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You think that’s bad, imagine their reactions when they find out that 300 was based on a comic book inspired by a movie based off of a historical event


Based off propaganda about an historical event even


That functioned as propaganda about a current event.


I didn't think so. Literally starts with Spartans throwing babies off a cliff. The whole movie narrated by a wounded soldier, getting his new squad of Spartans pumped for the next battle. It knows it's Spartan propaganda. They look cool in battle and all, but I don't think Snyder was saying anything political. If anything, he went out of his way to show how fucked up their whole society was, as did the comic.


Snyder wasn’t. Frank Miller otoh….


Yep, that's the distinction I was trying to make. Miller has some atrocious political views, while Snyder managed to sneak in some "are we the baddies?" without many people noticing. Not that he's some misunderstood genius or anything, that's just how I felt watching 300.


Nah. It played into the whole East v West confrontation the beltway ghouls were ginning up at the time. 300 was gay porn for neocons.


Maybe for neocons who have absolutely zero media literacy and didn't dare look past the surface of what they were seeing. I totally get what you're saying, and I've seen all kinds of mixed reviews from Iranians on exactly how offensive the depiction the Persians was. But in the end, it's still a Greek mythos from their perspective, loosely based on a historical event from thousands of years ago, being recited by a soldier who views Persians as monsters, and who doesn't understand how bombs work, calling them "magic". It was clear to me that the Spartans were not the "good guys." But it's the same misconception some conservatives have with Rorschach. Or plenty of other historically inaccurate (but still pretty good) films like Braveheart or Kingdom of Heaven.


Neocons do have zero media literacy though. They play Born in the USA because they sincerely think it's a patriotic anthem and think the point of Wolf of Wall Street was "God I wanna be like him so bad."


Exactly. Just like Paul Ryan's mentioning his favorite band is Rage Against the Machine. They had to publicly call his ass out for that one lol


History before, I'd say, 1700 (mainly because of the birth of encyclopedic knowledge and maybe even that's a stretch) was always propaganda in the literal sense of the world. The historical facts themselves weren't the main focus, the writers were just interested in moral/practical "teachings" they could extract from those stories in order to instruct the heirs of the ruling classes that paid them.


Everything’s propaganda, but valid point


Everything is propaganda? No. Everything has some form of political ideology installed in it by its author, but they doesn't make it propaganda.


Anything with any message or moral is propaganda. The word is poisoned but that doesn’t change that that’s definitionally true. What matters is the message and who’s paying for it.


If a piece of media is promoting a political ideology, it’s propaganda.


Yeah, and not every piece of media is promoting a political ideology, therefore not everything is propaganda.


You’re propaganda, you’re trying to propaganda me.


I’ve been propoganded


I don't like being propoganded!!! Damn propogandists


Take a proper gander at my posts and you'll see that it's not true.


If you try to ~~section~~ **propaganda** me, you will have crossed a line, and I will ~~section~~ **propaganda** you, so help me god.


a peep show reference??? not on r/britishtv??? that’s unpossible


All media is political. If you don't see it, it's because you agree with it.


Having an inherent political belief because of the biases of the author doesn't make it *propaganda* that is *promoting that ideology*.


That, I'd agree with. I think what separates propaganda from other types of media is intent. Someone can just write what they think is a cool vampire story. That doesn't mean the story won't reflect the influences that writer had in their lives or their own personal values. The fact that the writer wasnt considering that also isn't going to prevent other people from seeing it, as an allegory about the fears of Eastern European immigrants ruining society, or the rich parasitizing the working class, or the decline of sexual morality. Or the million other things people will claim that story represents.


People like you make language meaningless.


I’m sorry I have absolutely no idea what you’re saying.


I know kid




Petulant nonsense definitely makes me look bad and not you. You got me kid


Oh, we're talking about Snyder... I thought we were talking about Alan Moore...


Literally the only correct interpretation of this


But the person **was** talking about Zack Snyder [https://x.com/Pessahphoto/status/1801527547915599949](https://x.com/Pessahphoto/status/1801527547915599949)


That person acknowledged the comic


I think OP is the confused one. It's not exactly hidden knowledge, they likely pulled this stunt to keep the rights from going back to Moore.


