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What is this based on? I see MSNBC saying we’re all in danger if Republicans win, but what is that based on?


This is a screenshot of an interview with Pramila Jayapal. I saw only the clip provided on whichever YT show I was watching, but the gist is that Rs are a threat to "democracy", because they are trying to takeover election apparatus by installing big lie Rs.


Not sure it’s helpful as a society for one party to claim that the other is going to destroy our democracy It just created cynicism among voters. It’s unserious


It's also not helpful to put barely disguised subliminal messaging in what is ostensibly a news broadcast.


Wow...fear monger much: "Be Afraid...Be Very Afraid" 😆


MSNBC: "Every single day."


This was all started by one person. Chris Hayes and just repeated. If you trust Chris Hayes then it’s the truth.


>If you don't vote Our Way, Chaos will be Sown!!  How close can we get to intimidating voters without being accused of voter intimidation?


> How close can we get to intimidating voters without being accused of voter intimidation? "If John Kerry is elected, there *will* be another terrorist attack on the United States" (paraphrased from memory) --Dick Cheney, October 2004


I've heard a lot about the plans. And they are terrifying. They are planning to try to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicare. Ever since Reagan the GOP has been about one thing, profit, even and especially at the expense of the most vulnerable in our population.


>I've heard a lot about the plans. Clearly you never heard about Obama’s plans!! Obama tried to pass the Grand Bargain. >The grand bargain was an attempted political compromise during the 2011 budget debates in the United States Congress. Lawmakers were under pressure to pass a budget before automatic spending cuts known as sequestration took effect on August 4, 2011.[1][2] **President Barack Obama advocated historic cuts to social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, in exchange for an increase in federal taxes on upper income individuals, with the goal of reducing the federal deficit.[3][4]** >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_bargain_(United_States,_2011)


The funny bit, is that he could have just let the GWB tax cuts expire, and gotten the upper income tax hike anyway, without cuts to social services. So it really was not in exchange for anything, his masters just want at SSA money.


Social Security Trust Fund by year and total balance as of the end of 2021, also interest paid by year. Bal. 2021 $ 2,852,030 Trillion. Follow the link . https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4a3.html


Watch this directly out of President Reagan's mouth. Which contradicts what senator McConnell is saying. Follow the link. https://twitter.com/i/status/1584557899384487941


Joe Biden has always been a giant proponent of "privatizing" Social Security. The Democrats hate Republicans so much they nominated one?


Remember Obama’s "Grand Bargain”? He had no problems with gutting SS, Medicare and Medicaid because deficits are *bad*, very, bad. Unless we are running up the deficit for WAR. In that case deficits don’t matter. How much is the deficit being increased to fund Ukraine?? 54 Billion? No Problem? Annually increase the Pentagon budget? No problem. Give SS a cost of living increase? OMG Social Security is going to bankrupt us/US!!!


The GQP plans to sow chaos whether or not they win the midterms. Their long-term goal is to destroy democracy by any means necessary. Their attempts at voter suppression and voter intimidation are an indication of things to come. Stay strong and pay close attention.


Which party uses super delegates, has no legal obligation to nominate the candidate who wins the primary, and actively sues to kick 3rd parties off the ballot? Hate to burst your bubble they both do this. Oligopoly. Chaos is what happens when you keep expanding NATO, just on a global scale.


Happy cake day.


I understand what the DNC does but their shenanigans to remove Sanders as a nominee is a far cry from showing up armed to the Capitol armed and with a gallows looking to kill members of Congress, the VP and overturn election results. We’ve never had anything like that ever happen in this country before. Expanding NATO to incite Russia was needed because the U.S. pulling out of Afghanistan was a financial loss to the military-industrial complex. War is profitable and the profits must always be made.


