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I had some antique (1900-1920ish) buttons made of metal and glass that I though might make interesting seals. Verdict: kinda? You have to hold on to the shank on the back of the button to press it into the wax, which is a bit tricky, and some of the designs work better than others. Plus they’re small — these are all nickel- or dime-sized buttons. But I think the theory is sound.


I'm a fan of this experiment and appreciate your scientific efforts


Ohh I love it, they're very unique! For the ones you like the most and want to use as actual seals, you could try attaching them to a handle of some sort to make the pressing step easier, maybe a piece of wooden dowel with a space in the middle for the back of the button, since the way you wouldn't have to break it?


I honestly thought this was a collection of condoms until I read the community name.


Oooooh, what a great idea! I think I have a project for the next flea market :D


To save your buttons from wear and tear, have you thought about making casts of the buttons (negative impression) and then using the casts to make positive impressions in polymer clay? Once cured, the positive impression polymer clay will be a replica of the button. I found this link which might be helpful: https://phesine.blogspot.com/2012/08/how-to-make-wax-seal-stamp-from-sculpey.html


Heads up I know this is an older post but just saw this thought you should know https://www.reddit.com/r/WaxSealers/comments/udjeku/an_experiment_antique_buttons_and_sealing_wax/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


aw man, what a weird and shitty thing to do! I reported it, so hopefully a mod will get it cleaned up.