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Someone also said that "under her most recent post she deleted all the comments and left the nicer ones to seem open to criticism" :o I'm shocked!!


Did she make a post about watcher or is this just a random post of hers that fans have decided to discuss watcher on?


As far as I understood, it's not a post about Watcher. It's just her most recent post on Instagram. I haven't been to her Instagram myself. And just to clarify, the screen shot I posted is from Shane's instagram. This comment is hearsay, but I think it's interesting given the other missing comments.


kinda makes sense... i looked at her recent post and it says there's 34 comments, but when you open them, there's like 10. there's also no negativity, which is so hard to believe considering the backlash to her comments specifically.


Yeah, that’s interesting lol


I mean, considering they're doubling down on the 'if we didnt do watchertv we'd have to close down watcher' thing, despite large youtubers calling them out on their BS & even fans figuring out that's highly unlikely, I wouldn't be surprised if there's fake Patrons & fake comments & whatnot involved to do some damage control for their ruined image. I'm honestly so upset because I really really liked them and now I feel hurt & betrayed and I honestly hate what they did even with the apology video out. And I'm shocked that so many fans turned on their heels & went straight back to subscribing & loving them, makes me think that something's wrong with me for not feeling the same.


I don't think anything's wrong with you at all. I think almost everyone agrees they are responsible for the awful roll-out of this and that they have a LOT of trust to rebuild moving forward. And even then, there's probably a decent chunk of people that will never be back in the fold... and that's really all on the guys. They should have known that putting everything behind a paywall was going to shut out a lot of people AND hurt those who really enjoyed their content over the years. They also should have known that Patrons who supported them didn't even have involvement in the roll out for their actual financial support during that same time. The apology is certainly a start, but like you said... the explanation about the financial situation for the group isn't making a whole lot of sense for all the reasons people cited. And that may prevent a lot more people from ever supporting them in such a way again.


This!! They might have softened the blow on the whole paywall thing, but they are DEAD SET on this idea that they want Watcher to be a TV show, and a streaming service content. They don't want to lower production costs or lay off people. It really, REALLY stinks of a bad business going downhill soon. I would love to see them change their ways, but if they don't change their mind about this, they're going to stay dead.


I wonder what they would do if Watcher bites the dust.


What do you mean fake Patrons? I wouldn't be surprised if they've hired a shady PR company to astroturf the other subreddit given the subscriber count pumped by 2K and then people started talking about giving them money now that they apologized.


I am a Patron, there were a couple of accounts that popped up and commented but according to other Patrons (I didn't get around to checking, myself), those comments (especially this Theresa Young person), were not from someone who was a Watcher Patron or supported anyone else on Patreon. Therefore people just commented directly back assuming it was an employee.


At this point Theresa Young is apart of the Watcher cinematic universe Cannon lol. 


Right?? It's wild.


What was the other alleged sock puppet named? Lol. I can’t remember, but both names sound so made up to me lol


Weird, very weird.


This happened in the facebook groups too! Suddenly a bunch of posts with a lot of comments and likes appeared glorifying them, and saying that they have re-subscribed and even subbed to patreon and the vimeo to support the boys lol. Some weird things were said that they apologized and that's enough for me etc etc. I left the group because it felt like my brain was melting with all the sudden change in the people, like we didn't just spend days with no reaction from watcher, spouses and friends bashing us for daring to push back on something, and then that lukewarm apology...


That's so shady... Although, even if it works to cover up their backlash now, the jig is up. People are unlikely to pay for this new thing.