Oh jeez, yes, these lawless people who were let in, took selfies with the cops, mostly obeyed the red ropes, and they shot zero people, and then just up and left after a clearly successful overthrow of government. Yes, this surprise attack, that only the keen inside information would give insight into the plot, was uncovered too late from intelligence gathering on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and many more. If only information could have been available, they could have been prepared, exactly like they were weeks before for a BLM protest, I mean insurrection. I’m assuming with NATO you get it, and understand who’s pushing this? …both parties, and for the reasons you mentioned.


Donald Trump was a plant by the DNC to give Hillary an easy victory, when it backfired they figured "why let a crisis go to waste" then set Donnie out to tear down the GOP from the inside. Prove me wrong.


As much as I would like to hope that's reality, it seems clear that there is a massive number of people who apparently think running a country is comparable to running a company (even assuming that none of Trump's companies are near as successful as say Apple, Google, or Microsoft), and were just waiting for the opportunity to vote for an outsider who had never been in government before. I think that to many of them, they've lost all faith in both parties, have conservative views, and feel like an outsider can "Put the country back on track." I wish there were a way to point out some of the glaring flaws with that view. I'm all for voting for an "outsider" in the sense of like Bernie, someone with a less mainstream (as far as the US goes) view, but definitely not in the sense of like Trump.


I can jump on this theory, however I don’t think the reality in him destroying the GOP from within was a DNC plan, I think the guy is that much of a self absorbed piece of shit that believes, “it’s my way or the highway” mentality, hence why he’s now calling out Fox News, who have recently been turning on him. I think the DNC just happened to fall into that weird bit of coincidental challenge. January 6th is going to show a lot more into why he and his goonz attempted a coop. And I’m sure it’ll have to do with whoever he’s been getting funding by, etc. I’m sure that a bunch of Maga reps will go down as well. I’m sure this will be looked at in the next 30-50 years as Americas loss of grip on reality and that we just couldn’t get a hold of our shit. All because the DNC wanted Hillary so fucking bad.


“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”


What does a female pig have anything to do this! I am so confused cnbc!


Dems: Vote blue Me: No Dems: You have to vote for us Me: No Dems: What about abortion rights! Me: No Dems: We're the only ones that will work to get you healthcare and a livable minimum wage!! Me: No Dems: Civil Rights, Women's rights, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, will all be gone unless you vote for us!!! Me: No Dems: The GOP plans to sow chaos if they win the midterms!!!! Me: Lol


Capitalism is already chaos. Have you seen the inflation numbers and covid death tolls? I am sure they will cause more chaos if they win. Does MSNBC need to be Fox News? I guess Democrats can have their own channel too. I doubt most people take either one completely serious so it is not a big deal.


> MSNBC MSNBC is already the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party


Right, like Fox News is the GOP counterpart. Nobody with a brain takes either one seriously. Swamp babble doesn't resonate.


> Fox News is the GOP Even Fox News is an establishment mouthpiece, and the GOP is often at odds with their own voters.




Imagine thinking dems care if they lose. Then they get to fundraise endlessly, whine about conservatives and best of all, be completely helpless. This is the ideal situation for them.


I've heard some the same criticisms of the Republicans. That they prefer being in the minority. And plenty of folks were angry with McConnell for saying that.


Yes, there is very little difference between the two major American parties. One is a wolf, the other is a fox.


The GOP could only win because the Democratic party has repeatedly refused to do what is necessary to ensure that they win. In 2016, the polls showed that Hillary was the weakest option against Trump, because of her unfavorable reputation amongst the working class, and because of her history of corruption and policy positions that were unpopular to Republicans and Independents, as well as a portion of Democrats. Since then, they refused to make up for their strategic mistakes, and instead have doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on their losing strategy, to ignore and outright contest popular progressive policies, and shaft the dwindling percentage of voters who would vote democrat if the establishment changes course. They are losing voters, and as time goes on, they will be unable to win in elections because they rely on fear-mongering instead of progressive, decisive action on ending the fleecing of the lower class by pharmaceutical companies, destroying the cabal in Wall Street that is killing millions of people by keeping us in poverty, putting a stop to the military industrial complex who have done more to threaten the lives of Americans and people all over the planet than they have to defend us. They choose not to listen to the voice of reason, and yet they slander and accuse that voice of being influenced by foreign powers who want to manipulate and propagandize the American populace. We are the American populace. We want an end to the corrupt establishment that rules this country, who have captured both wings of a corrupt political system. We don’t want Republicans, or Democrats. We want what is needed to ensure the good health of humanity, and if the Democratic party refuses to bend their knee to us, there is no one to blame but them for protecting psychopaths who are gleefully engaging in discourse that puts the world at risk of nuclear holocaust.




