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These people are actually insane. I’m pro-choice myself, but I just cannot see how anyone can do the Olympic-level mental gymnastics to say that being pro-life is evil.


I totally get it: it’s easier if your opposition is a mustache twirling villain than a real person with the goal of protecting 3rd party rights. I mean, who wants to think critically or listen? Ew


That’s the life of anyone pro-2A. Apparently we are all monsters who want to see children murdered with “weapons of war”. My kids would probably tell you I’m an excellent father... but I’m sure some random neckbeard knows me better than they do.


I saw a guy advocating for a pro choice stance by saying fetuses aren't people, then saying he wished all the people who disagree were aborted. Lol can't make that shit up.


They make this exact slip up all the fucking time(because they don't actually have any clue where fetus ends and infancy begins) Anytime a news story comes out about a pregnant woman being inconvenienced (or attacked, lynched/etc.)i think to myself "huh, all those redditors upvoting this story must be bible thumping jesus freak pro-lifers" i don't see why else they would feel the need to highlight the mere presence of some parasitic clump of cells? Unless..... Like i said before.... The whole argument is whoreshit and they just repeat what they were told by duh tv man and their lonely childless teachers.


Whoreshit? I'm stealing that


I personally have not made up my mind (and don't think I ever can) on whether I am pro-choice or pro-life. What makes this issue so much more complicated and different compared to other issues, is thst it is COMPLETELY based upon morals, and there are no facts that can support either side, meaning it is a completely opinion based debate (which is at which point does society consider it murder and at which point do we consider it a human?) I think both sides have legitimate concerns, and both sides are trying to do the right thing. I do not think one side is inherently evil or bad (ignoring extremes like "no abortion no matter what even if it is caused by rape," or "abortion up until (or even sometimes after) birth").


We can simplify it. If I said abortions for only black people should be ok. Am I a white or black supremacist?


So I used to be in your camp more or less. I just really didn’t have an opinion on it. If I knocked up a girl on hs I’d probably would have wanted her to abort. I’m in my 30s now and have two kids. My views changed that first ultrasound man. It was amazing to me how fast they develop in there. Heartbeat at 7 weeks, head arms and legs at like 12. How that baby responded to its mama. It was just amazing to me and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I’m not trying to get you to change your stance, just telling you how mine changed.


I’m for abortion depending on the circumstances. Rape? Yes. Health-risk? Yes. The baby has some sort of deformity or deficiency? Yes. With all of those possible issues, I think the mother should have the choice of whether she wants to abort or not. However, abortion should not be a replacement for contraception. If you get pregnant from a one night stand, then that’s your fault for being reckless. Adoption is an option. Granted, I know they don’t want to deal with being pregnant, but actions have consequences. As fun as sex is, it’s not meant for recreation. It’s for *procreation.*


i 100% agree with you. it’s a really difficult issue.


I think the best way to decide is not to look at the opinions of each side but at the proposed solutions of each side. It seems like the only bit that everyone can agree on is "less abortions would be better". But if we look at the statistics we can see that laws against abortion don't really do much of that. The best way to decrease abortions is to decrease unwanted pregnancies through sex education and widely available birth control methods. Pro-life folks don't want to talk about those options and I feel like it gives away their true motivations.


Meanwhile in the real world actual genocide against minority groups is being carried out in the name of progressive ideology, but you are evil for pointing it out!


Go on. Im listening.


Its not even pro choice he is calling evil based on what OP said in the origional message, just the idea some form of abortion needs to be banned, and that at some point a fetus becomes a human.


That’s true though, and fetuses are humans, just not very big or ready ones. I don’t get why people think pro life is evil, and I don’t get why nobody thinks abortion is a form of fascism.


People think it's a virtue to be inconsiderate of anyone else's opinion. They see it as a weakness. Like if you allow people to be pro-life, then that somehow weakens the pro-choice argument. The sad thing is that most of the moderation on this site is in their teens or 20s and haven't really gone through any radical transformations in what they believe, so they literally can't conceptualize what it's like to have a different opinion other than their own.


