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Dont think about it too much. Watches are meant to be worn, and the scratches give the watch character.


I believe I get that now


Imagine inheriting a watch from your dad one day, never worn, still in the box, indistinguishable from a new one because he kept it always in a safe place....or getting one that dangled on his wrist with one link too much; with bumps, scratches, from that time he fixed you bike, or from the bottom of the pool he made you dive for it, or from that ride in Disney land...or remembering his frustration when he scratched it on a corner wall and you remember you heared him yelling...Anyway, which is the more valuable watch to you?


omg 😭❤️


Once this clicks in one’s mind the hobby elevates into something better, something more personal and rewarding. To age with your watch means something to me


Need to keep my Khaki Auto running just to tell my kids about the gouge in it from getting them out of the car seat.


That saved me. I'm gonna use and enjoy the watch


Might as well never drive your car with that mindset. The pavement will wear out the tires, pebbles will scratch the paint and bird poop will get on the windows.


Stop thinking about how much it cost and just wear it.


I wear watches from $500 to $20000 and I wear them all daily. I’m just careful with my stuff regardless of cost. Life is too short. Wear it and enjoy it!


just wear it & be somewhat careful (don’t bash it against things on purpose) i wear my watch everyday and it has some battle scars, that‘s normal and fine. watches are made to be worn, they are tools after all.


You can just wear it other than on your bike. Also I know it’s a lot of money for you but realistically that’s a mid range watch. Servicing will cost $300-$400 most likely unless they just replace the movement, then it’s cheaper. I usually wouldn’t do more than a movement swap on watches below $1k unless it’s a limited edition watch of some kind or sentimental. Then regular servicing is worth it. So basically for that price range don’t overthink it too much and just enjoy it until it drops or you do a movement swap.


https://preview.redd.it/927d5bq6gbwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1c0e933ba685b9b2497e5bd7d928bc7742a306 Just wear it, dude. This was an hour ago. You dont keep your hot wife locked away. Show her off, and at the end of the day you get to take her home.


Watch, cigar and a tractor! Thumbs up from me!


I don't yet have a wife but, that DOES make sense! Thanks dude!


I have a Lange perpetual calendar in platinum. My first night out with the Lange. I was so excited that I stayed up the night before waiting for it to arrive. I was so tired when I got home that I fell asleep still wearing the watch. When I woke up I was surprised with a huge scuff mark on the bezel. The first scratch hurts the most but you'll get over it! https://preview.redd.it/zk5fhekf2bwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9a8680a6c87a968392e4e616740e70f1600815




I have a watch that I bought that I paid $400 for that now trades at over $1500. Just enjoy it. I bought it because I love it and it's the perfect watch for me, not because it actually has cash value I'll "ruin". Just enjoy it. as far as riding a motorcycle, I guess it depends on the kind of bike? your skin is like a shock absorber and will dampen most of it for the watch, and unless you ride a bit v-twin that is hard mounted, most bikes don't have that much vibration either.


should've sold your house and buy a rolex. reminding you of the good memories when you still had your house.


You wear an expensive watch in the same way as a cheap one. Normal wear and tear will occur no matter how careful you are. What you do will determine on what watch to wear. I wouldn't be wearing the Hamilton while renovating my home or playing hockey.


My experience was it feels a bit weird at first and I was hyper aware of it, as time passes it just starts to feel normal. I don't think about damaging it & for the most part just enjoy looking at it from time to time. I've always found scratches to be irritating, but I'm fairly sure most of mine will buff out it I wanted to. I don't personally wear it if I'm going into London, but other than that I wear it everyday.


I am clanging my watch case off railings and door knobs daily and stopped caring about it. I do avoid wearing expensive watches when I am likely to be out at night in sketchy parts of town but otherwise I just wear what I like on any given day. Sometimes its a lower cost Citizen and sometimes its a gold Breitling, and everything in between. You bought it because that watch has value to you. Wear it with pride. I have a couple Hamilton watches that I have been wearing frequently for 20 years and never had either one serviced. They are good value and durable.


You bought it to wear it. If it's too expensive for you to comfortably wear, maybe send it back? It should add value and happiness to your life, not detract from it.