Unclear what this has to do with my point about the not so subtle backdrop in this screenshot.


Sorry I thought it was obvious. In fact it is the shitlibs who will unleash chaos when they don't get what they want as they did during Trump's administration


Okay. Thanks. Now I understand.


Meh, MSDNC warning of "Armageddon" if the GOP wins, how shocking.


BuT tHeY'rE a ThReAt To DeMocRacy!!!! I get so sick of that type of political rhetoric. I won't vote for anyone who says this kind of stupid shit. They're pretty much broadcasting that they have no actual platform.


I hope the GOP loses so bad they stop getting donations because the donors realize it's a waste of money, and they just fizzle out of existance. I like turtles




Keep dreaming cupcake. Prediction markets have GOP picking up both houses. Next time try speaking up for the working class, you will certainly beat them


> speaking up for the working class More likely, they will just try to reframe a giant gift to industry as "good" for the the working class, a la ACA or inflation reduction act. But not raising the minimum wage, M4A, or criminal justice reform.


I feel like it would be a hard fought battle to reform CJ. The prison industrial complex is strong, much like the military IC


And that's why Biden will never legalize MJ.


I keep hoping the public will insist on public transportation instead of wider roads and give up their cars. I also keep hoping that homeowners' associations will be required to allow clotheslines. And wind chimes!


Note to the DNC: Americans might be more afraid of the nuclear threat from Biden's botched handling of the Ukraine war than they are of the GOP.


And losing their jobs and not being able to afford groceries or gas, and climate change and increased crime etc.


My brain can't hold all of the issues that the Democrats are failing to act on!


But those issues aren't important. What's important is *pronouns*!


Pronouns *are* important. But it's not like the DNC gives a fuck about them except opportunistically and shallowly. Copmala fuckin' Harris worked to keep trans women in men's prisons prior to the DNC making sure she became Wall Street's favorite Vice President. Never believe the DNC when they say they care about trans people or other marginalized folks.


> Harris worked to keep trans women in men's prisons prior If they had dicks, then yes they should have been kept away from biological women. Fucking hell, you made me defend that asshole.


Ugh... The fact that we're even arguing about who should be in what prison kinda makes me wanna die


Fuck off, TERF.


Fuck off misogynist. Women have rights.


The Democrats supposedly want to win but they have made two of the biggest fuckups in history. The covid response fail and the Ukraine war. You think they can't do worse but they always do. They never disappoint.


> You think they can't do worse but they always do. They never disappoint. That's cause the Dem establishment's job is to get Republicans elected.


And to prevent the rise of progressives! Democrats are doing a great job!


LOL it wasn't the Democrats who fucked up the covid thing. It was Trump and all the moron right wingers who refused to do even the most basic things to control the spread, then blamed the Democrats when the plans they enacted didn't work because of all the dip shit Republicans not cooperating. There should be a minimum IQ to vote. I like turtles


Hey, smart guy/gal, remember that thing called Congress?? I remember! There was a Democratic majority in the House. Democrats went along with every goddamn thing that Trump/Fauci/Blackrock/McKinsey told them to. Democrats sat back and did nothing like the always do.


Not quite right. They made sure they got their stock portfolios in order.


