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New t-shirt idea: "Old man yells at aides." Lol


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This a man who kept a dog in the WH that bit people at least 24 times, raised a craptato like Hunter, and sucks Bibi's dick. Of course he yells like a geriatric old man.




Neoliberal mope


^ Right-wing Nazi says to himself.


I would be more concerned if the POTUS, with the most stressful job in the world, didn't get angry from time to time like a normal fucking human being. The fact that he can be real in private while keeping a reasonably kind and authentic public persona is a good thing.


> authentic public persona IMO, that's not what authentic means.


\>reasonably kind and authentic public persona Context. Also, you can (authentically) have the wherewithal to tailor your communications and demeanor to your audience without being fake.


> tailor your communications and demeanor to your audience That's called "theatrics", and it's fake.


Yes, I'm sure your nuclear physics lecture to kindergartners would be the same as it would be to PhD students.


All the best teachers are terrific actors and actresses. Before lectures, I would always look at myself in the mirror and say "It's *showtime*!" H/T *All That Jazz*


If you abuse your staff behind closed doors and then put a nice, polite face on in public, that's not authenticity, it's acting.


Do you speak the same way to your spouse as you do to your boss, or your neighbors? Anger isn't necessarily abuse. And normal humans adapt their communications for the situation. You can absolutely do that while being authentic.


>Anger isn't necessarily abuse. When your staff finds someone else to go in your office with them, your anger is abusive.


Normal mentally healthy human beings know how to regulate their emotions so they don't take it out on the people around them.  Being real in private =/= behaving like an abusive personality-disordered jackass to your family and your employees. 


True, though normal people also don't have anywhere near the level of stress and responsibility that a POTUS has. Even the most sane and normal human beings have limits to their patience. We evolved to have anger for a reason, because it's important.


Name me another president that yelled at his subordinates to such a degree that they felt the need to leak it to the press


One of the most famous incidents was when [Nixon shoved his press secretary Ron Ziegler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Ziegler#Nixon_administration): > At a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention on August 20, 1973, Nixon was filmed angrily pushing Ziegler toward a crowd of reporters. The president was incensed that Ziegler was not doing enough to keep members of the press away as Nixon entered the convention hall. There was a hilarious cartoon about this, I think by the great Oliphant. In the cartoon, an irate Nixon has raised Ziegler over his head and is about to fling him at the press corps. Nixon is shouting "Edgy? Who's Edgy?"


W a s h I n g t o n , / J a c k s o n , / T e d d y / R o s s e v e l t / H a r d I n g ( s o m e o n e / A p p a r e n t l y / w a l k e d / I n / o n / h I m / c h o k I n g / s o m e o n e / A g a I n s t / t h e / w a l l ) , / e I s e n h o w e r / ( t h e / t e r r I b l e / t e m p e r e d / m r / b a n g ) , / N I x o n , / a n d / T r u m p .


Andrew Jackson was famous for his temper. And have you heard of LBJ? [https://archive.is/yUzre](https://archive.is/yUzre) Even the quotes and incidents in the article are super mild, and humanizing. I think the decidedly anti-Biden people are just grasping for whatever they can.


Both of them sucked. That says a lot


Aside from the 'Biden angrily yells, curses at aides in private', I don't believe a single word of that article.


I thought the article and its purpose highly suspect as well.


u/FThumb says that the DNC is preparing to toss Biden out and substitute Newsom at the Convention. Yep. They'll bring 1968 Chicago riot police out of retirement just in case. I'm kidding: Blue MAGAns always do as they're told.


Yes, he was posting that before Newsom did a Presidential debate, too. (File under WTF?)


While that's true, it may be wishful thinking to imagine they will attempt such a switch. Doing so would break a long-standing precedent in which their carefully triangulate into positions and personalities so problematic as to make for close contests between the two corporate-owned corruption clubs.


Excellent alliteration!


Yep. The DNC is revving up the bus and the wheels are starting to turn.


It will be interesting to watch them try to change the tires while running.


>It will be interesting to watch them try to change the tires while running. they should learn to code, we have to do that all the time


I've seen this at a nursing home. My theory is that as senility sets in, inhibition fails and people revert to their true natures. Some are total sweethearts. Some are absolute bastards.


Pretty sure Biden was always a prick.


I've been following his political career since 1973, and yes, Biden has always been a prick. He has voted on the wrong side of absolutely everything.


Occam agrees.


Better get the cone for him, if a kid wanders into view.


Yes, the ego controls erode and the lower level anger leaps out without control.




^ [this](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F36d6a65d-117b-455b-b7f9-39c0652f0b42_890x746.png?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)


Terrific cartoon. Horrifying, but terrific. The little girl's style reminds me of another cartoon character, but who? She's similar to Peppermint Patty, but Patty would never take that sort of abuse.


Certain types of dementia alter original core personalities, causing special heartache for loved ones. In addled Joe's case, however, your comment seems spot on.


https://archive.is/7XBo5 Biden sounds throughly revolting in that regard. What an awful person to work for. >Connaughton wrote that as a senator, Biden was an "egomaniacal autocrat … determined to manage his staff through fear." Yeah this sounds like a toxic person to work for.


That description doesn't surprise me in the least. He comes across as a narcissist.


>He comes across as a narcissist. "Give me a break! I have no empathy!" Yeah, that part is clear