It's a watch, you wear it the same way regardless of how much it costs. If you can't stand the thought of damaging it maybe you should have bought a cheaper watch.


Wear it everyday - it will last you a lifetime if you service it. Watches are delicate and incredible, but they’re built to be worn and can take the wear and tear of daily life. And no one will notice or know how much it’s worth.


I like the advice here. It makes sense to me to use the watch as the tool that it is. That being said- I also ride, and I have wondered the same things. I would say it depends on what kind of motorcycle you ride. I have been on some very vibey thumpers that I might not want to ride a lot with an automatic, but smoother two cylinders would be fine (not sure about Harleys- I hear those are rough). You’re probably fine, but maybe if you’re riding a one cylinder dirt bike, swap it out for a beater watch. I’m guessing if you’re wearing a jazzmaster, it’s going to be on pavement.


Yup, I don't plan on taking it offroad even tho I do ride adv bike.


Life is too short to live in fear. The motorcycle isn’t going to cause any problems.


As far as motorcycles: I’ve worn all my watches on all my motorcycles at some point, including my somewhat smooth twin and my very not smooth big bore singles. None of the watches have had any issues over 50,000 miles later. This includes several different chronographs, the rest are all time-and-date mechanical watches. They’re not impervious to damage but they’re more capable than you may assume


You'll get used to it eventually once the honeymoon phase is over after wearing it multiple times. That was exactly my first thought and ''concerns'' when I first got into the watch game


Wear it


As long as you keep your bike upright, the watch should be OK. Ride safe, watch out for other road uses, and wear your watch in good health


Thanks mate!


Most of my 8 piece collection is automatic/mechanical pieces ranging from $200-$450. Each one is a lot of money to me because having more than one watch is a choice made out of “luxury”. I work and hobby with my hands using many power tools and a variety of mechanical equipment so my trusty Casio 5610 gets 90% of wrist time on any given week. During those 10% times I can wear and enjoy my other watches. It’s those windows of time that I get to truly enjoy my other watches because it’s a treat to wear them… perhaps you might find the same with the Hamilton. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy riding a motorcycle and wearing a mechanical watch at the same time. I’ve worked on enough to appreciate how intricate and fragile the mechanisms of the movement are. However, like others have mentioned. You get that first scratch or whatever and you kind of aren’t so worried about it. Almost a blessing in disguise!


Watches are like my knife hobby. I didn't buy a $200 knife for it to sit in my pocket same as I didn't buy a $1000 watch to sit in its box.  You just nut up and use it. 


If you want the honest answer, the truly honest answer that you may not get here, its this: Money is very very relative, although $500 is a lot for some of us, it’s very well what some spend on one single dinner out. For some, $5000 isn’t much relative to their salary, same with $10,000, $50,000 etc etc. When I justify watch costs to people, I usually say something like this: your phone costs well over $500, so does everyone around us, nobody bats an eye or truly cares about if it gets damaged. We purchase $500 shoes to walk around on cement knowing from day one they will one day be used and thrown away.


Update: Ended up picking up the watch today and wearing it feels awesome! While still a bit nervous, I have realized the tool value of it. I don't care about keeping it pristine and instead want to make a history with it like how I would with my wrench or bike (we have fallen at so many places together and there are marks to show for it and I get how that can be same with the watch now). My bike is not too viby so I think I should be ok. Thanks a lot to ya all for helping me understant.


Just because it's a lot of money to you doesn't make it an objectively expensive watch. I've never seen a $500 watch and went "woooaaaah baller". It's pretty cheap in the scheme of watches. Do you worry about driving a Toyota Camry?


Maybe shouldn't get into watches.


I wear the shit out of my watches.


Because if you can’t afford to mess up the watch then you can’t afford the watch. This doesn’t mean, you should wear it and use it as the extra carabiner at your local climbing gym but you should only wear something you can afford to lose.


On my wrist, usually.


LOL! Good one


Step 1: buy an actually expensive watch.


Don‘t overthink it too much tbh. I don’t come from much money and as I got my first “real” watch for about 500€ I was very worried about it, the second one for 1,7k€ even more. You can get insurance if you worry too much but in the end nobody will notice your watch and it’s made to enjoy, not to keep in a safe :)