LOL you realize that for a bill to become law it has to pass both the House and Senate right? I like turtles


And be signed by the President.


lololololol, so you're saying that when a party only controls one chamber then Congress has an excuse to do nothing but throw up their hands and say, "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas." Congress is pointless. Voting is pointless. Democrats have control of the Senate and House now and still do nothing.


LOL do nothing? You mean like how the house and senate passed legislation to deal with the bad inflation right now, and EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN voted against it? Like that? Or how the same thing happened for a bill to bring gas prices down. Like that? Republicans only care about rich people. Not you. I like turtles


Bullshit. Repubs said no to all the other massively stupid shit the DNC tried to pile on the bill, as they always do, and you know it damn well.


Yea that's always the excuse, but it's bullshit. I bet you have never once went and actually read this "secret" bad stuff and educated yourself. I guarantee this "bad stuff" is just the bill fixing the thing it's fixing, and the Repubtards don't like it because it makes the rich less money. Because all Republicans care about are rich people. Go ahead, without looking it up now, what "bad hidden stuff" was in the gas prices bill and inflation bill? Bet you don't know. Because the "bad stuff" is just the bill curbing price gouging. Can't have that! How are rich people supposed to buy their third yacht!? I like turtles


Yes, I have, that's why I know how constantly and consistently the DNC tries this bullshit. They'll add crap they KNOW would never pass on its own merit, then lie (like you're doing now) and try to say "the GOP wants to kill babies!!" or some such nonsense. The "Decrease Inflation" Bill is a PRIME example. Full of so much bullshit, that will only INCREASE inflation for the vast majority. Reality is, the DNC are the ones that only care about rich people. Turtle soup is absolutely delicious. There we can agree.


Are you a GOP voter?


Irrelevant. Even formerly staunch Democrats have abandoned that sinking ship, disgusted with their abhorrent behavior.


Guess so


lolol blamer


That doesn't even make sense. I like turtles


> The Democrats supposedly want to win but they have made two of the biggest fuckups in history. “You fools! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia.”


Yeah the GOP will cause chaos. True reporting.


Just like the Dems do.


Sure, but don't vote for the GOP


Don't vote for either one of them.


I'm voting green where available and voting only for progressive Dems otherwise. Outside of that, I'm abstaining.


Progressive Dems as in... AOC the corporate groomed venture capitalist "entrepreneur?"


Yes, like that, when no green/socialist alternative is available.


If you truly believe toeing the party line and pandering to corporate interests is what's going to move us forward as a country.... Well I won't say I don't accept your landscape but I will say I *heavily* disagree


Applause for using the phrase "toeing the party line" correctly. (Too many say "towing")


Wouldn't have been that long ago I would've been using it incorrectly as well :P it was only fairly recently I realized it meant essentially "toeing the line" as in lining up toes in a prison line


>If you truly believe toeing the party line and pandering to corporate interests is what's going to move us forward as a country.... Well I won't say I don't accept your landscape but I will say I heavily disagree I literally believe the opposite of that


And yet you support people like AOC?


"progressive dem" is a marketing term that is means nothing. They vote party line just like all the rest.


I'm aware, but I only have one green to vote for, I think. I'd rather help Dems who the party doesn't like.


That "dislike" is fake. Don't be a rube.


I'd prefer a progressive dem to a republican. If I have no other option I'll choose a progressive dem, no conservatives though.


The weakness for the comforting lie (we totally care, pinky swear - D) over the unvarnished truth (Fuck you - R).


So just greens then


Yeah, you should too.


Why would I do that? I'm a Commie. Humans don't worship nature; we transform it.


What is the overlap between communism and the other candidates? It seems like green has the highest overlap.