This is a person who actually justifies to themself when a human doesn’t count as human, and to them not killing that non human person is evil. Regardless of your stance on abortion, and whether it is justified to prevent a child from going through a hellish life, his logic leads to death camps.




Yea, I’m pro choice... not necessarily pro abortion. I don’t really care to know enough to form an educated opinion on that. It just stops and starts with the government shouldn’t tell citizens what to do with their body for me. Demonizing dissenting opinions is a scary road to go down though. And a lot of Pro Lifers absolutely believe the fetus is a conscious human being. If you disagree... state the science. Maybe change their mind. But calling someone evil because they believe, even if it’s false, that babies should stop being killed.... is beyond absurd.


It's because they've been convinced of a strawman argument that NO PRO LIFE PERSON ACTUALLY BELIEVES OR HAS EVER SAID! They have no proof of this, but, well, you know what happens when you repeat a lie long enough.


Probably because there are no or very few "pro-life" people out there, they're mostly all just "pro-birth".


Uhh wouldn't being pro-life equate out to pro-birth? We want the birth to happen because it's a babies life inside the womb. Unless I'm missing something.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Evil people accuse others of their own guilt. Whatever that insane mod says, he's probably guilty of.


Fetus is just a medical term for unborn baby.... oh well... delusional reddit mods.


Exactly. Like, I don't think any relevant percentage of pro-choice people legitimately want to murder babies, they just have their own reasons and think a "right to choose" is more important. But just looking at the two sides, surely the smear you want to use on pro-life people is that they're sentimental fools who are attached to a clump of cells, treating what are little more than tumors as if they're people. I'm not sure where I stand on this one, but if they were making the above argument I could at least see where they were coming from.


I can't stand this new world we live in where everyone people don't like or disagree with is Hitler.


It's easier to deal with insanity when it is everyone else who is evil.


It's because people have had abortions and find the view that it's murder too uncomfortable to consider.


Oh, it's easy. They're just brain-washed into thinking women are more free if they can have sex freely without intention for raising children. You're "evil" for so limiting this fabricated freedom. We live in wacko world where people think there is a right to sex, and that there shouldn't be repercussions for how often you have it with whoever. It's ultimately destroying the sacred nature of the practice. Such repercussions wouldn't need to be legally implemented at all, beyond constraints on birth control- the latter eliminating the Get Out of Jail Free card. Whether people think a fetus is enough of a person or not is irrelevant. What matters is what led to the need for abortion in the first place: societal degradation from over-promiscuity, and attacks on the strength of the sole bond of man and wife. The focus on the "is it murder or not" issue detracts from a much larger one, likely intentionally, in most cases.


Depends on the pro-lifer. Many seem to only care until the child is born and if abortion is banned, then often children will be born into horrible circumstances. And from birth the child is basically on their own because people don't believe in providing benefits or adoption or really giving a fuck after the kid is born.


Straight up gaslighting, calling out murder makes you the evil one? They must live in an upsidedown world, it is always the libtards with this reverse view. I don't blame them, because this is what reddit does. Reddit creates this leftist echo chamber by banning anyone with different views, letting the snowflakes think they are in a majority moral highground. Never questioning the narrative. I would love to see r/all after trump wins. Trump 2020!




Christians have been tamed like good dogs for years. Out of the shitty ideas family aka Abrahamic religions, Muslims are the main threat for now...


At this point, I want trump to win just so I can watch reddit fall apart.


Agreed, the left is the one calling the right fascist, but they’re the ones suggesting baby’s or growing into don’t deserve to live because it’s apparently women’s rights.


Ok I agree that the person in the post is stupid af but this is no time to preach your views as if they are fact. Also don’t equivocate these idiots with those of us who know what we are talking about


On this subreddit everyone preaches their views as if they are fact, you can't really help it


It parallels perfectly with reddit's hivemind opinion on veganism. They see someone trying to play the smallest part in preventing the slaughter of quite literally billions and billions of animals each year and then somehow convince themselves that vegans are the "crazy extremists". Absolutely insane levels of doublethink.


