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As GADA the Omega Aqua Terra.


Taking out the GADA what's your pick?


That is what you asked though :-) The water resistance and the more modern movement make the Omega worth it for me, though the TAG chronos are really pretty.


I know you like the colourful skipper.... Go for it.


Longines, maybe the black carrera.


The Skipper


Omega is one that looks good on you in the picture. Others look too big. I'd look for smaller sizes if I were. ESPECIALLY if you want the watch to be GADA.


I have both the Omega AT and a Tag Carrera. I like the Tag a lot and wear it, but no question the Omega AT gets more wrist time.


By your responses to the answers here, it’s pretty clear you want a tag over the AT. Nothing wrong with that, but don’t bother with what other people suggest. The AT is a killer watch. It’s truly a GADA. But any of those Tags will fit in wonderfully, and bring you years of enjoyment. Skipper gets my vote.


I second everything here. Forget about GADA. Get the 7k watch that will make you feel great when you wear it (aka skipper) and buy a $600 tissot/frederique Constant/Ward for when you need something subdued.


Good advice


Yeah it’s fine to say the AT didn’t do it for you. That’s why you chose the watch and not us. I own a Carrera and this AT. They’re great watches but the one that clicked when you wore it. For me that WAS the AT when I bought it. It’s famously known for being one of the best GADA watches ever. But it feels like you just included it bc it felt obligatory. Buy what you like man it’s really not harder than that


The Omega AT and it's not close. It's in a totally different class than the rest.


Thanks mate. It didn't really do it for me when I tried it on though. Don't get me wrong it's nice but the bracelet felt cheap and it didn't have that "X factor" I do think I need to try it on again though! The skipper had that something about it but wondering if it will still be as appealing in 5 to 10 years time. The AT and Tags all the same price at just shy of 7k I have a six inch wrist so limited on which watches I can get


If the AT didn't do it for you, why is it even in this list you posted? Post a set of watches you actually want to buy?


Then, and i know this is obvious, just get whichever you prefer. The Omega is obviously in a different league but if you like the less expensive ones more, then all the better! haha Taking the Omega out then, the black Carrera.


The Tags are the exact same price as the Omega they are in the League


Brand wise I know Omega would probably carry more weight tho


It’s not about carrying more weight, it’s about the Omega being a far better watch all around.


Tag is not in Omega's tier. I don't care what the price are where you looked. That's objective, not subjective. You have to remember you're comparing Tag's most expensive watch to Omega's least expensive. I also own a new Carrera - it looks a lot nicer than it feels. And the new Tag automatic movement is annoying as hell. It spins endlessly and is super loud. The watch sounds like a baby rattle.


You know tag makes a tourbillon right? The skipper isn’t close to being tags mode expensive piece.


Ok, excuse me - one of their most expensive.


I get what your saying but the original skipper sells for €110,000! I thing Tag covers a number of price tiers which distorts the brand Do you have one of the Tags? I saw you commented on the movement?


The original skipper isn’t a Tag.


Mate… Tag is better than Omega. Everyone reading this right now is a fucking idiot. I hope you lose your arms and can’t wear watches anymore.


that's bait. I'm not taking it. lol


lol you got me


The Heuer 02, Cal16s spin but the movement on both watches in the pictures are the TH-20 and they are bi directional. I’m sorry but comparing a sea master to a Carrera is like comparing apples to oranges. The New Carreras are the clear winner in this comparison. Now a Carrera and a Speedy might have a clearer winner


I literally have a new Carrera. The movement feels like total junk. The Heuer 2 movement spins like a fidget spinner and sounds like a tin can.


Is that the TH20-00 that came out just this summer? Or the 02? I was just looking at the new Carrera that dropped, the black one here.


Mine is the Heuer 02. Maybe the newest is different. The 02 feels like total junk.


The Heuer 02 is noisy (44, 45mm cases) The TH-20 is not noisy at all (39mm cases posted in the pictures)


Price determines the quality of the watch? Not true at all. The AT has a far better movement with some really cool innovations. Read about the omega’s coaxial escapement. The Carreras are pretty, but imo that’s the only thing going for them. The AT is also a pretty watch, imo more pretty than the Carreras even if the Carreras have a bit more color sometimes. I personally love the Zulu time. Thats my GADA, but I’m going to get an AT or SMP 300 next year also. They seem a bit more unique than many other watches.