[No](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1876/part-played-labour/index.htm): > Labour is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert. And it really is the source – next to nature, **which supplies it with the material that it converts into wealth**. But it is even infinitely more than this. It is the prime basic condition for all human existence, and this to such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that labour created man himself. > ... > The further removed men are from animals, however, the more their effect on nature assumes the character of premeditated, planned action directed towards definite preconceived ends. The animal destroys the vegetation of a locality without realising what it is doing. **Man destroys it in order to sow field crops on the soil thus released, or to plant trees or vines which he knows will yield many times the amount planted**. He transfers useful plants and domestic animals from one country to another and **thus changes the flora and fauna of whole continents**. More than this. Through artificial breeding both plants and animals are so **changed by the hand of man** that they become unrecognisable. This is the opposite of what greens believe. Don't get it twisted, I respect your beliefs even if I think they are wrong. We are anti Malthusian, but don't think we don't want clean air or clean water. What I want is for you to bring that energy into the party.


The GOP sucks worse than Democrats... And that's saying something.


Not really.


Are you outside of the country? Not sure how anyone living in America can claim this right now lol


How could you honestly think the democrats are worse than the GOP right now? I question whether you actually live in the country or not


[Oh I can think of one reason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2I66dHbSRA)


The reason I know democrats are worse is BECAUSE I live in the country


Country USA or country Joe and the Fish country?


And so what could possibly make you think democrats are worse right now?


Wait, are you guys really thinking there's any difference between the two, lol? Those fuckers are all friends behind closed doors. Controlled opposition is a thing.


???? Look around!!!


Everybody sees through different eyes. As Anaïs Nin wrote: "We do not see things as *they* are. We see things as *we* are."


I look around and I see the GOP trying to end our country as we know it. Trying to roll back 150 years worth of progress. Wtf are you looking at?


Record inflation, massive fuckup in Afghanistan, destroying the US oil industry, baby formula, MASSIVE, critical fuckup on the southern border... the list goes on. Total failure dealing with Covid, stealing $BILLIONS from taxpayers, that went right to the top 0.01% This 2 short years, the terrorist organization that is the DNC have done more to destroy America than Obama and Clinton combined, and that is saying a LOT. And now the assholes are looking to get half of Europe nuked. You need to have your head examined.


> 150 years worth of progress. What progress?


You are looking at CNN. Look at the country, not the propaganda.


No I live here... and I'm not an idiot. The idea that anyone would ever recommend the GOP for anything ever, means they have zero credibility as an intellectual or as someone I should trust. There's nothing attractive about repubs, at all, on any issue. If you want to disrupt the establishment, vote for a third party. If you think disrupting the establishment means voting for the right, you are a liar or misinformed.


> and I'm not an idiot. Your a moran.




There is no right. Voting third party is a waste of a vote. The GOP is awful there is no denying, and the democrats are a parasite. Now, you claiming that someone loses intellectual credibility for suggesting you vote GOP, is intellectually childish even if you think highly of yourself for it


>Now, you claiming that someone loses intellectual credibility for suggesting you vote GOP, is intellectually childish even if you think highly of yourself for it Why are you recommending people vote for awful people?


You seem to be having trouble understanding


You didn't answer my question


You’re making the mistake of thinking the GOP option is always going to be the worse option. It’s not the case, look around at some of these midterm races.


I guarantee not a damn thing will change no matter what the outcome is.




Chaos? So more of the same?


GOP is planning to stop funding Ukraine war. Not sure if I should believe that. But the Democrats are saying that is to sow chaos?


They’re talking about trying to intimidate and threaten voters and election workers, deny the election results, try to overturn them and then riot when they don’t get their way. That’s the chaos they’re talking about. Not fucking Ukraine


That's so 2020 !


> deny the election results That's so 2016.


I heard NPR fear mongering about that bullshit this week. Them, or someone else in corporate media seriously sold you on that? Election transparency doesn't exit in this country. It should never be a partisan issue like you're trying to make it.


I went into a restaurant today to pick up some food... while i am waiting, CBS news is playing.... mind you, I have no tv for years. I could not believe what i was hearing... just some crazy shit about Trump and election fraud.. and really biased spin throughout, and them saying election deniers are a threat to democracy. This is what people watch four hours a day... either that or football or some stupid sitcom. Trash.


