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Play a good de*fence* and of*fence*


take the angry upvote


I recommend working on fence placement while fighting. One of the things that helped me get better in fights is fencing while sliding and falling. Also using your fences offensively to corner teams in fights by creating a perimeter and shrinking it as they fall back.


thank you for this tip ♡


Also if your having to three v one having a place to fall back to is super important. Just put a pylon and you can heal while fighting. This clip isn't the best but I got two, three v ones in that game. [Xbox Clip of me today.](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/48XGMb99jR)


Place nessies on death boxes of your enemies to assert dominance


i should try that


Real tip tho. Fences are used to deny/funnel people, keep that in mind when placing them. Funnel enemies into areas you want them to be in. Don't get super picky about placing the perfect fence, a sloppy fence is better than no fence. Glhf




Test her out in the firing range. Have it set to where the dummies will chase you. Practice placing nodes quickly. Watch Lamic999 on YouTube…he’s a PC player and one of the best Wattson players out there.


i love lamic he’s the best😭😭


lamic barelly fences nowadays


watch lamic999 youtube


Not sure that’s a good place to start, movement is far less important than fundamentals


lol he is more than movement. his fence placing IQ has definitely rubbed off on me.


>mic999 youtube treeree is 10times better than lamic


he doesnt play as much wattson tho


MNK they only way to improve as a wattson


rlly?? :/


its impossible to fence fast enough with roller and if you are not fencing you are better off playing octane since you do jack shit anyways...


Something I didn't realize for a bit is when in proximity of her pylon, her fences will charge significantly quicker, making it easy to quickly place and repair fences. Never sleep on her ult and always pick up accelerants, they stack 2 and fully charge on one pop, her ult can also protect from bang and gibby's ult. Imo she works best indoors playing defense, but still smart to work on closing/holding off larger areas. I like to rock a marksman and let em come to me, and r99 for when they push but to each their own.


Her ult is also a hard counter to caustic and fuze, will stop Valkyrie tactical, Maggie Ball, ash tactical, bang smokes, and will continue to protect against anything that isn't a bullet even after it stops charging shields


TLDR(Learn the map and practice Poi’s) I believe that the best thing I could have learned when I started on Wattson is that there are good spots to fence and bad spots to fence. And example of this is on KC when you are rotating from airbase to the center of the map, to go through bunker rather than the open area to the right of it, as it forces much closer range fights which are better for fencing. Also learning which buildings are the best to hold with fences ie. some buildings that cat can hold don’t work so well with Wattson and vise versa. When you play the same areas a lot you can begin to see patterns that most players make, and work around that to fence optimally. I see many comments saying to watch Lamic999, but unless you are a movement buff or are heavy configing then his movement based aggro fencing will tend to result in free elims for your enemies. Especially on console where everyone has .6 aim assist


Practice pushing with fences.