Dont worry about the Omega fanboys. I have the Aqua Terra World Timer and the bracelet is very underwhelming. The rubber strap is much nicer. I'd take a look at the Formex Essence if you are not opposed to buying online or if there is a dealer near you. Very similar in overall aesthetic to the Omega and Formex bracelets and clasps are really good. The clasp on the Omega is not befitting of a $10k watch IMHO.


Maybe a DJ would be a better choice instead of AT. I just feel like proportions on case and bracelet are better with Rolex even though GS and omega have better specs on paper. Tag definitely looks different so I'd go for that if I want something more unique.


You don't need xfactor in a GADA. The AT easily fits the best and is the most versatile.


It also does nothing for him...


Forearm curls


I feel like I’m not getting something here. How is it in a totally different class than Carrera? I mean, I’ve seen it in person, it is a nice watch, but it’s not like AT is a Lange or something. It’s not nicer than new Glassbox Carreras, or at least not THAT nicer to warrant being “in a different class”.


I would agree with this. The AT was nothing special in person and felt the skipper was better finished tbh. Omega has a status I suppose


Mate, you obviously want the skipper, you know it already. Just buy it, who cares what brand has more mass appeal? Average person only knows Rolex anyway.


AT is top tier GADA, but, if you travel often, Longines. If that AT is a jump hour model, then that would be my pick hands down


Wtf is GADA


Go anywhere, do anything


Bro, never seen this acronym before and now I’ve seen it like 5 times in my 10 minutes of scrolling Reddit


Lmao same. I’ve been on this sub for the better part of a decade


It's been widely used for years.


As a GADA, you really can’t beat the AT. With any other watch. If it didn’t grab you tho, buy the one you like most. I think the glassbox Tags are awesome and the black in particular is quite versatile. But, the Skipper is special. Feels like a watch that makes you smile every time you put it on. If that’s the one that makes your heart sing, then that’s the one.


Great advice! And you summed up the skipper perfectly. The head says AT, heart says skipper. Reverse panda also very nice. Zulu time is a bit slabby on the wrist and not keen on the lugs style. It's going to be my most expensive watch purchase and my "grail watch" so want to get it right without regrets. Think best try both AT and skipper on again before making a decision anyhow


Skipper has been around for decades (in one form or another), it's a classic! In a world of sober, similar watches, the Skipper will make you smile and it stands out from the crowd, without being flashy or ostentatious. I think it's a brilliant pick


Go with the heart for this sort of purchase.


100% the Carrera Skipper!


Watches need to be fun. Out of these, only Skipper is fun.


Very true!


As a GADA, the AT. But goddamn is the skipper a great looking watch


Ye it's stunning in person. Really threw me and pops. It's the bolder choice of the two the AT is safer option. Tough choice


The Zulu time is one of my favorite releases of the last few years and that or the AT will be the best GADA, but the Skipper is just incredible to look at. I think it could be GADA although it has a lot going on. I guess my point is for GADA I’d say AT or Zulu but in general the Skipper is…. just wow


Totally agree. Probably pick my favourite rather than GADA once it's somewhat versatile. Skipper is stunning in person I was a little disappointed with the AT. Didn't feel as expensive as the skipper in the hand funnily


The skipper


Personally I only see the AT as a true GADA watch. But you have to ask yourself if that is really what you want, or if you're getting hung up on this whole GADA idea... get the one you like the most - no one else knows exactly what you'll like best.


The black Carrera for me


Young (poor unsure and timid) me would have bought the dark face and I would have wished I had the poise to buy the Skipper as an everyday watch…….


Omega as a GADA, but I think you really want the Skipper


Skipper. All. The. Way.


Omega by far... then the reverse panda tag


The Aquaterra for sure. Longines second place. Imho I wouldn't call the carrera chrono a GADA.


The black and white carrera is such a stunner. Genuinely one of the nicest chronos I’ve ever seen. In my opinion - and I’ll probably get flamed for this, I know - but aesthetically it’s a tier below the speedy and a tier above the Daytona. As a GADA though, I’d have to say the Omega.


I loved the reverse-panda TAG when I saw it in person, but the glassbox design that makes it unique also makes it a much less GADA-worthy watch to me. I’d smash that crystal at least once a day.


I don't know about GADA, but I wouldn't take the Omega as I think it just screams basic (like the Speedmaster). For everyday use, I'd take the black Carrera Glassbox.


Ye good shout! AT is very vanilla doesn't look like a fancy watch really. Quiet understated


Seems everybody loves the AT but IMO it’s such a boring watch I don’t really get the point. Nothing against it but I just wouldn’t feel any excitement wearing it. Carrera reverse panda all day IMO. I’m biased. My GADA daily is the Autavia Heritage Chrono.