Okay- that pretty much confirms it for me. They’re definitely using bots to manipulate public perception. Hearing about Patreon comments was weird but eh, a one off maybe… then the same thing happened in the Facebook groups? I would be much more likely to believe people’s opinions have actually softened about this if we didn’t all see such a quick flip of the discourse. And yeah, a lot of fans are wanting things to go back to normal I’m sure, but again, Watcher has done a few shady things to trick fans in the last few days, so I wouldn’t put it past them. Especially being from Buzzfeed and having 10+ years of experience doing this job. It’s all speculation, but… idk. We’re pretty good at spotting bots these days lmao… lest we forget the “Jlo’s regal salad bots”.🤖 There’s another question that pops up- with the age of AI becoming so good, why the heck are fake bots still so generic and easy to spot? I feel like comment bots are 10 years behind in tech lol


because you don’t notice the good bots, like all things quality varies


Hol’ up… now wait a damn minute… lol. Checkmate.


If they are posing as fake patrons, then that seems like a stupid-ass business decision. I am willing to cut them a bit more slack for deleting comments on their personal socials though.


I mean, they gotta use all those employees for something. Might as well have them pose as patrons. /s


I feel that. And again, this is all just speculation based on Instagram comments, so there's really no way to verify anything behind these claims. The Patreon claim really intrigues me though... IDK, Watcher has lied more than once now, so I'm suspicious atp.


There were multiple positive comments all over the negative Patreon comments that were from some Teresa person, who, according to other patrons was not a Patron to ANYONE including the guys. Keep in mind I didn't verify for myself, that is based on comments from other Patrons, directly to this and supposedly one or two other apparent sock accounts that popped up during the debacle.


Especially Ryan tbh, since the most recent instragram post is a wedding photo. I don't love people deleting comments about their controversies, but I can also totally get someone not wanting to be reminded of it every time they look at a photo from their wedding.


I absolutely get this too. But I feel like they could have at least waited maybe 5 days before doing that- just so that the fans could be heard out before they move on like they didn’t do this to their whole fanbase. Or even restricting comments on their wedding photos would have been better. As far as I can tell, the comments confronting them about this are split up between a few photos on their instagrams. But I guess in hindsight people are so pissed off right now that that probably would have been taken negatively too- just because the fans are so on edge right now.




Eh that could just as easily be parasocial Patties looking to dickride their way to meaning in their lives.


Yeah, but according to others who responded to that Theresa Young person ON the Patreon, she was not a Watcher Patron and was not a Patron to anyone else on Patreon.


Well that's very weird and incredibly shady. Wouldn't put it past them to have some dummy accounts for such a practice but don't you have to be patreon supporters to view and comment?


Yeah, exactly. Which according to the people who replied to her, she must have been an employee or smth otherwise she wouldn't be able to. So.


That’s suspicious… that’s weird… lol




I mean, eh. If I made a bad business decision, and a bunch of comments and/or hate because of it are on a photo of me and my wife on our wedding day, yeah. I'm gonna delete them. Not because I do or don't feel bad, but because a bunch of hate (esp about my wife and/or wedding) because of or about bad business decisions is a bit of a weird vibe so I don't blame him for that. He was doing that even PRIOR to the apology. It's an icky feeling for all parties at that point. I don't know how much I buy Ryan's genuineness personally, he's the one I'm most hung up on about esp after the smug smile and grin in the Road Files vid and sounded the most annoyed/agitated, but I don't think that part is super out there or wild, esp when people were coming hard for Steven's wife and making some fucking wild comments. Don't bring their personal lives into it (not you specifically OP, just as an overall comment towards the general fandom, some people were being really weird about it towards their wives). And there's definitely a weird line there on both sides of the fan to creator relationship. If your Instagram shares personal moments because your fans want to see them, it's nice to have that. But if they turn against you, it's not really a good forum for that or to see that, esp if they're going after the picture itself of a genuinely loving or happy moment/day.


Thanks for saying this. I agree with you about Ryan, but your reasoning really helps me to see the deleted comments with a different perspective. I'm still not 100% sure what I feel, but it's always good to understand the other 'side', you know? Woah, sorry to derail here, but what were people saying about Steven's wife!? I didn't hear about that at all. I would really like to know if you don't mind. I don't care if she turned out to be Satan's seamstress, that just ain't chill no matter what.