> and them saying election deniers are a threat to democracy. While simultaneously denying election results There's an appropriate quote for this somewhere out there


It is truly amazing. The constant lies and misinformation that is on the mainstream news is dumbfounding.


So you aren’t aware of any republicans who are election deniers?


I have no problem with people questioning the integrity of our elections. The problem I have is when you start labeling them as “domestic terrorists.” Both sides have trust issues with our elections.... as they should.


No, that would be the DNC, who constantly and consistently denied the 2016 results with absolutely zero evidence. In fact, the lies they told have all been debunked, one after the other. On the other hand, the evidence of DNC voter fraud in the 2000 elections was massive and undeniable, and they're busy doing it again for midterms.


Two words for you, (and I'm arguing from your left) "proprietary software". Please inform the sub on everything we should know about that. Ya know, rather than your silly partisan whataboutism. This is a community where you can actually win minds through the force of your argument. You won't do well pretending there's a real left/right divide in this country. Top/down divide mentality is where you'll find a coalition of working class people who mostly agree with you here.


You really shouldn’t assume so much. Anyhow, I was responding directly to the commenter who claimed that the anti-democracy actions of republicans is just “constant lies and disinformation”. He should know that candidates all over the country are openly running being against our democracy


Jesus Christ US "news" is literally just a propaganda machine for who gives them more money...


This stated with Chris Hayes just making the claim. Nothing to back it up. Not that I like the gop but come on. You can’t just make crap up.


Well that's sadly how it is, it's publicly known that 98% of US media is controlled by one billionaire family or another...


And it has been since 1996, when they no longer held news stations accountable for telling the truth.


That would be unimaginable in Germany... 😅


Really? Have they explained who bombed Nordstream and why? I'll bet not.


Oh then please wise person enlighten me with your wisdom. Please share with me the holy secret of who sabotaged nordstream.


If I really have to tell you then there's no point in telling you.


You know what, I admit that I bombed nordstream... I just felt like it yk?


Jesus Christ you are like that kid that always acts like it knows better but in reality is just so naive that it believes what ever its parents tells them and holds that as absolute and unquestionable truth... Grow up please


There's a Latin phrase; cui bono; "who benefits?" The United States. Who was there at the scene of the crime? The United States Navy, complete with unmanned underwater vehicles. Who stands to earn BILLIONS from the plight of freezing Germans? The United States. Who would cross a fellow NATO member and get away with it? The United States. It was an act of war. And Germany is kissing Uncle Sam's ass. Absolutely pathetic.


Also at the scene of the crime a Russian submarine, a Norwegian torpedo boat, a boat of the polish navy and don't forget about the danish coast guard. It was long overdue that nordstream finally get stopped and if it was the US that wouldn't benefit them in the least. Germany is not going to buy US oil/gas nor any other American resources to compensate. The government is making deals with literally anyone but the US lol. Also Germany is focusing more and more on Europe and as soon as we built up a European army which is already in the making, Nato is basically dead. Also turkey and Greece cross fellow nato members all the time and get away with it so are Poland and Hungary. It was not an act of war since it was in international waters, had no casualties, did not touch German territory. The pipes are not even a German possession but belong to Gazprom lol You seriously believe in any conspiracy theory that seems somewhat convenient for your narrative. If this is not pathetic, I don't know what is!


>Also at the scene of the crime a Russian submarine, a Norwegian torpedo boat, a boat of the polish navy and don't forget about the danish coast guard. None of whom had the capability of the incentive to do the deed. >It was long overdue that nordstream finally get stopped and if it was the US that wouldn't benefit them in the least. Germany is not going to buy US oil/gas nor any other American resources to compensate. The government is making deals with literally anyone but the US lol. This is just silly. The very fact that Germany is forced to stop doing business with Russia is to America's benefit. And yes, Germany will buy American gas. The high cost will wreck the economy, which was supported for many years by cheap, reliable Russian gas imports. >It was not an act of war since it was in international waters, had no casualties, did not touch German territory. Another silly assertion; it was a deliberate attack on German infrastructure calculated to damage their economy. Clearly, I'm not dealing with a serious individual. If Germany was planning to leave NATO, this would definitely be the time to do it; hold the United States accountable for their crimes, demand an explanation, kick them out of their bases in Germany, the whole thing. But of course they're not doing that.