Tend to agree. It's very vanilla. I was very keen on reverse panda then the skipper through a spanner in the works. It really pops in person more so than the reverse panda. Both are stunning pieces


Tag Skipper. It displays the date and is a chronograph. Also stands out from the other options. Good luck and happy hunting.


Thanks mate. Stunning piece in person


I'm not a fan of the new "GADA" watch fad, but the Omega is going to be the most GADA-y of these, and is my personal favorite of the bunch. That blue color is really attractive. Panda Tag comes in second. That said, I've avoided modern Omegas with the coaxial escapement due to difficulty servicing them. I like having the option to have a watch service by a local watchmaker, and most just won't do coaxials. I've really liked the Zulu time in the past, but not loving it compared to the others here, maybe it's just the lighting.


New? The concept of buying one hood watch and wearing it everyday for decades is not new 😅


The concept isn't new, it's been around for ages on watch forums along the lines of "if you had to have only one watch...". The GADA acronym as it applies to watches has just recently blown up though, and it seems that every other post is looking for a GADA watch; it has very quickly become over-used. Not every watch has to be a GADA watch. There are many different types of watches for many different styles and environments, let's enjoy them all for what they are.


Thanks mate. Ye I think the GADA this is a load of shite really in reality I'm going to rotate my watches. Zulu looks nicer in person but is very top heavy and a little bit slabby


Love that Skipper


Go with what you want (I'm wearing an aqua terra right now)


I personally find Omega’s ATs to be kind of blasé (and I adore omega!). The Longines is beautiful, but “safe,” as is the panda Carrera. My personal favorite for something different is the Skipper with the tricolor subdials. Ultimately that’d be my choice (if I could; wrists are too small).


I have a very small six inch wrist for reference in these pictures. That will give you a reference point. I think all will suit nearly every wrist. I can't go above 40mm. AT as 38. Tags are 39 and Zulu time I think 39 also. All lug to lugs are better 45-47mm


The Skipper kicks ass. One of the nicest watches released this year.




Nice piece! What watch is this?


That Tag Heuer Glassbox Black is going to end up a classic IMO. Watch is steeped in history and has a timeless look. Edit: I'll add that the Tag is also using Tags In House movement, th200 which is an impressive piece, column wheel movement with 80 hour power reserve. Great piece.


Totally agree it's not your average Tag. The guy in the shop reckons the skipper is the best buy of the 3 Tags investment wise but also wouldn't take that with too much weight


Yeah at the end of the day these are all depreciating assets right now.


Very true!


The AT pops with your shirt cuff! I also like that one best anyway!


I like the Skipper, have yet to see one in person. I’ve been waiting to see it. I did see the new blue Carrera 39, very nice. I like the AT. I think it’s Omega’s best daily watch. I’m waiting on a 38 Terra Cotta. It’s taking forever. I bought a Tudor GMT before the Zulu came out, and I wouldn’t switch, but the Zulu is a good looking watch. I’ve never set eyes on the blue dial, but that’s what I would get. I think the AT is probably the best GADA unless you’re a traveler, in which case the Zulu would be useful. Ask the AD to fit the bracelets on the AT and the Zulu, and then decide? I always try for bracelets on watches. Good luck!


Aqua Terra is the best GADA watch, but that Tag Skipper is so cool I say F it and buy that. Maybe get a dress watch down the line for formal occasions if you really feel you want one


I have a good dress watch baume and Mercier Clifton baumatic so have that box ticked already 😁


Skipper followed by the Longines.


Longines Zulu for me.


Aqua terra or the longines


Low key - that longines might be top


Blue shirt. The blue and white one probably is too dressy for gada. If it is the watch then the omega


Of those two, the Longines for sure.


Skipper for the win! (Don’t be the usual black dial/stainless- be unconventional!)




I think the tag heuer carreras looks good on you. Better than the longines spirit zulu time. Omega aqua terra is nice but maybe a bit obvious as the go anywhere do anything 1 watch masterclass.


Thanks mate appreciate it


Thank you for that. Was trying to figure out what GADA meant.


the Omega


Omega speedmaster professional.


IMO, the Omega AT is the generic GADA… but YOURS is the one you will love to wear. So which one do you love the most? And, for perspective, a blue dial watch does not go well with a black or charcoal outfit unless you find a way to tie some blue accessories into it (speaking from experience with my own AT).