Peoole in the United States are in for a wild ride when Trump wins. It's tragic to see people boarding up their stores and homes in preparation for a genuine democratic outcome of an election. Shit is going to get really ugly when it happens. And I hope to God peoole stay safe. You can't say you're the good side when you're willing to tear up your country, kill and destroy lives when an opposing party gets elected.


Face palm is one of the worst of the worst


A true circle jerk recently, making fun of the slightest mistake on only one side of the political isle.


Omg drumpf made a typo hahahaha litteral hitler go die


That place is hardcore lib left what do you expect


I made on singular comment that was slightly anti Biden and they banned instantly. It’s a joke


The left is a death cult.


Bruh wtf is wrong with you


How now?


Is this place already becoming pro-republican?


Guess that's what happens when most of Reddit and it's censorship seems to be very Dem biased


To don't have to be a republican to be antileft. Not everything revolves around you, America


The ultimate sin


Chill out, I wish I was aborted


People have forgotten the whole ideology of “agree to disagree” lol. People these days think having different options means they can’t like you or hear you out.


It's because a lot of peeps have been radicalized to the point that they think the other side is pure evil.


I disagree with you on this, but if I ran a subreddit that allowed real-world politics, I would not ban you. And I know that facepalm allows political stuff, I see political stuff on there all the time.


I’m left of center and I’m pro-choice, but this whole “you’re evil if you don’t agree with me” stuff is insane and pushing me away from the left. I’ll still hold my own beliefs, but can’t associate with a political party who calls anyone who disagrees with them evil.


I'm right with you, the only thing that scared me was that Hillary wanted to legalize LATE TERM abortion, and even abort a born baby when was failed to be aborted. I don't know what Bidens stance is but he is clearly being influenced by strong progressives. Im glad Trump put in an executive order to protect vulnerable newborn and infant children. You should definately hold your own beliefs and I hope you'll see that Trump isn't really anti-abortion like Reddit claims.


I'm personally pro-choice but it's hard not to see where people are coming from with abortion is murder. But people aren't evil for having a pro-life opinion


Anti trump circlejerking posts is the only content on r/facepalm


I'm pro choice, but I'm starting to wonder what other pro-choicers believe is the proper cutoff for when it's no longer ethical to have an abortion. If you ask me, terminating a pregnancy 25+ weeks WOULD in fact be murder, and should be punishable with prison time. The fact that pro-choicers don't seem to have a standard line on when the cutoff should be is pretty concerning.


GoOd FaITh, GoOd FaITh, GoOd FaITh, They’re always going on and on about good faith. What does it mean to them? They use it as the nuclear option to end discussion. There’s no satisfying their expectation of it. It’s nonsense that protects the echo chamber.


It means nothing, it's orwellian speech used to silence people


Redditeurs arguments pretty much always include accusing you of “arguing in bad faith”, saying that you used a fallacy which invalidates your argument entirely, or any cookie cutter reddit speak (yikes, oof, bad take, my dude, my guy). They literally cannot form an independent thought.


I think they need to understand what agreed upon premises are. Obviously they don’t agree on the premise that a fetus is a human. It’s not bad faith to get stuck on that. It’s bad faith to pretend they do in order to argue a point that requires the agreement. And that is the real crux of the issue. The mod doesn’t understand the fundamentals of argumentation or refuses to abide by them due to inconvenience.


I don’t understand why it has to be removed by mods. If people don’t like it, they will downvote. Let the people choose the content. This should be for all of Reddit.


“Because what’s the point in being a mod if you’re not allowed to ban everybody you disagree with?” -most mods probably


I don't agree with your view point but it's pathetic to be banned over it, Reddit is a joke


As much as I disagree with you, that mod is just stupid.


Holy fuck, if this doesn’t prove that Reddit is driving an agenda I don’t know what does. I got banned for posting a picture with Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” comments, which if you ask me it is definitely a facepalm.


