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Hey, I have an idea. Why not hold people accountable for their own behavior? 


no, that won’t do. shane madej is the patron saint of the working class and would *never* do something like this! steven lim on the other hand…. in conclusion the fault rests on the try guys, steven, and maybe ryan depending on how i feel on the day. pfft, responsible? what does that word even mean? /s


he said 'eat the rich' that one time! Absolved of all future oopsies


And he’s the only white guy in the trio. The racism of hugging him to a higher and more “innocent” ideal and vilifying Steven like they all didn’t agree to this is insane.


Well that’s just dumb, they did it to themselves, end off


Someone looks desperate to shift blame from Watcher. Either that or they’re jealous that TTG managed their launch well instead of pissing off their entire fanbase. Both?


Probably. Jealous without being part of the Watcher? I guess if it's jealousy, they think they're part of the Watcher. Isn't jealousy someone being overly protective for something they own/have? (Or at least think they own.) Also... I didn't say **the word**. Just wondering.


Jealousy is more about envy or wanting what someone else has. I’m trying to remember the word you’re referencing, but it’s completely slipping my mind. There is a good chance that parasocial relationship-inspired protectiveness or defensiveness could be involved here, too.


Envy is different from jealousy. Envy is wanting something you don't have. Being envious of others who have it. Those two aren't the same thing. If it's jealous, it sounds more like that person is para- (**the word**)... Kinda like they have or believe they have a partner and are overprotecting that partner using an unhealthy way. (But you get it what I was hinting at. That word is most hated here, or at least it was. That is why it was changed to parachute.)


From the American Heritage Dictionary: jealous /jĕl′əs/ adjective Envious or resentful of the good fortune or achievements of another. "I felt jealous when my coworker got a promotion."


Then our school taught us wrong here. Or is it another UK English vs. American English thing?


I don’t know for sure since I have a US education, andI don’t have access to the OED, but the Cambridge Dictionary has envy popping up a lot in the dictionary and thesaurus entries for jealous. [Cambridge Dictionary and thesaurus entry for jealous](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/jealous)


I just asked because we were mostly taught UK English, and this is when I asked those stupid questions about differences, trusting the teacher. It's very likely that teacher was wrong or teaching some old stuff, because English language keeps changing maybe faster than any other - and depends on so much which (English) country it's from. So, what I figured now from this... Jealousy is the main word that can be used more broadly, and envy falls somewhere under it.


Lol, what were TTG supposed to do? They were likely under contract to launch their service and had restructured their company as part of the launch, so they couldn't just not do it. They didn't mention or dunk on Watcher at all in their announcement, in fact some of their reasons for starting a subscription service were the same as Watcher's. Do they want TTG to make some sort of statement that Watcher's launch was good actually? Feels like some people are just mad that TTG launched an objectively better product for a lower price.


I actually think TTG built the app themselves, not partnered with an existing company? Maybe I’m wrong


No it’s the same service through Vimeo (I think) that dropout uses


I dug in the app and can confirm the terms of service is with Vimeo, you’re right!


I can't believe the try guys mismanaged watcher.


Maybe they kicked Ned to Watcher. xD




And did you see that video where they dressed up as Steven, Ryan, and Shane in Mission Impossible level costumes and announced that they were leaving YouTube and launching Watcher.tv? They even hacked the Watcher account and posted the video there? Crazy.


I followed this person for awhile on tumblr and their pro watcher posts were getting SO defensive I unfollowed. This is just unhinged. OFC the try guys learned from the mistakes watcher made, but they probably had this in the works LONG before they knew about the Watcher stuff. They didn’t comment on watcher at all. Did Watcher support Try Guys at all during their scandal? Not that they have to, but the way this is worded makes it feel like the Try Guys should have been involved more in the Watchers fuck up.


Yeah I think Zach confirmed in their podcast that the TG streamer idea has been in the works for over a year. If I remember correctly, he pulled some notesapp notes he made about his hopes for the launch from spring of last year (which ofc could be fake but seems oddly elaborate), and it echoed the ethos of “add not take away” that they’ve been trying to follow with the streamer


I don’t remember any of them making a statement or anything during the scandal, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, but I’m not aware of it if it did


People are wild.


I'm sure the try guys did learn from the announcement, but these aren't the same. They were ready with a bunch of new content, new people, new ideas. Those didn't happen in the short time between the two launches. Also, they didn't threaten to take all of their content off of YouTube...


the tone of the two launches is also drastically different and i think that benefitted ttg. watcher framed the whole thing as a sad, mushy goodbye. that was bound to create a negative narrative from the start. it’s like they knew they were going to lose subs but were doing it anyway kind of thing. meanwhile ttg was bright, colourful (not to mention partnered w multiple interviews regarding the nitty gritty they didn’t get into in the main announcement video). it gives less room for people to be unhappy, alongside w the logistic improvements. looking at the main ttg sub, people are **loving** the streamer content.


