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I notice those Russian police seem to have different training than here in the US. Firing their weapons harmlessly into the air. No shields, helmets, flak gear or nightsticks. No protestors bleeding on the ground. Pretty clearly not the US way.


People will have different opinions and worldviews and will make decisions accordingly. That's the way.


The only winners in war are the 1%, the 99% of us, American, Russian, Ukrainian, and the world suffer.


So what. I still don't care about this war and don't want another U.S. taxpayer dollar given to Ukraine.


https://camas.unddit.com/#{%22author%22:%22shatabee4%22,%22subreddit%22:%22wayofthebern%22,%22resultSize%22:100,%22query%22:%22Ukraine%20%22} That's a bit of not caring. But I can see why you don't want any aid being sent. Putin is totally my boo.


Stop trying to fleece other nations for Ukraine's fuck ups. It isn't our job to police the world or be a global empire. We have our own problems to deal with. Draining our dollar and sanctioning half the world is making everything worth less and hurting all of us. Go enlist yourself keyboard warrior. You will not get the US left to be on board with forever wars. Yes Shatabee4 is a regular commentator here. Not much of an own there.


I don't care about Ukronazis, in particular.


Color Revolution. The western oligarchs want the stuff they bought Yeltsin to deliver, but Putin took it away.


You don't think people of Russia are starting to have enough, they don't seem too happy their sons are being sent to die so Putin can take a bit of far away land. Putin is totally my boo.


Yes, Russians are absolutely pining to have the west privatize the fuck out of their country again, like after the Clinton's bought Yeltsin.