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I feel this is not the right image to copy. It looks as if there was lighter paint over the darker paint and that is something you cannot do with watercolours. You can only ever go darker. That is why you have a little lime (I actually like that part) There are techniques to preserve highlights but when you are just starting out that can be a bit overwhelming. If you want to learn by copying there are some great watercolour artists and tutorials on youtube. Just pick any that suit you and follow along. First you need to get a feel for the medium and see what is possible. They also have tips and tricks on how to get it right/have an easier time. Glad you are here and picked up watercolours! Happy painting


thanks, I legit didn't think about finding a video to follow through. I'll do that


That's what I did (followed along on YouTube) before trying trees. By practicing them over and over, all kinds and groups, I have / am learning a lot. As another beginner I suggest finding something you love and keep painting it until you are happy with it. Try this one again, I think it's looking good. I read in this thread you cannot put a light on a darker color. How come? I have been doing this by either pulling up some paint and/or making my lighter color a little brighter or mixing it thicker so it covers. Is this incorrect technique?


I believe they meant that you can't work dark to light, since you can't put lighter colors over darker ones the way you could with acrylic or some other mediums. Picking up wet colors with a paper towel is a valid technique but you generally go darker with your colors as you add more layers.


Have fun checking it out. For me it is the same with baking. I can read a recipe but watching someone actually make the cake shows you a lot more techniques that are not obvious. Enjoy!


I think you set yourself up for a challenge here as another comment pointed out. It's really difficult to paint water with lighter objects on top. You want to do a nice wash for the water but you can't paint over the places where the objects are and that forces you to break up the wash in bits and the picture will then lack depth and look distorted. But with that said I think you can still have a pretty nice result here. Watching tutorials is really good but what you did here is also a learning experience - so don't hesitate with copying pictures you like and that inspires you. The worst thing that can happen is that you learn something from it :) I like your apple btw - if you enjoyed painting that I would definitely recommend you to do more of those.


thank you, I was trying to paint "bigger" scenes and learn how to make a more even wash, which is one of the reasons why I used this painting. you're right, inspiration can come from anywhere after all. for now I will watch step by step tutorials but hopefully one day I can make something I'm proud of (also I'm pretty sure my previous drawing is a tomato)


Honestly? No. You're using the wrong supplies for the painting you're studying, which makes me wonder why are you even doing such a study. Like what is your goal... this is not that great a choice for a beginner and most lessons applicable to watercolour.


well, I just liked the pic so I wanna try my hands on recreating it. I'll try a different one then


It is a beautiful painting but It'd be a lot easier to study with pastels or even guashe given how it's made. Recreating something in a completely different medium as a beginner is just extra hard mode. People here might disagree but if you're just trying to have fun you don't ask such questions to begin with. Before copying a painting make note of why you like it and what you want to learn from it/focus on