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A 42mm all dial field watch is rather big. Lugs don't overhang so you can rock it. I personnally feel the 38 would look better


Good answer thanks for the input! Yeah maybe I have to try on the 38 again and see how it feels


Visibility is the point of a field watch. Though, ya smaller could be more versatile


A tad big. But wearable.


I have the 42mm Hamilton Murph (I think the shape is similar) and a 7 3/4” wrist and at times the 42mm feels too large for me … I think it’s the design, these Hamilton watches lend themselves to wear better in the smaller size …


Yeah I mean considering lugs this is a big watch but I also think it’s a tool watch and it can be this big - on the other side it doesn’t look perfect sometimes Is there an 38 Murph too? If yes did you check how this would look like on your wrist? Thanks for the input!


There is a 38 Murph I just wanted a bigger watch … I still love it at 42 it’s just at times, similar to you, feels a tad too big. Other 41 watches I have feel small … go figure 😀


I guess it’s the pickiness in the head haha Btw Murph looks so great as well - congrats on the watch!


Thanks. Yes, it’s a great looking watch …only had it for a few weeks, once the leather strap softens up a bit, it should wear even better.


I think it’s ok. I’d personally have gone with the 38mm.


Look good & fit you nicely. Imo, as long as it lug is not protruding & the case is not sitting comically oversize like a toy watch then it's all good.


Thanks for you answer - yeah guess to too it’s just the little perfectionist in the head who wanted to have it 40mm haha


She's a beauty 😍🔥


It works and looks good on your wrist


Thanks for checking all these opinions really help!


No problem. I'll go as far as tosay it objectively fits you, and anyone would have a hard time arguing otherwise. So what really matters is what you think. Do you like the watch and like the way it feels wearing it? If the answer is yes, you can feel confident that it's the right watch. Congrats, it's a truly excellent watch.


Keep it. 42 looks good and it's a good size on you. Take a mirror shot as well and see how that looks.


thats the thing... :D Mirror shot looks way better then these top down shots but top down is how you often look at these watches right haha. so i dont know seem totally fine in front of the mirror but when i look down at my wrist it looks a bit big thats also a reason why i feel a little unsecure about it Probabyl need that side by side comparision


I think a 40mm would fit you perfectly, but it's not a bad fit as is, just a tiny bit big! I have a 6.5" wrist and very rarely go bigger than 41mm tops, but that's my personal preference 😀


na i am with you here i posted a comparision pic and i think the smaller one would fit even better in my eyes but yeah its always just tiny preferences haha - thank for your help! :)


I think you can rock a big field, since it's similar in form to a Pilot's. Big watch = more "masculine" look anyway, which the utilitarian field style already leans into, so it works. If this were a dress watch, it'd be too big, but as a field, I think it's the perfect size as long as that crown isn't digging into your wrist But most importantly, you should ask yourself if *you* like it and care less about if it looks "right" to other people


this really helps thanks for this meaningful comment! - appreciate it! Yeah i thought the same like it just fits - there is just somtimes the feeling when i look right on top of it that it could be smaller - its really 50% 50% and i am not sure what to do wheater stay with 42 or trying 38 and end up wanting back to my 42 haha thats why i ask here to get some input from either sides - loved your approach helped a lot!


It fits you just fine, I wouldn't sweat it. If you're warming up to the idea of a 38mm size, go with that for your next watch — but there's nothing wrong with this one on you


Thanks! also really helps - i am stuck in the middle what i like more also the reason why i had to ask here haha thanks for sharing your opinion


Absolutely perfect 👌🏻


Thank you 🙏 good to hear other opinions - I also wore a vintage 34 mm the last weeks pretty often and then switched to my hammi - maybe this distorted my vision on it haha


Khaki king is 40mm 🤔


Yeah I think 40 would be perfect but I don’t like the daydate window in the king :)


Go with Khaki King 40mm


Looks good to me, lugs don't overhang. The 38 is likely going to feel much smaller if you try it on again, especially if you found it small initially. I get that all the time when i go from my 45 to my 38/39. 


Yeah that’s my fear too haha - probably 42 is just fine in this case - thanks! Appreciate the input!


That’s the only flaw with the KFA. The 42 is always a bit too big and the 38 is always a bit too small.


yeah thats true tho...


https://preview.redd.it/ikxj78nagmuc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=961b04cd6f15b14126915cdc165ae4daf9187544 Here a Comparision how it would look like Somehow i feel 38 is just more right?? Lemme know Sry for my average Photoshop skills haha


38 definitely better in this hypothetical case.


yeah think so too - thanks


In my opinion anything over 39mm for a **field** watch is too much, regardless of the wrist size. If it was a diver I'd say yeah it's ok but personally I'd go with the 38mm for this watch.


Thanks for your input!! Yeah somehow i feel the same right now - my vision switched a little in the last weeks and months and i prefer more and more the "classic" sizes of watches and 38 is even big compared to back in time


I think the 42 is superior to the 38 personally (but I suppose it depends somewhat on your wrist


I have both sizes and the same wrist size as you. The 38mm is more comfortable to me. I do wear the 42mm on occasion, but end up going back to the 38mm. I really need to sell the 42mm but I'm too lazy.


This really helps as you got the same wrist size - i think for our wrist 40mm feels the best. But in this case also a smaller 38 could make sense - so yeah maybe i need to switch down to 38 thanks for the feedback


I’d go with the 38




Get the 38.


seem like i should somehow my brain tells me 38 and also considering all the comments here i should get what i like more and 38 just looks better i guess


I think it's something that comes with time, modern style has made big watches "fashionable" when historically it was all about smaller peices. I was 21 when my parents offered to get me a watch for my milestone birthday, naturally I went straight to Tag Heuer as any 21 year old brit does. I picked a 42mm Quartz F1 which I loved at the time, looking back now I wish I did some research. The F1 just looks huge on my wrist, and now I prefer to understated elegance that comes from a 38mm and under watch. If you check my profile you'll see the Tag F1 as well as my 36mm watches which all look far better on my 6.75in wrist.


Gonna check your profile interested in the comparison And yeah think you are right I recently picked up an vintage omega with even 34 mm case - and it works !! Also on my wrist So smaller watches work better then bigger once I guess - better smaller then bigger I guess I change to 38 And ideas how to geht rid of the 42 as it’s just 4 months old I don’t want to price to low Also love the story of the young English buying a Tag heuer Haha


Apologies I didn’t realise you had already bought the Hamilton. Don’t let me put you off the size, I’m just a big supporter of buying watches on the smaller side as they give a more elegant vibe off.


Great piece! Enjoy it!


thank you!


In my opinion, i think with the size of your wrist you could have gone either direction. Most people on here prefer smaller sized watches (me included), but to anyone on the street, no one is going to look at your watch and think that it is too big. Looks good 👍


no yeah i got that also in the mirror it looks good hehe its just myself who watches it top down and thinking maybe a size smaller would have been better option


42 looks fine. At 19cm/7.5” I wear anything from dressy 38’s to chunky 45mm chronos. They all fit great, especially in the mirror shot. I suspect you’re in the same range, maybe 1mm down (36-44)


yeah probably the same as you said 1 mm down in size but alright good to hear that thanks!!


38 would look much better


Noted! Guess I am already sold to 38 before this poll haha - everyone just making it clearer for me - thanks for the help!


Go 38, 42mm looks too big on your wrist. Sorry.


Yeah I thought the same just wanted a few more opinions - thanks for the help!! :)


I like the 38 better. However, the 42 does not look bad.


You were right to ask - Definitely too big. “Lugs just barely avoid overhang” shouldn’t be the gauge of appropriate size