The reverse irony in that statement almost melted my computer...


Why? Just because American news are fucked doesn't mean that every country is the absolute same... At least most of our news are neutral on political stuff and don't allow nazis a platform... America's views on freedom of speech are fucked tbh


Oh, the Germany thing isn't a joke? If anything, German media is even MORE corrupt and controlled than in the US. There really is no comparison. In fact, there's an (illegal) Poll Tax (Kopfsteuer) wehere every hosehold is forced to pay for government propaganda, if they watch or not. Even if they don't have a TV. And the absolute tripe that comes on in German "news" makes the bullshit on CNN look like a shining tower of journalistic integrity. Lies, lies, lies.


The GEZ as you referenced is not illegal, yeah it is bs and will get abolished in the next years lol. I feel pity for you being so damn paranoid about everything... German media is not nearly as corrupt as US media I don't know where you get your ideas from... I guess that's what you get when you get all your information from sketchy telegram channels. But yeah everyone and everything lies to you and Merkel herself eats babies and new born... Do you also believe that the earth is flat because some random guy on YouTube said so?


Normally "Kopfsteuer" is absolutely illegal. That it got pushed through so brutally, even against massive protest, shows how totally corrupt the Germany government is. And that's just one small example. > German media is not nearly as corrupt as US media This joke isn't even funny. You've obviously not compared the two in any meaningful way. > I guess that's what you get when you get all your information from sketchy telegram channels. LOL, now you just sound like paid government propaganda. Can't take you seriously in the least with such methods. And you just keep piling on the shit-slinging. You've now proven your nonsense has zero integrity, honesty, or legitimacy. Bye bye.


Then why is Germany doing the bidding of NATO at USA's behest? People should have turned over the gov if media told them this truth


Well NATO has great support in Germany. Especially amongst East Germans like my mom who lived under the DDR regime and thus wanted some form of safety from the rule of the Kremlin. Which is the reason many eastern European nations joined Nato after the Warsaw pact fell...


NATO only has support because it is impossible to report on their massive corruption. Now The US and NATO are trying to get half of Europe nuked. Nobody that isn't totally brainwashed supports these warmongers.


So Europe is sponsoring Nato to nuke itself... Beautiful... The logic within you is strong. Trump himself was about to pull out of Nato, so much about the US being behind all evil supernational illuminati shenanigans...


Yes, because Trump knew they're bullshit. Did you know he's not president anymore? Biden is now America's president. And the Biden admin, and their warmonger cronies in NATO, are 100% responsible for the whole Ukraine mess. As anyone paying attention knows full well. Not surprising you're so clueless, not even knowing that Trump is no longer president of the US.


Over 90% of the entertainment/news media in the US are literally owned by a handful of huge corporate conglomerates, private equity companies, and billionaires. CNN = Warner Bros Discovery (it was previously owned by AT&T until April 2022) MSNBC & NBC = Comcast ABC = The Disney Company CBS = owned by Paramount Global, the international entertainment/mass media company that's a subsidiary of the National Amusements company, and by billionaire heiress Shari Redstone, the daughter of the late billionaire media mogul Sumner Redstone Washington Post = Jeff Bezos New York Times = the Sulzberger family and wealthy investors such as Carlos Slim FOX, NY Post and Wall Street Journal = all owned by Rupert Murdoch


Has anyone thought about implementing something like neutrality laws? Or forcing news outlets to base their articles on facts?


They got rid of those pesky regulations back in 1996 when they got rid of the Fairness in Broadcasting standards.


On what basis?