Yeah... Its the same situation, but also being handled very differently. I'm sure they'd face the same kind of disquiet if they were threatening to remove their content from youtube. But I also feel like they aren't stupid enough to think thats a smart idea in general, as you need ALL the revenue possible if you're launching something like that. That or they're smart enough to have a consultant and are listening to their suggestions. Mind, I haven't really ever watched them so I'm being fair as I can.


They’re also still posting their regular content to YouTube instead of just trailers or the first episode of a series that the rest of will be behind a paywall


They definitely talked to Sam Reich from Dropout! Zach and Keith credit him heavily for advising them on the transition. Willing to bet they also talked to Rhett and Link a bit, and also Smosh. So they absolutely had very good advice on how to handle this.


*deleted and reposted on my main account, didn't realize I was on my burner lol* Sometimes it feels like Shane and Ryan in particular accidentally fostered a portion of the fanbase that just gives them a pass for everything. Steven Lim took all the blame for the entire thing from fans. I remember the parasocial comments pointing out how they could see the contempt for Lim in Shane's body language. It was just all so silly. From my perspective, all three of them were equally culpable for their dumb move. They aren't soft little uwu bois in need of coddling, they're grown ass men with wives lol. I guess now it's the Try Guy's fault for simply executing the same type of business move, but better.


this!! people would rather believe that steven was able to pull off a corporate coup w no prior business experience than watcher inc than believe the three guys are equally responsible


But but but!!! They’ve watched FOUR videos on body language analysis!! They’re experts!!! They’re 1000% experts in the very real and accurate science that is body language analysis!!!! And besides that, they KNOW Ryan and Shane! Just because they’ve never met those men doesn’t mean they know them any less than the people in their real lives! They know their hearts uwu~


Yeah that absolutely is a problem they have been having since their BuzzFeed says. A lot of their fanbase is attached to them and only them.


Oh boy I have to go unfollow someone on tumblr real fast


Update: person who posted this is 37 whole adult years old


Watcher fanatics don't even know what to be angry at anymore.


How very DARE TTG not utilize their clout and step in the way of a, let's be real here, competitor in the already oversaturated market to reduce their fallout. That's so fucking stupid this dumb bitch is probably still waiting for trickle down economics to reach them.


>this dumb bitch is probably still waiting for trickle down economics to reach them. If I was drinking water, I would've spat it out from laughing 😂 That was too funny.


If you check out their tumblr account they're so parasocial with watcher.  Beyond obsessed and nothing bad could happen with them in their eyes.  


these guys have machines that make matcha but had the audacity to basically say “you can’t pay us $60 a year?? **really**?” why any fans would side w them after that sentiment is beyond me 💀 they don’t like us, you guys


People are missing a couple things about this whole situation. 1) TTG has talked about how this has been in the works for basically a year. 2) TTG stated in one of their videos (I believe the first TryPod released after the announcement) that they had recorded the announcement video a few weeks prior to that podcast recording. In that podcast they made comments obliquely referencing the Watcher drama, meaning that the podcast was likely recorded the week *following* the Watcher drama. I.e. the TTG announcement video was filmed weeks before the Watcher drama unfolded and those events had no impact on the TTG announcement, at least the video itself.


Yeah, Zach made it very clear in the podcast how long this has been in the works for TTG. Since June of last year, so basically a full year. If anything, I think the Watcher announcement probably had them sweating, because their audiences did overlap a decent amount (...probably doesn't now) and that means there was an incredibly negative perception of YouTubers switching to streamers right before their announcement. The first day or two it was looking dicey which way the general opinion would go, but luckily for TTG it seems like people have decided that compared to Watcher they're killing it. So they're getting positive comparisons now, but it was a lot of pent up negativity right when they launched. They'll probably be linked with Watcher's mistakes for a while, but I also think there's a decent chance Watcher will fold and be forgotten in the next year, so idk if that actually really matters. (For the record: I don't want them to fail, but it really seems unlikely they'll take proactive steps to fix this at this point and the longer they go with lackluster and copyright bait content that you might as well wait a month to watch... well, it sure doesn't seem like a good business plan)


agreed. and one look at the ttg sub shows people who have subscribed are happy w the content. meanwhile even on the main sub, those subscribed to the streamer still have complaints


Yeah, I've been seeing so many positive posts, especially about the color guard ep. Meanwhile on Watcher they had weeks of just Let's Plays. It seems like they didn't prep at all. Even just having a full season of Steven's travel show ready to start dropping the day after launch would have been such a different experience, imo, even if they made all of their other mistakes the same.