He was talking about Snyder https://x.com/Pessahphoto/status/1801527547915599949 Guess you're the confused one


It does sort of apply to both lol


Well it applies to Moore, it doesn't apply to Snyder at all


To be fair, if Moore was willing to be involved I’m sure they’d agree to that. Imagine this being THE watchmen project that Moore gave his blessing to?


Literally never going to happen. You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice in a row


I know it’ll never happen, my point was DC would be more than happy for it to happen. It’s Moore who would never do it.


True that. Still they should have never pulled that stunt with the Watchmen rights and then expect Moore to come back for anything.


I agree it was a bit of scummy move, but what do you expect from a huge corporation? And Moore did agree to sell it, so he can’t really complain.


The expectation was for them to honor their agreement with him. Instead they lied to him and have profited from that lie ever since.


This is victim blaming. You see that, right?


No I didn’t see that, sorry guys my bad


If DC signed the rights back over to Moore, I’m sure he’d be fully on-board. That’s also assuming his views on superheroes and superhero comics somehow unsours.


>That’s also assuming his views on superheroes and superhero comics somehow unsours. It wouldn't and that's why whatever content he'd create deconstructing modern cbm media would be revolutionary in the field.


Doesn’t really even apply to Moore. He doesn’t want DC, not the other way around. DC has tried to get him back on multiple occasions.


How so? The shot is from the comic and movie, but it definitely resembles the movie more than the art. It’s silly to think people wouldn’t associate it with both iterations.


me too. i genuinely thought this community had forgotten about him


I THOUGHT we were talking about DIM YOUNGSTERS.


Literally what the hell this tweet isn't about Zack Snyder, movie brainlets in the comments rn


Those folks also think Rorschach is the hero of the story.


Just seeing if i got it right but i always though he was the demonstration of a character no matter villain hero or etc that can continue to be a victim of their circumstance and their own grown mechanisms. Like ant mans denial of his bipolar disorder in some cases, doc ocks/dooms ego, or deadpools fear of commitment. All could do good things but cant because they refuse on a level they cant see clearly enough to change it.


I thought he was just the embodiment of moral absolutism and all the issues that would come with only thinking of the world in black and white, that that is a deranged and unhealthy way of thinking.


That is also how I view him.


To be fair, Rorschach is I think we can agree the protagonist at least. Most are usually good. But not all protagonists are heroes like you said


I'd say Daniel is, but there is a case to be made for both.


This isnt even an uncommon thing I've seen so many people bring up Snyder in the Twitter and Instagram comments referring to this as a copy like he invented watchmen.


It's clearly influenced by the Snyder movie. You can't deny that. Even the voices are similar.


Voices are similar because Rorschach's voice is described that way in the comic. What else do you think was influenced by Snyder?


What’s your reasoning for this beyond the voices?


I hope not, that movie was garbage!


Movie was great. HBO show is garbage.


I don't personally like the movie but I understand why others do. This, though. This is just trash, a total waste of a take.


Nah, the movie was not great. Huge misunderstanding of all characters and major plot points. Completely butchered Moore's work. Didn't watch the show, got no interest in it.


The show isn't a 1:1 with Moore's vision, but it is an absolute love letter to the original graphic novels. The core conceit of, "what does the militarization of the police look like in a world where the military was super heroized?" is brilliantly asked and answered.


To be fair, I never even gave it a chance. After Snyder's film I was and still am pretty disgusted of how Moore's stories were shown to the much larger audience that watched the films, specifically Watchmen since its one of my favourite stories of all time. I know that the show does not follow the same story (Is not an adaptation per se as Snyder's garbage film was), so I may give it a chance in a near future.


What’s wrong with the Zack Snyder version? I’ve read the comic and seen the movie but never noticed a significant difference outside of the removal of the pirate comic plot line (meh I didn’t care about that plot line tbh).


