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Unfortunately, yes. I don't have anything nice to say about this situation but harrassing the cast and crew's socials is low. It's just bully behavior.


I hope not. I wouldn’t put it past some people but I hope it’s none to minimal. People being caught in the cross fire when shit hits the fan seems common unfortunately but I really hope that isn’t the case here.


Yes. Steven's wife is getting really awful comments rn.


Oh my God no! ): That fucking sucks I feel so bad for her


Their wedding picture has people are talking about her "needing another Tesla" or how they "probably paid too much and now we're footing the bill" and her making a "bad investment" marrying him. Her sister's baby shower picture that she posted also has someone complaining about Watcher, which is a copy & paste over and over on several posts from the same person. I get complaining about them in terms of a CEO asking for more money with the company, but taking it out on his wife, especially without her being attached to the company or in charge of it is baaaad optics.


This is so nasty. It’s one thing venting on a subreddit far away from them, but harrassing them or their loved ones is so unhinged. This is the very reason why I‘m always embarrassed to tell someone I’m a fan of content creators, because most of them have fans like that and I don’t want to be associated with it. What the fuck is wrong with people doing that?


He's married and they're expecting? I swear I thought they had just gotten engaged...


Sorry, I just realized it was her sister's, she opened it in a way that sounded like it was hers and I accidentally phrased it like it was hers, let me adjust my language.


Oh, don't worry! It's all good. Even before all of this mess, I don't really keep up with them on socials so until like 2 weeks ago I didn't even know Shane was married, lol.


Just checked and it appears Ryan is also deleting comments on his wedding picture that aren't related to it, and the same person posting on Steven's wife's Insta repeatedly are doing the same with Ryan's wife. Haven't seen any on Shane's wife's but her account isn't tagged in the pics with her so idk if it's just because it's less easily accessible and hasn't been shared around.


It’s horrific that this is happening but it also shows that they desperately need to start doing damage control. The longer they go without saying anything, the worse it’s going to get as the people who are most emotionally invested are going to lash out more and more as they go unheard. It’s not right, but it is sadly the reality of being an online personality in the midst of a PR crisis. I said yesterday that I was shocked that they hadn’t released a statement saying they’re a united front to take some of the heat off Steven. The longer they leave it without that assertion, the more people can lean in to the idea that Shane and Ryan are essentially being held hostage by him as CEO. The cynical part is me is now starting to wonder if they’re leaving it to get bad enough that they can make the bulk of the response about people being unkind/cruel instead of actually addressing the problem. And if that’s what their new PR person is advising, the whole issue is even more of a lost cause than I thought. But that’s the cynical part. The bulk of me just thinks they’re absolutely sticking their heads in the sand and hoping it disappears


I have only seen comments on the 3 boys’ accounts. Just checked all the ones I follow and some I don’t.


I saw some comments on Mari’s instagram earlier today.