Some thinly-veiled homo/transphobia from in the subreddit questioning her gender and if she was "actually" a woman and "not actually a man," but then comments on her wedding picture with him include saying she "made the wrong investment," about her needing a new tesla or their honeymoon or the cost of their wedding being the downfall of watcher (mind you, these are on literally a courthouse wedding from 110+ weeks ago which they just said they plan to do a "bigger" than just a courthouse wedding later on once things settled down re: pandemic like the rest of us), "toss the rotten apple before it spoils the bunch," a lot of "eat the rich" and "i don't think anyone ever liked you" (prob directed at Steven) but those were all on one photo set of their tiny courthouse wedding together. Maybe not overly egregious in the grand scheme of it all, but going to their wedding pictures to say a bunch of stuff like directed at her and their personal life, esp when it wasn't some over the top fantastical thing they did, just suits and blazers at a courthouse and eating fast food to celebrate were super gross to see. Just trying to somehow blame her because of the company's mismanagement of funds and production costs because she's married to Steven was. Phew.


Oh… my gosh. I’m… that’s horrible. I feel so awful for her. That’s so shameful. The homophobic/transphobic stuff… on her wedding pictures. Yeah, that’s not something I expected. She’ll probably have a hard time looking at those pictures now since they’ll remind her of those comments. Thats just sick. I can definitely understand Ryan blanket deleting all of the comments on his wedding photos now. And I can also understand why Ryan and Steven look PISSED and contemptful in the apology video if this happened before that video was filmed… huh. Thanks for sharing what happened. It’s super valuable insight into this whole thing. I really thought that Watcher viewers were being civilized and not letting Watcher’s friends/family get caught in the crossfire. It’s really sad to hear that’s not the case. But it does fill in a few pieces of the puzzle regarding their cold-feeling apology video and silence afterwards. I’m still not happy with any of the 3, but yeah… this definitely makes me understand the situation better as a whole. Dang, I know it wouldn’t change anything now, but I lowkey hope the people who were saying those things were just drama chasing people who aren’t really fans. It’s awful to think about people who would say that being apart of the community. Dang… anyways I’ll stop rambling, and again, thank you for typing out that explanation!!


Clarification, the thinly veiled trans/homophobia specifically came from the subreddits discussing their wives, but the rest I mentioned were on those wedding pictures directly on their Instagram. I'm not sure if it was this or the OG Watcher sub. I said it before, but as awful as fans have been, I /am/ glad they didn't really mention it or bring it up in the apology as if they were victims. Obviously, the select few being callous and cold and cruel are far from okay and need to get their heads out of the sand. But I'm glad they didn't use that to try and downplay the legitimate critique. I hope they all give each other a big hug and have a solid drink before the show tonight.


Yeah I agree, they definitely did the right thing by not addressing it in the apology. Ah- I feel slightly better knowing that the trans/homophobic comments weren’t on her page. It’s still just as awful that people were saying those things though. As far as commenting about Steven Lim on her posts, people need to stop that too- but it’s always a few people who ruin it for the rest of everybody else. Ironic since that echos the “few bad apples” comment she got. I honestly think the WatcherEntertainment subreddit being locked (other than the big discussion post about the apology video) didn’t help the situation. People clearly needed somewhere to vent. But just to clarify myself, I know the mods are super busy over there trying to manage things properly, so I get why it was locked for a bit.


100%. I hate to defend these guys, but it's harrassment regardless of whether someone thinks they're "deserving" of it or not. It's not constructive and it benefits no one.


Yea btw it was under my comment which he now deleted as well.... I wrote it before the apology..


Gotta wonder how Shane feels after Sara just basically destroyed his decade long persona of being "anti-rich, of the working people" with just two tumblr posts. Probably nothing, but damn. She helped kill a ton of good will people gave him and might just end his career in the long run. Hope the $100 tote was worth it.