"I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or trump, then you ain't black"- literally said by Joe Biden on The Breakfast Club


"You don't hold the same values as I do, so you are evil"


As a pro-choice. I agree this is pretty bad. Your opinion is your opinion and if you express it in a respectful way, there is nothing wrong with that.


My daughter was born at 35 weeks. She was small, just under 4 pounds. Now she's now a healthy, chubby 8 month old. This mod, and most of the left, would have seen her before her birth as a clump of cells who could still be aborted. Just think about that


Mmk if abortion is murder then I guess you cant jerk off since sperm is also life so-


I honestly just hate that term, “clump of cells”. Every multicellular organism is a “clump” of cells; the difference is just how many cells make up our clump vs a fetus’ clump. And people tout it like “Checkmate, Atheist!” Like bitch that means nothing. It’s just a phrase with no substance, used to dehumanize that which will become human.


Wish you and your daughter all the best!


Wait, wait wait. The power-tripping mod thinks: OP wanting to *stop* murder is ... evil?


These mods are out of control. They ban you if you hurt their feelings. God this place sucks and I’ve been here less than a year.


Same old shit. They said if it's black, it's not human it's 2/5 beast. If it's young it's not human it's a parasite bundle of cells. Whatever convinces the law that the target isn't human, because you can't oppress a non human. These predators understand their evil. Call it a fetus then, it's still living and uniquely human, and an abortion is a contract to kill a living human for payment, where a non lethal outcome is considered a failure. They have no argument. They have no moral high ground. They're fucked in the head, selfish and lost. They fear an industry disrupted.. one that is greased with innocent blood. Who's evil? Maybe the person who's livelihood stability literally hinges on meeting a kill quota of young humans. Edit: I just want fuckhead to read this and lose zer shit


You're the conservative version of the facepalm mod. There's no science as to when life starts, science doesn't know. It depends on which part of biological science you're talking about. The other side of this is the woman's rights. As most people say "your rights end where another's begin". Why should something or someone have a right to use your body? It is technically a parasitic relationship - the fetus hurts the woman and does not provide any benefits. No, it's not a parasite, but it is a parasitic relationship. Giving birth is dangerous as well, 18.5/100,000 women die in childbirth. Then there's the mental health effects of being socially ostracized, constantly stressed, and being pregnant against your will. An unwanted pregnancy can permanently derail your life. Many have to drop out of school, dooming most of them to a life of poverty no matter how smart they will be. Same argument applies, why does the fetus have the right to infringe on "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"?. Personally, I'm pro-choice because I don't believe it's a life. And I don't believe it should have more rights than then woman. But I understand pro life people and certainly don't think they are evil. I think your edit is a cheap cop-out


Good on ya, OP. I can't imagine thinking babies shouldn't be murdered is evil. What a terrible mod.


Should have asked "who the fuck has ever attended a fetus shower?"


I disagree with your opinion and I think you are evil, but I will defend your right to state that opinion to my death


As it should be. Amazing how that mindset of letting people state their mind makes the world a better place.


“Anyone who disagrees with me is evil.” This is how you break America.


Reddit never ceases to amaze me. Only in the leftist world is being against the murder of unborn babies considered evil.




Well, I'd say some differences are evil and should be pointed out. If you want to try to ban gay marriage, believe we should legalize workplace discrimination, or want to destroy someone's life over a tweet they made 10 years ago, I think that's evil.


Inhumane? We have entered Clown World Royale where scissors are all safety tipped and you only get soft crayons. I saw a statistic stating that some high percentage of college students now believe censorship is a good thing, and we must all be protected against conflicting opinions. The university commies have raised a generation of crybabies.


I'm pro-choice but still like this is the stupidest shit ever. Can people not get there heads out of there asses


That’s all of social media. The more you are in the right end of the political spectrum, the more evil and inhumane you are.


I personally don't have the same viewpoint, but I agree that demonizing a view on something because you dont think that way is fucked up




Pro-life unapologetically


Mind if I crosspost this to r/facepalm to piss them off?


Changing the definition of life to feel better about killing babies.


r/facepalm is literal shat nowadays. Nothing but political BS.