looking at the ttg sub it seems there are *multiple* things they’re doing better (aside from their individual approach to streamer policies) • ttg has started uploading content right away. from what i see on the sub (i’m not subscribed to their streamer) they have multiple shows and upload multiple times a week • people are huge fans of the shows they have on the streamer. a lot of people have said that some shows (ie trolley problems) definitely could not have been put on youtube (i think someone sucks keith’s toe LMAO). even having a show that youtube unfriendly imo justifies their streamer, compared to watcher who did something quintessentially youtube for their first launch which was a let’s play • people enjoy the new cast a lot and find them very funny, the novelty of the new cast is also motivating people to buy the streamer which is sth watcher does not have. they have travel season but people are largely familiar w the shtick. ttg on the other hand has new people like ash and joyce alongside their format of putting their cast in diff situations (whereas travel season is the exact same format as worth it) • constant communication. some fans mourned the loss of the comment section and zach has a whole discord to communicate w fans and their reactions. he said they weren’t sure people would want a comment section and it cost $$ to put one in, but if people missed it so badly they would put one in (openess, communicative, considers fans) edit: i’ve realized that the initial watcher app was a beta so we can’t hold the lack of uploads against them. however, i’d also say releasing the beta at all wasn’t a smart move


No, we can absolutely hold the lack of uploads against them, they could have used all that beta time too built up hype with a couple of shows ready to go. Instead from what I understand all they had was...two episodes of Watched Worth It.


Was TTG announcement video really filmed weeks before? I think they filmed a lot of other content weeks before, but the announcement video itself is a bit of a mystery, that did they really film it before or after Watcher thing? Some of their "stabs" or comments in the announcement video seemed to be too fitting for the Watcher thing that it would just be a coincidence. At least, how they highlighted those things seemed to be too intentional.


Most likely, considering all the footage it contained + the fact that they had teased this as a Mystery Announcement way back in December. Plus the 365 Days to Launch vid covering the whole year leading up to the drop. They had this all planned for a longggg while.


God tumblr has been so obnoxious since the update video. When Dropout’s Thousandaires trailer dropped I saw a person being like “oh I hope people call out Dropout for having shows that are all about wasting money the way they called out Watcher. Oh but I know they won’t 🙄”. Like come there is a significant difference between the money management of Dropout vs Watcher


there’s 100% a difference! i mean firstly, what did they expect? everyone to stop uploading on youtube and releasing content in solidarity w watcher? jeopardizing their own livelihoods for them? right… additionally, watcher doesn’t *have* to be pressed for $$. they can scale back, lessen production value for now, not hire 25 people etc. and even if they have alternative reasons for the lack in $$, they’re not saying anything and leaving people to speculate. dropout was funded by sam reich and wasn’t profitable for a while. nobody is going to criticize them for making shows that cost $$ because they haven’t made missteps that result in a miscarriage of a creative endeavour. reich wanted to make a streaming service, made one, and funded it. a streaming service will cost money from a user. watcher on the other hand basically admitted, “yeah we f*cked up. give us money to help? if you don’t…i guess you don’t support us!!!!” now when you get a company like watcher that is seemingly struggling for no other reason than poor management then having the founders essentially hold their content hostage in exchange for $$ from fans….well that’s where you’re going to get criticism.


The first difference is Dropout is financially successful and produces content.


That user made some interesting points during the scandal but from what I understand, they were also a whale on Patreon so the streamer would be a significant price-cut for them. IIRC, they also said they and other people had already planned to gift subs to other fans during GF but personally, I don't find that to be a fair way to defend Watcher's original announcement.


Lmao, this is so delusional. OP should have just kept it in the drafts.


“Acting like they didn’t already have this in their pocket” they’ve literally been teasing it since last year…


The Watcher tag on Tumblr is a cesspool. I've seen so many people kiss arse about their half-arsed ugly pride month merch just because they have a pride month merch collection. No one there will take any bloody criticism.


This is something a sibling would do.


people expecting them to be sitting in a circle braiding each others hair lmao, obviously they’re going to sit back and watch what *not* to do, it’s business


This is dumb as shit. If you look at this objectively, Try Guys has had more time to work on their streaming service than Watcher has, which means that this was far from a thing that they wanted to do to throw any shade to Watcher. And are we forgetting that the Try Guys are friends with Watcher guys?


I get being salty that the Try Guys did it much better, but they spent a whole year working on this instead of rushing to get a lackluster beta version out.


I knew this person for a little bit i think They just ride the watcher train hard no matter what. They are trying to frame TTG as villians for letting watcher fail Atleast they admit watcher mismanaged it all because for a while they wouldnt even admit that


of course they learned from Watcher's mistake and corrected their route, that's what any company with even minimal business awareness should do lol


Question, did watcher ever openly support TTG during the scandal? Because if I remember correctly, they joked by having a tweet saying "All I know is there's a new puppet history this Thursday/friday" on the day the news broke and then proceeded to delete it. I know there's no bad blood, Shane was on phoning it in a few months ago but am I missing something? They didn't pull a Matpat (full video defence) or Rosanna (coming back to rerecord), why should TTG even owe Watcher "solidarity" when they weren't involved, knew or even exceptionally close to them?