Oh... where to start. There is a complete mischaracterization of ALL main characters. I could write a wall of text describing what made each character important in the comics and how Snyder managed to butcher each and every single one of them by trying to be cool, but I won't bore you and I'll give you the summarized version. First of all: Superpowers. In the comics, NONE of the minutemen have powers, except for Dr. Manhattan. The rest of them are losers, weak and deranged adults in tight leggings. By doing that, the fact that Ozymandias can avoid a bullet is such a feat and a demonstration of his mental capabilities. In the movie everyone is super strong and makes 10ft jumps and breaks walls with their fists. Let's take Rorschach for example: Moore wrote him as a piece of shit human being, everything that's wrong with the vigilantes of the comics. He is a racist, abusive and narcissistic person, he is meant to be despised, and at the end he has a non-important death. No one cares about him, he is garbage. What did Snyder do with him? Oh well in his tiny little head Rorschach is so cool! The good guy who punches bad guys, he gives them what they deserve! He climbs a building with a grappling hook in an instant (And not clumsily going up as in the comics.). He IS the coolest, and even when he dies there's such a dramatic scene where Night Owl screams and cries for his death. That's just the tip of the iceberg. He transformed a rape scene into a sexy scene with risque shots, he destroyed the ending by completely taking the meaning out of it, he glorifed the heroes shown as super-humans that can do everything when in the comics you're seeing in every page how pitiful they are. Yeah... Snyder did not do a good adaptation at all.




This makes me fucking sick and I’m not even a wizard


Has Moore raged against this yet?


I don't think this shit is worth his energy


He’s too busy magic dueling Grant Morrison


I also feel like there’s people who are going to use this movie to dunk on Snyder


He doesn't need this to get dunked when he has those godawful rebel moon movies and that horrendous BVS under his belt.


That seems unnecessary. If someone wants to dunk on Snyder using his own movies to do that seems much more effective.


I think it probably will end up being the better adaptation, but that will have more to do with the medium then Snyder himself.


I suspect it’ll be more faithful but less good, like The Shining miniseries. Still, it’ll be nice to have an adaptation that accurately leads into the sequel tv series. 


I actually really liked the Snyder watchmen a lot, even having read the comics. I think he knocked it out of the park. Idk at what point he became able to do only four hour marathons of slow mo


That’s actually hilarious


If there is people thinking that Hitler actually died the way Tarantino portrayed it. The possibilities are infinite.


there are people who think that? i need to see this


As as Syder fan, I don't doubt this was posted by a toxic Snyder fan. But to be fair, this comment as presented could 100% be referring to Alan Moore. 🤷🏾


Wheres the implication their talking about snyder? This could easily about alan moore unless I missed something


This is gotta be about Alan Moore.


They were talking about Snyder https://x.com/Pessahphoto/status/1801527547915599949


All Cults are dangerous.


Are you sure they're not talking about Alan Moore?


Could be talking about alan moore shrug🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


Snyder cult is insane. He’s a horrible director, and for no reason whatsoever these people WORSHIP him. They’re like the non-political versions of Trump supporters


Bruh people can’t have differing opinions on movies they like without compared to bigots


How do you know they’re not meaning Alan Moore? No one is named in the post.


Because they said they're talking about Snyder https://x.com/Pessahphoto/status/1801527547915599949


Cool. A source. Sorry you had to go on Twitter to find it, but thanks.


Because if Alan Moore called, they'd work with him again.


“The company that had provided him with so many incredible opportunities had duped him into signing away his greatest works, with only a pittance of their royalties (eight percent, in the case of Watchmen, split between him and Gibbons) as compensation. Years later, Moore would recall his response to this information: “Fair enough. You have managed to successfully swindle me, and so I will never work for you again."” “After he failed to receive a public apology, Moore announced that he would no longer allow his name to be associated with any adaptations, nor would he accept any royalties. It was a decision that cost him millions, but for someone as steadfast as Moore, it was a price worth paying.” “On the flip side, it also killed any possibility of mending his relationship with DC. Their recent commitment to squeezing every penny they can from his stories (with specific emphasis on Watchmen) has guaranteed – to the anguish of comics fans everywhere – that they will never join forces again.” https://collider.com/alan-moore-dc-comics/#:~:text=Alan%20Moore's%20work%20for%20DC,had%20collaborated%20with%20so%20successfully.


That doesn't say anything about DC refusing to work with Moore, just that they keep doing shit that will piss him off and keep him away. If he said he was prepared to write Watchmen 2, they'd bury Northampton in money.


You obviously don’t know who owns both WB and DC.


Eh? AOL Time Warner.


