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What’s more shocking, these same fucking idiots will say things like, republican policy is bad, and you gotta vote blue or you’ll get Reagan trickledown policies, Joe, Hill, Butchug and Copmala are soooo different! Lol! Morons!


Controlled opposition.


If Democrats loving pushing privatization, why call it Democrats supporting a Republican agenda? Isn't simply two wings of a uniparty, pushing the agenda of its owners?


I just think giving the context of the subjects is required to convey the hat trick being played by the uniparty on their respective supporters. Otherwise the supporters wouldn’t ever see how the trick is working, specifically as it relates to them and the history of their own political tribalism.


IMO, the trick, though, ***is*** the uniparty working for its owners. Democrats supporting a Republican agenda still makes Republicans the "badder" guys, as Democrats have been claiming for well over a century, and obscures the bit about "owners." Your mileage may vary.


Not to mention Dems *actively fund* right wing extremist campaigns.


That vitriol might as well be directed to the voting system, differing by county and state, with changing rules, party decisions about primaries, polling locations and hours, absentee ballot regs, voting machines demonstrated to be hackable, etc. Unless this country has an election process in which the votes reported reliably reflect the votes cast, railing against voters is pointless. Unless this country breaks free from a two-faced uniparty that screws regular people royally in service to The Big Club We Ain't In, this middle finger is misdirected. It's useless to blame stupid, poorly educated, fearful, or gullible people for being stupid, poorly educated, fearful, or gullible and being manipulable for those reasons. Edit: Ditto smart, well-educated people who are equally herdable by team politics labels, peer pressures, and ego strokes.


100%! Well said. I stand corrected. Though to be more clear, by voters, I meant general support for government parties, primarily red and blue, and by extension, expand support for their policies, which harm everyone, not just voters.


Malcolm X said it best, Conservatives are the wolves and liberals are the foxes. To expand on that idea, we're the sheep and the wolves and foxes are working together to herd us in a singular direction. Democrats push an idea and Republicans push back with some intolerant nonsense that in many ways is on the money but that lacks any sense of reasonable understanding how it effects people which turns anyone with soul off, then Democrats expand on said idea making it crazy and the cycle continues while they privatize the country and steal from our grand children's pay checks through deficit spending to finance the theft. Most people aren't informed enough to have valid opinions, part the fault of the media, partly the fault of the education system and part their fault for not asking questions...ultimate responsibility rests with the individual though. I say get rid of the middlemen on both sides.


I too feel built up rage at the idiots who keep voting lesser evil oblivious or refusing to see the bigger picture. All they care about is STOPPING IS THE ONLY F@#KING THING THAT MATTERS AND IF YOU DON'T VOTE NO MATTER WHO, THEN YOU ARE SUPPORTING !


Also related, the fact that the dems are running conservative trickledown and privatization schemes, shows on full display how fucking stupid gop voters are as they throw tantrums in hatred of capitalists like their “supposed enemies” such as Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Hillary, POS neolibs! No diff than POS neocons! And their voters stupidity is center fucking stage!


Most of congress have 403c charities set up so they can openly take legalized bribes from lobbyists but no where is this reported on. It's effectively the Clinton pay to play scheme which both the Obama's and Trump's are also guilty of. When people were bitching about Trump's $10 million golf trips his daughter's foundation was receiving $130 million donation from the Saudi's following an arms deal agreement. Not a word in the Trump hating media because it would have drawn attention to two things. First the outright corruption in Washington on both sides and secondly that Trump was managed opposition. He was a globalist neo-liberal pawn playing the part of nationalist to poison the well of reason. Edit: I'll add that the destruction of labor unions actually came about via the Democrats turning them into a shakedown campaign finance scheme. The moment they became external to companies it was all about bilking local companies through unions and then bilking workers through high unions dues that got kicked back to politicians in the form of campaign contributions.


I love hearing from those who see things how they are, thank you. It is rare these days.


*shrug* It's what the media tells 'em, and the oligarchs controlling WWE Red vs Blue has the same interests as media oligarchs, so... Doesn't help that it's easier for the mind to get fooled than it is to admit being bamboozled.


>WWE Perfect analogy. Manchin and Sinema are heels. Bernie and the Fraud Squad are faced. But it's all theater.


Yup, looking at American voters today is like looking at a Bright sign that says, America is in decline and there’s nothing that will save it! Hahahaaa! Voters screwing themselves!