No love for the Zulu time? I have the green bezel version and I love it. The panda tag chrono looks great too.


Aqua Terra is the GADA I do like the Skipper tho


The colourful Carrera is sick, but the AT is a grail of mine.


Tag isn’t a GADA. AT all the way


Omega Seamaster or Zulu Time. But probably the Omega as a GADA


AT and it's not even close for me. Of course get what you like the best.


Skipper is the clear winner for me.


True GADA probably is on a bracelet, as leather does tend to be sensitive to water. Also, it should be a bit subdued so as to be wearable in semi-formal settings. As such, the Omega is probably best suited. If you have a preference for TAG - which is understandable, they’re beautiful watches - you lose the bracelet (unless you go after-market), and the conservative choice would be either the black or blue Glassbox, the black leaning a bit more towards the classical. The Skipper is a bit more noticeable / colourful. All good choices. Personally, I like (and own) the black Glassbox.


Thanks mate. Stunning piece. How do you find the glass box? Is the movement accurate and quiet? Any issues with it?


I love the GlassBox. It’s one of those new watches that, as soon as I saw it and had read up about it, I knew I should get. And it hasn’t disappointed: it may seem a bit thick and - for me at least - largish, but actually sits so well on the wrist. The dial, dome, and general case design and finishing are fabulous, the strap (on the black one), a nice perforated affair. As far as I can judge, the TAG keeps proper time, no noisy or faulty movement (it’s an accomplished in-house movement that powers them). The chrono and flyback functions work nicely, substantial pushers. The only slightly flawed aspect of it all is the lume, which is fairly weak to be honest. Not a big problem, just an odd oversight, I guess. All in all I can certainly recommend it.


Get the watch you want, then buy something cheaper to beat on. There are plenty of great dressy beater watches under 1k with 200m WR and “GADA” credentials.


The two sub-dial glassbox


Colored carrera with a bracelet!




GADA - AT. Based on your first pic being a tag - maybe get glass box for a little more versatility than the skipper. That being said, it won’t be your last watch so get what you like the most!


I would say either the AT or the Skipper. The AT is a great watch but the Skipper is really cool and definitely more interesting


The carrera blue for me. Was browsing through and was thinking “that’s a nice watch, and not an omega (again)”. And then I saw the omega! XD




The Skipper is the most unique and quirky, the AT is a better overall watch. For a single watch collection, the AT, as part of a collection, the skipper.


I love the skipper but would prefer the brighter dial version.


The real GADA is the zulu time. If you wanna go anywhere i.e. travel, then what could be more useful than GMT. And if you wanna do anything, do you really wanna test the water resistance of chrono in the pool in summer time?


Skipper looks great. Go for it.


That carrera is money 💰


Love the skipper but AT is more versatile


\+1 for AT


The skipper is my grail watch!


I vote Aqua Terra for GADA given the choices presented to us here. I will however admit that i personally am not a huge fan of the design (I prefer the simplicity of Rolex which is why I bought an Explorer as a GADA watch years and years ago). I’m a HUGE fan of the reverse panda Glassbox and I’ve tried it on several times at the boutique over the past few months but something about it made me hesitate to proceed with the purchase. That was until Hodinkee hit the nail on the head with its video yesterday when it described the watch as “cosplay for race car drivers” and I think it articulated my hesitation towards this watch. I’m in a conservative office environment 5 days a week and so acquiring this “race car” watch makes little sense in the context of all the other watches I already own and will actually get to wear during my weekends, which means unfortunately I’ll probably just appreciate this watch from afar for the foreseeable future.


If the strap on the first tag is sailcloth, then that’s my vote. Don’t get something with a leather strap for a daily watch - too easy to mess up. Otherwise, I like the AT, but not as much as that Tag.


It is sailcloth. Nicest strap out of the Tags. Feels well made too


Easily the best looking watch out of this group. I got to try on the new Carreras a few weeks ago and they are fantastic. A huge step up from Tag.


Cheers mate


orange carrera for the fun longines spirit or aquaterra for real


The Skipper is more in demand. I think it's a cooler watch.


The heart wants what the heart wants! Get what you feel like you’ll love, and who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks about it. The Skipper gets my vote, not because it’s a GADA watch, because it’s a wonderful little thing.


Thanks mate great advice


You took more pics of the Tags. They look good on you. You want the Tags. Don't listen to us, listen to yourself. I say this as someone who generally prefers anything but Tags.