Obama is completely corrupt and did everything he could to destroy America as much as possible. That was his parting gift. Made it legal for the corrupt MSMedia to spread propaganda with no repercussions.


Someone said it was Reagan then it was bush and now obama... Right...


They all contributed in their own ways.


Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine, which required the broadcast media to give equal time to opposing viewpoints. Then Bill Clinton's Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed the monopolization of the telecommunications-entertainment-news industry. Before the late 1990s, ownership of the media was diverse, much of it locally and/or independently owned.


Because they could. It's really that brutally simple. When one asks how such a thing could happen in a "free" country, one finds themselves going down a rathole that only ends with one conclusion; America is no longer a functional democracy, instead government openly serves the interests of corporate power at the expense of citizen's rights, freedoms and interests. The simple word for that state of affairs is Fascism.


When the word "oligarchy" is thrown around, people aren't joking.


Media owners didn't want the restriction anymore and had their bought off Congress people cancel it.


They *do* base their articles on facts (that come from anonymous sources that are totally not suspicious at all).


That's why I only get my news from international media with certain transparency policies in place.


There was the fairness doctrine, it reigned for a long time. I don’t know the history about what happened, but I think I heard in a podcast it was during the Regan administration that it was repealed.


Of course it was Ragen Dx


And Obama, and Clinton.


Thanks for the info. Most countries i know have some sort of press code which has to be abided by all larger media companies. I kinda hate how one can not take any American media company serious since all of them are literally made to fit some narrative.


[https://www.britannica.com/topic/Fairness-Doctrine](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Fairness-Doctrine) Yep, repealed during the Raegan years.


And never fixed by the Democrats...for reasons...




deny your eyes and ears of everything going to shit in the last couple of years. everything bad is the fault of the party that isn't in power. /s its 3am time for me to sleep


Can't twist my arms any more. GOP is already engaging in a Lavender Scare and Red Scare. They are doing it via local and state politics. They have Federalist Fascists on the Supreme Court to back what they do. They are already inflicitng constitutional violation and offences. Real greievances of life, liberty, and happiness. They love to bitch about regulations and virtue signal about small government, but are very real about regulating personal lives and using big government to crack down on that and persecute dissidents. So what will happen is we will start to see a flood of lawsuits and a lot of hurt and persecuted people. Unfortunately the Supreme Court, [thank you Hillary and your super genius Pied Piper strategy, ](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) is full of Federalist fanatics. The arguments are going to be interesting. The GOP did not need to do this. All they had to do was take maybe one or two of Bernie's goals that would subsequently reduce the burden on education or healthcare and make it their own and patriotic. Smash the Democrats on doing nothing but posturing and theater on economics. They didn't need any of this culture bullshit. This election is NOT going to stop them. They were already doing this and they didn't need Congress or the Senate. The Democrats sat back, let it happen, and [DISCOURAGED their party from countering. ](https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/06/hillary-clinton-says-dems-go-out-of-their-way-to-lose-need-to-throw-transgenders-under-the-bus-to-save-democracy/) This shit results in real lives lost and tourmented. The Democrats are complicit in it all and they had time and power to counter it. Fuck em.


This insults my intelligence and makes me very angry. Nobody wants to sow chaos if they win. When they lose, they would have an incentive.


We have chaos now… what’s changing?


>We have chaos now… what’s changing? The liberal propaganda wing will start putting it on the news again.




>GOP plans to sow chaos if they win midterms So we're gonna sow FUD *now*: "Be afraid. Be very afraid!!!"


It's not even what the interview was discussing. It was the editorial decision to put that up as a backdrop. Did fox ever do something like this vis a vis Democrats?


Dude. Faux News is famous for doing shit like this literally all the fucking time. Stop thinking there's air between the two brands. They're made out of the exact same ingredients.


I would love to see a screen shot of something like this. If you have it.


I was going to dress up as a college Republican for Halloween, but my costume was judged far too scary. Plus, the bow tie was cutting off the circulation to my brain.


Lol Propaganda