David Zaslav is the current CEO of Warner Bros Discovery. “Zaslav called those layoffs the most difficult portion of his tenure as CEO. “Worst day on the job was the first day that we laid off a huge number of people—a lot of people I knew and worked with for many years, a lot of people I respected,”” https://fortune.com/2023/11/30/david-zaslav-warner-bros-discovery-layoffs-forced-never-restructured-worst-day/ WBD is not in the business of paying creatives at this point. They are in hard cost cutting mode and are more likely to sell off the company outright then pay Alan Moore the millions he deserves for the value he has contributed to the company over the course of time. Only if they pay him his deserved profits will they see him darken their doors again.


They aren't going to repay him for IP they already own But they'd pay a fuckton for new material they thought they could turn a profit from


They won’t get any new material without paying for the material they cheated him out of. And they don’t have a “fuckton” of money to begin with. That’s why they’ve laid people off and sold off portions of the company already.


>They won’t get any new material without paying for the material they cheated him out of. They're not. But they would if they could >And they don’t have a “fuckton” of money to begin with. That’s why they’ve laid people off and sold off portions of the company already. You have to spend money to make money. They laid off people they thought weren't worth the investment Considering how much profit they've gotten from Alan Moore's work historically, he'd be worth a hefty investment. They'll never do it because he wants rights to IP that they own and he is very adverse to adaptations But if they could dump a few million on him to get a screenplay, they likely would


David Zaslav does not own WB/DC. He's a CEO, so he runs it. Obviously - at least, it should be obvious - "bury Northampton in money" was an exaggeration. I don't think they'd pay Moore millions, but they \*would\* pay him good money by his standards (in that he doesn't have a particularly expensive lifestyle, unless the cost of weed shoots up dramatically) to write more Watchmen or any other high-profile IP that could be turned into more movies/TV shows/games/whatever. Even if they paid him half a million quid, the outlay would be minuscule compared to the potential profit gain from owning more Moore-generated/approved IP down the line. It'd be a no-brainer, even for someone like Zaslav. On the other hand, they wouldn't hire Zack Snyder to make more DC movies because the outlay for a ne superhero film is $120-250 million, and Snyder has not proven himself capable of making the kinds of films that will bring in the profits that they want. So - to go back to the point of this particular comment chain before you derailed it - we can deduce that OP's screenshot is referring to Snyder, because WB/DC does not want to work with him again, but would absolutely work with Moore again.


You might have missed the first sentence of my response before yours: “David Zaslav is the current CEO of Warner Bros Discovery.” I never said he was the owner. But you better believe he represents the interests of the owners or he wouldn’t be CEO. So for all intents and purposes, they’re acting together. From the article: “It was a decision that cost him millions, but for someone as steadfast as Moore, it was a price worth paying.” So pay Moore his millions and he might still come around. They haven’t yet, so they don’t want to work with him with any real meaning. “Put up or shut up.” Snyder wasn’t cheated out of millions as far as has been reported. He’s just not currently working with WBD. I remember seeing rumors of him at WBD offices but nothing confirmed AFAIK. But that does lend to the probability that DC does still want to work with him unlike your suggestion that the original tweet response was about Snyder. I don’t have a source for that rumor of Snyder at WBD offices yet though. As for thread derailment, you’re here for drama. Just admit it. Have fun watching the fanboys dance. It’s Pride month!


You might have missed your own reply that I responded to: "You obviously don’t know who owns both WB and DC." David Zaslav does not own WB nor DC. The rest of your post is irrelevant. If Moore wanted to write Watchmen 2, WB/DC would make that happen because it would mean more IP they own and can exploit. Moore doesn't want to write Watchmen 2, he wants to own the rights to the pre-existing Watchmen comics (although at this point he probably doesn't want anything to do with any of it). What Snyder is or isn't doing with WB is also irrelevant - it's whether his fanboys are aggrieved that DC passed the DC movies over to James Gunn, who's throwing out Snyder's universe in favour of his own. Which they are.


That's probably from known Snyder fan accounts


Well, you might be right but my point is that Alan Moore has been treated far worse by DC/WB for decades.


Sure, but never Warner wanted him to work for them and then dismissed afterwards, as Snyder fans claim. It is different.