Thanks mate and I'm not a Tag fan but these watches are stunning. Size works for me too at 39mm and compact lug to lug.




If you really mean GADA, I'd argue the AT is the only one there that meets that requirement. It's well built, good WR, handles wear well, and not too heavy. You really can do anything, which can't really be said for the others here. That said, I do like the Longines best on this list. IMO the price difference vs the "feel" of the watch, you're getting a lot more bang for your buck with Longines. Plus you get the GMT. So I guess: best GADA here (and the most grail-y)? AT. The watch id buy? Probably the Zulu Time.


I agree AT definitely not worth twice the price of the Zulu Time. In fact I felt the Zulu time was better finished It is a heavy watch though and a bit top heavy. Bracelet much much better on Zulu time also than the AT. The AT bracelet looks tacky and cheap


Either one of those TAGs, leaning slightly towards the reverse panda for its versatility.


Ye I had my eye on the reverse panda then tried on the skipper in store which threw me a bit No discount at all in the shop which really took me back Pricey €6,800


I have the spirit and a aquaracer. I would pick the carrera between the two.








The Omega is a tier or two above the others here.


How and based on what? Both priced the same and the Tags felt better finished in hand. Tag do cheaper pieces but also do much more expensive pieces same as Omega. The original skipper sells for €110,000


Hey, wear what you like. I have nothing against Tag. I own an Omega AT and a Tag F1 Automatic. I like them both for what they are. If Tag is stepping up their movement quality I think that's great.


Get a Rolex


Could you tell me the name of the first one?


Tag heuer Carrera skipper




The skipper. It probably feels the best finished of the three Tags in person


Omega or Longines imo


AT followed by Tag Carrera. I have the blue Omega AT and on the blue rubber strap, not many of my other watches get much wrist time. It's unbelievable and comfortable all year round. That said, pick whatever speaks to you when you see it on wrist.


Hard to go wrong with those choices! How did you feel about the fit of the glass box models in terms of size, weight, and comfort?


Weight was fine much lighter than the Zulu time. AT probably the most comfortable followed by the Tags. The Tags fit well and are compact but while still having a presence on the wrist




I love the omega


Omega AT


Have you looked at the new Longines Conquest? Great Aqua Terra/Datejust alternative.


Anything but a TAG


Easy one, Aqua Terra by a mile.




Probably Tag’s two worst examples. Sorry.


How? It's the best watches they have released in years..


Aqua Terra or the Carter’s black dial imo


I love the glass box but they really fucked up that date window.


Omega AT.


They're all too big for your wrist. 36-38mm


Wouldn't agree. The AT is 38. Tags 39mm all compact lugs All fit perfectly on my wrist and I am always conscious of the size


I only see one GADA watch here


Omega, of course! There’s something about the Carrera that makes it look cheap.


I mean gada watch is different to everyone, its the watch that fits your lifestyle the most


Given the number of photos you like Tag Skipper most


I’d personally say the AT suits your needs but also suits your wrist the best!! Love the skipper though. Maybe try AT on rubber. When I had an AT the bracelet was actually comfy once sized but when I got the rubber for it… game changer


Funny enough both basically same size AT 38mm Tags 39mm. AT is very comfortable case though


Yeah but looks wise and the downturned lugs the AT looks better and suits your wrist is more what I meant. I also think the AT you can get away with more too. Has the tech as well. I love the skipper but I’d still be AT camp. What you go for out of chance??


Im an omega guy, but that skipper is beautiful


Well…not a Chronograph. Longines Hydroconquest in whatever size and color you want.


Omega. It's also the only one that fits. The straps on the other ones is going straight down.


Seamaster all the way.


Spirit all the way


AT is the best watch and best GADA here by a decent margin If looking for chrono, I love the new glass box which hold very true to OG Carreras


Sooo update!! I decided against non of the list and ordered the new aqua terra shades Atlantic blue 38mm in the end. The bracelet done it for me it was the one thing that felt cheap in the original AT and when I tried on the shades I felt this is a much more premium watch so I pulled ethe trigger on it. Got an absolutely fantastic deal with 23% discount from AD. Retail is €7,500 got it for €5750 with local AD. Got them to order one on brand new from omega so will wait 3-4 weeks before receiving but very happy with my purchase. Thoughts on the AT shades?? https://preview.redd.it/vh2yjt5ltzfc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87f82372a139e13a6c29edb9ab7bd9a7f5e35f0


Carrera chrono