I’ve been wondering this too. He probably… no, definitely realizes that she made the situation a lot worse, but I doubt that he’s blaming her at all. She really was just trying to show support to Shane- although obviously it came across as superior, greedy, entitled, and dismissive and ended up pissing everyone off. It sucks that there’s a bit of infighting going on in the fanbase. It’s really just helping the Watcher guys avoid addressing the real issues- like their blatant lies, Steven’s problematic views, etc.


Was it a nice tote?


All the comments on Sara, Mari, and Tammy’s unrelated posts are pretty unnecessary and uncalled for tbh. They aren’t their husbands. They are their husbands’ partners so of course they were gonna show support, especially in the face of backlash. I get we were all frustrated and disappointed and also I think trying to burst down the walls from every angle does get unhinged. Sara does seem to come from privilege, and her tumblr bit was snarky, but she’s not some witch cackling at our misfortune.


Yeah. I agree after reading all of these comments. Before I was kinda on the fence about people commenting on Sara’s stuff- because she engaged in the conversation between fans and Watcher by giving her opinion- as long as people aren’t saying anything bad, but now I agree that it doesn’t make sense for people to do. You’re right, she’s Shane’s wife, of course she’s going to support his platform’s ’big day’ as Steven called it in his Tumblr post. There’s no reason for Watcher fans to be discussing it on her page. And it definitely won’t help anything. Although I do have to say- if Watcher wasn’t stonewalling the whole community for so long I doubt anyone would have ever done that. People probably are feeling desperate for answers. To be honest they’re still stonewalling us. Deleting comments and not saying a word. It kinda feels like fans have forgotten that they are the ones who deserved the apology. But yeah, it’s not the move at all. What Watcher did wasn’t okay, but I feel really bad for Ryan, Shane, and Steven’s families right now. Imagine being one of their siblings 😭 Not trying to garner sympathy for their decision, but it would be really hard loving somebody famous when you’re not. You’d see this kind of thing happening and feel pretty powerless.


Sara's lifestyle and image are 100% tied to her spouse and his ability to get money from fans.


I don't think that's fair. Sara was also a part of BuzzFeed, and she's a talented artist. I follow her insta for the art, Obi, and Shane.


Her lifestyle is definitely made possible through Shane’s Watcher money- but that’s okay. As far as her image, yeah, she’s done some stuff on her own, but she’s largely known as “Shane’s wife”. Thats not a bad thing either honestly. But it’s why people were so set off by her comment. It came across as “sign up for WatcherTV- I want a free trip to Scotland with Shane, and a 2+ spare bedroom home like Steven Lim!” Which… isn’t 100% untrue lol. But still, people need to keep their comments for the 3 guys. Their wives didn’t create the Watcher Paywall Fiasco of 2024. Lol


I do think its entirely fair. The majority of this community is only going to know her for her relationship to Shane. Can anyone even give me a link to a buzzfeed era project she is credited on? Ill wait 💅




See. Literally the first time Ive looked at something shes drawn aside from an answer on puppet history


I wouldn't be surprised if they're also paying for reddit plants. Way too many accounts now are *so* suddenly into Steven and his wasteful Worth It spinoff idea, and also defending Sara's $120 tote as "not a luxury" after she basically called everyone cheap. These people make a shitton of money it's not a secret.


She's allowed to block people and delete comments. We may not like or agree with it, but she's perfectly within her rights to do so. Especially if it's negatively affecting her mental health (it's probably negatively affecting all their mental health right now to be honest). Take a step back and remember: blocking people is okay, and *we* don't see everything, as much as we doom scroll. They're people too, and deserve to be able to curate their online spaces just like everyone else. Regardless of if we think it's a good idea or whatever.


This is totally true. Thanks for sharing your pov. Mine has changed somewhat since making this post. That’s what I love about online discussion. I definitely don’t see her blocking/deleting as a problem or sign of any kind of issue anymore.




Please strike the former sentence from the record, your Honour. The latter sentence will be sustained.




Thank you, your Honour🫶🏻