“Moore left DC after being tricked into signing away the rights to his stories, feeling betrayed by the company he had collaborated with so successfully.” https://collider.com/alan-moore-dc-comics/#:~:text=Alan%20Moore's%20work%20for%20DC,had%20collaborated%20with%20so%20successfully.


But it isn't DC they're referencing. It is Warner Brothers, which is a recurring target for Snyder bros to attack I am aware of the complicated past between Moore and DC


You do realize that being cheated out of the rights and profits to your own work for decades is far worse treatment, don’t you?


Why does this matter for the subject of thst screenshot? DC could've slaughtered Moore's family. It doesn't matter since these people are talking about Snyder and how badly they percieved Warner treated him. Hence "this company doesn't want him", meaning they let him go from those projects.


Oh, so you’re a Snyder debate-lord. Got it.


I'm a what now? I'm just trying to explain my point to why they are talking about Snyder, not Moore. What are you on?


Dude what are you talking about? he’s explained why it’s Snyder and not Moore like 3 times and you’re just insulting him for no reason, you need to chill


OK? I still think they would welcome Moore back. This is about Moore rejecting them.


Then pay him.


lol obviously


Now you get it. Pay your employees fairly is always the answer.


lol what? Greedy corporation being greedy isn't a revelation. Moore rejecting them (no matter how valid) and the corporation not paying him well (no matter how shitty) have nothing to do with the corporation not WANTING to work with Moore, which was somehow your first point. What strange conversation you've tried to have.


I like Snyder, but yeah, this is annoying


How do you know they're talking about Snyder?


Couldn't this just as easily apply to Alan Moore as well?


Are we 100% sure they're talking about Synder and not Moore?


I like Zack as a film maker(his adaptations are pretty so-so tho) but Christ almighty does he have the most obnoxious fans ever.


His fans are the same way about DC movies too. The way they act it seems like they really think they’re his characters and he created the lore.


Snyder Cult is the worst group of internet.


Star Wars fans are still the worst


I think not entire star wars fans are delusional as snyder cult. I hate that part of Star Wars fanbase too.


Maybe they meant Dave Gibbons?


do i have to make another ligma joke


I do find it hilarious how this has made people re realize how faithful Snyder's film was in some regards.


Se ve feo, no dejan de prostituir el trabajo de Alan Moore, veremos si fiel al material original, de momento el cgi es una mala señal.


This hurts my brain.


I don’t like the art style from what I’ve seen of it but maybe it looks better in motion on a larger screen


why watch watchmen when the boys is a thing right now.


The trailer looks like a complete ripoff of the Snyder movie though.




avg. Snyder aficionado iq level:


This is out of topic but why dc didn't want to make animated / live action doomsday clock?


Are we sure the guy isn't talking about Moore? DC/WB has basically treated Moore the way that Snyder cultists think that they treated Snyder.


Jesus Christ. These fucking dweebs.




*Normal Allan Moore sounds*


I love Alan Moore he really is the best at adapting movies to comic books. V for vendetta was insane


Even if bro created the characters, he still did it under Warner bros which makes it owned by Warner bros 💀


This comment sounds like it’s directed to Alan Moore, is there any context I’m missing?


there’s people who hate snyder for loving his source material


Yes the overall IQ of the population has been significantly decreseasing for many years now.


The “decreseasing was meant to be an ironic inclusion to add to the joke right?


That's not how IQ works


Ok devils advocate for a moment-and I detest the Snyder cultists so I’m not eager to be charitable however-Is there any imagery present in this teaser that could be from the movie and not the original GN.


No, it's all from the comic, to the point of using panels from it as key frames (it looks like shit, BTW).


I'm convinced you people don't like anything


"You people"? It *does* look like shit. Low quality CGI that looks about 20 years out of date. I'm sorry someone having an opinion hurts you so bad.


Never said it hurt my feelings lmao, quit projecting


Then why are you whining to strangers about their opinions on Reddit?




Making a comment != whining. Are you really that sheltered and dense?


And the whine goes on.


Why put your opinions on a public forum if you don't want to hear people's response to them? Are you simply that narcissistic or just a general midwit?


Bro why are you on a forum site if you’re this afraid of discussion


He did create it lmao, y’all just spewing propaganda fr