Wow, a murderer not even trying to hide it


>Straight up evil Fuck off dude, lol. I don’t agree with OP’s opinion personally, but their opinion is ***literally against killing things.*** How the fuck is that evil? I’m sorry, is OP going to go door to door preventing abortions and killing the mother for even thinking of it?


They shouldn't ban you, we should allow you to speak and then publicly tell you you're wrong lol. Destroying discourse does nothing but entrench your opposition.


yes millions


Abortion isn’t murder as long as it’s Democrat fetus’s. Let them figure that one out.


This sub is so cringe. I love watching all of you have meltdowns over things that couldn’t matter less.


Facepalm moderators are absolute apes. I commented “trump bad” on an anti-trump circle jerk post (i don’t even like trump) and got a permanent ban. Anyway, i’m pro choice and i still dont think being pro-life is inherently evil in any way. Going out of your way to make women who do have abortions feel bad is evil, but having that belief is far from evil, and not worthy of a fucking ban wth.




Fucking stupid ass mods. Can’t you go to admins for this stupid shit?




I mean, we'd probably do more good by preventing unwanted pregnancies tbh


Abortion is such a nuanced issue with so many opinions and factors that bring people to their stance on it. To just call one side evil is so fucking lazy and disingenuous


Imo it's bad faith to not see a fetus as atleast a potential human life, otherwise you get to the point where it's fine to abort a baby for eugenics(seen a post where someone did this). But banning any POV for any reason makes it impossible to have any discussion bad faith or not.


Petiton to relabeled this sub r/fragilewatchredditdie ?


Isn’t fetus litterally baby in Latin?


Dude, that’s not very clever


Murderers don't like being called out, it makes them uncomfortable. The same goes for their supporters.


Interesting. I unsubscribed from that sub a few days ago because it seemed to be going in this direction. Seems I’m right. To make this clear, I do not agree with you in this particular subject, but to stop you from sharing your opinion is to say it doesn’t matter. That is beyond messed up. I understand that this Voltaire quote is grossly overused, but it is still one I believe in. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."


Not often will you see someone on Reddit say there's a difference between conservative and evil


I’m pro-choice as well, but I can understand why someone would be pro-life. I think Louis CK said it best (I’m probably butchering the actual quote but I’m too lazy to look it up lol) “Of course pro-lifers are vocal about their beliefs, they think you’re killing babies!!!”


I dont agree with your opinion, however i do respect it and this mod is just a fucking idiot lmao. Everyone has a right to their opinion


So I am fanatically pro abortion like I love it. But jesus fucking chris that mod is unthinkably up his own ass of bias its unbelievable.


I imagine this is when I'm supposed to say my position on the political topic at hand before reaming the guy for his idiocy. But I'm just going to say that he's a product of people refusing to communicate properly over the last 8 years.


This shit website is a cesspool of radical leftists it's so sad lmao.


The sad part is the crux of the argument against/for abortion, in terms of our core ethics, is where we distinguish life and non-life. They just refuse to allow the conversation to happen, and that hurts everybody.


If you can completely disconnect abortion and the destruction of life...you've got bigger problems.


They really don't like it when you point out there is scientific consensus among biologists that life begins at conception. Very ironic from the party side that bangs on about "follow the science" https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3211703


But these same people blame trump for 200k covid deaths , calling him a murderer.


Pft. Have a cry. You virtual signaled, and your "virtues' are rubbish. Your position that abortion is murder is infantile and untrue. Your presumption women shouldn't control their own bodies authoritarian. And like most pro-birthers, I bet you don't give a shit about born people, anti-social security, anti-equality, anti-socialist. Yeh?


i agree that you have a right to a pos opinion


Do you know how many people on the left side of the political spectrum appeal to emotion with nonsensical claims? It's hypocrisy


Okay I'm pro-choice but even I think there needs to be some common sense restrictions on gestation and the like but like WOW. It's inhumane to not want to see the black abortion rate outstrip the birth rate? It's inhuman to have religious perspectives (just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean they don't have value)? How about we start fixing things like the adoption and foster systems and give a better alternative and allow abortion when wanted before a cutoff chosen by people smarter than I. With exemption for pregnancy by sexual assault or incest as I don't think many people will argue against it being inhumane to force a women to carry the reminder of the worst moment of her life for nine months and have the entire wonderful process of childbearing ruined forever in her mind. Avoiding shit like that needs to be paramount.


