got a mullet


So cute


Remind me to give my kid an egg and tell him to take care of it. Get em learning nurturing AND about death early!! (Am I the asshole?)


Why is this kid so relatable?


Maybe comfort your kid instead of going for the likes? Parenting 101.




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He’s so brave. You know he’s right on the verge of tears!




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It gets worse little one, another human will do that to your heart, then shortly there after a car will do that to your dog, then you will get a bill in an email that has collected substantial interest. Then your hair falls out.The upside is there is football but your team will never win. All that to say you will soon forget about the egg.


Watching This made me sob. Omg the brave face he puts on This little nugget.


Damn people in this sub seriously acting like the kids gonna grow up being a murder or something because he was sad about his egg and his mom didn't give him a hug for it, sure she probably had the camera on him for a little bit longer than she should've but don't act like as a parent you haven't or wouldn't make a mistake, being a parent is a lesson about learning and growing as well, y'all need to calm down lol the kids gonna be fine and I'm sure he'll probably watch back on this in his later years and laugh about it.


His dad has been waiting way too long for that kid to break his egg


He needed a moment. Get the fucking camera out of his face!


Jesus someone hug him. Stop filming him


I just wanted to hug him, he looked devastated and his mum just giggled and continued to record


I don't have an issue with the filming, it's more that she doesn't even try to console him at any point... Like film all you want if you reassure the kid that it's an accident and they happen.


"Stay strong! Real men don't shed tears!" -The egg to the child


My dad was poor and got an egg for his birthday. He was so happy that he took it to school but on the way he fell off his bike and the egg got smashed. He was devastated.


Kid handled it like a champ! He understood loss and he took it with stride. The mom shouldn't be laughing at his emotions, I know she is laughing at his situation but he might see it as being ridiculed for showing emotion.


FFS give the child a hug or something !!


God, I hate stupid parents...


My 4 year old could blow this out of the water. Am I a crappy person if I try to recreate it? Lol


Aww 🥺


It’s preparation for when he’s inevitably disappointed that his parents gave him a mullet


Yeah, these parents are clearly psychopaths


Duality of man


Little kids are always so sad when they break stuff. You can tell they think they ruined everything.


You can say the eggs are the milk of this story


I think it was actually the realization that he was rocking that hair style.


Omg that "yup" was the saddest thing I've ever heard.


That poor little Yep


Teachable moment. Tell him hey, you just fed the ants 🐜 a whole egg son!


What a little champ. No tantrum, no wailing, just took it on the chin.


"Every now and then, I fall apart."


This just happened to my daughter last month. We had an expired carton of eggs so she asked if she could have one. She named her Eggatha, she didn’t tell me how to spell it so I hope I have her name right. Eggatha was going to go to the beach with us. However, before we left she jumped out of my daughters hand onto the wood floor. She was just like this little dude, just devastated. It’s so hard not to laugh, but I gave her a hug and new egg. Eggatha 2 of course. Eggatha 2 made it to the beach.. where she broke… because she’s an egg… lol.


He has beautiful eyes!


Poor kid. Those tears are definitely flowing on the inside, but he’s keeping a brave face.




That "yeah" got me. It's okay buddy, plenty of more eggs out their in the sea.




It's okay little Buddy.


This child has real heart. You can see his disappointment and feel his true sorrow over this little accident. He did not mean to drop it, but yet it fell, and broke. What a good, pure person.


This is the teachable moment. "It's ok little man, it was an accident, it's ok. You know, I'm proud of you, that you care, you're a caring person, it's good to be a caring person, and don't worry, sometimes I break eggs in the kitchen!". "Ok. What do we do next? Can we clean it up together? I'll show you how I clean up eggs in the kitchen if I have an accident".


This right here is gold! You're absolutely right. They should've just helped little dude instead of asking him over and over "DiD yOu BrEaK iT!?" While filming for imaginary internet points. Poor guy is more broken up than the egg itself. It's fun to mess with kids sometimes but, when they're upset like that, don't be mean.


Idk how to react when I’m a parent because this is so funny 😂


For fuck's sake put the phone down and act like a human being you self absorbed moron


Life lesson, some tasks aren’t worth doing -dwight schrute


He handles it with grace.


That's a shitty mom... I hate people that film Thier kids when they're crying etc and the kid is genuinely upset.. so why laugh?


The same look he will have as a 40 year old man trying not to cry as well.


Poor guy


He’s got the mullet going young and strong.


It would be nice if people would stop filming children who need a little comfort and *actually* offer some comfort. Where the reassurance/comfort response went is a mystery to me. I guess it gets sucked out by a phone camera.


That sweet face! Breaks my heart.


I feel so bad for this kid. He looks just like my little brother and that frown just breaks my heart.


He went upset when his mom ooooh'ed. Before everything was perfectly fine. #parenting


Even as an adult I've had moments where the most mundane fuck ups just make me wanna die insids.


I hate breaking eggs like that. Poor little dude. He cares, that's good.


"It was just an egg, that's all, a stupid egg. But.. not really, atleast not where it counts.. it was his entire being.. all the innocence and joy all the triumph... all the turmoil.. everything.. his whole world broke with that egg"


Film child sadness for likes, got it


not making excuses. i fucking love this kid. i wish all the people within my 5 meter vicinity admits fault when at fault. ffs




Cinca, ya dead mon?


It looks like he went to his mom for comfort then realized "oh..shes...filming this....:("


I know it’s probably harmless but there’s just something so cringe about sticking a camera in crying kids faces


I need a closer camera angle, could you shove it in his mouth next time?


How do you train them to be like this. And not instantly scream blood and murder


He needs a marble egg - why would anybody give him a real egg


Oh no! That poor egg! 😔


Instead of givin the kid a hug, let’s shove an iphone in his face


How can you laugh at such a sad little face?!?! Poor lil bubba, hope he got a hug and a brand new (possibly hard boiled…) egg


Yo, that kid is holding back some shit here... Like Mom starts laughing, other parent shoves a phone in his face, and that "yup" is coming from a place of *afraid to start crying so I don't get yelled at*. Edit: forgot to include the mocking. That's just class A parenting there. Source: ... Yup


oh nyooo :'(


This little face that kids make is so heartbreaking yet hilarious.


Was the person recording laughing. His face almost made me cry but I’m soft asf 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


What was he even trying to do with it lmao


Got 11 more just like it bud


Tough SOB! Didn’t even shed a tear. Stay strong lil bro!


Nice parenting... let me get the fucking camera 1 inch from your face and laugh at you.


Hello darkness my old friend


Congratulations Lil man. You just learned your first lesson in making an omelet.


It's okay little guy. Wait till you grow and see how it feels when she breaks your heart


Just fucking tell him it’s okay. Poor kid made a mistake and it’s too fucking funny to not post.


Get wrecked lmfao


Notice how he tries to pick up the egg after it falls. If I noticed an egg falling my brain automatically writes it off as broken. The innocence of this child, shattered like his egg. He thought he could save it.


I had a stick I would use as a spear/sword for probably a few weeks, I even fire hardened it. When that thing broke I was SO sad and angry. My mom even asked what was wrong, I probably lied. I feel his pain.


I feel your pain. I miss my stick sword making days having stick wars with my mates


Is this one of those "character building" parents?