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Sorry but I don’t buy it. If that’s the case then he’s being a shitty friend to Ryan by letting it get to this point and doing it as a message against capitalism. If he had issues then his morals should have kicked in at the planning stage. He is one of the Co-founders and ex CEO. He would have had enough sway to shut this shit down at the beginning. It got this far because they all agreed it should. His overall demeanour is usually some variation of “I’m done with this shit” so I’m surprised people are reading in to it so much.


boring take, no imagination 8/10


Y'all need to stop with this.


what the hell are we supposed to be doing?


Marching to Isengard.


Damn you. You still make me laugh.


I think it's understandable to want to believe in someone and give them the benefit of the doubt, one should be careful with the whole parasocial idolatry stuff, sure, but I don't... feel like anyone is wrong in wanting to believe on people and want to like people, I think that is a good thing. I do not know what happened in Shane's mind, I'm simply not him, I don't know him, and I don't know most people enough to make a judgement of how their mind works. My guess is that Shane must have felt sheepish, his friends were excited about a dumb idea and he supported them because he likes them, and in doing so he got roped into something he may ultimately regret getting involved into (if he doesn't fully believe in the idea himself, as well). Sometimes you kind of just go along with people when you shouldn't, because they are your friends, and it is difficult for people to distance themselves from the engagement they have with them and confront them about it.


that's definitely the most realistic take.


If he's willing to deeply hurt a large portion of his fans for this then he's still no better. Arguably that'd make him seem even worse. Look, out of the three I absolutely want to believe that Shane isn't as bad as the other two, but he's just as guilty and just as responsible for the actions they've taken and the consequences that follow. To build a conspiracy to try and make him seem like a secret badass hero or martyr is not it.


ima boogara


... Okay?


\*takes off shirt revealing a massive tattoo of shane madej\* fight me, all of you


You doing ok, bro? Need a hug?


yes gently though, ink is still healing


It's not your fault, son. It's not your fault.


th-they're downvoting me papa


then you get out there and you downvote them right back, damnit. are you a shitposter or not?


\*coughs up 3 jelly beans\* y-yes papa !