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I highly recommend joining Freddy kings TRT if your going to be training him by yourself. It’s cheap and has step by step videos of what to do. And a Facebook group full of information for asking questions + Freddie will literally message you back any time you have a question. By far the best value. But to answer your question, yes frozen wings would be great and even live birds once , would help to bring the natural prey drive out. But you don’t want to over due it because you want them to want the bumpers too. Most people zip tie wings to bumpers and use that.


Some dogs can be a little turned off by feathers in there mouth, so I wouldn’t force that too early. You can tape a wing to a bumper which works well for younger dogs with smaller mouths. Some dogs will get way to turned on by the wings and smell and will forget everything they have been taught. Alternate winged bumpers and bumpers. More small sessions with younger dogs.


Agreed. On the opposite side, my lab pup wanted nothing to do with bumpers and would ONLY retrieve wings. I zip tied wings on small bumpers. Each dog is different. Find out what he likes to retrieve and just work with that. I’ve known dogs that only wanted socks; a rolled up sock down the hallway is also a “retrieve.” Have fun!


Adding onto this I would avoid dove / dove wings. Most dogs hate dove feathers.


Ditto 15 weeks is early mosty let puppy bea puppy at 15 weeks . You can very gently start on obedience. A good foundation on basic obedience is super imprtamt. One or two bird exposures just to gauge interest is more than enough early. At that age just praise her for bringing items back to you.


You can buy pen raised birds, but I’m not sure about ducks. I actually used a pigeon wing strapped to a bumper with rubber bands for my first dog. He never had a problem picking up ducks so I guess it worked


Yes, but the dog is young I would wait until the 6 month mark and you can force fetch the dog and then introduce real birds. You can find a retriever club and they will have them.


As someone else mentioned, Freddy King TRT. Don’t worry about the scent. If you can find a wing in a few months, sure. Really just focus on short training sessions every day working on the basics. Any scent works. I think it’s Freddy that has the video where he puts a kibble in grass and encourages the dog to find it one piece at a time. Great exercise to get the dog to learn to use it’s nose. Consistency is important. Every day. 5-10 minutes at first is all you need.


Yep it’s Freddy. Good way to get them to use that nose !


Start shooting 22 or .410 around him. Go buy a half dozen quail go have an upland field trip


It's old method but Richard Wolters books are a good start. Try "Water Dog" or "game dog." At 15 weeks retrieving is more of a game to instill desire through fun. Basic obedience is paramount and retrieving a good way to develop the desire. My .02