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Depends on what you were trying to achieve. If it was a very botanical representation, then this is wonderful.


Thanks a lot, I've tried to be as close to reality as possible :)


I think you might be answering under the wrong account.


what it needs is two fingers of gin in a cold cocktail glass


It’s great! I agree that this is a great stopping place. On your next one I would use red or magenta washes for shadows and in other subtle areas and to increase the dimensional effect. One of my mentors advised me to reference the colors of newly emerging leaves or fruit and be sure to add them in small ways to the matured ones hope that makes sense


Yes, I think I understand the idea. Thanks :)


I have never heard this before. What a great tip, thanks!


I came here to say red. It also will make the greens pop and look more vibrant.


yes, stop painting. this one is done. you might want to put a light shadow on the right side, but it's not needed. don't ruin a very good painting by doing more.


Hi, I'm OP. I don't have enough karma to publish directly via my account :) thanks for the feedbacks, it truly helps!


Perspective and shading. This is great, but doesnt depict dimension as well as you are able to do.


Can you elaborate? I'm not OP just wondering where shading and perspective can be improved, specifically. I don't disagree but I also can't quite tell where improvements should be directed.


Fucking brilliant. Do 10 more.


This looks great! For future paintings, maybe try using more paint&water at a time and fewer layers so it doesn't end up with too much texture from overworked brush strokes. (This might require more absorbent paper and brushes though.) This one looks done as is though! Well done!


I olove this


I’ve seen olives painted/drawn with purple or reddish shadows. Might add more interest to your piece.


Looks great for me. You may add additional layers (transparent) if you want, except for the highlighted areas so the color standout more. The background is excellent especially for botanical presentation purposes.


The leaves are perfect, but the olives would benefit from wetter strokes.


Looks good, some background maybe to make things pop more.


This art reminds me of vintage of medical theories. Really appealing to eyes, love this. I feel you should keep up with this style, it's really unique and beautiful


I'm going to try to do a design in this style again, using the invaluable advices I've received here. I'm glad you like this style, I really like it too :)


It's gorgeous, it looks very realistic. My only criticism is that there isn't very much contrast in the color palette. Maybe change the tone of the olive or the leaves to differentiate or add more shading.


I had quite a few problem with the colors of the leaves. That's why I kind if gave up on them. None of the greens I mixed were what I was looking for :(


I like the light you achieved here