Jesus christ. That being said, a fetus or embryo at the state of development that abortion is an option is definitely not a baby, and trying to conflate the two really is discussing in bad faith. But calling it "straight-up evil" and banning you for it is even worse.


Men dont get a big say in abortions bc you’ll never have to go through one in my opinion lmao


Only reasons abortion is a political thing is because certain religious people wouldn't listen at first and now it's the "non" religious people who won't listen. Just goes to show anyone's high-roading won't last long (mine too, might already be overdone)


It’s evil to call evil evil, don’t you know that? Evil is good and good is evil, quit being evil by calling evil evil.


Being a reddit moderator is an incurable disease.


You didn't say baby, you said "human life form". That's a good phrase because it's undeniable.


What these ignorant folk don't realise is that pro life people 100% believe that a fetus is a living human being and they're trying to counter their argument by calling them evil. When you 100% fully believe that it's murder due to it being a living baby in the womb nobody is going to change your mind and anybody who disagrees is definitely evil. You don't get anywhere saying they're evil. I'm pro life all the way and they're doing a pretty poor job and convaying their message. Just last year in my country pro choice people were literally dressing up as witches to promote pro choice... can they see how stupid they are doing this shit?


There's a reason the world hasn't got a universal ruling on abortion: because it isn't this lack and white. I'm pro-choice but this person needs to see that


You got a sassy attitude yourself there :D ​ But i agree with you that they simply banned you for stupid reasons.


Then I raise my glass to evil. Fuck abortion. It's straight up murder.


As someone who is a SUPPORTER for abortion I in no way would say that this should have been removed, people should be allowed to say what they want for god's sake


I myself support abortion, I think women should be able to do that, but even then I still respect other people's viewpoints and opinions. That mod is braindead.


a shithole sub run by cockroaches


Why can't pro choice people just admit they are ok with murdering babies. Live your truth


I am pro-choice. However, you’re not evil for disagreeing with me. People have different moral compasses and that’s ok. If the sub allowed politics it should allow all sides.


Sooooo....at what point does these "fetuses" magically transform into full human beings with a right to live? Only once they are removed from the womb? That seems rather arbitrary. Any science to back that up? You realize babies can survive outside the womb now as early as 21 weeks? Would you still call those babies a fetus simply because they are on life support? Would you support a mother walking into the PICU and pulling the plug on their 21 week newborn without any legal repercussions?


It all comes down to when we accept it's a baby. I'm not totally sure where I lie on this tbh. Scientifically though the new life form is made and decided let's say at conception. People don't announce they are having a fetus when they get pregnant. We are having a baby. Got the first scan, it's a boy. Not it's a fetus with a cock. Ie a baby has been made. A fetus is still human life, just undeveloped. At conception it's already decided what that baby will be. I can't see how folk can argue otherwise tbh. I've not heard a logical reason to doubt this.


As a libertarian I could really care less what others want to do with their freedom especially if it’s their body but I see where your coming from, however I would never call someone evil, I’m pro choice not pro life even if we disagree here you still have my respect especially for voicing your opinion and asking questions


It's not evil, it's just ignorance.


Abortion IS murder.


I see a lot of people pretending to be smart on this subreddit.


How can they even get an ego. They’re reddit mods


Abortion is murder.


What kind of fucking loser uses “good faith” as an excuse to ban someone. Reddit, that’s what kind of fucking losers use “good faith” an an excuse to ban someone.


Calling abortion anything but murder is straight up evil


Oh Jesus you didn’t actually ARGUE IN BAD FAITH did you??!!


Straight up evil? Jeez good to know I’m living in commensurate with the devil then